IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

hehe.. thanks for the welcome Heatherwhite.

For you girls, before doing IUI, how many days before will you and your hubby abstain from BD? It's like it's so hard to determine when we will ovulate.

If I can choose, I really like to continue IVF with my current gynae as Im comfortable with him. But too bad that he's under private.. no subsidy! KKH is nearer to my home whereas NUH is near to my workplace..

Hi gals, AF reported yesterday. I failed my this cycle. Planned to take a break as the date to see doc in KK will be end Aug.

The TCM that you gals seeing is good? what she normally do for you all? Anyone of you went acupuncture?

PhyLee and I are seeing Dr. Tan in Clementi. He is a male TCM doctor. Yes, he do acupuncture for ladies before ovulation. His treatment is a combination of both Chinese medication and acupuncture. I have been seeing him since last year Sept. Not sure if he is really good or not but I am comfortable with him. To some extend, I believe acupuncture do help in ovulation.

I think the recommend time frame is 3 days to build up the volume. But my HB feels that he need longer time to accumulate his troops. So we will try to avoid any intercourse 4-5days before. I agreed it is very hard to predict when ovulation will happen especially for me. Sigh... Sometime, I feel I am losing out precious chance by not BDings in advance before the IUI.

PhyLee and I are seeing Dr. Tan in Clementi. He is a male TCM doctor. Yes, he do acupuncture for ladies before ovulation. His treatment is a combination of both Chinese medication and acupuncture. I have been seeing him since last year Sept. Not sure if he is really good or not but I am comfortable with him. To some extend, I believe acupuncture do help in ovulation.

I think the recommend time frame is 3 days to build up the volume. But my HB feels that he need longer time to accumulate his troops. So we will try to avoid any intercourse 4-5days before. I agreed it is very hard to predict when ovulation will happen especially for me. Sigh... Sometime, I feel I am losing out precious chance by not BDings in advance before the IUI.
Hi Phy, i just wish i DON'T have to welcome you in this thread

i remember we were abstained fm BD since CD12. i think at least 2 days before IUI ba.

Phy, ever think we combine power then write to MOH? ask them dont add burden. :p

I really hope we dont have to go thru IVF but if really want to go thru, i hope to stick with Dr.Charles but too bad cost constraint.
youhooo ladies! sorry was a bit bz with work lately

for me i dun hv any early preg symptoms. u ladies rememebered that my hubby took the consensual tonic pills from gynae?! ahz that pills is the MAGIC pills.
one mth hubby ate that pills and the next mth i got BFP!

baby dust to all of you here !!
Hi Chomp_chomp,


May I know what sort of consensual tonic pills that you mentioned? Where to buy it?

You have no preg symptoms at all? No breast sore, implantation bleeding or bloatness? (Very curios lah, as I always look out for all this signs every month)

This month will be my 2nd attempt for IUI. Hopefully timing is ripe (egg)! The following months, I think I want to take a breather. Getting more and more tense up these days.

May I know who is your gynae? So you were the one who asked those max try for IUI. Anyway, after 3 attempts, the costs already chalk up quite a sum, so it's time to move on, that's what I think.

I have done hSG, just a slight discomfort when the dye is inserted. By the time when I can't bare the discomfort, the procedure was over. Relief!

You can watch from youtube and understand the procedure. HSG sometimes is like "springclean" a choked longkang. Who knows, the eggs get a smoother journey and hence meeting the 'captain'. I read before that some got preggy during that cycle. But I personally think it's better to try on the following cycle.

I read this book written by Dr Emma Cannon. She practices TCM for those TTC mummies in UK. After reading, I asked myself why the caucasians believe in acupuncture while we Chinese ourselves don't. So I just give it a try.

No harm, no side effect tho.

My each visit is about 30 minutes working on the abdominal and back, for $60 by Eu Yan Sang.

ICSI in my layman term is the embryologist pick a single strongest sperm and insert it to an egg. It's a short cut for the sperms to penetrate into the 'egg shell'.

This procedure is rare as it only applies to those men with extremely low count.

BTW, I have been keeping a file to store all my consultation bills. I don't dare to compile the costs, just keep for future reference!

Me too, we refrain from BD for at least 4 days before IUI. Dr Chew would advise to BD freely after IUI to cover the post-O phase.

Try to stay relax ya, so that your egg will grow big and round this time. Go for more acupuncture, if you have time. I believe it helps to give good blood circulation.

Ya, Prof. Wong also suggest to proceed to next step after 3 attempts of IUI. But he also mentioned there is no upper limit, we can do IUI as many time you like. hehe... Haiz... how can? maybe I will do that if I am rich and young lar.

