IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

hi dragonhopes...
the iui cost is 588.50
2 x ultrasound 90.95
injection medicine 74.90 + 25
total cost for my first iui yesterday is 870.30
Just had my IUI done today. I am at Mt Elizabeth. My cost of 3 consultations, medicine, sperm wash, insemination, 3 jabs is around 1.3k so it is more expensive than in government. How is the waiting time like in NUH?
Tong Le, i'm been trying on and off for 1 year as sometimes i am not in town. How about yourself?

Thanks melody.How's the waiting like in KKH? which doctor are you seeing? how long for you get to see first consultation?

previously KKH told me waiting time is 1 mth. I dont have that precious time to wait so i opt for pte, but if one day i have to go thru IVF, then no choice have to go KKH.

Ya, I am only seeing Prof. PC Wong unless he is not around. I am consider as private patient, so the charges is at private rate too.
I know the 2ww is damn long, but try to stay relax ok.

How's your IUI? It is a simple and fast process right?

Dragonhopes and Tong Le,
My bill in NUH (natural IUI) was about $1k already! I went for 3 v-scan ($90.95 each time); the jab (about $75?), and the cost of the IUI is $679.45 (included sperm wash, and a v-scan).
SO-IUI will be more expensive cos of the injection. So I think Mt E's cost is quite comparable to NUH IUI cost. But I heard the cost of IVF will be quite different.

Tong Le,
Who are you seeing in NUH?

Waow, looks like there are quite a number of us are now in NUH. Let's keep each other updates ya. I am going back for V-scan on this Thursday. I have two cycles of anovulatory, follicles stop growing in size. Now trying on 100mg of clomid for this cycle. Hope it helps, and planning to try my second IUI this cycle if my follicles are good. Fingers crossed for this Thursday review.
Hello all...

yes..i've done my IUI on Sat..the whole process less than 10mins...after that i asked the nurse to let me lie down for awhile, so i get around 10mins of time before they chase me out. It was pretty simple..just little bit discomfort when Prof insert the tube inside...but the nurse is quite nice to assure me that the semen will not come out...hahaha...after that i went home to rest before joining my parents n walk around for the rest of the half day...was pretty worn out...oohhh also i've a little bit of brown discharged in the evening also...but the next day it was OK...this morning when i went to pee i also noticed a little bit blood...i'm now waiting for Prof nurse to call me back to check if this whole process is normal...do you gals experience the same???
Hi rollybear, we did the IUI on the same day.
Good luck to you

Did the doctor showed you the sperm swam in? My experience is the nurse put the ultrascan and Dr did his job and i actually can see a few sperms swimming inside (so amazing
) i agree the process is a bit discomfort
Hi dragonhopes...

wow!! no leh...didn't have any ultrascan..i was closing my eyes the whole time till Prof told me is all done...u didn't do in NUH?...so amazing you can actually see that :D

btw..do you have any discharge after the IUI?
Yup,mine is IUI...

I am trying for 4 years...

I am seeing Dr Stephen Chew... I found him quite nice because 2 years ago I went to TMC but the gynea didnt check properly for me and didnt tell us why I cannot pregnant... then she keep suggest me to try IUI and IVF... she look like very rush and impatient... But Dr Chew is different at least he is more friendly and care...He willing to explain everything to us...

anyone feel unwell after the IUI???I feel stomachache and backache...

Hope everything is fine to all of us
I don't have any staining nor discharge after the IUI. Has NUH reply you already? Hope things are fine there.

Waow, that's cool! They showed you the whole process? I can't see anything during the process, don't know what is going on and was done in minutes time. Just like doing pap smear!

Tong Le,
I was in TMC before too, under a female gynea called Yvonne Chan. She is good, but TMC location is a bit inconvenience for me. Therefore, I switch to NUH.
Yes, I think Dr. Stephen Chew is a nice doctor. He did my first IUI. He is more gentle as compare to Prof. Wong. Hmn, don't know this is my personal experience from the way they do v-scan. hehe...
I think I did feel a bit bloated windy stomach. I don't know if this is caused by IUI.

Wah, dragonhope, rollybear and Tong le, all of you are in 2ww. Hope you all can get BFP together!
heatherwhite, when you did your IUI?

it was kind like stressfree process did by my Doctor, they used ultrascan to track the route going in and the machine just beside me so can see it clear. My doctor was telling joke throughout the process i guess he wants me to relax.

Tong Le, i had bloatedness, backache, neckache right after Gonal-F injection. This morning had stomachache but just for awhile then it gone.

Yeah..we are around same cycle, hope we can get our dragon baby soon.
so let us keep 2ww behind our head and enjoy this 2 weeks.
Heatherwhite...the nurse called me back..i explained the situation to her...she just said is normal...some ppl will get some light spotting...so i take it ez...coz i remember last time i do pap smear i oso got spotting ler...so maybe my uterus quite sensitive loh..also maybe Prof a bit rough too :p i feel la...

yea..yea...hope that we all have a smooth one ya...babydust to all....

That's nice, I think stress free is important. My HB and me were so nervous during whole of our first IUI process. Ya, stay relax for this 2ww lar.

