IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Fluffy & Cherrie thanks for your encouragement!

I used to think I dont have any ovulation problem but now I realised I am wrong. After my last m/c I did alot of tests (Including fetus autopsy, genetic test and another duno what body reject foreign object test etc) I tested until Gynae said there is nothing more to test liao, results all normal so all along we just assume it is purely bad luck.

I started seeing Dr Fong Yang after my 2nd m/c and he is indeed a very nice gynae. when he learnt that I am ready to ttc again, he prescribe me Utrogeston pills for me to start eating immediately after O!! He say just in case be KS abit and I really strike after my 1st try..upon +ve I went for progesterone jabs daily too but outcome still the same

I think you guys are right! I should not ponder too much over those unneccessary issues and just focus on what I can do. I shall proceed with SO IUI next cycle and decide from there. Will just go with gynae's advise and decision. Thank you

rainy: I totally understand how you feel! I haven even started my SO IUI and already so stress over it! Hope you will have a successful IUI this sat
Jia You!

Btw you guys heard of adopting a god child to change luck/fate, aftertat might have our own child. However my BFF said opp, she say by doing so might use up the quota of how many children I am suppose to have. Of cos these are all superstitious sayings.. just wonder if you guys heard of it b4.
CJ Junior-Dr Fong Yang is from which hosp? Still not cfm whether sat I can do IUI. hv to c scan results tmr whether follicles r right size. anyway thks

is ultrogeston similar like clomide? i know some ladies take clomide n ttc naturally but i hard clomide has side effects. the pte gyane that i used to consult didn't prescribe me any medicine b4 though hubby n i were ttc. dunno is it bcos i'm allergic to a lot of medicines
sounds exactly what clomid did to my menses.. from 5 days to 2 or 3 days.. also that same pattern one. My TCM says like that not good, cos ur menses signifies ur lining according to her.

To everyone, good luck to ur current cycle or if you are waiting to start! Baby dust!!
I am new here. try for baby 1.5 yrs but still unsuccessful due to my hubby sperm inactive after check up with doctor.

Already see doctor but disappointed due with the doctor i saw no specialist in infertility problem. Will change to new doctor, Dr Charles Lim Mount Elizabeth. hopefully will success under Dr charles Lim guide. know that he is specialist in IUI or IVF.

Anyone can share experience in IUI/SO-IUI/IVF?
hello ladies. i went for my 2nd scan this morn. follicles still not ideal size so need to scan again on sat. there is one follicle growing so doc said if reach ideal size on sat, can do IUI on Mon.
juz like to ask. one follicle is gd enuff to do IUI? but chances of success is very low rite? ladies who hv done IUI, can advise? thank u!
dragonhopes-thks for the link & info. r u under Dr Lim as well? i don't know much about him. i'm gg to do my 1st IUI at public hosp but bcos i don't like their service, i'm planning to switch to pte the nx time round. so looking ard to c which pte gyane is gd.
any idea hw much is his consultation? my hubby n i had all our test taken last mth so if we switch to consult him in Dec, will he tell us to re-take the tests again? i don't wish to spend extra $ to re-take the tests
Dr.Lim first consultancy should be around S$150 then subsequent is S$75 including scan ( not sure any change of price) didnt visit him for 3 months.

you can bring all your reports with you, i guess he wont ask you to re-do unless neccessary. He is a very kind and fatherly doctor. He is there to help us! you can call up the clinic to check, they will tell you whatever things that you want to know.
1 follicle indeed I tink is lower chance but its not totally no chance. So I think it depends with you if you want to proceed to try. Dpds on hw much ur doc charge for the IUI insemination also lor.. if costs are not a concern, just press on and pray for the best!
Are u ovulating normally on ur own without medical stimulation?

Also, all tests u have done, u have a right to ask for the reports back to keep, so in case if u wan change gynae, u can always do so.

most of us here all have experience in IUI/SO-IUI/IVF, I recommend u read the past few pages, much has been shared. It's hard to summarise in a post.
Fluffy, thanks. will try to read coz too much post.haha...but get lot useful info from here.

Last time i did uterus scan, doctor didn't give me the photo.i only did the pap smear test and progesterone level test only. i think the report no help much. For me sure must test from beginning again coz some of test i didn't do by my previous doctor like HSG test. look like waste my $$ and time. hope no need do more test and can proceed to SO-IUI as soon as possible.
for me, the only required test before so-iui was the blood test which they test for rubella and stuffs.

I guess the other tests is a good to have to know in case you have other issues.

