IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

thistle, i did the jab myself. My hubby is afraid of doing it for me. He gets jelly-leg when he saw the needle.

oh my god, we need to jab 2 weeks?!? Time seems to be passing so slowly.

hi gals..

i am new here.. I have been ttc for 2+years but to no avail.. had done 1 so-iui 3 months ago but did not success.. so, intend to have my 2nd round of so-iui this month.. currently waiting for my AF to come..
hi tweety,

may i ask how long had u ttc before u decide to embark the ivf journey? cos i am currently dilemma wondering if i should start doing ivf cos age is catching up liao..
hi emma, i am doing so-iui not ivf. Anyway, i ttc for 14 mths already. Been on clomid for 3 cycles but not responding to it. Dr sugg so-iui for me. Which hospital are you doing yours? Did your dr ask you to do ivf or carry on with so-iui?
hi all,

I came back from 1st scan, bad news to me, i have too many follicles, around 16, doctor give me 2 choices, cancel the cycle or convert to ivf, too sudden the news to me, i have yet to decide, anyone came across, pls share the experience....thanks...
kbc, what is your dosage of the puregon? Did the doc say what is your chance of success for ivf? From what i research, ivf seem to be higher chance. If the cost is not too high, maybe you should go ahead with ivf.

btw, i noticed your 1st scan is 1 wk from your 1st jab? I thot suppose to go for the scan after the 5th day jab?
hi tweety,

oic.. so when will u be starting your so-iui? i am currently waiting for my AF to come..i did my first so-iui in gleneagles.. doc din mention anything about ivf thou.. sometimes i jus feel so down for not able to concieve..
seems like everyone around me has been popping 1 after another so easily.. sigh..
Emma Quek,
I fully understand how u feel.b4 i gave birth to my boy thru so-iui,i had the same feeling as u.Seems like everyone ard me is preggy.And i feel so pek chek n jealous when someone say she is pregnant.Just be patient n relax.Stress wont help.I m trying for #2 now too.Failed 2 times of so-iui on aug n sept.Plan to consult gynea again this month.
Emma, i think most of us are in the same situation. I feel exactly like you too. I jus started my jab and will be going for my 1st scan on tues. Where are u doing your so-iui?
hi dishearted,

sigh.. the next few weeks will be a torture for me manz.. 3 giving birth in the next 2 weeks and 4 baby shower is coming next month.. wondering if i am able to suppress my anger and jealousy manz.. gal.. at least u have 1.. i am still struggling for my no.1 leh..

hi tweety,

i will be doing my so-iui probably this month in gleneagles.. hopefully nothing will happen.. cos for the past few cycles, whenever i intend to have my iui, there ought to have something happen to either my hub or me.. wondering if god is playing on us.. was so depress past few months thou..

Hi jade,

may i ask who is ur gynae for you iui?
Hi tweety,

my dosage was 50 per day, i believe most of us are usually 50 if under so-iui. my 1st scan was done after 5 days jab.

i m now neither here nor there, my follicles are too little for IVF but too many for iui. anyhow i decided to convert to ivf, i have no way turn now, just pray for the best.
kbc, your dose is low cos you are doing soiui. if you do convert to ivf, you will have to up your dose so you can make more eggs.

what about you adandon this cycle and start a fresh cycle, with a lower dose, so you will make the correct amt of eggs for your soiui?

each patient respond to soiui jabs differently. for me, i need a dose of 150iu to make enough eggs for soiui. among these eggs, probably only 1 or 2 will be of good size for fertilisation.

can i check with you are all your eggs of abt the same size? if so, then of cos, you will not be able to proceed, given you will end up with many eggs for soiui. else, ask your RE whether you can try naturally, without iui.
Thistle, my eggs are not same size, from this morning scan result, range from 9 to 15.

Both me and husband just feel pity to give up this cycle, we decided to convert to ivf, just give it a try, eventhough i know the chances of success maybe slim (because we have not well prepare for it !)
kbc, if the eggs are different size, why must convert to ivf? how many eggs are there in total? i have abt 10 eggs, but only one or two will make the soiui. why don't you go for a second opinion? ivf is quite expensive le...
Thistle, i have in total around 16 eggs, 4 or 5 of them almost same size (14 to 15).

You have 10 eggs, thought that dr will only allow to go on if 3 to 4 eggs....now i confuse already.
kbc - oic, for your case, 4 or 5 of the same size, so these eggs might fertilise if you proceed with soiui, hence that is why you either convert to ivf or adandon. if adandon, you can go for lower dose in your next cycle, so you have less eggs.

for me - even though i have 10 eggs... only 1 seemed like leading the pact. my iui is planned for sat - even with 2 eggs, i can still proceed.
Thistle, i c, good luck to your iui, keep me posted the news, i will be happy to know that anyone of us success.

for my case, i will continue to this path as i have no choice now, pray as many as possible eggs and grow for next coming days. my ER should be very soon.
kbc, yes, all the best in your ivf. the chances of success with ivf is higher anyway, so stay positive. now, pray that all your 4-5 eggs will keep growing to the right size for ivf.
kbc, wish you success in your ivf!

