IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi BB2012
So sorry to hear that.....big big hugs for u and ur hubby.

Get yours and ur hubby body ready (eat healthy food & exercise regular)...
Hi Fluffy
Yah, it's true I can see my tummy is getting bigger this happended when I started with IUI).

Good to hear u r taking folic acid. Do you take milk powder for pregnancy mummy too? coz my gynae advised to take, but so far, I haven't take yet, scared of the smell.....
Hi Carol,
Nope I din HCG test... Doc nv say wor.. Maybe try natural n doc think it might not happen.. Just test on the kit will do... *Patiently waiting for the time to come*
My menses is coming! And I seeing gynae this Thurs.. can start injecting and taking med on day 5 of my menses soon...
At least...there is a chance waiting for me. if I don't go through this and endure the emotional strains, I don't even have a chance
Hugs hugs BB2012 & MoMo... next round may be IT!

Be it Naturally or whatever u decide.. have faith, take care of ur body... the results after perserverance will be worth all the efforts, tears and time.

Lots of baby dust again to all!!
ladies, i'm planning to start IUI treatment. May i know whether we could take TCM medicine while doing this process? My TCM medicine is for my general health, not for fertility.
Hi Rainy,

It should be ok to take TCM medicine when planning for IUI. Leave a gap of 2 hours between TCM & Western Medicine.Maybe can check with your TCM to let him know what kind of Western MEdicines you will be taking
TCM shld be fine but u shld let ur TCM practitioner know u are TTC and doing IUI so that nothing clash and also that the TCM can compliment ur IUI procedure.
thks ladies for the advice.
my TCM medicine is not for fertility purpose. more for my overall health, bu my qi & gastric prob. will check with my TCM if I start on IUI.
Fluffy is not feeling good.. the cramps making me uncomfortable and my 6th sense urge to just go find any other gynae willing to see me immediately today.

Gynae said my sac is too small.. looks like it is only 5 weeks.. could be possible it stopped growing.. or hopefully that baby is just growing very slower than average. Have to review in 2 weeks..

He also found 3 cysts in my ovaries.. 1 of them measured 8.5cm.. he said this could be due to over-stimulation from IUI. This is the reason why i am having the sharp pains. I am certain before IUI I do not have any cysts.

So, now i can only pray for hope.. that baby will grow healthily..
fluffy, better go gyane immediately. where is yr regular gynae from?

over-stimulation from IUI? y is that so is it due to ovedose of clomid???

don't worry too much. rest well n all e best to u & yr baby
Morning ladies, my first IUI journey just started. I took my first 50mg puregon jab last night which is my CD5. Doc said 5 days of dosages for 50mg every night till CD9. Not sure why I am not given any oral med, e.g. clomid. I think gynae is a bit "scared" to give me too much medication or high volume of jabs, in case of over stimulation.

I am going for review to see if my follics are growing on this coming Thurs. If everything is good, I should be doing the procedure next week. Praying hard.
koala, gd luck to u!

where r u doing yr IUI?
i will also be doing IUI soon. gg for my scan today. not sure wat med will be given. is it necessary to take puregon/clomid? i'm thinking whether it's possible to avoid medications during the process. i don't place high hopes anyway as prob lies with my hubby. poor mortility & i doubt IUI can help us
Hi Ladies,

Waiting Game finally OVER!... Is a torture 2 weeks i can say... Well result is I am NOT pregnant.. *sigh* Actually knew it since last week but was hoping for the best.. But i can confirm now is becoz my AF reported today... Anyway also good.. coz i can go with a new cycle treatment again instead of waiting AF to report which is a pain for me... Tmr going to see doc and see what she says... wish me luck ya...

Hope you are doing good wor... Take great care!

All the best to you ya...

Babydust to everyone here..!!! Good Luck..
Thanks to all for ur concern and advices!
I have a miracle baby!

Last week i had bad cramps and wanna see a doc immediately, my gynae (Dr Tham) couldnt slot me in, so I had an adhoc appt with Dr Phua on Friday.

So last Friday gynae (Dr Phua) says sac is 1 week smaller then should be, no baby seen and no heartbeat.. pregnancy may not be viable.. to review in 2weeks time.

