Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Ytd i bought the pencil is the sit down kitty leh, very nice to write with. Too bad no more stocks for the pen liao, if nt can buy one set.

hi blurqueen,
Tks for the price.
The jumbo mug not from LD leh... That pic is from Emma, think she bot from Isetan leh... so tempted to buy coz I like mus, but no more space... sob sob...

Ask DH take leave and help me take care DS. Very hard to feed me many medicine lor... he refuse to eat coz too bitter for me. sigh!
panasonic wall lamp cover $79.90 abit ex leh...
hmm... I also wanna save money for LDs..... hee...
Oops sori for the mixed up! Ya loh...the mug is actually quite big leh. The gal still keep tempting me, told me its very gd to use for cup noodles. She said she repeated the stocks 3 times liao men. Maybe i will go back to buy it. Tink it cost $10.00, coz' she put on the $10.00 shelf leh.

hello HK pals.....

hope your DS recover soon....

you bot hk n ck stickers?

wow...so many nice drooling pictures from you...thanks..
I saw the stickers ytd at the shop. Im oso tempted to buy. But my damages is oreadi $24plus liao, so i control. Nex time den go & buy, but duno for wat use leh.
I see. $10 quite worth. Think ISetan selling $13.95 leh...

feifei & shanshan,
My DS feeling better today, but he seems no energy...
<font color="ff6000">Hi Ms Brown,</font>
I know that's yr fav checked bear...so I posted to see if you're keen.

<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>
I went to Trendy Hub just now...unfortunately didn't get a chance to see the biggest cabinet bcos the buyer collected it just b4 I reached.

Got 3 diff design HK tables - flower one, rectangular with HK & bunny and apple shaped one. Also have 2 designs of stainless steel chairs - red apple and light pink chairs. Only bought 2 door curtains.

<font color="ff6000">Hi Li Li,</font>
You back from BKK yet ? Must be on leave today to rest. Better take care of yourself bcos it's tiring.

<font color="ff6000">Hi Shan Shan,</font>
How's your bf ?? You must be on cloud 9 now. HeHeHe. So Hello Kitty must be far far away from your mind now hor ??

<font color="aa00aa">Ladies,</font>
I saw a Disney Princess luggage at Trendy Hub...a pity don't have HK design. I'm looking for a cupboard like this, which must be deep enough to put clothes.

http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/e20132363. Cute alarm clock.



<font color="ff6000">Hello Kitty,</font>
The tee you mentioned is for sale at Trendy Hub...so tempted to get the pink one just now. It's $12.90 and free size. Very sweet leh.
Hi am new here, love HK very much, can any kind sould give me the addresses of the shops selling HK in singapore and they are worth visiting... I only know the one in Isetan, Taka and Kitty Love... thank you in advance
Hi Dach,
Welcome to our Hello Kitty family

You can check out this shop at OUB Plaza, 3rd floor...<font color="ff0000">Trendy Hub</font>. I think there is another place at Bugis, but I've not been there b4. Maybe the ladies can advise.

Hi Ladies,
Good Morning, hope you manage to reach office safe and dry in this sudden downpour.
Hi Dach,

Welcome =)..

U can go to Kaikai at Chinatwon Point. Alot of the ladies here goes there too...U can go to Kitty Palace at Novena Sq too =).
Hi Fei Fei,
Nice weather to sleep !! In fact, it's a good weather to go out too...not so hot.

HI Purin/Li Li,
Welcome home after your BKK/HKG trips. Li Li will be going to HKG next mth.
Hi ladies, thank you so much for the info... check with you once more thing what is TP127?
Please keep me in the loop if you are having good deals or bulk purchase ok? Thanks in advance
TPY127 is a shop in Toa Payoh Lor 1, Blk 27. Unfortunately I've not been there for quite a long time, so don't know what is avail.