For me, I did a full fertility test (check tubes, ovary, uterus, ovulation, sperm etc) abt 2 years ago before TTC, everything was fine for both me & hubby. So 2 years later they classified my case as "Unexplained fertility". So I tink for my case, all the tests didnt help at all.
fluffy, i wasn't given any medication stimulation. so just ovulate on my own. i already spent $ on my scans so guess hv to press on for the procedure bah. anway i don't hv much hope so if fail, is within my expectation
Fluffy, don't give up. miracle will happen.

Better than me. When i TTC, i thought that both me and my hubby is normal. after nearest 8 month we try, we still unsuccessful. last go to do check up and doctor say is my hubby sperm count low, inactive and no strong. Give 3 month medicine to my hubby but still no improvement.

Doctor also no give any recommend and guide. All info about IUI and IVF i need to search myself and ask him if have any question. Anyway he no a specialist in fertility problem. So, i last decide change doctor.
Ching-for my case, is oso hubby's prob. sperm count ok but mortility very low. only 1%.
the gyane gives him supplements nw. wat medicine is yr hubby given?

i also don't know what medicine doctor give. i think is hormone. but now stop take it already since no improvement. and doctor say no more medicine can help if the medicine he give to my hubby no show improvement. very sad when heard it. Chinese Medicine store from my hometown recommend me to use "Dong Cong Cao" for my hubby. My hubby just try but it quite expensive.
rainy, I am seeing my gynae at Paragon, he is a specialist in fertility, dont tik he is tied to any hosp shld be any private hosp also can go bah. Utrogestan is not clomid it is also a progesterone pills. I took right after O to maintain my hormones level in case strike.

My DH is taking Megaman from GNC recommend by gynae whereas I am taking pre natal vitamin also from GNC. Recently read thru e thread and some ladies swear by Blackmores Conceive Well so I switch to it now. Taking for 28days..

Fluffy, yah nowadays tested normal also doesnt mean guarantee anything de right. Somehow will still have those unexplained infertilty..sigh but glad you no longer have to worry abt infertility issues liao
Hi CJ Junior, yes, is a everyday jab...not pain and is once a day. It is to be taken 2 finger below your 'tu qi'. As for how long needed will depend on the growth of your folicle. but i think at least 2 weeks before your 1st scan.
Hi Ching,
hee thanks, but fluffy no give up, in fact fluffy succeeded already. keke~

CJ Junior,
yes precisely! I rather they tell me something is wrong so i know where to treat then! It funny how everything i go see a new TCM or gynae.. I'll say "My fertility tests all say no problem, and that is the problem. Cos I am still not pregnant!" LOL!

Paging for Carol...
is it singleton or twins huh!? We r still waiting for ur news :D

congra! how many month already?You did IUI or naturally pregnant?Which gynae you see?
Everytime happy heard that someone pregnant :)and sad too coz haven't pregnant for my own. :(
I did SO-IUI at KK.. so it is a random gynae on duty. wasn't a good experience too. I shoot in a complain letter during my 2nd visit somemore, but now since successful I also dun wan pursue anymore. During 1st visit i told my hubby the next cycle i wan to go pte gynae too. I did my SO-IUI in Oct, am 7 weeks preggie tmr.

If u read thru Nov archives, u'll see my ramblings. Carol is another mummy who got pregnant same period thru IUI

Dun be sad, 1 more success means 1 added hope for urself. Good luck!

You 1 time strike? How the procedure? pain? singleton or twin? i decide do SO-IUI too but don't know what doctor recommend on this sat. Now more confident to IUI after see most of you success in IUI.

What the success rate for SO-IUI? can i use medisave for SO-IUI?
Yes i got lucky the 1st time, to my own surprise too. As halfway thru doc did find out my lining is not at healthy level and chances will be slimmer den usual. I was told SO-IUI success rate is 15%.
I thought pain wise it is quite ok , only that the Pregnyl injection at the butt was painful but its fast la.

Hope for twins but blessed with a singleton. for me I did not use medisave initially cos I did not tink i'll get lucky at first attempt. U can only use medisave for up to 3 procedures (combination of IUI & IVF), so I thought in case I IUI fail few times den I switch to IVF and i can pay with medisave then. Cos IUI usually $1k+-2k, whereas IVF will cost $8k up i tink, will be more painful on the pocket.
The good thing is, if successful already, u can ask the hospital to process backdate claim on what u've spent.
Hi all and Fluffy
Sorry for the late reply.
I just went to do scan yesterday. Can see my baby heartbeat....
ONE ONLY haaaa.... So twin hope failed. But I am very contented to have one already.
Hi Carol,

Gald to know u r doing good..!!!. You are a lucky gal.. I am sure this is a lucky baby too... One is good, two is a bonus.. Anyway is a blessed already... Enjoy this 9 mths journey... Hopefully we ladies here will join u soon... Cheers...!!! Take care... Anything do update us...
Hi Carol, so good, one is good too!

