IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Good morning ladies!

congrats! dun confuse... maybe u can call yr gynae's clinic to arrange for a blood test if you want more accurate result...

emma, this is my 1st soiui.

i jus called kkh. They said still early to test leh. They asked me to do blood test on mon instead. I'm so afraid it's false positive.
tweety, did you take any preynal jabs in between your 2ww? if you did not - you are definitely preggy, though it's early. at D14piui, i tested negative. only faint positive at D16piui. blood test is most accurate, why don't you go down to any hospital to do that? no need to wait till Monday. Long wait le... ke ke...

emma... i am not sure re dose of clomid, cos i did not respond to clomid, and i only relied on gonal-f. my previous soiui was abandoned as menses came even with high dose of gonal-f. hence, each cycle is different.
hi tweety,

icic.. dun worry too much now.. but iszit possible to do the blood test tomorrow instead of waiting till next monday since you are in you 13DPOIUI?

gal.. are you on clomid + jabs? or purely on jabs only?
thistle, i did not take preynal jab during my 2ww. But i took the preynal jab 2 days prior to my iui. Could the preynal dosage still in my body thus causing false positive? Today is 14 days after my pregynal jab.
tweety, you are definitely preggy! pregynal jab is done 2 days prior to iui for ripening of eggs, so you ovualate for iui. wow... 13dpiui you can already see 2 lines... your hcg level is definitely v high. if you want, go do a blood test now! you can go to any A&E to do blood test if you can't wait!

Congrats tweety! i wonder how is juju doing...
Hi thistle,

sorry.. can you explain what is gonal-f? how is the process of your soiui like? cos i read that some ladies had clomid+ jabs and some only took jabs thoughout the whole cycle for soiui.. u mean ur 2nd and 3rd cycle fail due to ur mense came before the iui?

cos i'm wondering if i dun reponse to the 25mg of clomid, am i still in time to take the jabs from D7 onwards to get my eggs growing?
the kkh nurse doesn't sound so positive on the phone. Besides I have no symptoms and my temperature is 36.48 today. I really have no confidence.
I guess I will continue to take my HPT this wkend to confirm again.
tweety, dun be disappointed. not all preg comes with symptoms. maybe you do another one on D17piui, that should be most accurate.

emma - gonal-f are the jabs. my soiui just jabs, no clomid. 2nd cycle i did iui, just that it's BFN. your RE will be monitoring you when on clomid, and if response is weak, the dose for jabs can be increased to grow the follies to correct size. else, you can opt to do jabs only, without clomid.
I'm just curious. Any of you have gone through 5-6 rounds of clomid before going to SO-IUI? Wonder if SO-IUI will really help me. :p

hi liz..

i am one of them.. had 5 rounds of 150mg clomid daily and now plan to have my soiui next cycle with my new gynae..

i am oso wondering whether so-iui helps.. but think it all depends on individual body and LUCK!!!
emma, gonalf and puregon does the same thing, just diff brands.
when will your soiui be?

liz, how are you? what's your status now? waiting for your soiui? think you should give it a try, who knows... BFP!
oic. me too. took 5 cycles of clomid liao at 50mg. so when you starting? good luck!!!

ha ha... me patiently waiting for my menses to report to start soiui. think will be sometime in late Jan or early Feb. Sianz... Just cleared my HSG.

ya. will give it a try. but dunno when will my O be. ha ha ha... haiz...
liz, congrats on clearing your hsg. how come you dun go on pills to induce menses, than start on D2/3 of menses? dr cheng asked me to do that as my menses super irregular.
Dr Cheng feels that I'm still young. Don't rush things. this cycle still got chance to try. So he ask me to try loh. he said if AF very very late then take pills to induced. today only CD14. My cycle is around 60 days. arghhh!!!!
Congrats Thistle and Tweety!
Very encouraging to hear good news.

