Hi everyone
Hoping I can join u all in this forum. I'm currently on injectable this cycle. Had a miscarriage about a year ago and started trying again 4 months back naturally with no luck yet.
I'm doing metformin (for PCO) + clomid cd3-cd7 + 2 gonal f shots at cd 8 and 10.
Going to see my doc tomorrow for a scan and to see if third shot is required.

Which gyn are you ladies consulting?

I just hope my fet the blast will be of better quality compare to my fresh transfer. Hope they survive the thaw. And hope they don't get arrested! I'm still tracking my ovulation this cycle so far no news yet.

Anyone got idea if previous I freeze my blasts on day 6, if doing fet, ovulation detected which day will be the transfer? Isit 5days later? Then won't the luteal phase be too short for pregnancy to take place? Example if I ovulate on d15-16 and is a 28-30 cycle so after o detected on d15 I wait 5 days later then trf thaw blast?
Hi magical, so say you finish your 3rd shot then what else? Iui or try naturally? I heard sisters on clomid, but what actually Isit? Means on clomid to ovulate but MUst try ownself to conceive? I am blur!
Hi magical, so say you finish your 3rd shot then what else? Iui or try naturally? I heard sisters on clomid, but what actually Isit? Means on clomid to ovulate but MUst try ownself to conceive? I am blur!
Clomid is med for ovulation.. For women like me wif (Polycystic Ovatry Syndrome) who do not ovulate every mth, wat it does is it will hyper ovulate e ovaries.. So eggs cn b produce to b fertlize..
Thanks fauzieanah for the explanation. So if doc give you clomid to ovulate then you all will time the right time to TTC. I understand now.
I am at 5dpiui. The wait is torturous.
Mild cramps every now and then. Anybody with BFPs can share their symptoms after iui?
Thanks Fauzieana for explaining :)
To add to this- women with Polycystic ovarian syndrome do not necessarily ovulate every month but do however produce multiple follicles or 'cysts' in other words in the ovaries. So Clomid helps these follicles to mature and form an egg. The Gonal F (follicle stimulation hormone) shots are actually to help these follicles to grow in a controlled manner and release an egg successfully. The doc is supposed to monitor the size of follicles while the patient is on these shots. When egg size reaches about 16-20mm it's supposed to be good enough to be released resulting in ovulation.
Sometimes a medicine like Ovidrel is given to 'trigger' the egg release also. That way the accurate day of ovulation can be predicted. Helps in natural or IUI cases.
My tomorrow' scan will show if follicles size is growing or not.
Fingers crossed!
Thanks Fauzieana for explaining :)
To add to this- women with Polycystic ovarian syndrome do not necessarily ovulate every month but do however produce multiple follicles or 'cysts' in other words in the ovaries. So Clomid helps these follicles to mature and form an egg. The Gonal F (follicle stimulation hormone) shots are actually to help these follicles to grow in a controlled manner and release an egg successfully. The doc is supposed to monitor the size of follicles while the patient is on these shots. When egg size reaches about 16-20mm it's supposed to be good enough to be released resulting in ovulation.
Sometimes a medicine like Ovidrel is given to 'trigger' the egg release also. That way the accurate day of ovulation can be predicted. Helps in natural or IUI cases.
My tomorrow' scan will show if follicles size is growing or not.
Fingers crossed!
Great info.. Aniwae good luck!!
I am at 5dpiui. The wait is torturous.
Mild cramps every now and then. Anybody with BFPs can share their symptoms after iui?

Jooo the waiting is terrible, been thru that. from my experience, i would say forget about the symptons, some ladies do not have symptons yet a BFP during BT and some have all the positive signs but a BFN during BT. just relax your body and walk slow, take things easy. no heavy stuff during this tww.
Yep ! DH is so anxious too and kept helping me to carry all things and asking me to walk slow.
I am having menstrual like cramps !!! It's only cd20!
As in don't exert pressure on stomach some say. When there is a need to bend down take things or what you must squat the right position. Just don't exert pressure on the stomach.
Hi ladies,
Just to share my experience in BFP IVF experience. Just like everyone, I tried as much as I could to keep myself in the best condition of health before even starting IVF. Because I'm over obese, gynae advised me to cut down my weight. I managed to shed off 10 kg in about 7 months before I started 2 weeks of injections.
I also did acupuncture treatment weekly, took supplements (Folic Acid, B12, Royal Jelly, CoQ10, Vit C) for 2-3 months prior to IVF.
Had 8 eggs retrieved, but only managed to have 5 fertilized. 2 were not in good grade and discarded, 2 with better grades were implanted, 1 frozen. During the 2ww, I drank red bean soup, red dates drink, 2 egg whites, brazil nuts everyday.