Hi Lady Chris, I am seeing Dr. Heema at SGH. I went for my scan yesterday after 4 nights of 50mg Jabs, Nurse said only can see one egg which is growing good at 9MM
Only one egg...kinda get me worried. So doc increased the number of jabs, need another 4 jabs but still 50mg. I think 50mg is very low, I see some are having 75mg or 100mg! I am not on any medication either, just jabs.

Yes, agree with Rainy that govt hospital service is not that great! Always stuck there for 1-2 hours and don't know waiting for what. The nurses just ask me to wait and I got to hurry them because I keep taking time off to go hospital.
And my visit is once a week! I got to go for another scan on 28 Nov, to see if the meds are increasing my eggs.

I am much older, 36 coming to 37 next year. Doc suggested SO IUI and no more waiting.
By the way, I went to Dr. Sheila Loh in Raffles hospital first. It was because RH's lab is closed from 21 Nov till mid Dec, so I quicly jumped to SGH. I don't want to waste November just waiting for RH's lab. But Sheila is very good and patient, short waiting time. She explained about 1.5 hours to us! My friend did her first IUI with Sheila and just gave birth.

My friend's hubby is a Doctor so he knows Sheila can do the job.

Sheila prescibed Vitamins for my hubby too, to increase the sperm motility... you gals can buy for your hubby. Vitamin E400 and essential antioxidants.
Koala, how much is Dr Sheila chgs for IUI & her consultation? is her medicine expensive?
like i said b4, i will switch to pte if my current cycle @ govt hosp fails. i'm paying pte rate in govt hosp but always hv to wait n the nurses don't accomodate to our request. i hv to 'make noise' every visit then they will do the work. hai...i don't wish to lose my temper but quite fed up with them.
RH is of course ex eh. Sheila per subsequent consultation is $100. I didn't get the puregon from RH, so don't know how much. But RH's blood test and semen test more ex than SGH, that's for sure. But again..you will save time in RH, less headache, less visits and more "guarantee". They give higher dosage then 50mg, I am sure.

And Sheila told me that they will need me to go in every morning to check my lining and once ready, then do the IUI. but in SGH, you don't get such service...of course, pay lesser.

Yes, Sheila used to be from KKH. She is very gentle and experienced, will explain in details and hear your stories.

And yes, Rainy, I had to make noise too. Otherwise, I probably will have to make 3-4 visits extra! gosh... I am scared of losing my job. just be ready to pay if you are going to private hospital. I recommend Sheila and RH, their lab opening soon in Dec. But of course, I hope you get a baby this time instead
be positive
Hi Koala,

Hmm.. I am given 100mg Clomid for 5 days.. next wednesday going for a scan.. hopefully wont have to keep going back and scan..... Dont know what excuse gonna give my boss.. guess you ladies face this same pro too.. hai...

Govt hospital is a pain.. you can't jump Q..!!!
have to book appt... you have to make noise and tell them the seriousness of the pro than they will help... but thank god i have my doc HP no.. so as and when i need help i will sms her... She is quite responsive & nice.. Hopefully i will have a good treatment from her.. otherwise i might consider to change to Pte Doc too...

You dont worried too much.. i find that worried too much will cause our body functions too..
In fact, if we give some negative hope and it turns out to be positive news... All along i thought i might not have ideal follicles coz i usually stack at the stage where follicles dont grow so kinda dishearted.. Last month went for the first scan and to my surprise i have one big nice follicle.... though is just one but it already give you the encouragment again...

I am trying not to think so much.. just be natural... no doubt in the back of our mind we still care very much.... What to do!.. is life and we are human begins..
Hi Chris, Clomid is oral med? I only have the 50mg Puregon jab everynight. And yes...keep having to go for scan! I have two male bosses, no choice, I told them and luckily they are supportive but I try my best to fix early morning appts and go in office at least before 10am. I also work at home in the night if I had to go for doc appt in morning.

Well, its really very very difficult not to worry or thinka about it. I keep telling myself don't stress, relax etc. but still up tight! So I give up, because if I keep stressing myself to relax, I am more stress. I just tell myself that stress is normal and its human, so its ok...then I started to feel better! LOL...I am a weirdo. Its reverse psychology, the more you say I cannot get stress, I am more stress...so I just be stress, so be it!

Ah...one is enough! one egg and one sperm... Lets be positive. And I agree that Private Doc are more daring. They aim high, they get high. Now that I have tried both (although my first IUI), I know what is the difference).

