My boy is 4 months+ old now and he has diagnosed a Medium to large VSD when he was 3 months old. That time he cough and got alot of
phlegm so i bring him to see the pd and he detected the murmur sound in his heart. After that he admitted at KKH for echo scan and due to
the bronchitis he has stayed in hospital for 3 times within a month. The follow up cardio doctor in KKH is Jonathan Choo.
And I have brought him to Dr K Y Wong at Mount E to seek for second opinion. He has mentioned about the surgery need to be fix for my son.
He recommend the surgeon Dr Shankar at NUH.
I am so worry now and any mummy with similar experience can share? Beside that I need to know about
1) how long is the recovery in hospital and after discharge
2) the cost involve
Thanks in advance!
phlegm so i bring him to see the pd and he detected the murmur sound in his heart. After that he admitted at KKH for echo scan and due to
the bronchitis he has stayed in hospital for 3 times within a month. The follow up cardio doctor in KKH is Jonathan Choo.
And I have brought him to Dr K Y Wong at Mount E to seek for second opinion. He has mentioned about the surgery need to be fix for my son.
He recommend the surgeon Dr Shankar at NUH.
I am so worry now and any mummy with similar experience can share? Beside that I need to know about
1) how long is the recovery in hospital and after discharge
2) the cost involve
Thanks in advance!
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