I guess the most important factor is family members support and keeping oneself positive and happy, totally cut away from work. The rest is really up to nature work and fate. Wish all good luck!
Hi ladies,
Just to share my experience in BFP IVF experience. Just like everyone, I tried as much as I could to keep myself in the best condition of health before even starting IVF. Because I'm over obese, gynae advised me to cut down my weight. I managed to shed off 10 kg in about 7 months before I started 2 weeks of injections.
I also did acupuncture treatment weekly, took supplements (Folic Acid, B12, Royal Jelly, CoQ10, Vit C) for 2-3 months prior to IVF.
Had 8 eggs retrieved, but only managed to have 5 fertilized. 2 were not in good grade and discarded, 2 with better grades were implanted, 1 frozen. During the 2ww, I drank red bean soup, red dates drink, 2 egg whites, brazil nuts everyday.

I guess the most important factor is family members support and keeping oneself positive and happy, totally cut away from work. The rest is really up to nature work and fate. Wish all good luck!

and u succeeded with 1st fresh cycle? i cannot be the one who succeeded 1st try but i hope my 1st fet will give a positive result and smooth delivery ahead....

thanks for your positive story.
iwantahealthybaby: Yup. fresh cycle. Stay positive! This journey really not easy... it's like so many possibilities and so many stages to pass... even when BFP... it's yet another journey of uncertainties and worries.
Hi ladies,
Just to share my experience in BFP IVF experience. Just like everyone, I tried as much as I could to keep myself in the best condition of health before even starting IVF. Because I'm over obese, gynae advised me to cut down my weight. I managed to shed off 10 kg in about 7 months before I started 2 weeks of injections.
I also did acupuncture treatment weekly, took supplements (Folic Acid, B12, Royal Jelly, CoQ10, Vit C) for 2-3 months prior to IVF.
Had 8 eggs retrieved, but only managed to have 5 fertilized. 2 were not in good grade and discarded, 2 with better grades were implanted, 1 frozen. During the 2ww, I drank red bean soup, red dates drink, 2 egg whites, brazil nuts everyday.

I guess the most important factor is family members support and keeping oneself positive and happy, totally cut away from work. The rest is really up to nature work and fate. Wish all good luck!
Did u bed rest for the 2ww? Red dates drink got longans or ? Hmm maybe i shd start eating CoQ10 ,B12 liao...where u buy them? Gnc? I have folic acid from GNC ... Ur royal jelly is in pills form? Paiseh ask so much haa
bliswifu: Did acupuncture with an old family doc. But, I think any acupuncture will help as long as it strengthen your womb and regulate your menses. Important is must be diligent and visit at least once a week. No need full bed rest, but I was home 90% of the time and nap a lot. Red dates + Gou qi zi + longans just boil it and drink. Not very particular about supplements brands but I usually get from Watsons when they have sale. It's really up to individual preference and comfort. Oh! Another huge change I did was no cold drinks at all. It's always a common advice from Chinese doctors.

shasha08: Doctor gave me a type of pill for appetite suppress to help. But, also must change lifestyle slowly. I guess we all know what to do, just how determined you want to do it. Mainly, I cut down on carbo and you can see the effect pretty fast. No rice/noodles or slowly portion it before you start eating. Less food intake and more meals. Put bars, wheat biscuits in your bag for snacks.
Thank you joo35 for your story!! It really gave us hope! I hope to be able to share my story very soon too!
Hi, i've just done IUI today. Such a painful experience for me. :( I'm so glad i survived the process without giving up halfway.
So now it's the 2 week wait and I'm on Duphaston. But life carries on as usual...have to go to work.

Following the advice from ladies here, l'm tying to eat durian, red dates/wolfberries/longan drink, avoid cold drink. What are the fruits that we should eat? Where can i buy brazil nuts?

hi ribbonz. I saw the shop selling nuts only at vivocity level 2 got. else u can find them at holland and barret.

all the best!
Hi, i've just done IUI today. Such a painful experience for me. :( I'm so glad i survived the process without giving up halfway.
So now it's the 2 week wait and I'm on Duphaston. But life carries on as usual...have to go to work.

Following the advice from ladies here, l'm tying to eat durian, red dates/wolfberries/longan drink, avoid cold drink. What are the fruits that we should eat? Where can i buy brazil nuts?

Congrats u survived through it! Why painful? Sounds scary for me leh...m planning to iui after cny once menses is here...where u did ur iui? Was it so iui ? Brazil nuts can be bought in shopping centres those shops that sells nuts de...recently i bought mine from taka-basement...if not wrong, jem n jp oso sell...just keep a lookout...

N all the best! Waiting for ur good news :)
I think the pain comes from having to inject yourself daily for 7 days to mature the eggs, and the praying that you will have good eggs.
The procedure itself is not painful . But I think the greatest pain is waiting during the 2 weeks. -.-
I agree with u leh...pain is the 2WW n the result if touch wood not good :(
I think the pain comes from having to inject yourself daily for 7 days to mature the eggs, and the praying that you will have good eggs.
The procedure itself is not painful . But I think the greatest pain is waiting during the 2 weeks. -.-
hazelnut, done your er? hope everthing goes smoothly for you. jiayou jiayou, you are a fighter!

i think ribbonz feel pain as she got low tolerance and have difficulties inserting medicine too right? dont worry its over, now is the "relaxing"tww. i agree its the most terrible wait my whole life. but come to think of it back then when i was doing iui i didn bother about this tww, didn do any changes to my lifestyle too. havent join the forum so alot still dont know. but during my ivf the tww is terrible!

