IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

As far as I know govt hospitals do give grants for IVF $3k each for a maximum for 3 cycles. I don't think pvt hospitals have this. But u can always check with them.


Yeah, maybe is a good move to try naturally next. You will have less stress and I think you will be still quite fertile after the SO-IUI, a friend of mine also took a rest after her SO-IUI. And who know, she got pregnant straight away after that cycle. Now she is a mother of two!I think Kate also got preggie after her SO-IUI. So I strongly believe you will still be fertile after this. Don't stress yourself and relax ya. Of cos meanwhile you can proceed with your plan to get referral letter and so on so that you won't waste your time. I hope you will be the one who got BFP like Kate ya. Jia you!

Thanks, ya, I think Prof. Wong's action is very quick and rough. This is my first IUI with him, I did my first IUI with Dr. Stephen Chew without any spotting and discomfort at all.
HB's troop this time also not as good as my first IUI. Arg! I think I better not too much hope on this but will keep myself positive.

Yes, we can go straight to try for another IUI on our next cycle. But I am consider private patient in NUH, cost will be a bit higher too. Sometime I also wonder if I am pushing myself too hard or giving myself too much stress to insist myself to try every month. Maybe is good to take a break in between and allow ourselves to rest and relax a bit. But on the other hand, we have only 12 chances each year, don't wish to waste any precious chance. Sign...

Who else is in 2ww now? I think most of you are ending your 2ww now. I am only at DPO2. Still long way to go!
Hi Dragonhopes, HeatherWhite

Yes u'r rite!! I got pregnant right after my SO IUI on 09 April 2011, I got my period at end of April 2011. I got to know abt my pregnancy in May 2011 month end coz my period didnt come.

Heatherwhite, you are right. 12 chances each year, really do not wish to waste the chance. Really depressed to see red every month

Anyway, we just have to be stronger
BTW, how much of HB's troop then is consider good?
dragonhopes, tong le...

how are you gals doing? today my 2nd day spotting liaw....haiizz.....

yeah kate...what's your symptom before you know u r pregnant? share...share
You also got preggie naturally? Share with us ya.

I can't remember the exact number. But my HB asked Prof. Wong before the IUI on his troop performance, he commented that the count not very good. Anyway, his previous SA was no good too, morphology is only 2%. Low count with low morphology = low hope. Don't care lar, let fate decide, will still do whatever I can.
Hi Kate,

so you don't have the feeling of PMS at all before you knew you are pregnant?


At least you still didn't see any red mah..still got hope leh...jia you!
I got so much PMS feeling think this cycle not going to make it.

My cycle range from 26 to 32 days. so now maybe still early.

I am so tired..hope to have a bed beside me now..*yawn!
Morning dragonhopes and rollybear,
Hugz... It's Friday, don't let this annoying thing affect your weekends mood ok? Think positively, past was history, look forward to your new cycle and new hope ok? Smile...

Tong Le,
How are you there? Er, Let me wish you advance Happy birthday first. Enjoy your desaru trip this weekends ya.
@dragonhopes: i'll be gg overseas coming Wed for 8D. By the time I'm back i'll pass my CD12. So i'm still not sure if i should still go for iui this round. Maybe i'll call NUH later to check what's their advice.

@heatherwhite: thank you for your encouragement. Yes new cycle...new hope!! How are you doing? Jia You ya
just called NUH, Prof Wong is not ard again and will only be back on next Monday. I was thinking to see him tomorrow to discuss with him the failure and whether I should proceed with IUI or SO-IUI. If I remember correctly, for SO-IUI you all need to be on jab from CD2 right?

what do you gals think? should i be on natural or try iui again when i'm back? abit lost now
Rollybear, vacation with Hubby? Some did injection from cd2-10+ and I guess it will be difficult carry those jab. Hmm..think u can try naturally for this round. Who's know u will make it overseas.

When I did my SO-IUI I just started jab in cd8 and only 3 jabs. Maybe too few for me to conceive. My DH mortality is at 98% after sperm wash. I guess is my prob
hi gals, how many IUIs do you all think we should go for before IVF? Anyone of you know the procedure of IVF?