My scan result on CD9 shows that the eggs size range from 6 - 7.5mm. Not growing fast enough

sigh...is this normal?

thistle, u doing your iui tmr? Good Luck to you too!
hi gals,
i've had puregon jabs for 10 days liao, 75 units for the 1st 5 days, 75 units for the next 3 days. hope to get a +ve on opk tmr so dat i can start iui. dun think i can bear wif the jabs liao...
tweety, i have completed my iui on sat. my jabs are at 150iu. what is your dose? CD9 is how many days of jab? 6 or 7 (depending on when you start your jabs - CD2 or 3?). The egg size also depends on how much your dose is.. if the egg is not growing fast, you will need to up your dose accordingly?

kbc, how are you? how many days are you on the jab? when is your ER?

juju, i had, in total 9 days of jabs, all 150 iu to reach 17 mm (min size for iui).
Hi ladies..

need your advice please..

Gynae detected a 19mm cysts during my D4 scan, thus cannot start my clomid session. He suggest I should go back 1 week later to see whether it will subside(which it normally does) So, I would like to ask is should i abandon this cycle? Cos if my cyst were to subside, he will then start my 5 day clomid session.. (start at Day 11 ends at Day 15) and my cycle is normally 33 days.. will my chances of conceiving lessen? by the time I ovulate, my menses should be on its way liao.. so could anyone please advice on whether I should abandon this cycle?

Thanks in advance
emma, my feel is to abandon the cycle. anyway - you are taking clomid, so no risk, just start next cycle lor. alternatively, you can take some hormone pills for one month, which will cause the cysts to shrink, then go on clomid D2/3 of next cycle. please do not rush, in case you really conceive, and the cysts are there, it might be bad news for the bb.

i had some cysts in one of my cycle, and doc did exactly that, prescribed me with hormone pills to shrink the cysts, then start my next soiui after the cysts disappear in the next cycle.

think you should be patient and follow the protocol properly, don't rush. abandoning a clomid cycle is nothing unusual, having experienced an abandoned SO cycle after 14 days of jabs....
Hi thistle,

Thanks so much for replying.. really appreciate it!

gal, gynae did not prescribe any hormone pills for me leh.. do u think i should get from him? i was told that the cysts will normally shrink which i dunno how true is it.

Do u think my theory is correct? If i start my clomid on day 11 and ends on day 16, and follicles takes about 1 week to grow to an ideal size.. by then i should be on my day 22.. and assume i Ovulate on day 23, then will my mense be on its way? (since my cycle is 33 days)so, even if the eggie is successfully fertilize, it doesn't have enough time to implant right?

Feel so sad to abandon this cycle.. thought i can have my AI (aka IUI) this month..

gal.. another question is.. i have been taking clomid for 4 cycles and realise my AF is getting lesser.. do you think i should have soiui instead of iui (on clomid)?

i normally do ovulate and i have 33 days cycle.. for the past 2 months, I Ovulate on my day 16.. so, wondering if i can go straight to soiui..

Thanks in advance..
emma - i am no expert here, but my two cents' worth, it takes more than 1 week to grow your follies. About 10 days should be the norm, depending on your dose. Also, you have 4 cycles of clomid with no success, have you checked your hb's SA to ensure his soldiers are ok? have you checked your tubes?

i did both tests before i embark on soiui. think you need to speak with your gynae, or possibly, see a fertility specialist for second opinion, given everyone is diff.
hi thistle,

i had my laposcropy done in May this year.. tubes are unblock and everything is fine except i have pcos.. i do have regular mense and ovulate for almost every cycle.. As for my hb, he is currently taking provonum (dunno spelling) and other mliti-vits.. done his last SA test in July is 10%.. (improve from 4% to 10%)

so, guess my infertility is unexplainable.. sigh.. (have been ttc for 2 yrs plus liao)

anyway, thanks so much for your advice.. think i will call up the nurse tomorrow and enquire about this cos dun wanna waste more $$$ if the percentage of conceiving is lessen for this month..
thistle, i was on 50iu for CD2-CD6. It was up to 75iu when the result shows the eggs are growing v slowy. Just did my ultrascan on CD13, the largest eggs are at 14mm and 11mm. sigh.. wonder if this is good. Hopefully I have at least 2 eggs to do the iui.
Hi ladies
need your advise. I have already failed 5 rounds of clomid. will be going for SO-IUI soon. understand from my gynae that I will need to go back for regular scans like once every 3 days. Are you ladies working? Not too sure how the company will react to this.