Liz-think I have same situation as u.
I had 7 cycles of clomid of 100mg but without any monitoring. Just changed a gynae. he recommended me to do soiui after clearing my HSG.
But just not prepared to do jabs, so doin one round of clomid under this new gynae.. But I took pills to induce menses this cycle. Due for scaning next thurs to see whether we can proceed on to iui.. Pray that my eggs are of right size..
congrats, Thistle!

anyway, gals, i've failed so-iui. wondering whether to try so-iui again or proceed to ivf. nurse ask me to wait till appt on 31 jan to talk to gynae
Hi Thistle,

Now waiting for my AF to report. Today is my CD 24.. Pray that it will come by next weekend.. "cross finger".. I had done iui in july once but failed. so, now with my new gynae, he suggested to me to have soiui for my coming cycle.. if everthing goes smoothly, will be having my soiui on the last week of december lor..

gal.. my gynae mention about the CD2 blood test.. do u have any idea what is the blood test for?

hi liz,
I may be having my soiui in the last week of dec if everything goes smoothly.. gal.. mind if i ask how old are you? how long have u been trying?
juju, dun give up.

bunnz, if you have no response to clomid then dun waste time. SOIUI will increase your chance higher. I read somewhere that the rate of success depends very much on the mother's age too.

I'm not sure if I'm really positive as of now. I will do another HPT on sat/sun. Mon will do my beta test to confirm. Hope i have really made it!
juju, don't give up - hang in there. my previous soiui failed, even with 2 follies. this cycle, one follie, BFP. just keep trying - every month, we respond differently. even though follie is there, it has to be a quality one to enable fertilisation.

tweety - go test test test... look forward to your good news! keep us posted on your beta test!

emma - CD2 blood test might be used to ascertain all hormone levels are ok prior to proceeding with the jabs, given this is the first time you are doing soiui.

bunnz, pray your eggs will grow to the optimal size for iui.
sounds promising! Good luck!

my doc advise to go IVF after 3 cycles of SO-IUI

I see. my doc ask me to go for another round of clomid but i no patience liao. :p So since he said everything is ok for SO-IUI so we decided to go for it. for this cycle, might as well give it a try this round as he said sometimes after HSG, pple strangly conceive. So my DH decide to just try loh. Good luck for your IUI!!!

oic. last of Dec. hope the Christmas cheer will bring you more baby luck. I'm 28 this year. Guess from your nick that I might be one year younger than you.
liz, 28 still young. me just turned 31. had no. 1 at 29, no. 2 will be at 31.

all the best to your soiui, think positive!
hope I will be like you. Cause by the time I have no 1, i will be 29 also.
Anyway, 31 also still young lah!!!
wow...so many good news.Will be doing so-iui this month.Hope i get all the bb dust.

ay,both of u still young leh.
Me 33 liao

have you test?Congrates in advance ar.
thx for the encouragement ladies...

i was thinking of ivf cos i can realli stay at home to rest & try to hv the best environment to conceive. my work place though interesting is tough... always running up & down, carrying stuff etc...

will see wat the gynae says during my next visit bah...

all the best to all ladies here!
Thanks thistle,liz and tweety.

I'm 28..was thinking to close shop by 30 but now got to delay at least 2 years liao.
I guess this would be my last round of clomid.

It's the festive season now!! Everybody should be more realxed for BD!!
anyone who had gone thru so-iui in vain & experience extreme pain when af comes? today is cd01 for me & i nearly thot i was gonna die frm cramps or my womb was gonna explode. collapsed in the bathroom for 2 hrs after screaming my lungs out frm pain. anyone experienced such extremes? i've nvr had such bad cramps at all
hi gals

I have made an appt with KK Dr Loh in Jan. It will be the third day of mense on the day of appt. Can I start the so-iui immediately or I have to wait till my next mense?

What can i expect from a first appt?

juju, sorry to hear of your menses cramp. the cramp could be due to the shedding of the follies from your so-iui. given so-iui created more follies (rather than 1 per month), you might have more to shed, hence the pain. I hope you are feeling well now. maybe you should see your RE to check. when my previous soiui failed, my RE did a check on CD2, and found some leftover follies in my womb. you will need to rest and let them shrink. my RE prescribed some contraceptive pills for me, so the follies will shrink by the end of that month. indeed, it disappeared. hang in there!

tweety! where are you? BFP!

dishearted, baby dust to you... stay positive! you will make it!

noscon - depending on your womb linning (after a scan), you might be able to start your jabs soon...
Noscon I think if everything else is fine, shd be able to start.