Dragonhopes, do not think this way. I believe is nobody's problem, is just not the time yet. Don't worry, we must be strong and work harder again.

BTW, my HB's troops is 35million counts for this IUI, do you all know if this amount is good?
Cherie, it's only take 1 troop to make baby
so don't care good or not. Many doesn't mean good. My DH have 80millions. I told him 八十万大军,全军覆没。
Hi Cherrie,

I was told from my gynae...20millions & above considered good sperms!!

We only need 20millions sperm actually we only need 1 strong & gOOd ones! heheheh

Dun worry ur Hubby trOOps is gOOd!
dragonhopes, yes vacation to Korea
time to relax & escape from this little country of us too

mmhh...how come you only started on cd8? what did your gynae told u?

I'm going to see Prof Wong when he is back on Monday..so let's see what he say

Yes..agreed with Cherie I don't think is anyones problem...I strongly feel if we give our best and yet it did not turn out the way we want it to be, it is just fated. So don't give up, be strong & patience is all we need
hi kate, how long have you been taking Blackmore Conceive Well supp? I'm only taking TCM medicine so not sure will it class also.
Rollybear, good one! I plan to go too if this cycle failed.

This trip is pre-plan right? What if you conceive b4 u go, then are u still go ahead or what? Can travel in first trimester?
Hi gals,weekend is coming...

Thanks for your birthday wishes. My birthday is next Saturday. You are the first.Enjoy your Batam trip too.

I am on my DPO14 today,no see red yet. But I think my AF will report to me soon.

My DH troops is 38 millions for this IUI. Dr Chew told us that 1 millions then for 1 chance.

Leave all this in Singapore and enjoy your trip at Korea. Maybe your baby is made in Korea.

Where can buy the Blackmore Conceive Well???
dragonhopes: well..i was gambling with my luck this month actually...we booked NZ trip but tour group not enough ppl so have to cancel..that's y look at Korea but when we book still need 4 more ppl to go..so we thought just see how it goes...for the IUI I also didn't think too much bcoz wanted to do for many months so we just go ahead...i guess all is fated...my trip confirmed but my IUI failed :p

tong le: that's good news...waiting for your good news to share ya..
I think you can buy that supplement from Guardian, i saw it before
Tong Le, that's good news! pray hard for you. Remember IUI just 25% successful rate. so this round we have you, rollybear, me and another forumer in another thread. So 3 of us failed.so, You are the one.

Rollybear, just made in Korea. Dont think too much and enjoy your trip.

I got blackmore Conceive Well at Unity Pharmacy. Not sure the promotion still on or not, it is having 20% off. i ate for 10 days liao.
Cherrie, I check with pharmacist before, the contain of folic acid in Blackmore Conceive Well is quite low. So we can take both together. is really a big pill for conceive well, 2 pills a day(tablet and capsule)
Upset today, AF just reported. Dont know how to inform my hubby. He must be very disappointed.
I will draw a sad face on my calender.
Tong Le, what's your next step? i am kinda lost dont know what to do.

My hubby also disappointed but he still find a reason to console me.
Tong le and dragonhopes, stay positive. Maybe will be same as Kate on next cycle

Yes, I count day 1 seeing red as cd1.
Don't think too much n enjoy your weekends. Maybe we should really do what others says, to have faith

Jiayou..we all must be strong n jia you
hi all,

i' have been trying for 1 yr+ for #2, thinking to try IUI, but see success rate is not so high, really dishearted, somemore my DH havent agree on it ..anyone success here?

There are successful IUI cases before. A colleague of mine got preggy on her 1st attempt and that was many years back. Hopefully we are the lucky one before attempting the last resort, IVF.

Good luck!
Rollerbears, dragonhopes, tong le and heatherwhite,

Looks like most of your cycle day are quite close to each other. Jia you! New hope is on the way! Relax yeah and smile always!
I went for the talk on ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) at NUH yesterday.

The talk basically cover IUI, ICSI and IVF. For those of us who are in the midst of IUI or SO-IUI, it's no alien to us. It's more for those couple who are about to seek help or seeking alternate options. What I find it insightful is the video clips on NUH embryologist lab workflow and the training lab was opened for public viewing on that day.