The success rate of IVF (with life birth) in each sg hospitals are published in the Ministry of Health website, as told by Prof Wong at the public talk.

But I'm yet to find the link. Anyone knows?
Babyseetoh, you are with Dr.Chew? i find he is quite nice
he told me, some ppl got it in their 4th or 5th and just avoid doing IVF. i really find IVF is a painful process, in term of trips visiting hospital. How to take so much leave and my office is at near to Tanah merah jetty (so far away).

Relax, you will be fine. just leave it to God! i used to say that to my friends, now they tell me back.

i am with Dr.Charles Lim in Mount.E same with Phy. failed my first attemp then plan to go for HSG then think not going for IUI this cycle. Have to see what's Dr.lim advice.

Thanks for your clear explanation on ICSI.

Ya, Prof. Wong also suggest to BD after my IUI. But I didn't BD this time cos of the staining and slight bloated stomach. And HB also don't have the feel to BD since the IUI had used up this troops. haha...
What CD are you in now? When you go for your acupuncture normally?

Yawn... So sleepy after lunch...
babyseetoh, yeah i saw from kkh and nuh websites that the IVF success rate is about 40-44% and live birth (take home baby) rate is about 30%. Relatively high.

I kinda like Dr Lim as he's very systematic and soft spoken. I don't feel intimidated by him.

I also agree that acupuncture helps in blood circulation. The chinese medicine that I had taken the past few months also made my body feel warmer.

Heatherwhite, are you still doing your aerobics? Last night my hubby dragged me out to play basketball with him and when I complained of cramps, he said don't give excuses la! I glared at him. hehe. but at least it took my mind off 2ww abit while being outside.

Yes, I'm with Dr Chew. He looks jovial these few days as I used to find him quiet and stern previously.

How I wish there's an on/off button to shut my brain from thinking. hehehe... Yup, just relax and enjoy our freedom in the meantime

Don't forget to update us on your hsg progress yeah!

Thanks, I must mentally imagining the round and big follicles in my mind. haha... It's my CD10 today. Always excited during this time of the month and following the 2ww wait.

I only started acupuncture last mth. The sensei suggested to do it on CD11-13. I think it's basically doing it before ovu. This cycle I have book appmt on D12&13. If ovulation is not on D14, I'll continue going.

How young ru? I'm turning 36 this mth

I just remember that Prof Wong mentioned that the highest IVF success rate is Gleneagles (if I remember correctly). But those are just numbers, may not be representative if the particular hospital only attend to straight forward cases and not other complicated couples.

I do exercise regularly to pass time. It's dual-purpose activity! Keep yourself busy and unwind!
Hi babyseetoh

i've took HSG, clomid etc... then when its hub's turn for spermie tests, he failed cos its below average. hence our gynae recommended him to eat this pills. its called "consensual pills". not sure if can buy from pharmacy, cos i didnt go and check . but maybe you can ask your gynae for these pills

i dun have preg symptoms... but after few days, after gynae confirmed my pregnancy then i have my nausea, giddiness. but so far no vomit
Babyseetoh, actually i really hate 2ww. now i'm in CD3 and i feel free, relax and happy but in 2ww, i feel nervous, keep staring at the calander,keep taking temp but i can't help to do that. If there is an off button for sure i will shut it down.

Phy, which TCM you went? at least your DH is kind enough to company you and help you stop thinking abt 2ww. My DH will just tell me "baby will come one day, dont worry". everyday repeat the same thing. sien...

just now even worse, he called me said want to buy baby bath tub and baby cot. *faint* i am not sure he is too ready or he is too disappointed.
Oh dear... Can't wait to knock off still have 1 hour to go! Tons of work to do but just no mood to touch them. Sigh...

Haha, your HB so cute. He is joking with you is it? If not, the the baby bath tub and cot must be so cute that catches his attention.
Yes, I also don't like 2ww. I hate the waiting game, want to stay positive but scare of the disappointment later on. I also trying my best not to take note on the dates but will still take note on the deadline and on the other keep looking for any positive symptoms. But my PMS will show up instead. Don't know when the miracle will happen to me.

I try to ask Prof.WOng on the supplement before, he only prescribe vit E and C.

I didn't do Aerobic anymore, cos the course I signed up had finished and I nv continue. My HB also always ask me to jog with him. But very lazy leh... hehe... Tons of excuses.

Yeah, you will have big round follicles for IUI! Your acupuncture is done by Xia Rong or other sinseh? I am 30 this year.

Can u try to upload attachment here? So that u can share with everyone. Dr only prescribe vitamin C and E to hb. Think vitamin E is important as advised by sensei.

