IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

oic.. my gynae asked me to jab for 7 days and review on next Tues.. dunno if i still nid to continue jab after review..

after each jab, i always say a little prayer to God that my ovaries will react well to the jab and help my follies grow to ideal size for so-iui..

strike strike strike - our motto!

sandy, yes, baby dust for all of us! keep us posted on the size of your follies next tues! will keep you in prayers.

tweety, it's normal to feel a bit of cramp, remember to rest well. dun walk too much...

progesterone tablet? is that duphaston? if so, that is to stabalise the womb and maintain the linning so baby can implant successfully.
hi thistle,
thanks. my cramps lasted abt 1.5 days... bleah...

my 2 biggest follicles were 17 & 19mm. next tue, going for 7dpo blood test alrdy
tweety, so far, nothing le. i am day 9 now... just some minor cramps off and on...

juju - wow... 2 follies - so hoping for twins?
my biggest follicle was 16mm 2 days prior to my iui.

juju, hope u got twins siah! this morn i saw a pair of identical newborns twins. They are so cute.
hello ladies
me just came back from gynae's review.. saw 2 follicles today.. the biggest one is 14.5mm pray that it will grow till ideal size 18mm by this Thurs.. Gynae increased my dosage to 200iu and have to continue jabbing till Thurs for another review..

how is everything?? due for any blood test?
sandy, wow... 2 follies up for the running? Pray both will hit 18 mm. then you strike twins too

i am only 10dpiui, can test in another week's time. will update you all...
i did not know that 2 follies are gd enough for so-iui, initially i thought must have at least 10 over follies that gd, so was kinda of disappointed when my gynae told me he only saw 2 follies..

when i came to office and shared with my closed frens, they assured me that 2 follies are gd enough... so silly me!

anyway, me not greedy.. all I ask from God is just another 1 more to be my boy's sibling..

do u feel any special symptom?? me feeling excited for U.. God's mighty & miracle hands are at work!
sandy, i only have one follie this time. when i conceived my boy, i had one as well.

aiyo... if you have too many follies, you will need to convert to ivf, cannot proceed with soiui due to risk of multiples. thank God for His hands on your cycle. Amen!

Yes, I am feeling excited too... been praying and speaking to God... I want a bb gal this time...
Can ask you something? if SO-IUI is to produce only 1 folicle, what's the difference between clomid+IUI and SO-IUI? I thot SO-IUI is to produce more folicles so as to increase the chances?

erm... must make mental note to ask Doc.

Anyway, GOOD LUCK to all of you!!!

:p I just want a healthy baby!!! Boy or gal also can!!! haven't start my IUI yet but looking forward to it.
yalor.. my frens told me the same thing, only IVF then need many follies..

yes, must pray for God's divine power to work miraclously on our follies! Amen!

me too also want a gal leh.. if boy also can la, afterall children are a gift from God and it is a joy to have them around...
liz, some ppl do not respond to clomid. with clomid, how many follies do you have? i have none with clomid, so i need soiui. i dun think soiui is meant to produce more follies, cos there is a risk of multiples.

sandy, yes, hang in there... BFP for all our sisters in this thread! Amen!
1 folicle only. So I wonder what's the difference because clomid was working for me. Never mind. I will ask Dr Cheng again.

Good luck to you. any symptoms yet? when you testing? Strike!!!
HI gals

Can I join?

I'm currently given pills to induce my menses.
And supposed to do soiui but requested to do one more round of clomid with iui..

I have been on 7 cycles of clomid before but all with no scanning of my eggs at all!that's y i requested to do one more sound of clomid with my new gynae even though he recommended soiui. Is it wise of me?

Anyone here went str from clomid to iui?

headache for the last 2 days
hi ladies,

Please advice. i am not taking comid and jabs this cycle.. gynae saw 2 folicles on my D11.. with 11mm each.. so, i would like to ask is.. do u think i should continue to have IUI (aka AI).. cos.. think this cycle will only have 1 dominant follicle for ovulation..

Thanks in advance.
hi ladies,

Please advice. i am not taking comid and jabs this cycle.. gynae saw 2 folicles on my D11.. with 11mm each.. so, i would like to ask is.. do u think i should continue to have IUI (aka AI).. cos.. think this cycle will only have 1 dominant follicle for ovulation..

Thanks in advance.
hello ladies
me went for my gynae's review this AM. Got 2 follicles today at 19mm & 17.5mm.. will be doing my procedures on this Sat.. very excited about it..
Hi brunnz

how is yr dosage on Clomid per cycle? for myself, i taken 5 cycles of Clomid from 50mg to final 150mg then I conceived my boy.
Sandy - congrats! that's really good news! maybe you will strike with twins? hee hee...

emma - one follie is enough to make you pregnant. in my previous soiui cycle, i had 2 follies, still not pregnant. think it's the quality of the follies that matter -
hi Thistle,

Thanks for your reply..

