Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>
After seeing the HK stuff on Taiwan/HKG Yahoo auction, my wish list has expanded !!! Some of the stuff are so nice and worth buying...a pity electrical items not sold here.

<font color="ff6000">Dorothy,</font>
These bibs are adorable and looks unisex.

Hey Hello Kitty,
Thanks for your reply...I sure wish can go down for a look, but don't have the habit of leaving helper home alone b4.
<font color="ff6000">Hello Kitty,</font>
Got the French rose design tee for kids at that shop or not huh ? Or maybe Disney Princesses ?

<font color="ff6000">Shan Shan,</font>
I just love your borders. Can upload more pls ?
i'm ok to meet either of you on wed. Ard what time you all meeting huh? Then 1 of you can send the magnets to Dor.

I saw that HK bear CD rack selling at Carrefour in Taiwan. But only left display set plus quite bulky so didn't get it.
<font color="ff6000">Purple Penguin,</font>
You saw that HK CD rack in Taiwan ?? It's bulky alright and display set...not so shiok getting it. Next time you go Taiwan, will be bringing little baby along. I'm sure your in-laws will be very excited. I really hope you get a healthy little princess to inherit all your HK treasures.
hmmm, like this huh? Don't think i can meet tonite. Am going home from school now, and won't have energy to come out again. I see if Hellokitty can meet earlier than 4pm on wed. I shd be able to reach westmall by 3pm. If not, then wait for you all until 4pm bah.
janet.. i like this!!! keke... oh btw.. when u surf the local yahoo auctions, do u still see the hello kitty bike? saw it some time ago.. was considering whether or not to get it... now can find the page alr..

<font color="ff6000">Hi She_She,</font>
Got earthquake in Japan now. I hope everything will be fine by the time you fly there.

<font color="ff6000">Hello Kitty,</font>
I'm mad over HK tees for my daughter now...this design nice hor ?
<font color="ff6000">Hi Shan Shan,</font>
I enjoy all the pretty borders you post...can upload more so that I can keep ?? Thanks in advance

So bf is back, no wonder so quiet.
The pot now selling in Taiwan website.

<font color="ff6000">Ms Blur,</font>
Cough can take some time to recover, esp in such a hot weather. If you have phlegm, it is a heaty cough. But I hope you recover soon.

Do you know who bought this hp from our forum here ?? I want to ask her if this hp is user-friendly.

On my wish-list is this Sigg bottle & 3D waffle-maker
Yup I can meet u at 3pm.

No French rose T. Princess T I not sure. Only have eyes for HK...keke... Will check out tomorrow.

Hi Janet,
Wow been a long while did not log it already...by any chance you still have those link that Annie give on those china sanrio website or the tao china website?

Annie, do you still have...Somehow save already but dont know why missing...

She she,
Can I trouble you to look out for this breadmaker for me that Dor saw in shenzhen..she say Japan might have and this nail polisher and ribbon lunch box...The bread maker about $100 sin slighty above is fine. Thanks
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

HK Breadmaker.bmp (13.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>


You going HKG first or sheshe going JAP first? Whoever that goes first please look out for me..price not a problem...can mail back too. Thanks.

Thanks a million ladies...
thanks so much for all your concern about my dd. i really appreciate it.

anyway, she was better today, at least got better appetite, she was talking alot more and was playing too. so nice to see her back to being herself again.

but she has become very sticky to me, and dowan her daddy. this morning she told my maid that she likes sleeping with mummy, don't like to sleep with daddy. when my hubby heard about it he said he was so sad...so poor thing...

i told him, aiyah, she still sayang you lah. it's just that when she is sick she is super super manja, and she gets all the manja-ing that she wants from me, and not much from him (cause he is more her playmate).
Hi Lani,
Glad to hear that your DD feeling better...

She is soooo cute... She told your maid she likes to sleep with mummy, dun like to sleep with daddy. hahaha...

BTW, my DS not feeling well... running nose.
I hope he will recover soon.
Morning ladies!

Dun worry, your DS will recover soon ya =).

Happy for you that your DD is recovering well...

Anyone went KK yest? any idea wat new stocks they have?
Morning ladies,
Ladies who are interested in the Hello Kitty spree in other forum tt I posted last week, below are the details:

Website: http://shop.sanrio.jp/
Shipping Method: VPOSTJapan
Shipping Charges: Base charge will be apportioned based on total purchase price. Volumetric charges will be apportioned based on total weight of items.
Collection Method: 1 Mass Meet-up @ Potong Pasir MRT (Week-Day Only). If can't make it then by postage(normal/registered)
Exchange Rate: SGD1: JPY77.5
Handling Fees: S$1 Per Order
Email Address: [email protected]
Please be prepared to wait 2-4 weeks for items to arrive.

Order Format(Please try to follow exactly)

Name as in bank account(In case of refund): (your nick)
Email Address:
Bank Name & Bank account#: Please try not to leave blank(Please omit dashes)In Case Of Refund
Product Code:
Color: If any
Alt Color: if any
Size: if any
Alt Size: if any

Amount Payable = Price in JPY / 77.5 + S$1.00
<font color="ff6000">Hi Ladies,</font>
Good Morning to all of you

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Dior,</font>
How are you ? Oh my goodness, how do you manage 4 kids when 2 are on my nerves already ? I just scolded my son for whining. So irritating.
Are you looking for this website ?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Lani,</font>
When my kids are sick, they are sticky to me too. Can't get the manja-ing from daddy either.
Morning ladies

I saw that stroller in SIngapore before, but pink in colour.
Btw, can u send me the latest contact list? I have lost mine among the heaps of email. Forgot to save onto laptop. Tks!

good morning!
my dd is much better today!
last night she did not wake up at all and was able to sleep thru the night soundly, and this morning she woke up 9am very cheerful. so far her nose no longer runny and i have not heard her coughing yet, but i still feed her the meds just to be safe.

i think tonight her daddy can sleep with her liao...hee...

you're right. somehow they can't get the same manja-ing from daddy like the way they get from mummy. dunno why, daddy just doesn't seem to have that "special" touch when it comes to this...
My hubby can't provide the TLC they want. So mummy has to be more tolerant when the kids are not well bcos they will be whining more often.
What to do ???