Joo my iui injection is more than 7days :( think react too slow to the medicine
Hihi....sorry if i scare some of you ladies. I only took clomid for 5 days and the trigger shot. Didn't inject myself daily.
My tolerance is pretty low for inserting into vaginal, and speculum that opens up the cervix is quite painful for me. My canal is quite narrow and the womb is also titled, which means the gynae needs to straighten it to inject the sperm. But overall, can survived it. :) I'm just so glad the whole process is over.

i'm trying not to think so much about the outcome. Afterall, it's not something within my control...it's really left to nature now. Just hope for the best. :)

Thanks for the places to buy brazil nuts! I shall check out cold storage later. :)
Gd luck to ribbonz. Btw, do we specifically need to eat brazil nuts after iui? Or any nuts will do? Im planning to go iui after cny.
Kimchi ger- me too !! If menses zun zun come , most likely need to start jabbing during cny liao haa...ribbonz- yea u did it liao....just rest more n all the best to u!!
Hey everyone. I am feeling very depressed now. I am 10dp so-iui. And my temp just dipped from 36.78 to 36.67.
Everything was looking so good, temp was climbing slowly until today. And the temp dip just looks exactly like my normal cycle where AF will come in 2 days time.
Now thinking about having to start the whole cycle again just makes me really really jaded. =(
jooo there's still hope as long as you stay hopeful. Don't be too stress on yourself.

btw, when doing iui, doc dont give hosp leave for you to rest at home?
Doc said he can give me any number of days. But bcos of work commitment.. I didn't take at all. =(
Sighhhhhh. I am hoping my temp goes up tmr.
Dun worry too much....sometimes temp may not be the best indicator leh....n didnt really drop a lot too...anyway dun think so much for now....just wait n see !! All the best !! Btw after so iui needs to rest one ? Cuz i read up they said so iui dun require bed rest compared to ivf... I m not too sure n want to find out oso cuz i plan to do my so iui after cny...
Doc said he can give me any number of days. But bcos of work commitment.. I didn't take at all. =(
Sighhhhhh. I am hoping my temp goes up tmr.
Doctor said no need bed rest cos the little swimmers will not come out since it is alr in the uterus. Just no strenuous activity.
Hi ladies, going for my 3rd so iui cycle next week.
Got preg at 1st cycle but premature labour at 23weeks due placenta infection. Sometimes I wondered if my gynae had been around and detected cause of bleeding when I was admitted A&E instead of letting me bleed for a week then see her, would the infection have been controlled and bb could have been saved?

Miss my bb boy & I hope he'll come back to us soon.
Chanel83. Dont think about the past.

All the best to you fot ur 3rd iui. Hope u will be successfully this time. Jia you.
hi dearies, am doing my 1st so-iui next mth. hubby and i are currently doing all the tests now. any lady can advise me if the procedure will only start on D2 on next cycle? meaning we hv to go hospital for scan from D2 and every alt day till D10 HCG injection? or we only inject ourself at home do not need to visit hospital? any other day we need to go hospital? as i need to plan to apply all the leave for next mth and am worry not approve by boss.
Hi happyblossom, for my case, doc gave me MC. So no need to apply leave.
Anyway d2 start to inject yourself at home for a week, then go back and scan and check the size of follies. If ready, trigger. If not doc will send u home for a few more days for injections for a few more days. Then go back for scan again.

After trigger, gotta go back 1 or 2 days later for the iui procedure.

That's what I know!
Hi happyblossom, for my case, doc gave me MC. So no need to apply leave.
Anyway d2 start to inject yourself at home for a week, then go back and scan and check the size of follies. If ready, trigger. If not doc will send u home for a few more days for injections for a few more days. Then go back for scan again.

After trigger, gotta go back 1 or 2 days later for the iui procedure.

That's what I know!

thanks jooo! i can't take leave/mc as I'm still on probation so need to take UL instead. Just to clarify, so we only go hospital on D8 after 7 days of injection rgt? in total how many days you go hospital from D8 till ur 2ww?

btw, hows ur temp today? do not be sad! u hv us sistas here to give support :) i understand ur feeling. hv TTC for 5yrs but till today i tell myself even this round fail, i will fall down but i will get up again just for my baby to come to me!

I went 1st time collect meds and Consultation. But need to go home immediately coz the meds need to be refrigerated.
2 for scan. 3 for 3rd scan and trigger. 4 for iui. So 4 times!

Temp was haywire coz I woke up at the wrong time to temp and it was 36.66. So I thought I am out and I went to the toilet.
But when I temp again at my usual timing, which was 2 hrs later of Continued sleep, it went back up to 36.77
Now I don't know which temp I she believe. But it's 11dpiui, bfn
