Hi every body I'm new here
Currently on 4th day of Puregon jab; doing IUI this month
Glad to join this forum !
I hv a bb gurl 2.5 yrs conceived through IUI after several failed ivf and iui and a miscarriage
I am now trying for second child

Well said! Actually i always feel that way too...like why so hard to get preggy n ppl can have theirs so easily..n really dread to hear another close relative getting preggy ... Well, like u said, just got to stay focus n keep the neg thoughts away....do u girls tell ur frens/relatives that u r undergoing iui? Somehow it is still not a v open thing right...just the other day my cousin in law commented that test tube babies r not healthy...n i m like wt......! Ppl dun understd this iui or ivf unless they experience it....sigh....

Going to do the first jab today!! The nurse said to jab at night ,same time ...scary scary....
U girls eat anything special during this period? I know some girls drink red dates Logan after iui/ivf n ate Brazil nuts...how abt before?
Good luck for the jab don't get scared
Haha i wish I had that problem as I only had one follicle (20mm) in my first Iui which wasn't successful. Discuss all possible options with your doctor to make the best informed decision you can.

Personally, if it was me, I'd not waste this cycle but ultimately, it is your decision and you should not be pressured by the dr. I'm sure deep down you know the best step to take!

Went through all the options. Since good outcome, i agreed to be converted to IVF. Nervous reck like crazy. i even had a breakdown before making the big decision. My DH said maybe its for the best. Maybe this is how its suppose to be. I hope so. Went through counselling. So expensive for a few minutes presentation which i have already known..Zzzz... So my next step is to inject puregon for 2 more days before trigger shot. Most probably Sat egg retrieval. Wish me luck! Baby Dust to all!
@chanel83 woo! Good luck and my fingers crossed that you see a clear double line!

@ribbonz my hubby went with me for the first time, and he'll probably go with me for the next time. I'll be starting the injections next week if my period comes on time. I'm really at the mercy of my unpredictable menstrual cycle.

@bliswifu the jab not so bad, right? I find that if I pinch my fats tighter, can hardly feel the needle. I don't do anything special except eat my folic acid

Zzzzz Fann Wong just announced pregnancy.

@Sonia_78 good luck! And hope your baby girl becomes a Jie Jie soon!
Hi jemma, i estimate my IUI should be done around 3rd week too. :) Are you taking clomid also? I'm only taking clomid...no injections.

Hi chanel83, yes it's very ex but there is govt subsidy for govt hospitals. My husband and I are very open to adoption. But i feel i just needed to go through IUI at least.

Can i ask, is your husband with you when you go for IUI?

Hi @ribbonz, when i did my first iui, DH is not allowed inside. He have to wait outside. The procedure won't take long. 5 mins. Then i rested there for about 10 to 15 mins before i get up. They will give 1 day medical leave then you can rest at home. All the best to you.
Hahaa i havent try the jab....scare scare hahaa....ok i will pinch my fats harder later lol ...lucky i have fats lo!!! Big tummy lols!!
Ya la....my 2 cousin (correction from earlier post not cousin in law lol) just announced that their wives got pregnant!!! Somemore one cousin just got married in now only!! Then fann Wong oso pregnant really hor.. Nvm we jia you oso.....horse baby here we all come!!
@chanel83 woo! Good luck and my fingers crossed that you see a clear double line!

@ribbonz my hubby went with me for the first time, and he'll probably go with me for the next time. I'll be starting the injections next week if my period comes on time. I'm really at the mercy of my unpredictable menstrual cycle.

@bliswifu the jab not so bad, right? I find that if I pinch my fats tighter, can hardly feel the needle. I don't do anything special except eat my folic acid

Zzzzz Fann Wong just announced pregnancy.

@Sonia_78 good luck! And hope your baby girl becomes a Jie Jie soon!
jem a
Went through all the options. Since good outcome, i agreed to be converted to IVF. Nervous reck like crazy. i even had a breakdown before making the big decision. My DH said maybe its for the best. Maybe this is how its suppose to be. I hope so. Went through counselling. So expensive for a few minutes presentation which i have already known..Zzzz... So my next step is to inject puregon for 2 more days before trigger shot. Most probably Sat egg retrieval. Wish me luck! Baby Dust to all!
May not be a bad option too! Ivf higher chance too since sperm is injected directly !! Lots luck !!
@chanel83 woo! Good luck and my fingers crossed that you see a clear double line!

@ribbonz my hubby went with me for the first time, and he'll probably go with me for the next time. I'll be starting the injections next week if my period comes on time. I'm really at the mercy of my unpredictable menstrual cycle.