Btw, how soon did you detect ur Hcg surge? Were u trying naturally?
Thanks alot!
dragonhopes, your DH so cute. Thinking about the baby stuff already huh. Seems like he's equally kanchiong as us! Good good good, let them share the kanchiong-ness abit. hehe.

I went to the same TCM as Heatherwhite. Dr Tan Kian Sing at Clementi. I have been with him for about 8 months. Personally I think his expertise is in men but I am comfortable with him too.

Btw you heard of the 'bowl theory'? Saw it in the TTC thread last year. Buy a new bowl (doesnt matter what bowl, maybe something that you would use) and when buying, tell yourself that the bowl is to welcome a new member into the family and feel positive about it. Don't tell anyone about the purpose when you buy it, even your DH. And after that, use the bowl like you normally do. Basically it's to show that you are ready to welcome a new member to your family. I think the luck rubbed on some TTC graduates?

No harm trying if you really need a bowl at home
Phy, haha..i never heard of bowl theory but my mum gave me my newphew clothing to keep in wardrobe but so far no news le~! no harm trying, going to buy later..lolz

Actually my DH very disappointed for my failed IUI but he still console me. Glad that he is here and being supportive

Your hb is so funny! If my hb were to do that, he'll get a scolding from me, but deep down, it's a happy thought tho

The 2ww wait is the most relax and stress free period for me as i feel i hve no other obligation. BD also with no expectation. Only when comes to the CD 28-30, i ll hug my calender to sleep...


You re 6 yrs younger than me, still got lots of chance. Jia you!

Dr Xia Rong doesnt do acupuncture as she is only in Sg for a week. Tang Yue is the acupunctuarist at EYS, Paragon.

Go and exercise abit, then your eggs all will grow big, fat and round!
BabySeeToh, exercise will get egg bigger?

Of course at the end, i ask him not to buy, firstly it really no space for those things (oops, would that be a reason the baby not here). 2ndly i want to choose by myself ma, dont know nice or not, worth or not them simply buy.
it is nice to have supportive DH during our TCC period...i wish my DH will be more supportive sometimes...he's too cool to talk about bb stuff or consoling me..if this plan fail..then think of the next plan..n move on...he just a positive and pragmatic guy...maybe you can call him old-fashioned

i also very lazy to go exercise...sometimes after BD or during O period worried to go exercise coz scared it will have -ve effect :p
hi gals, been so busy at work these 2 days. I think i will try acupuncture too. Not sure if should go into IVF next round. So stressful to just only think of that. Only seeing doc at KK in end Aug.

I also 1 who lazy to go exercise...haha...but heard exercise help too. Any of you on any special diet? i think what we eat help too.

First thing first, ask your hb to go and buy extra bowls

I'm not sure whether exercise help, I was just teasing heatherwhite tho. But exercise does benefit when comes to delivery time, ie strength for pushing with a strong pelvis.

Don't be upset with your hb, it's a plus point that he has a positive perspective.

My hb is not an expressive person, neither is he pro-active in understanding our options in ttc. Well, men are basically like that. You just need to tekan him just like sometimes I'll tell DH that we should just keep a pet instead of baby. Let him get panic!

I don't have any special diet plan. I know certain foods are not suitable for certain group of people, ie heaty, cooling, damp and Qi/blood deficient.

You care to share any knowledge?
good morning gals...counting down to my trip this evening

babyseetoh...what u doing so early in the morning?? btw...i agreed with u that sometimes men are abit kayu. Hahaha...

hope everyone here have a good day ;)
Good morning RollyBear,
Wah, you going for your long holiday this evening? Must be feeling excited! Enjoy your long holiday to the fullest ya. Play hard!

You didn't sleep?! Why you reply so early in the morning.
Morning girls,

Have a safe and pleasant trip rollybear. i heard my ex-colleague said there is a korea statue will bring baby luck (see photo). if got chance must must rub the statue nose ya~! (being superticious)


Yesterday my DH bought me blackmore conceived well at guardian at $36.80 i guess they are having 20% off
thanks all!! i will surely enjoy my trip to the fullest!! Hehehe

ooh...i heard of it too dragonhopes...if i see the statue...i will rub & pray for all of us here...

i bought the Blackmore too...got 20% off too. but the tablet smells terrible..but no choice..just swallow hard and drink lots of water :p
Hi RollyBear,

EnjOy ur trip!! eat mOre blalckmore!! it helps..

I know the pink one smells horrible...but no chOice goT tO swallOw...hehehhe
thanks kate

now every morning i've to swallow a bunch of pills...i'm taking it together with my TCM medicines as well. But if it really works...is all worth it
the box says ... compleal physiological nutrition. sexual tonic. food supplement. it contains ginseng. vit c and e. harmonious sex life for men.