If this try at SGH doesn't work, I might go back to RH

Lets be positive and encourage each other. Love Carol and Fluffy to bits...they are still with us
Hi Carol,

Yes Clomid is oral medicine... Guess it has effect on me so my doc ask me to continue.. coz this is my first time doing IUI... I wanted to take jab coz i always think is more effective but doc discourgae.. she scare i might have multiple eggs.. so try on clomid first...

Hahaha... Every people handle stress differently... so yours is a unique way... heee...

Pte doc is always better & good.. of coz comes with price... But i feel it might be more focus on individual... Anyway Lets pray hard that we will strike and dont need to change doc.. Then thats a GOOD NEWS!!!...

Yes Carol & Fluffy is our morale support...!!!
Thanks Chris. Ok then, I will hang on and see if the jabs are working. Hope to hear good review next Monday. When do you think you can start your IUI? Looks like we are almost the same period? I project mine to be next week, either Thurs or Fri.
Hmm.. if i am lucky enough - like earlier this month.. i should be doing either next thursday or friday too... Earlier this month my follicle already 18mm which i am only CD11.. so this time nurse ask me to go on CD10... Hopefully one scan & i can do next day... if you & me goes smoothly next week , looks like we are almost same time...
Hi all
Thank u all so much for ur blessing. That's the spirit to encourage each other and update each other progress.
It's a loney journey if u do IUI on ur own wo any moral support. I am glad during my IUI I had so many sis here to support each other.
Well, I am truly blessed by God once again. My hubby and I didn't know anything at all and just go ahead w whatever doc's advise with no question asked. But now think back, I was very blue in the way coz didnt know anything at all. Whatever medicine or jabs need to be taken, hubby and me just follow, and I actually didn't quite understand what's all about. Until I read the forum.
I really pray every sis in the forum keeps trying till success...
Hi Fluffy
Yah I guess we r abt the dpsame due date.
My due date is on 16 Jul 2012.
When will be ur next visit? Which hospital do u go?
R u able to hear baby heartbeat?
I went to see gynae and according to gynae that sac size is good and I can see baby heartbeat like a twinkle little star...What's ur sac size?
Do u have any symptom? For me so far so good. Do u carry heavy stuff? For me I still need to carry my laptop and bag ard no choice for work.
Any medicine gynae gave u?
Haha.. am hounoured to be u girls' pillar la.. will help so long i can and happy to stay ard to throw baby dust and positive vibes.

Most impt rmbr, Carol and me reminds you that this procedure works, dun give up and don't stop believing!!

ur private message switched off leh. I am at TMC with Dr Benjamin Tham now, next scan(2nd one) on 7th dec. I was only told sac size on wk 5, 12.8mm which was supposedly too small,
din see baby that time. But on my 6w3d gynae saw baby at 6.3mm, heartbeart 130. He says once can see baby, no need to measure sac size liao. what's ur measurements now?

I try not to carry heavy, doc gave me 1 wk leave in fact cos last week had a scared sac too small doc say my pregnancy may have stopped growing. Now everything is fine but I'm just v v careful,
i can lose my job but not my baby la.. hubby is ok if i wanna quit also.. but so far ok, I can do presentations with my ipad2
I only get nauseous (touch wood) no puking, but my belly bump is showing,
so i can't wear my work pants/skirt anymore. And i am still sleepless

I have very very sensitive nose.. can't stand delifrance, breadtalk bakery smell esp in the mornings when they just open and bake in large quantities, and cheap man perfume. Haha.. i puked in BHG when a big guy walked past right next to me with strong perfume, it was embarassing! Haha.

I am on folic, duphaston and Vit B6. I taking fish oil on my own, may start FrisoMum soon too.
Chris-which govt hosp do u go to? i thot normally govt docs don't give their hp no. to patients. is really nice of yr doc to give u her contact.
actually i try not to make noise if possible as it can be tiring to our body too. but so far every visit to the doc is not a pleasant experience. i got fed up with the nurses who r so stringent in their procedures n timing but guess that's how govt sector works bah. i worked in public sector for abt 8yrs b4 coming to pte sector for 1st time n i realise the big difference.

Koala-what excuse do u normally tell yr boss if u go in late due to scanning? i think sooner or later, i will run out of excuses to tell my boss.

Hi Rainy,

My doc Is at SGH.. What abt u?? Actually my doc did nt gave me her no. Just occidentally she call me with her Hp no.. Coz I blast their hot line the whole day n thank god the nurse divert my msg to her n finally she called.. Guess i am lucky to hv her no. Coz is very very difficult to locate her n hv to book appt to see her...

My boss is aware of my pro but I will try to tell him earlier if nt I will work from home..
