Hi iwantahealthybaby... Xie xie ni... U have consulted Dr Zou?? The medicine is those brew type or powder type?
Yes iwanbb, visited her once. Many sisters recommend her so decided to consult her see see. Her medicine is powder form. Every morning drink two packets and night drink two packets. I don't know whether the powder medicine got difference between different ladies anot, but she does know a lot about ivf procedures.
If consult her to "tiao" for fertility for both male and female can?? Dun think i will go to IVF stage as of nw... Quite depress actually cos tried for a yr till recently den get my hub to do SA cos all along i tot its my issue as mths before wedding already started to hv haywire menses... So went to a gynea to scan my tummy he said i m cleared and he gave me some medi to regulate my menses den clomid to boost hormones and help ovulate more ... However looking at the thread.. I dun think tat was a detailed scan to see if i hv blocked tube... And gt sooo worried now cos i m on clomid for 3 cycles and gynea didnt tell me that it will thin the lining... :(

So lost nw to even know wat i want to do next.... Reaching big 3 soon so hopefully can succeed soon...
Iwanbb, my 1st visit to her I see husband around. Maybe she won't do acu to husband but will give medicine. Which gynae you see? You doing iui at which hospital? You don't think so much 1st sometimes "problem" couple can have natural good news too before you know it.
Iwantahealthybaby - I see pte gynea but hv not see any for IUI yet... I think the gynea I see is specialise in delivery etc. I do not think he is the fertility specialist. So thinking if i am gg for IUI, should i go to TMC or KK.

Yoyo - Thank i saw the info too... Started red bean yday... hahahahah hope it really helps..

If end of tis mth hub SA is nt ideal and i didnt succeed naturally, I think i will go for IUI aft CNY, anyone can recommend which hospi is btr for that?
Hi ladies,
Im ttc for 3 years aledi.. Started Clomid in Sep 13. Unfortunately, had a miscarriage last Nov. Seeing my gynae agn tomolo aft 6wks. Should i try another cycle or shld i jus go wif ivf.. E problem is im super irregular.. I hvnt had any menses since e miscarriage.
Hello ! I m new to this thread hee! Went for hsg yesterday tubes r clear! Intended to go for so iui after cny....heard that the success rate for iui is low? Ahh mixed feelings now...
Hi fauzieanah! Thanks ! Excited yet scared of disappointment at the same time haa...think too much liao ... Hubby has mild varicocele ....currently taking some vitamins ...hopefully will improve ....
Hello bliswifu,
I asked my doc about the success rate and also told him tt I heard iui has low success rate.
He mentioned the percentage is taken on the whole, including all ages and health, hence it's low.
But if you're talking about healthy person, success rate is 20%. Ivf is only 30% so.. 20% is not tat bad I guess?
I am also scared of disappointment, been disappointed too many times. Can't imagine when I'd be pregnant . Stay positive though!
I am in my 2ww, did so-iui for the first time!
Hii ladies..jus consulted dr tan.. he ask me to try letrozole once.. if stil not preggy..dan go for so-iui.. im sooo worrid!!! So hard to have a baby
Wah good luck !! The 2WW!! Keep us posted :)
Btw anything to take note during your 2ww? Need bed rest ma?

Hello bliswifu,
I asked my doc about the success rate and also told him tt I heard iui has low success rate.
He mentioned the percentage is taken on the whole, including all ages and health, hence it's low.
But if you're talking about healthy person, success rate is 20%. Ivf is only 30% so.. 20% is not tat bad I guess?
I am also scared of disappointment, been disappointed too many times. Can't imagine when I'd be pregnant . Stay positive though!
I am in my 2ww,
Hello bliswifu,
I asked my doc about the success rate and also told him tt I heard iui has low success rate.
He mentioned the percentage is taken on the whole, including all ages and health, hence it's low.
But if you're talking about healthy person, success rate is 20%. Ivf is only 30% so.. 20% is not tat bad I guess?
I am also scared of disappointment, been disappointed too many times. Can't imagine when I'd be pregnant . Stay positive though!
I am in my 2ww, did so-iui for the first time!
Hi ladies

My doctor prescribed me gynera for the long protocol. I finished all my 21 pills on Monday night. Anyone happened to know when my next period will arrive? I'm trying to plan on my work schedule...

jooo best luck to your 2ww, waiting for you to spread bb dust.

fauzieanah, i think the menses go haywire esp after a mc. my 2nd iui ended in chemical pregnancy and my menses already go crazy. lasted 2weeks and the next menses came like 35days later too, so maybe yours will take longer time to come. 1st must wait for beta to go back to zero before your body know that you aint pregnant before it start the menses.

bliswifu, ya iui rate is super low, age is a factor too. actually natural conceive rate aint high too, iui actually helps to increase by more % compare to natural conceive. thats why iui can only be done to normal healthy couple where sperm count, block tubes, is not a problem. since come this far dont think about the low rates 1st. who know you are the lucky one. it will happen!