The Q&A session was a good opportunity for the public to post their doubts. Now at least I'm aware that for IVF procedures (1st attempt), the cash outlay would be abt $1k after the government subsidy and medisave deduction.

Will I go again? Only if I have more questions and doubts as it's the best time to address them. Both Prof Wong and Dr Chew are in a more relax mood compared to consultation time.


Yes, I took Clomid 50mg for this cycle. The Chinese sensei Xia Rong was asking me why I took clomid since I can ovulate myself.

I think I was disappointed with the failed IUI and this time I want to be more kiasu! Well, I was thinking I'll not rely on drugs on next cycle (keeping my fingers & toes crossed!)
Babyseetoh, I went to that talk also. Find Dr.Chew very humor. I'm not going to NUH, it is too far for me.

We'll pray hard for you! How many IUI have you tried? We ask Dr.Chew, how many round of IUI we shd try before we proceed to IVF? he said 3 some ppl get it in their 4 or 5th try. Sigh! I'm kind of sien..

Anyone of you did HSG before? Just wonder can still ttc for that cycle?
Good Morning gals....

new cycle..new hope..don't be sad/dishearten..we need to stay positive then good luck will be on our way...this month we plan to relax...try au natural since timing is not right for me to go for IUI. What we can do is take care of ourselves and let the rest be the creation of the nature

dragonhopes..yes i've done HSG before...for me it was quite nitemare coz my uterus is tilted backwards..i think but it was still bearable just will discomfort when they insert the dye

btw..i read somewhere about larposcopy...any idea what it is...if we did HSG do we need to do larposcopy too? Dr never recommend to me thou
Hi gals,
It's Monday again. Let's start our week fresh!

Have you back from Prof. Wong? what Prof. Wong suggest to you?

Dr. Xia Rong is a famous fertility TCM sinseh, I am sure you will be well taking care of under her. Yes, just followed what your heart tells you to do. Go with your comfortable decision. We gals will be here to support each other!
Like what Cherie said we must have faith, be strong and jia you till the day we success!
BTW, what is ICSI? I heard of this but haven't go and find out more on this ICSI.

Tong Le,
How's your Desaru trip? I have a relax weekends in Bintan with family. But tired and having Monday blues today. haha... Regret not taking one day leave to rest at home. I took the earliest ferry from Sg to Bintan and latest ferry back to Sg... hehe...

I think we are not encourage to travel during the first Trimester. But few of my friends did it and were fine. I guess also depends on individual. HB and I also planning to go for a longer trip. Thinking to go Europe sometime in Sept or Oct. But till now only say, nv really go and book yet. Haha... Maybe will really go and book the trip if this cycle fails again...
hi heatherwhite,

no...i didn't go to see Prof. Thinking I'll be on natural this month don't think I should waste the money...not cheap ler everytime go see gynae...cost are really building up ;)
hello beautiful mummies-to-be and also my dearest Heatherwhite and Dragonhopes! So happy to see familiar faces in here.

Just a short one on me - I have been TTC #1 for 2 years plus and have slight PCOS. Im sharing the same TCM as Heatherwhite and same fertility gynae as Dragonhopes

Im here because I will embark on SO-IUI soon and hope to get some moral support! Previously was on two cycles of clomid and Gonal F jabs but no luck.

I didn't know NUH offers IVF too. Anyone knows the success rates for both KKH or NUH? I wonder why govt is not extending their subsidy to the private hospitals... sad.

Haha... so nice to see you here.
Yeah... PhyLee is my good and supporting TTCing buddy since I joined our TCM sinseh forum. hehe...
Ya, NUH offers IVF too. And actually this is part of the reason why I choose to see Prof. Wong from NUH. I am preparing myself just in case if one day I really need to proceed with IVF.
At least no need to change doctor again. I hate the feeling of changing doctors.

Ya, you are right. Cost is really building up with all the bills each time when going back to NUH. I throw all my bills and stop keep track on how much we have spent. I guess this will make me feel happier... haha...