Ok, I think is normal to have light spotting. Hehe...I do agree Prof. Wong is a bit rough... Ops... I also feel so la... maybe to other is consider gentle? haha... This week is my turn for the follicle tracking... felt a bit lack of confident after two cycles of failure. Hope the clomid can help in my ovulation this cycle. praying...
heatherwhite...must have confidence..don't give up...every month our egg is different maybe your luck is this month leh...have faith...we all pray-pray for each other ya....

keep us updated to on your scanning :D
I was with 100mg of clomid last cycle but don't work for me....so i take 150mg this cycle... if 150mg still no use for me again then i need to go for injection...lucky my follicle grow to 20mm on CD12...so dont worry,everything will be fine...

I take half day leave when i go for scans...

jia you,everyone

Thanks for your encouragement. Hope my follicle be good and can proceed with IUI for this cycle.

I don't think they will give us MC for the scan. Normally I will take time off, as long I am able to rush back before 10am, if not I will just take half day leave. No need to rush like a mad lady. hehe... So far I only took 1 day MC for on my IUI day from NUH.

Tong Le,
I was on 150mg of clomid with my previous gynea last year. That's why I am a bit worry on this month's result. Really scared it don't help and I will waste another month of precious chance. There are only 12 chances per year. And we are half way in 2011 already! Sigh, really hope I can have a child by 2012. BTW, I have been tcc for almost 3 years already. Sob...
Hi Heatherwhite,

Hugs Hugs..dont be dishearted ya! with our support you will be able to proceed with IUI for this cycle and join us in 2ww

so envy those people who easily get pregnant. i have a few friends just tried 1-2months then they strike. Let's have faith. There will be our turn one day

Anybody going for "It's an ART" (Improving fertility through assisted reproductive techniques) @NUH on 9 Jul, 1.30pm - 5pm? The talk is conducted by Dr Stephen Chew, Prof PC Wong and Ms Joyce Mathew.

I'm attending and wanna know more abt ART, also dragging my hb there too.

If anyone interested, pls register thru [email protected] or
6772 6464.
rollerbear, heather, dragonhopes, tong le, melody,

I know each of us have our shortcoming when trying to conceive. Mths aftr mths, our patience may be wearing thin. Believe me, there were countless time I told myself to just give up or not to think about it and have mercy to myself.

However, each time when I was about to stop trying, there will some how or rather, success stories from friends or magazine articles that appeared to me. Thus, my mind get a boost and told myself if others succeedeed, why not me.

Well, hang in there ladies! It's just a matter of time and soon it will be our turns ;)

I know it's a taxiing journey but please don't loose our hope!
Jia you! Jia you!

I am interested to go for the talk. Is there any registration fee? Shall ask my HB to go along too.

Yes, let's remind each other to jia you ah...

It s FOC, no registration fee too. Free parking, from my understanding.

My HB actually not interested to go but I just want him to put in effort as we're a team, tho we women have more to bare, be it physically & mentally.
I called and made registration for the talk, but then realize I will not be in town next weekends! What a missed! Hehe... I will be going to Banyan Tree Batam for a relax weekends. Yeepee! :p

Oh gals,
Just back from Prof. Wong clinic, it was a fast visit today. Reached there at 8.25am and out 8.40am. Waited 5 minutes for the payment if not will be much faster.
There is a 15mm follicle on my right, need to go back for another scanning on Sat morning. Hope it continue to grow. If everything is smooth, then likely i can proceed to try IUI on Monday. Hope the timing all that are right for me, and can join you all for the 2ww! Haiz... Fingers crossed.
I cannot go for the talk because I need to go Desaru next weekend with my freinds... Kindly share with us after the talk...

I am happy for you...Hope everything will be fine for this cycle...jia you...

Actually,the 2ww is near to my birthday...Hope that is a big surprise on my birthday...Although I know the chance is small for me...

I would like to tell your I am the one who caused the infertility... Last month my sister and my SIL just give birth a baby girl... So my MIL keeps ask us when we want to have a baby (more frequency)...She don't know we have infertility problem...We also don't know how to explain to her... Lucky my husband is very support me...He says he will tell our parent that he is the one who got problem after we try what we can try...BUT I still fell very STRESS
Tong Le,

Thanks, hope this cycle will be a smooth one.

I understand how you feel, we are all in the same shoe. The way my mum asked is even worst, she straight away ask me,"why, you got problem is it? If not, why now still have no news. She is so blunt, although I know she don't mean anything bad. But the way she said hurts me.
Ger, it is not our fault to be infertile, no one wants that. So we shall not blame ourselves on this. In fact we work double, triple hard or way more in this TTCing journey. We should all be proud of ourselves, I knew it is always easy to say than do. Let's remind each other to hang on and try our best to proceed on with this tough journey. Jia you gals. Hope all of us can graduate to a real motherhood forum soon.