@bliswifu the jab not so bad, right? I find that if I pinch my fats tighter, can hardly feel the needle. I don't do anything special except eat my folic acid

Zzzzz Fann Wong just announced pregnancy.

@Sonia_78 good luck! And hope your baby girl becomes a Jie Jie soon!
Hi jemma good luck wif your jabs
Ok thanks girl! Hahaa i just jabbed!!! Got a blue black feeling (sour sore)after the jab !! Is it normal? Am i supposed to wait till the injection to cool to room temperature or just jab straight after taking it out from fridge?
Good morning ladies ( jemma, aqua, riboonz, bliswifu)
Hope you all have a great day ahead
I'm in ofc already!
Tomorrow I go for scan of ovaries after taking Puregon (125 units ) for the 5th day tdy
Still feel it will nt work and I shud stop my tots from going forward because at the end of the day it will be me who will suffer of the repurchasing if it does nt work out
Are you ladies working? Wats your profession?
Good morning ladies!

Are the jabs very painful?

I quite worried that I don't dare to self inject and my hubby don't intend to help me cos he scare he might poke wrongly...

- Meiling
Hihi the jabs are not painful at all, dont need to scare urself. Just be calm & confident & it'll be its over in a jiffy.
Its only a slight painful if u withdraw the needle at an angle. & if ur using Purgeon pen iso Gonal F. Personally I prefer Gonal F as its mechanism works smoother.

Ladies I think Im becoming a HPT addict. Tested again this morn & v disappointed the faint positive was seemingly more faint compared to yesterdays. Really worried its a chemical preg & will turn negative again. Going to doc's for bloodwork this Friday only (16dpiui)... Im a wreck till then. Anyone tested faint positive/negative but it turn out BFP with blood test? Is this even possible, trying to stay positive!
thanks @chanel83

I scare i will took very long to poke in... haha...

Every month i hate it when AF came... But now im hoping it to come soon so i can start my cycle~

Don't worry too much, wait till your BT and see how... stay positive!
Wanna check once the ivf program starts, does our hubby have to be there together at any certain stage?
Hey chanel83! Don't stress yourself out!!
I tested faint at 13dpiui. And at 14dpiui, it was more faint! I had blood work done 15dpiui and results came back good.

Now I'm at week 6 and yday just had a scan with 2 sacs! But only one heart beat observed. So I am still keeping my fingers crossed. Going for next scan next week.

So don't worry!!! A faint positive should mean positive alr! (Though I am also worried for myself, we just can't stop worrying can we?)
hi hi,

I did a so-iui in nov. but sadly to say it failed. but then nvm. will try again. currently is trying out normally without any aid of medication. if failed this round. will start my clomid wif super high dosage. n c my gynae.
not sure whether he will wan me to go for another round iui or nt. but ivf currently not in my option list.
hope for the best.

if got heartbeat shld b gd . not much to worry. but hw come got 2 sacs??? is it twins? or wat? gynae got mention??
Yes Chanel! Faint means good news ! Wah congrats jooo!!! Sounds good !! Mrs cheng dun worry just take it as ant bite, very fast over liao...good luck Sonia! Keep us updated :)
Stoneystoney, yep could be twins if we can detect 2 heart beats next week!
I am happy yet nervous at the same time cos I don't know if the other heart beat will turn up! I can't stop reading online about about it and worry more! Though I am very pleased with one baby , I am hoping the other one develops well!
Hihi the jabs are not painful at all, dont need to scare urself. Just be calm & confident & it'll be its over in a jiffy.
Its only a slight painful if u withdraw the needle at an angle. & if ur using Purgeon pen iso Gonal F. Personally I prefer Gonal F as its mechanism works smoother.

Ladies I think Im becoming a HPT addict. Tested again this morn & v disappointed the faint positive was seemingly more faint compared to yesterdays. Really worried its a chemical preg & will turn negative again. Going to doc's for bloodwork this Friday only (16dpiui)... Im a wreck till then. Anyone tested faint positive/negative but it turn out BFP with blood test? Is this even possible, trying to stay positive!
Chanel83 hang in there don't think abt it try to divert ur mind in something else till Friday good luck!
Stoneystoney, yep could be twins if we can detect 2 heart beats next week!
I am happy yet nervous at the same time cos I don't know if the other heart beat will turn up! I can't stop reading online about about it and worry more! Though I am very pleased with one baby , I am hoping the other one develops well!
Congrats joo
@Sonia_78 my AF showed her ugly face today so I think I'm gonna start my jabs tomorrow. Gotta call the ivf centre in the morning. I'm currently working in retail (but back-end) so not so hectic. Also, I'm pretty lucky to have an understanding boss. What do you do?