tan1109, yours is the bcp right? by right after your last tablet the menses should come the next day or so. you are suppose to eat 21 days stop 7 days(menses come) then continue eating for anotehr 21 days right?

shasha, at least your doc didnt recommend iui now maybe he feel you can try naturally with help of some drugs. its good news still. dont have to go through injections. stay positive.
hi hazelnut, how is your short protocol doing? doing transfer tomorrow or already did? wishing you all the best with loads quality eggs this fresh cycle.
jooo best luck to your 2ww, waiting for you to spread bb dust.

fauzieanah, i think the menses go haywire esp after a mc. my 2nd iui ended in chemical pregnancy and my menses already go crazy. lasted 2weeks and the next menses came like 35days later too, so maybe yours will take longer time to come. 1st must wait for beta to go back to zero before your body know that you aint pregnant before it start the menses.

bliswifu, ya iui rate is super low, age is a factor too. actually natural conceive rate aint high too, iui actually helps to increase by more % compare to natural conceive. thats why iui can only be done to normal healthy couple where sperm count, block tubes, is not a problem. since come this far dont think about the low rates 1st. who know you are the lucky one. it will happen!

tan1109, yours is the bcp right? by right after your last tablet the menses should come the next day or so. you are suppose to eat 21 days stop 7 days(menses come) then continue eating for anotehr 21 days right?

shasha, at least your doc didnt recommend iui now maybe he feel you can try naturally with help of some drugs. its good news still. dont have to go through injections. stay positive.
Mine is haywire frm e start.. Im PCOS.. Sumtimes I miss my menses for 3mths.. :(
iwantahealthybaby: dr only gave me 21 pills and I finished on Monday. Initially they say it will arrive 2-3 days later but up to now still no signs of it. I'm supposed to return to dr on day 2 of period to start my stimulations.
Oic thanks jooo cuz i know by right ivf needs bed rest right haa...so i was wondering iui needs a not haa...n gd luck to u too
iwantahealthybaby: dr only gave me 21 pills and I finished on Monday. Initially they say it will arrive 2-3 days later but up to now still no signs of it. I'm supposed to return to dr on day 2 of period to start my stimulations.

maybe you like to call your doc and check. by right i understand that this medicine once stop menses should arrive like what your doc say 2-3days time.
jooo best luck to your 2ww, waiting for you to spread bb dust.

fauzieanah, i think the menses go haywire esp after a mc. my 2nd iui ended in chemical pregnancy and my menses already go crazy. lasted 2weeks and the next menses came like 35days later too, so maybe yours will take longer time to come. 1st must wait for beta to go back to zero before your body know that you aint pregnant before it start the menses.

bliswifu, ya iui rate is super low, age is a factor too. actually natural conceive rate aint high too, iui actually helps to increase by more % compare to natural conceive. thats why iui can only be done to normal healthy couple where sperm count, block tubes, is not a problem. since come this far dont think about the low rates 1st. who know you are the lucky one. it will happen!

tan1109, yours is the bcp right? by right after your last tablet the menses should come the next day or so. you are suppose to eat 21 days stop 7 days(menses come) then continue eating for anotehr 21 days right?

shasha, at least your doc didnt recommend iui now maybe he feel you can try naturally with help of some drugs. its good news still. dont have to go through injections. stay positive.
Yes lo understand that...so we will try iui if fails, den trying ivf le...cuz hubby sperm not good...he got mild varicocele n previously my menses irregular...though now tiao ok liao by tcm...then when we went to christopher chen, he said both of us should go operation....me to clean my womb n shun bian check tubes...hubby for his varicocele ...but when we asked dr loh, he said i dun need, my womb looks ok from scan...n hubby de mild eat vitamins first to monitor.... :( dun like that christopher chen .... Likes to ask ppl go surgery like that haa...n anyway i was sent to hsg by dr loh...tubes ok so try iui first according to him
jooo best luck to your 2ww, waiting for you to spread bb dust.

fauzieanah, i think the menses go haywire esp after a mc. my 2nd iui ended in chemical pregnancy and my menses already go crazy. lasted 2weeks and the next menses came like 35days later too, so maybe yours will take longer time to come. 1st must wait for beta to go back to zero before your body know that you aint pregnant before it start the menses.

bliswifu, ya iui rate is super low, age is a factor too. actually natural conceive rate aint high too, iui actually helps to increase by more % compare to natural conceive. thats why iui can only be done to normal healthy couple where sperm count, block tubes, is not a problem. since come this far dont think about the low rates 1st. who know you are the lucky one. it will happen!

tan1109, yours is the bcp right? by right after your last tablet the menses should come the next day or so. you are suppose to eat 21 days stop 7 days(menses come) then continue eating for anotehr 21 days right?