And today is my scheduled 1st appt with Dr Tham, although barely 3 days had passed, we needed a 2nd opinion or even seeing the sac grew a little. So we went with a heavy heart, I been weeping on & off and I din even dare to open the parcel of maternity clothes that came in the mail. But surprise surprise, maybe baby heard my pleas and everyone's prayers,

Dr Tham says baby measures 6.3mm at 6w3d!! And we heard baby's heartbeat at 130!! He said "Baby is very fine!" It is very possible baby started slow and caught up very very fast!

Hubby and me was sooo happy that we both wanna cry.. i almost cry on the spot.

Miracle happened to me 2nd time, once before IUI when doc ask me to consider stopping cycle cos of my too thin lining, and now a baby that popped into sight within few days! I have never prayed to the Goddess of Mercy my MIL worships at home, I haven went to the Guanyin temple in years, but i did everything on sat-mon.. and I'll like to think I have been blessed a miracle. And I am very very thankful.

Baby dust to all.. I hope all of you will be blessed like how I am, regardless of religion.
Some may be lucky on 1st attempt, some 2nd.. rmbr just dont give up! The joy is totally worth everything worth sacrifacing for.

Congrats Fluffy...!! ^.^ Happy for u... Tske great care ya...

I went to see my doc today.. Start clomid today.. Scan next week if everything goes smoothly I hope I can do IUI in 2 weeks time... *Praying very hard*....
Thanks dragonhopes, coyote, lady-chris !! Yes I am waiting here for u gals!!

Still got 5 mths plus for baby dragon.. jiayou!!

oh rainy, abt the over-stimulation, what could be highly possible is because KK prescribes the same medication to everyone ie clomid+puregon. But for me, I am already ovulating every month w/o clomid, so i tink the duo stimulation was an overkill for me. And clomid actually thinned my lining, so i tink it did me more harm den good. But that is for me, i tink i could do with just puregon. It really dpd on individual, and u have to know how well u react or how ur body is currently doing.
Hi I am hoping to get some advises here..

A short intro on myself. Been ttc for 42mths with 3 m/c history, 1st due to blighted ovum, 2nd & 3rd bb's hb stopped at 7th week. All natural conceived.

Recently wanted to start ttc again but DH sperm result not ideal so gynae suggested I try IUI, after scanning discovered my follicles are not growing so got to proceed to SO IUI next cycle.

IF I were to go ahead with SO IUI next cycle and have >3 eggs got to convert to IVF instead, how will you gals normally decide? Abort the plan and waste the days of jabs and preparation or go ahead with IVF with the high cost? I am in a dilemma...all along thought that I can conceive just cannot hold the baby.. maybe bad luck or timing not right but now more and more problems start to surface so kinda confuse stage..

Would appreciate any advises.. thank you
FYI. I did my 1st SO IUI w 8 follicles and surprisly that my doc said ok and normal. So I proceeded w IUI. I am blur blur type person and just read this forum that too many r not good..
But tks God really. I conceive and I am now 6wks preggie.
Anyway talk to ur gynae but I think 3 follicles r ideas quantity though.
Hi rainy, I m doing mine at SGH. I m not taking any med. only 50mg of puregon. Not sure if it's because it's my first time n doc is worried in over stimulation. I will update again after my visit this Thurs. so Rainy, how was your doc visit?

Don't give up. Every try is an opportunity! It means hope

Hi Lady Chris, glad that you are taking it positively. Another chance for you. Will be good

Hi Fluffy, such good news!! Hugs
Carol: Thanks for replying, yah I read thru the thread and you are very lucky to conceive twins right? Congrats! My gynae alrdy said that >3 eggs he will not go ahead with SO IUI liao, that is why I have to think carefully 1st if that do happen, what should I do. Of cos this is way too early to ponder over such issues, for all I know the eggs might not even grow too but I just wanna gather more info nia. In a way you are also quite lucky gynae went ahead with 8 follicles, actually from what I know, normal practise they will not do so.
Hi Koala,

Thanks for the encouragement.. Yes will try again.. U said Ur iui is done in SGH??!! I am seeing doc at SGH too.. By Dr Yu Su Ling.. How about u??! How many times did u do Ur IUI? I tried to ask doc to do SO-IUI but she say since I can ovulate so I don't need this first.. Will see how IUI goes... Hopefully is good.. ;)
CJ, for me I had 4 follicles but thin lining.. So I was allowed to proceed also.. In fact doc adv me to abort IUI as my chance is slim with my lining measurement.

I tink much dpds on gynae too.. But also if u can accept possibilities of multiples.