@mrscheng I'm the biggest coward in the world when it comes to needles but I forced myself to take the jab because I know it's for my own good. Then was pleasantly surprised when it didn't hurt as much as I thought. The needle is so tiny, but you have to jab it straight in. If it's at an angle, will hurt slightly when you pull out and leave a bruise.

Your hubby has to be here to donate the sperm, and of course to give you moral support!

@chanel83 keep the faith! I know it's hard to especially since ladies like us face a lot of disappointment but don't throw in the towel until your BT.

@jooo congrats!! Pls share your baby dust with us :p

You are so brave! Jiayou jiayou!

My hubby don't really understand what i will be going thru, he only know i have to self inject. Haha, you know lah, guys...

Oh ya, so all of you started the injection on CD2 right? I read from somewhere online, needs to bring cooler bag?
@mrscheng yup, started on Day 2. If you're doing at KK, the pharmacy will provide ice packs for you but best is if you go home right after to keep it in the fridge.

First time IUI? When is your period due?

Does the jab have to be in the morning or what? I still tot on CD2, i can just go down jab and collect then go back to work...

Im going for my first ivf straightaway...
Menses is irregular so also abit worried it go haywire this month... Should be on the last two weeks of feb. Depends when my af waana come bah...

Does the jab have to be in the morning or what? I still tot on CD2, i can just go down jab and collect then go back to work...

Im going for my first ivf straightaway...
Menses is irregular so also abit worried it go haywire this month... Should be on the last two weeks of feb. Depends when my af waana come bah...
Meds ( for me it's puregon)collection will be on the first day of AF, you can collect the meds n go back to work but you hv to store it in the fridge and the ice pack in freezer so tat while taking home you can use the ice pack as meds hv to be kept cold as @jemma mentioned
@Sonia_78 my AF showed her ugly face today so I think I'm gonna start my jabs tomorrow. Gotta call the ivf centre in the morning. I'm currently working in retail (but back-end) so not so hectic. Also, I'm pretty lucky to have an understanding boss. What do you do?

@mrscheng I'm the biggest coward in the world when it comes to needles but I forced myself to take the jab because I know it's for my own good. Then was pleasantly surprised when it didn't hurt as much as I thought. The needle is so tiny, but you have to jab it straight in. If it's at an angle, will hurt slightly when you pull out and leave a bruise.

Your hubby has to be here to donate the sperm, and of course to give you moral support!

@chanel83 keep the faith! I know it's hard to especially since ladies like us face a lot of disappointment but don't throw in the towel until your BT.

@jooo congrats!! Pls share your baby dust with us :p
Good luck jemma on collection of meds don't forget to collect the swabs I forgot n the nurse did nt even remind me ; my experience at KK you hv to remind the nurse of certain things ;
I work as a project engineering manager in oil & gas consultancy
Good morning ladies!

@Sonia_78 1st day of menses have to be heavy flow? Oh so call them up and can go down collect already... I still tot they will ask me go down on the next day.

Now i have a clearer picture. Thank u!
Stoneystoney, yep could be twins if we can detect 2 heart beats next week!
I am happy yet nervous at the same time cos I don't know if the other heart beat will turn up! I can't stop reading online about about it and worry more! Though I am very pleased with one baby , I am hoping the other one develops well!

oic. keke. keep us update... gd luck!!!
CD14 today. Scan today shows 5 - 10 follicles which is between 14 to 22 in size. I hope thats enough. Pregnyl injection tonight and going for ER on sat and ET on Monday. Then will be on hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks! I'll update again after ER. All the best to the rest here who are on their ttc journey here.
CD14 today. Scan today shows 5 - 10 follicles which is between 14 to 22 in size. I hope thats enough. Pregnyl injection tonight and going for ER on sat and ET on Monday. Then will be on hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks! I'll update again after ER. All the best to the rest here who are on their ttc journey here.

All the best to you @aquamarine
Good luck to you!
Hi ladies, just collected my puregon today and will be taking my first jab for this cycle tonight. Bring on the next two weeks of emotional stress and analyzing every single symptom!

@aquamarine10 I'm really quite envious that you've produced so many follies, and hope I get similar results! Can't remember if my discharge changed while on the meds. All the best!
Hi ladies, just collected my puregon today and will be taking my first jab for this cycle tonight. Bring on the next two weeks of emotional stress and analyzing every single symptom!

@aquamarine10 I'm really quite envious that you've produced so many follies, and hope I get similar results! Can't remember if my discharge changed while on the meds. All the best!
All the best jemma

Hi ladies, I am going for my first consultation at KKH on 19 Feb. Since I plan to use the subsidy and medisave to lower costs, I cannot choose the doctor. May I ask if anyone can share what the first consultation is about?

After the first consultation, how long after can IVF start?