shasha, at least your doc didnt recommend iui now maybe he feel you can try naturally with help of some drugs. its good news still. dont have to go through injections. stay positive.
My dr did not chck my beta hcg lvls agn... E last tyme she chcked was 32000 frm 46000.. She say its dwnward trend and I took e cytotec e nxt day.. 6wks aft tat recheck 300plus... Aft tat no more..
hi hazelnut, how is your short protocol doing? doing transfer tomorrow or already did? wishing you all the best with loads quality eggs this fresh cycle.
Hi babe everything is in schedule. Just had a 2nd scan ytd. Got 20+eggs or more all abt 9-10mm n lining is triple strip abt 8plus mm. Going for scan on mon again to decide when is ER. Btw u heard anything abt intralipids to aid implantation before?
Hi babe everything is in schedule. Just had a 2nd scan ytd. Got 20+eggs or more all abt 9-10mm n lining is triple strip abt 8plus mm. Going for scan on mon again to decide when is ER. Btw u heard anything abt intralipids to aid implantation before?

Hazelnut what is this intralipids? Recommend by dr?
Hi babe everything is in schedule. Just had a 2nd scan ytd. Got 20+eggs or more all abt 9-10mm n lining is triple strip abt 8plus mm. Going for scan on mon again to decide when is ER. Btw u heard anything abt intralipids to aid implantation before?

Hazelnut what is this intralipids? Recommend by dr?
Yah he briefly mentioned to me like some secret potion. It's given via i/v supposedly to aid implantation cos im allergic to aspirin. So he said can try that. More ex though. Googled and its mre comon overseas. Wondering if anyone heard or tried it. I read on another forum that this particular sister tried and was successful twice with intralipids.
HaZelnut, hi good news 20+ follicles looking great. Pray a smooth process up to et stage. Nope didn heard about that before. So I guess must ownself get overseas? If dr loh recommend I think it's not that bad right :) but sometimes Isit the case of fail implantation for our ivf failure or is really due to the embryo quality. As I read if the cell form is not the right number it will not grow too. Short protocol really fast. I wish to hear good news from you too, you come a long way babe!
Hazelnut do u have autoimmune issue or did u test for autoimmune thingy before? Cos I thought intralipids are for those with autoimmune problem. Thks for reply.
I didnt have any test done. But for all my failed cycles it's always implantation failure. Despite having 10 blastocysts. So I guess Dr is just trying to cover all the grounds for the reason of failure. It's good that there many eggs but we are being very careful not to go towards ohss. So we are taking lucrin to release the eggs instead of pregnyl which contains hcg. But the down side is lucrin has a lower success rate than pregnyl. So mayb that's why he suggested the intralipids to help increase the success rates.
I read that implantation failure is mainly due to embryo arrest instead of womb issues. But cos all these while I have no problems with ovulation and dr always say everything looks good but still fail so this time we are trying the1st new fresh with dr loh and he is doing smthng different. Hope it works!
Oh Dr loh has this bottle of intralipids kept secretly in his wine cellar. Haha like some secret secret. See what he says on Mon
I didnt have any test done. But for all my failed cycles it's always implantation failure. Despite having 10 blastocysts. So I guess Dr is just trying to cover all the grounds for the reason of failure. It's good that there many eggs but we are being very careful not to go towards ohss. So we are taking lucrin to release the eggs instead of pregnyl which contains hcg. But the down side is lucrin has a lower success rate than pregnyl. So mayb that's why he suggested the intralipids to help increase the success rates.
I read that implantation failure is mainly due to embryo arrest instead of womb issues. But cos all these while I have no problems with ovulation and dr always say everything looks good but still fail so this time we are trying the1st new fresh with dr loh and he is doing smthng different. Hope it works!
Oh Dr loh has this bottle of intralipids kept secretly in his wine cellar. Haha like some secret secret. See what he says on Mon

Thanks for the info. Interesting :)
U have ohss in your previous cycle?
Yeah his wine fridge super big. Ha ha
Yeah I had severe ohss on my 1st ivf. I am very responsive to the drugs and was very simulated. But I wasn't having any symptoms even though my e2 was sky high. I was given pregnyl which contain hcg yo release the egg somemore. After that and the egg retrieval ohss full blown. My cycle was cancelled and I was on hospitalisation leave for 3 weeks.
Ic OHSS sound scary. Am glad didn happen to me that time. And doc was somehow quite confident I won't have as he didn ask me back for blood test after retrieval. Heard that if retrieve many eggs must go back take BT just to be sure. Didn know. Hazelnut, do you know your beta for every BT? my BT was a 3 for my last and doc say means got implant but didn continue so wonder what went wrong.
Yup I do my own beta then fax to the clinic myself. 3 means got implant. Mine is always <1.0 means no implantation at all. At least u know that implantation is not the issue so mayb the eggs arrested and stopped growing.
Maybe that's why my doc didn suggest endo scratch for me since it did implant :( I wonder what could it be due to when you say eggs got attested. By who????