Cos i was supposed to start the jabs on my CD 2/3
but i requested for clomid for one more round.
hi all, yeah I made it too! It's BFP!

My hcg is 1533. Not sure if there is any chance of twins. heee...
Baby dust to all! Dun give up. I believe our determination will pay off.

finally make up my mind to find a doctor to check wats wrong with me after 2years TTCing n still no good news. vr eager want to be mummy althrough iam still young (25years old)

hubby has picked dr.cheng from TMC.anyone with him ? is he good ?
hubby called to make appt but nurse said hav to wait my first day menses then call to make appt.then they will arrange the appt on the second or third day menses. why ?i tot when menses the doctor can't do any check up ?
tweety, so happy for you! how many days post iui are you? 1533 is very high le! yesterday i tested my hcg again, at 5 wks 2 days, the level was 1649... ke ke... saw one sac, then saw another smaller one.... but not certain yet.... i dun think it'll be twins given i only had one follie. but then, anything can happen....

yun, dr cheng is very good! i have been with him since 2005.
liz, will know next scan on Monday.
doc kept trying to scan for the smaller sac... we both saw it, but it's quite small compared to the first sac, so we can't really confirm.

told hb this 'secret' this morning, he nearly fainted... he said we asked for grace, now we have grace and faith.... i was trying to make out what he was trying to say.... turn out - he was referring to 2 bb gals - grace and faith. ha ha...
thistle, i was 17dpiui yest. So I should be in my 4w2d. Your delivery should be 1 week earlier than me

Have not decided to go for which gynae yet. But I need to go back kkh next week to do ultrasound. That's when I can see how many bb I am carrying. hee..
that's great!!! let me know okie.
wah!! so nice if have 2 baby gals. will be very sweet. ha ha.. think your hubby will faint even more if it's 2 more boys. :p

hope you carrying twins too!!! 1 boy 1 gal! Best! then can close shop liao.
tweety, at 17dpiui, your reading already so high - i think most likely you are carrying twins. last time with my boy, at 17dpiui, i was 500.

liz, will keep you posted... right now, we are happy with one.
Wow good things come in doubles!!

Congrats Tweety!

btw can i know how long have u been trying? before your soiui?
bunnz, i hv been ttc for 15 mths already. Been on clomid for 4 cycles but it's not working on me. My menses is v irregular. So proceed to soiui. This is my 1st cycle. I'm surprise that I succeed in my first try.
hi ladies, need some advice from you. I have done my 1st SO-IUI in 2005 and conceived a bb boy which is now 16 mths old. This year, I am trying for a 2nd bb but failed on 2nd SO-IUI and the 3rd SO-IUI. I dun know why this 2nd and 3rd SO-IUI did not success this time round. Before my 1st SOIUI, I've done a hsg test (no blockage)therefore manage to conceive. Is it a must to do second hsg test in order to have higher chance to conceive. pls advise. Tks
my 1st child was oso conceived thru so-iui.He is now 2yrs old.I failed 2 rounds of so-iui this year and starting my 3rd round this month.For my case,its due to endo n hb "nt so good" sperm quality.I decided to proceed to IVF if i fail this round again.

congrates ar.Do update us if u r carrying twins

Take care n rest well.

grace n faith sounds good.Keep us update too.Take care n rest well too
kaymum, like dishearted, i also conceived via soiui in 2005 - my son is now 18 months. I failed 2 rounds of soiui, and on my 4th attempt at soiui, i conceived. i am now 5 wks preggy. hang in there, everything is possible. sometimes, it's just not the right month for our body to produce a good follie.

tweety, how are you? any MS? when are you due for your next scan.

dishearted, when will your next soiui be? please think positive - BFP this round!

dishearted, I hope you will succeed this time round. I will be also doing my 4th round next mth...strike strike strike for both of us..

Thistle, thanks for your encouragement. Pls take care and rest well.
