IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi mimiko,

oic.. i oso tried for 2 years plus liao.. real feel so stress about this ttc.. i have since change 3 gynae liao.. (current one is my third)

sigh.. dun know why I always have this feeling that they are not concentrating on my problem.. kept saying i'm still YOUNG!!! OMG!! I'm 29 this year u know.. my eggs are aging liao! sigh..

Hi Emma,

My age also catching up liao, coming to 31 this year. If you are not comfortable with this doctor, you may want to consider to change to another gynae? It's quite important to feel comfortable and have faith in your doctor, then you can trust that you are in good hand, and more relax during tcc.
hi emma,

i did my 1st scan on D10, was told there're too many big follicles (had 7 with at least 10.5mm, the rest are btw 8.5-9.5mm)... tried reducing dosage by half to separate them and re-scan next day, but all still grew at the same rate. so no choice had to stop.

doc & nurse say cannot hv intercourse cos scared multiple preg, but we didn't care. In the end, still nvr strike leh... haha... actually really very sad cos i tot this mth sure strike since there're so many 'chances'.

will be going for ivf after cny... but still not mentally prepared yet... still hesitating...

actually me same as u, tried for 2 yrs liao, my previous doc also always say i'm still young, should try naturally.. in the end he had no choice but to transfer me to Dr Loh. Really hope to succeed soon... so hv u decided to proceed with this cycle's SO-IUI? jia you jia you!
how are the jabs going? okie?

how are you?

I'm in 2ww now. if fail, will be starting jabs on 17 Jan. arghh... I'm very worried now. scared that the SO-IUI also don't work. A bundle of nerves now.
Hi Thistle,

Normally how long is your cycle? and based on your experience, which "day" do u think will stand a higher chance of concieving?

As for me, my cycle is normally 33-38 days.. and i did ask my gynae if my chances are high.. his reply is no.. base on the growth of my follicle.. anyway, i jus go ahead lah.. sigh.. iui will be tomorrow and intend to BD tomorrow night and day after tomorrow to boast up my chance.. gal, do u oso agree that the quality of egg is base on the pace its growth?

As for gynae, he is my third gynae liao.. anyway, maybe i feel so disappointed is mainly because i pin too high hopes on him.. anyway, will still continue with him for the next few cycles ba and see how..
Dishearted..Keep going!!Time is too precious for us to feel down.

Liz : Keep urself positive! My gynae says we oursleves must keep optimistic as well..

I am trying for almost a year..really hoping for a rat baby.. But I "kan kai" le..

Emma : Gd luck for your iui tom! Cable car rides shd be no problem..i went back to work after my iui and took a flight to melb on the very same day as well. so long as the air pressure stays constant...
Hihi, so far so good lo, today is my 2nd day of injection, and will be taking my last clomid pill tomo. As for jabs, the needle of puregon pen is quite thin, which only cause little discomfort, dun worry! Will be going for my 1st scan this Fri (CD10), hopefully can have 2-3 good follicles lo, keeping my fingers crossed. I almost wanted to abort the SO-IUI, dun know why, body developed some rashes b4 this program, very moody and demoralized lo, sigh…anyway now already half-way thru, can only hope for the best.

Read somewhere u have ovulated right? Congrats! Take good care of urself during 2ww, hope to hear the good news from you 2 weeks later!

All the best for ur IUI tomo!
thks for all the encouragement.Decided to proceed to IVF le.Just took a jab today.(to suppress hormone)n another 1 on feb.So ard march will start my IVF le.Wish me Luck man...Really dry liao.($,time n mentally).
that's good to hear. the needle part. heh heh.. Good to hear that all is well. So when are you going for the IUI? GOOD LUCK!!! yap. I did O but don't think I O properly. usually have breast pains but this round don't have anything at all. Dr cheng mentioned that the breast pains are good signs that I ovulated properly. Oh well... no choice. haiz...

thanks! me stress because of reason I told Phtanus above.