Ms Brown,
MT quiet hor ??
Janet, thank you so much, will go and see these shops one of these days... see if I can grab any good stuff for my gal? Any recommendations for boys?
Good Morning Ladies..

<font color="ff6000">Janet</font>,
I also went to Trendy Hub yesterday. Reached there about 6.30pm. The lady also told me the big big cabinets all sold out by lunch time cos got only 2-3 pieces. The rest of the cabinets I saw before selling at my place pasar malam. Trendy Hub selling so expensive wor... $99. The pasar malam only selling for $69-$9. In end din buy anything except the lolita door curtain.

<font color="ff6000">Msbrown</font>,
Aiyoh.. the old folks are like that one lor. Will always *hint* you to get married.. have kids.. etc. Just listen 1 ear in, 1 ear out lor.

<font color="ff6000">feifei</font>,
Your bags are with me in the office liaoz. So confirmed I'll see ya later yah. So excited. heheheh..

<font color="ff6000">Meiji</font>,
I also feel that $79.90 for the panasonic light cover berry expensive leh. I saw it last month @ KK liaoz. But then din buy cos was thinking.. buy liaoz still gotta get electrician to fix it. Then will pay more $$$ again. So forget it lor.

<font color="ff6000">Ladies</font>,
Just a gentle reminder GSS will end this Saturday yah. So hurry to grab your bargains now before it ends.
morning babes!!!

Janet.. so many nice things u posted... how i wish i can own them all!!! muahahaa... i esp love that pair of HK shoes!!!
Hey I bought the Lolita door curtain too yesterday From Trendy Hub !! What a coincidence. HaHaHa. Like yourself, didn't get to see the biggest cabinet. I can't bring myself to buy the others bcos so ex.
BTW, did you get the pink HK tee for yourself ?

Unfortunately not a lot of stuff for boys...usually for girls.

Ms Brown,
If not married, old folks will ask when. Married already, will ask when give birth. After 1 kid, they will ask when will have 2nd one. It goes on and on...no end.

I love those beautiful tees, bottoms and shoes so much. How I wish I can get the entire matching set of the ribbon bowls and air-tight canisters.

Finally got a bit of time to log in to say "Hi". My trip was good, bot lotsa stuff but didnt buy much HK stuff, cos not enuff $$ and luggage space
And also not so nice to take up my sis and mum's luggage space. Will post my loots after i unpack and take pix.

thanks for recommending the hotel, its quite nice and the food osso very nice
will definitely stay there again

btw, saw you last nite at cold storage, but didnt call you cos was q-ing to pay and you walking off, hehe
morning ladies..... Wat a nice weather to snuggle in if can. Gotta literally forced & dragged my butt out of the bed into the bathroom. haha.....

Hello there, welcome to our HK clan. These are the places where u can visit to buy HK stuffs

1) Trendy Hub, 3rd floor of OUB plaza. Juz abv Raffles Place mrt.

2) KaiKai, 2nd floor of Chinatown point

3) Kitty Palace, 2nd floor or Novena Square

4) Grace's shop at bugis street. Her shop is very small but got lots of things to see. Can call her at 92341024 to ask for directions if u wana go her shop.

Ya lor, in laws & parents always nag non-stop on these topics but I usuali dont care. haha.... I juz treat as they're singing lor. i will wana hv kids at my own comfortable pace. This way, when I'm really ready, my kids will be very xing fu coz I'll give them the best of everything.

Did u ask the SA at Trendy Hub how does the big cabinet looks like? Is it the same as wat I've got from the Causeway Point pasar malam? Is it apple design?

Welcome back. Guess u gals hv an enjoyable time liao lor. So good. So xian mu. I wana see yr loots.

yaya, when CK LD comes, we cheong there 2gether ok. I told u right? If the draw is gog to take place during weekdays office hrs, I'll take 1/2 day to go there. haha.....