Btw, what is the procedure like for SO-IUI? Is it like clomid where the doc will monitor you for 1 cycle to see if you are reacting properly then leave you on your on for the remaining cycles?

How many cycles of SO-IUI can we go for? Understand from my gynae that we can only go for 3 cycles.

Sorry for posting so many questions but feeling very worried and disheartened after failing so many cycles of clomid.

Thanks in advance!
hi liz - for soiui, you need to jabs yourself for 6 days in a row, and see RE on day 7, where your dose will be adjusted according to your follies response and growth. Normally, one would require about 10 days of jabs for follie to reach its ideal size. Max recommended is 3 sessions of soiui.

Please do not feel disheartened with the failure of clomid. i was on 2 cycles of clomid with no response, hence proceeded to soiui and strike during my 1st cycle.
all the best!
hi Thistle
thanks for your advice! Congrats on your success with SO-IUI. I hope I will be so lucky. So are you trying for number 2 now?

For me, my gynae wants to see me every 3 days leh.... erm... so a bit concern abt the job thing if I need to go see doc so often

one more thing, I'm terrified of jabbing myself. :p
liz, no need to be scared. jabs not painful at all. yes, i am trying for no. 2. this is my 3rd cycle for no. 2, and i am now in my 2ww.

if your gynae wants to see you every 3 days, it means for the first 6 days, you will see her once. after the 6 days, every 3 days is the norm. maybe your gynae is not sure how you will react to the jabs. how many iu will you be taking for the jabs?
Good luck!!! Hope you strike no 2 this cycle!!!
ALL the BEST!!!

Really? the jabs not painful? That's good to hear.

btw, are you working? if yes, how you take time-off or leave from work? I mean does your company mind?

Dunno abt the iu yet as the gynae wants me to go for HSG first and he wants my DH to go for a few SA tests. So got to wait for my menses to report on Fri and the HSG test before I can discuss abt SO-IUI. And after that got to wait for the next Af to report then can start SO-IUI right? so guess can only start in early Feb cause my cycle is around 60 days. sigh...
liz, i am working, but half time, so it's not a problem. and yes, you do need to take leave to see RE.

for soiui, you need to start jab in D2/3 of menses. hsg test and sa test need to be done prior, to ensure you maximise the chances of the soiui.
wow.. feb next year, still can make 08 baby... ke ke...

thanks for your wishes... will keep you posted in early Dec.
oic. don't mind me asking what you working as part time? I would like to do that also leh.

okie. will be waiting for your good news!!!

why do u have to wait till Feb to do your SO-IUI?
i asked dr cheng, and he said as long as u go thru HSG, DH's semen ok, then can go for IUI or SO-IUI. he said he will definitely recommend to go natural wif clomid first, but if we really want to skip tat step and go for IUI/SO-IUI, he will not have objections. i hope to fulfil my wish to have a bb by end of this year...
why so much puregon? is this ur 1st iui cycle?

hv done my so-iui this morn, dunno why still having on-off cramps. 2 yrs back did hsg, also bad cramps when no one else i noe hv cramps frm hsg
Ya he told me the same thing. at first Dr Cheng says 4 rounds of clomid then SO-IUI. After 4 rounds, he ask me to go for another 2 more rounds of clomid. Thought must wait for next cycle of menses then can start SO-IUI. my cycle is rather long so will come only in early Feb.
juju, i had cramps after my previous iui too. i am now on my 4th soiui after 2 failed clomid.

liz - wow... 6 rounds of clomid? clomid has side effect rite? thinning of womb linning?
ya loh. dunno leh. according to Dr cheng when he monitored me for the first cycle, he says ok leh. The only major complain I have of clomid is that it makes me freaking tired.
Me now trying for my #2 and just embarked on my 1st (and hope last one) SO-IUI jabs on Tues of 150IU Puregon per day.. Going back on next Tues for u/scan with Gynae..
tweety, all the best to your iui. my follie size was 17 mm - that's the crossing line for ripening and iui.

sandy - good luck to you too... i was also on 150iu for my soiui. keep us posted!
hi thistle
thanks a lot.. btw, u take 150iu for how many days? i read that this is yr 3rd cycle for #2, the previous 2 cycles were U also on so-iui? sorry for asking so many qns..

all the best to yr 2WW... strike strike strike!!!

sandy, i took 150 iu for 9 days in this cycle. in total, i did 4 soiui, 1st one strike, 2nd and 3rd, no good news. thanks for your well wishes... strike strike strike....