Emma all the best

all the best for your IVF!
hi dishearted,

u're doing ivf in mar, but got to suppress hormone now already? cos i shld be doing mine in mar too, but the nurse nvr ask me to take any jab this mth...
think is to control hormones production by pituitary gland.When u starting n where?I m doing it at ivf care paragon.My gynea is Eunice chua frm TMC.
anything special to take note of when starting SO-IUI? like food to eat or not to eat? things to do or not to do?
hi ladies,
I was very upset yesterday when I found out that my fallopian tubes are block. I'll have to proceed to IVF. But my FSH is on the high side, gynae said it may indicate low eggs quantity or poor quality. Chances of success is lower.
don't be too upset. Doc just say chances lower, not no chance. Keep your spirits up! I'm sure things will turn out fine!!! Jia you!
thanks liz.

I hope the TCM treatment can help to improve this. I'm also quite stress by when is the good time for me to go for IVF. I'm trying to keep it from my boss, so got to plan properly.
I'm not too sure abt IVF. read somewhere that cannot take chinese herbs during IVF. you might want to check it up with those gals that have gone thru. maybe take some time to tiao your body?
ya. there's never a good time to go for such treatment.
I'm also stuck at this job because of the SO-IUI and/if IVF.
I'm also planning to go for SO-IUI. what do you tell your company when you have to go for medical appointment so frequently? Erm.. don't really feel like letting them know that I'm undergoing treatment
Hi littlemousie,

I have the same problem as you. I'm planning to take leave during ET, but the problem is the scanning. Need to go for a few scannings b4 ET which I don't know should I take half day or not. Somemore people will ask why I take so many half days.
Hi All,

I am supposed to start on clomid tonight(CD2) 50mg per day for the first cycle. I ask the nurse when should I BD...but she seems to be rather uncertain and say probably should start BD on CD11(alternate days)onwards. I also asked if i need to come back to check if i have ovulated...she say no need...

I wonder why there is no need to know if i ovulate or not. Is it because my husband was tested with low sperm count hence even if i ovulate the chance of success is very low on the first cycle? I read that other gyane do monitor their patient by asking them to come back for scanning and blood test. I wonder why i am not being monitored. My next appt date is on 5th Feb (date was fixed 3 weeks ago). Any comments?
Hi ladies,

I'm back.. currently in my 2ww.. could anyone advise me on when to do a HPT.. do i count 14 days from the day i took the hcg jab or start from the day i had my iui?
hi jenn and littlemousie,

check if you can arrange to have the scan during lunch time..just says u have lunch appt if u have flexible lunch time.

hi Bebecraze08,

sorry can't help much as i have never taken clomid before as i was on SO-IUI previously.

hi Emma_Quek,

I was under the impression previously that it was from iui..maybe the other ladies can advise u?
any of you feel extremely tired while on the SO-IUI jabs? My fren was telling me that this was one of the side effects that she had.

thanks! Can't. I have to leave much earlier than lunch time as i need to travel there.

as far as i know, for KKH, they will not bother to monitor. they will only do blood test on day 22. For other docs, it seems that they do monitor.
Why must u go straight to IUI? Doctor ask me to try clomid for at least 1 cycle before testing my tube for blockage.I guess if my tubes are not block, i may be going thru IUI in the near future (after few cycles of clomid).

Is this the first time that u r going thru' SO-IUI? Maybe u can tell ur boss that u are going to see doctor/specialist (but need not tell him that u r seeing a gyane) and tell him that u will be a little late.
Dear All,

Chinese New Year is coming soon....and i am very certain that pple will ask us when are we going to be pregnant.Sick! Just hope that all of us here would get pregnant soon.
Hi Rabbit / littlemousie,

I don't really have flexi lunch hr, and plus the waiting time at hosp, sometimes it takes more than 2 hrs to get it done. I'll see how, may be just tell her I got doc's appt lor. But same reason cannot use twice.
hi bebecraze,

I share the same sentiments. The worst thing is I'll be visiting the relatives with my 7 mths pregnant SIL...
hi Bebecraze08,

i have problem with my uterus linning, thus I was put on SO-IUI.