I have the full set of the the ribbon series leh including the containers & the porcelain airtight containers. I got them from KK lor. Tink the porcelain airtight containers is abt $25.90 for 2 leh. Not expensive at all. But now like dont hv.

Oh ya, they have the checked rose series one. The ones which annie & purplepenguin likes. Tink KK got stocks for them. Can go take a look if u're interested.

Did u happen to see any HK speakers or any other things other than cupboards?
If you see HK stuff for gals in Taiwan/HKG Yahoo sites, you will drool man. After seeing them, you won't want to see S'pore Yahoo.

Don't you just love that rose design radio/cd ?

Purple Penguin,
If you go to Taiwan next time, can I tompang you to get some pretty rose design tees ??

Ms Brown,
I saw the HK speakers at Trendy Hub. However, do call b4 going down, just in case. 6536-7522.
The staff couldn't tell me more about the design leh, really don't feel like going down just to take a look.

When I first got married, my mum only advised me to have 1 kid first bcos it's we never know whether we can have kids...furthermore my hubby already 33.
Thanks for the info on the ribbon set

Hi Li Li,
Welcome back...take a breath and then fly off to HKG next month. How shiok. I'm so very envious leh...but can't fly off so easily.
so the CK LD is on a wkday? wow...

Lili,welcoem back? issit? i din see u leh..hmm...hee..How was your trip? Bot alot of HK loots back? can't wait to see the pics leh..hee..The hotel staffs not bad hor, bery helpful...hee

u can try this hotel lor, cheap and good..hee ..
the hotel lili stayed at that feifei recommended is cheap & good, but prob not recommended if you travelling with baby/tods/kids lor. if you travelling with your bb/tod then it's best to stay at a better hotel, eg. Pathumwan Princess.
hi hi, my trip was good...the hotel good, food was good, the front desk staff not so good, but the security and waiter/waitress not bad.

didnt buy much HK stuff, will post pix soon, no time to unpack yet, hehehe.

y the hotel not recommended for tods/kids?
Hi ladies,

Yesterday I went to KP at about 7.30pm saw quite a few nice plastic bowl and the 3 in one pack cup from daiso but this one in CK design...so nice and cheap for 4.95 of course more ex then the ones we get from daiso at $2 but CK ma..then brought a pair of oven glove new design..The I saw a egg maker/warmer apple series one very nice very tempted to buy ..not ex $23plus...then there is one lady there also join in to see when I ask the sales person to bring down for me to see..then she so friendly then we start chatting howmuch time we need to warm the egg in orde that its not too cook or less egg etc...I think all HK lover all quite friendly one hor??? any chance is one of you ladies here...

me booking the hotel u recommended...
hopefully got room lahz.. keke...

lani.. me not bringing my ds... now v scared i will cry when i'm there... keke...

dior.. i've PM u.. please cx ya..

dor... my set of magnet is yours!!! hehe... can u please tt $2.30 to my dbs saving plus 0204026199 and PM me ur mailing addy??? thanx!!!
Love to be in this thread... where can I get the door curtain(not too sure it that the name) that janet just put up? thanks in advance
Nt sure hw much r the stickers leh, coz' i nv buy. Maybe u can ask msbrown, coz' Grace told me msbrown bought a few stickers.

Ya i saw she placed the mug on the $10.00 items shelf leh. Its very nice loh, reali suitable for cup noodles. Im so tempted! I bought the HK facial blotters too, very nice with Hk prints on the papers too.
u are most welcome =)....

ic...but overall quite okie hor...which flr u stayed? near the main road?

Ya lor, all ladies who like HK ones, bery friendly lor =)...hee.

if bring kids, abit troublesome cos got to walk a distance b4 reaching the BTS station hor...

me stayed at 6th floor..the window can see the main road

actually considered convenient location, cos can walk to MBK and Platinum easily.

remember to ask for queen/king size bed, cos if not will be 2 single beds.

Trendy hub got HK keyboard, stools, tables...all very cute, hehe ;)