I am agree what you means...
The other will not understand what we feel...Like I got a good freind who have 2 kids,one day she asks me why you married so long then havent got a baby...I answer her that we face some problem...She say what problem you have I so easy to get pregnant what difficut is this just see you want or not...Then I tell her of course I want a baby but you will not understand my situation...she said you and your husband must be do a lot of bad thing before this life...then she say 命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求...I am quite sad when I heard this...

My mum didn't ask me this kind of question...She know that I will not tell them the true...Because she know that I always keep everything inside my heart...The reason I don't want to tell them is I dont want them worry about me...

Yup,hope all of us can be a pretty mum soon...

Jia you...
**Tong Le**

I'll update u all about the talk. Hopefully it's a beneficial one. Most of you are going for a short break, so nice!

Don't you think that the scans for follicles size is like a 4D, quite exciting hearing the result from the doc. You'll be even more excited when the doc scheduled an IUI date. Good luck & all the best. Stay positive!

My own mom also very blunt when asking me about any good news everytime we talked on the phone. She keeps reminding of my age every now and then. Her worrisome has became one of my stress too. Sometimes I don't wanna call her if my mood is down. I'm not telling her certain details too. Too much stress unnecessarily.
hi Tong Le,

be strong. why we all are here to talk out whatever we kept in the very bottom of our heart. only forumer who facing same problem will give morale support. Some friends out there just dont understand. So just ignore what they said.

I think mum asking better than MIL asking i guess. At least we can tell what is happen actually whereas MIL might not fully understand. But i do see some MIL very understanding one.

I actually did tell both my mum and MIL that i went for IUI ( though they might not what exactly is that) but at least i let them know we are trying our best and STOP asking. What i more worry is word from relatives...
@Heatherwhite: Great to hear about your progress...keep us updated again next week ya...jia you

Thanks to everyone and this is very encouraging and supportive for us to share our pain and problems and best of all we understand each other...like what heatherwhite mentioned we will work hard towards our graduation day ;)

Jia You!! Jia You!!
Hi ladies
I am also going for my IUI soon under dr stephen chew from nuh. Previously my doc was dr vanaja since I don't react to clomid tablets I am now going to try for injectables with IUI. Does anyone know wht we claim the treatment cost from medisave?
Another question is wen will they do the soiui is it after my menses? Bec my last menses was on 15june. Monday I am going to see him for the 1st time to discuss abt this am really scared
Hi Alimgirl,

sorry i am not too sure about medisave.

Dont be nervous, So-IUI is hormone injection + IUI. IUI just like pap smear (just that your leg have to open for longer time). then now you are CD17? U will be seeing him on CD19?

Here my summary of SO-IUI journey,

CD2-6: Clomid
CD7 or 8: see doctor for folicle scan & Gonal-F injection
CD10: Gonal-F injection
CD12: See doctor for folicle scan & Gonal-F injection
CD14 or CD15: See doctor to scan egg and i proceed IUI on CD15.

Number of injections is vary for individual. This round i only had three and some of the forumer had more than 5.

Good luck, dont scare..we will be here for you
Hi dragonhopes
Thank you for the sharing really very helpful so I guess on Monday he would be explaining to me the procedures I have checked with NIH regarding the medisave part it is best to be used for IVF as IUI will not cost more than 1k according to them. So can I know how much was ur 1st soiui? Did u do it in Nuh too? Just curious abt their success rate. If IVF is a better option then I would jump to that if my 1st IUI is unsuccessful
really keeping my fingers crossed!

In total how many times did u visit the doc for the 1st IUI and the injectables? See I am so curious like going for exam 1st time hehe and I am used as the experiment object
hi Alimgirl,

i did my SO-IUI with Mount Elizabeth, Cost me around 1.3k(excluding GST). Visited the doctor 3 times. CD8, CD12 and CD15. i suppose to see Doctor in CD14 but i have no time. then if CD 14 & CD15 you are still no ovulate, then you have to see doctor in CD16-CD17.

injection can be DIY at home, so you need not see doctor.
I guess Nuh will also charge around the same bec I am going as pvt patient. Hopefully something strikes in the 1st IUI. Anyone here got pregnant in their 1st IUI?

Dragonhopes: which treatment are u going for now? Hope good news coming ur way soon. Keep us updated.
U will update everyone after my 1st appointment with dr Stephen chew

Babydust to all
No. 16 disappontment 

1st IUI failed, have to do a 'routing' scan on D7 before the next IUI. Time to pick up the pieces and start another fresh cycle.

Jia you everyone 
Alimgirl, I did so-iui ( injection + IUI).

Jia you babyseetoh, new cycle new hope though those hopes are unwanted. Any symptoms u have in 2ww post IUI?
Hi Babes,

I'm new on this post went for my check up on sat at kkh. My gynea was suggestion on IUI. I am still thinking and kind of worried abt it. Been tryin for 5 years as of now. Had a miscarriage 5 years ago... The clomid is not working on me n i have PCOS...

I pray that all the ladies going for the IUI would have a success story...

Hi siti I am in the same boat as u. I been ttc for past 2yrs bec I got married late in 2009. I went on 4 cycles of clomide but no improvement hope IUI would help! Today my appt with the doc for IUI he would explain the procedures.
Baby dust to all