Hi Jenn,
I can understand how u feel, i had some challenges with all these scans, dr appt. I have given it much thoughts and find some excuses so that I don't always have to use the reason 'dr appt'.
Sometimes, i think it is tough to try to be a professional working female and yet to be trying to be a mother.

I share your sentiments.
For years, I get questions not only from relatives but friends, colleagues etc. Truely irriating. I guess people are just trying to make a conversation on the "wrong topic" but it just gets onto our nerves. We just can't stop people from asking or have to explained to them abt our situation, we just try to get the best out of each situation and proceed with our life (e.g. getting pregnant etc). That's how i keep telling myself after each complaint that I make.
heh heh... can't lah. had to tell my boss that I was going for SO-IUI to get out of biz trip. not too concern abt my boss knowing. just more concern abt the other colleagues knowing. Actually I haven't started yet. still waiting.

haiz... CNY how? what kind of excuse to give? My MIL impatient liao.
hi ladies

I'm 5dpiui or 4dpo. I'm also undergoing SO-IUI. Can you ladies share with me what are the symptoms you have been experiencing after the IUI, after taking the progesterone supplements(cyclogest)?

I'm on 400MG twice a day. These are my symptoms: nausea, TIREDNESS, a little diarrohea, some cramps, shooting pain in pelvis area and breasts, thirsty, waking up several times at night, VERY hungry, some veins on breast, Painful nipples and breast. I know these are symptoms from the progesterone but does anyone experience this much of symptoms? I don't think I'm pregnant but I'm surprised at how much side effects there are....

pls share...

maybe you can tell your relatives : "When it comes, it comes..." (smilingly) then keep staring smilingly at the relative until she "get the point to stop asking"

I think that's what I'm gonna do... hahaha
Hi Noscon
Cant help you i am on clomid at the moment...but you do seem to have lots of side effects. Did you ask the doctor?

Hi All,

When my aunties asked me when am i getting pregnant (which happens very frequently), i told them fast liao or coming soon. Full stop. Cos if u say u dun want kids...they will ask more questions....if you say u r trying...they ask u if u have any problems and start recommending gyane to you (that would be embrassing) hence i also say ....coming soon....wait...

Anyway i think we shouldnt be bothered abt their qns lah...we are entitled to enjoy the new year. I just bought dresses for CNY.

Retail therapy always help to lift the mood! I will be going back for Day21 blood test tomorrow so will ask the nurse then cos no opportunity to see the doc....

Do you have side effects from clomid cos I took that for 2 cycles too?
I am on the first cycle. Just took the 2nd tablet last nite...i did not experience any side effects as of today. I think u should see doctor for ur side effects.
hi ladies

anyone knows what's the "normal" serum progesterone test level taken 7 days after IUI?

yeah only asked the nurse and she said symptoms varies from person to person.

I am new in this thread. I've just completed my IUI on monday. Am feeling extremely bloated and a bit cramp now. Any suggestions to help to ease the bloatedness.
Hi puppy2006,
Thanks. I took 7 egg whites this morning .. but still didn't help. Later, I realised from the nurse that if half-boil egg whites doesn't help, can try raw egg whites .. I'll try that tomorrow morning. I am also drinking ginger water to see if there's any improvement.
Btw, any idea how long would the bloatness last? This is just my 5dpiui .. still a long way to go.

i had quite a lot of other symptoms till 8dpiui... if you are pregnant, you may experience more symptoms later as pregnancy will increase the progesterone in your body....
Hi gigi,

Yeh, you shall take raw egg white... tried mixing in milo if you couldn't take it by itself... It's cos of fluid retention that's why u feel bloated... It'll be even worst if pregnant... tried taking lots of water too..

What were the other symptoms that you experienced?

Would taking lots of water be worst? I try to take warm water or ginger water, but not really taking alot.

gals, thanks for the advices. I hope everything will be smooth.


my symptoms are nausea, TIREDNESS, a little diarrohea, some cramps, shooting pain in pelvis area and breasts, thirsty, waking up several times at night, VERY hungry, some veins on breast, Painful nipples and breast.