Also, if there is any issue in ur hubby sperm, as for IUI it merely creates a shortcut for the sperm to reach the eggs faster, so if the sperm is not that great, I will prefer for insemination thru IVF.

Jus my opinion.
Fluffy: thanks for replying and congrats too. It is seeing people like you all who boost my confident of IUI. Well I am quite concern on the IVF cost that is why debating so much on this issue. Although my Gynae said that IUI covert to IVF is sort of " short cut " so instead of normal approx $13k should be around $9-$10k only but even so we still have to fork out $3k cash. It is not like 1st try will strike liao so $$ limited I have to plan ahead.

I am wondering in the 1st place the % of >3 eggs high anot.. Btw how thick is your womb lining when you did your IUI? From young I already have thin lining, AF only come 1-2days add to multiply d&c my lining have become thinner and thinner liao. Sigh
Thanks CJ Junior, It's my pleasure to help, thats why I tink Carol and myself r still lurking around

Have u done any fertility tests before? Do u have any ovulation problems? My lining was only 5, doc says normal is 8 and above. If u have lining issues all the more I won't recommend u to take clomid, but you should consider asking for progesterone from your gynae. Start taking as soon as u can and don't stop til gynae says ur baby is safe. Actually, ur gynae shld know to give u this by now, knowing your thin lining.

Actually it sounds to me you have no issues conceiving, but its keeping the baby til birth. Maybe you should target thickening your lining instead. Or keeping a healthy lifetsyle with diet and exercise so you get healthy embryos? Or at least do everything concurrently.

I am not medically trained, but i did alot alot of research online, and asking around friends who did IUI at different gynaes and thats how i understand & learn to ask for particular stuffs at KK during my IUI. (in my case, progesterone to help the lining)

Well i did strike on the 1st attempt.. who knows maybe u too! Have faith, ask yourself how much are u willing to spend to have a baby and plan from there.

Hope that helps. Sticky babies to you!!
congrats fluffy! hv a smooth pregnancy journey ahead

had my 1st scan on Mon. follicles still not ideal size so gg for scan again tmr. if everything goes fine, will be able to do IUI process this sat bah. no medication given for me so far but dunno whether doc will prescribe to me tmr.
this is my 1st attempt in IUI & I'm already feeling the stress. i really hv no confidence in succeeding in IUI as my prob lies in hubby's low mortility %. only 1% mortility. so i don't think miracle will happen on me
Hi Rainy

Don't get dishearted.. My hubby used to have the same pro too... Doc prescribe supplement... N he has improved quite alot... Try out the supplement ya... rem you only need one good sperm n egg... I am sure one in a million shld have one good one... Though is tough but we have to keep the faith & strong will going...Jia You!!! ;)
Thanks i certainly hope it'll be smooth ahead and no more heart attacks!

I agree what lady_chris said is very true.. you only need 1 sperm n egg.. 1% of a million still got 10,000!

Have faith and continue to believe it is possible, else ur body will also be halfhearted la
lady_chris, thks for the encouragement!
we used to consult a pte gyane. hubby given supplements but seem not much use. now we r @ pulic hosp, doc also gave him supplements. i'm trying to encourage him to c tcm.
though IUI is not so time consuming like IVF, i'm feeling so stress that i lose my temper almost everyday. think i'm pissed off by the service from the public hosp that i'm gg now.
anyway, u also jia you & all the best
fluffy, even b4 i start, i already lose hope & dishearted. really unpleasant experience with the hosp that i'm gg now. long story. sticking to them for my 1st attempt but subsq cycles, will switch to pte liao.
glad to get encouragement from u gals here. really liven me up
Fluffy, great to hear the good news from you
enjoy the 9 month process and take good care of yourself.....hope we will all get your baby dust

Hope the miracle happen to all of us too. My lining is ok, but i think the growing of folicle is not that ideal. I did 2 SO-IUI at KK, both with 17 mm folicle and failed. Hubby's sperm is ok. So really do not know what is going on. Perhaps is the quality of my folicle. So i am going for IVF this cycle.

CJ Junior,do not worry so much on the number of folicle growing and lining. Miracle will happen..maybe is a blessing if you really have more and this increase the chance of pregnant. Relax your mind and proceed with the injection and let nature take its course. SOmetime miracle happen when you least expected

Hope all of us got a dragonbaby soon
my AF this mth so weird...
fri started so sat is CD1, on CD3 still super heavy flow but that very night after i shower, its juz like a tap has been turned off... no more
:S really weird... mine usually 6 days flow