Went to see gynae yesterday (which is my day 16).. and saw 1 follicle 15mm and another 12mm.. endo is 10mm..

gal and any ladies out there.. need your advice asap.. my gynae told me that i might ovulate this coming sunday but he will be away and will be back only on monday morning.. so, i dun think i will be in time to do my AI.. any suggestion from you gals? should i seek another gynae just to do the AI this weekend? feeling so desperate now..
emma - 15 mm and 12 mm - you need another day or two of jabs, cos 1 day grow about 2 mm.... to bring to 19 mm and 16 mm (hopefully will catch up), else you can do your iui with one follie.
why dun you seek another RE? actually, for iui, as long as you do it within 48 hours of ovulation, should be ok rite? in my view, dun miss the window, go get a second opinion re when to do iui.

liz - ke ke... i am now 13dpiui, bit of sore breasts... i have a feeling i am preggy, but will test on Sun or Mon. Will keep you all posted!
that's GREAT news!!! test leh test leh! Gan cheong for you. Pray that I will join you soon.
Good luck! ha ha... btw how you know you feel preggy? even better than HPK. :p
hi Thistle,

I am not on clomid and jabs this cycle.. gynae will not be around over the weekend which he predicts that i might Ovulate this sunday.. but he could only scan me on monday.. and even if i did not ovulate on this sunday, i might oso ovulate on monday.. so i wonder if i ovulated, could i still do AI? and if i seek for 2nd opinion, do u think i could ask the gynae to do AI for me over this weekend? OMG!!! feeling so stress up now!!

gal.. hope u see a DOUBLE line in your test kit! All the best and good luck!
Hi Sandy

Will this be your first soiui?
Sorry a bit lost in the history..
Great for you! All the best tom!

My dosage has been 100mg for all the cycles.

Not sure abt the next dosage though.

Thistle : great symptons.

Ladies on soiui: Can I ask are the jabs painful?
i leave it to God to plan single or twins, i just pray that my follicles and my hb's soldiers will meet and be good friends inside my tummy for next 9 months.. haha

wow.. u got 6th sense can feel that u r preggie... very happy for U leh.. quick quick go test leh... me like liz very gan cheong for U.. haha

hi bunnz
ya this is my 1st so-iui attempt. thanks for your well wishes.

i remembered my gynae told me each cycle must not exceed the max dosage of 200mg.. think yours of 100mg shd be ok

i had my hb to jab for me and it is not painful as the needle is very fine and it is a pen type of syringe. As for the HcG jab to release the follicles, it is a bit painful cos it is jab into our muscle instead of fats and nid to be done by GP.
hi gals.. gotta be quick, as i need to bathe my boy and put him to bed...

emma - you can buy clear plan - the ovulation kit to tell if you ovulate, and if you do, you can consider trying naturally, so you dun miss the window. even with my RE monitoring me, he did asked me to use clear plan esp nearing to the maturing of my follies... think after 14 mm, i was on clear plan to detech LH surge (ovulation).

liz, sandy.. ke ke... i might test tomorrow or sunday... will update you gals...
hi Thistle & Tweety,
sorry for the super late reply! can't get online at work...
yea, kinda hope for twins. after dat, can close shop liao. but dare not place too much hope after wat happened last year
last tue, went for 7dpo progesterone blood test. was told i did very well... not sure wat's the level. going for beta hcg blood test this coming thur.
ladies, did a blood test today at 16 dpiui, as i saw a faint line on the preg kit. I am preggy, but hcg level fairly low. next week, will have to test my hcg level again.
CONGRATS! Were you at Dr Cheng's clinic ysterday? So was I? What color were you wearing? :p Saw a lady in orange taking blood test. :p
ladies, thanks for all your well wishes.

liz - i was not at Dr Cheng's. I went back to my gynae at Raffles Hosp for follow up, as her timing is more flexible - she consults the whole day, Dr Cheng is only AMs.

emma - i was on soiui - my 4th cycle, 1st cycle concieved no. 1 (Sep 2005), 2nd cycle failed (July 2007), 3rd cycle abandoned (Sep 2007), 4th cycle - short and sweet - BFP (Nov 2007)

i am now on duphaston, progonova, vaginal inserts, as well as weekly progesterone jabs, which I have to take till end of 1st trimester.
hi Thistle,

Wow! its so encouranging leh..

Gal, mind if i ask how long did u try before u embark the soiui? and any reason why u abandoned ur 3rd cycle?
i tried 2 rounds of clomid before i proceed to soiui. prior to that, i din try, as i have irregular menses. 3rd cycle follies collapse one day prior to iui, menses came. RE also dunno why.... sometimes things happen.

this cycle, i knew i will strike, as the cycle was very smooth right from the start.
today is my 13dpiui. I did HPT and found 2 lines. I had hcg shot 2 days prior my iui and have been on progesterone inserts daily since my iui was performed. Is the HPT accurate? I'm so confuse now.
today is my 13dpiui. I did HPT and found 2 lines. I had hcg shot 2 days prior my iui and have been on progesterone inserts daily since my iui was performed. Is the HPT accurate? I'm so confuse now.

hi thistle, icic.. i will be having my soiui for my next cycle.. cos changing mygynae... gal, need your advice.. my new gynae actally ask me to take 25mg of clomidfrom D2 to D6.. will then start the jab i think from D7.. Would like to askis: is the 25mg enough? cos i have been taking 150mg daily for the past 5months. so wondering if such a big decrease in dosage might not help for mysoiui process.. gal.. you mention that ur previous cycle not bery smooth.. what happen toyour 2nd cycle on soiui? sorry for being nosey.. cos wanna get myselfprepare if anything happens.. Thanks in advance..
