Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

same lor, i also stayed at the 6th flr the other time...Can see ple splashing water on each other cos was the water splashing festival...hee...so scarli lor..

u went trendy hub huh?

should be fun mah...should join in the festival

ya, just went just now...so many nice things..but no $$ to buy...hahahah.
Hi Ladies,
Hope the forum will stay up and stable soon.

Hi Li Li,
I'm so very, very, very envious of your trips. Do post the pics of yr loots when you have settled down. About a month from today, you'll be flying off to HKG.
Yup, the stainless steel chairs are back and so are the nice tables. Got an apple design low table with matching (somewhat) chair.

Hi Purin,
Thanks for helping me get the LPB...appreciate it greatly
Forum finally up but seems like not very stable.

Anyone looking for tis phone. A seller from another forum is selling at $42 per set. She got a total of 10 sets.

Attached is the link
wow, was the forum down from 4pm yesterday? i was shocked when i login this afternoon and saw that the last posting here was at 4.09pm yeterday! hee...
Anyone keen to buy my weighing scale? Wanna sell off at $45.

Btw, i saw this keyboard sold at Trendy Hub @ $35, anyone bot one from elsewhere recently? Wanna source for a cheaper one. Can show me pix? thanks.

dun envious of these trips lah, its spending more $$ only...burn big hole in pocket..hahaha.
me also shocked this morning...hee..

But now forum bery slow leh...

agreed lor...hee...me will start saving today cos spent $$ again at kk and grace's shop yest..

Regarding this phone hor, tink thr hougang green shop is selling at $38 if we buy 5set or more...can't rem liao
me also shocked this morning...hee..

But now forum bery slow leh...

agreed lor...hee...me will start saving today cos spent $$ again at kk and grace's shop yest..

Regarding this phone hor, tink thr hougang green shop is selling at $38 if we buy 5set or more...can't rem liao
I came across the link tis morning so just post to see if anyone looking for it. Honestly, I think 42 is abit ex lah. I like all the things in the HK LD tt u post leh...if come to singapore, sure play like siao.
hi ladies,
forum is finally up but reali lor like Janet says it's UNSTABLE.

The HK draw is $20 one & all the prizes very nice leh. Aiyo.... I cant resist liao man! LDs faster come leh. I'm becoming a giraffe liao leh. But I tink KK's next LD is not this one leh. I remember I saw KK's LD poster like got toaster & airpot or electric kettle one. Cant remember liao.

Are u selling them off? I'm looking to buy 1 HK pendant leh but so far, havent seen 1 nice one.

Hi Szu/Janet/Lani.....
Hi ladies...

Desparately need some advice from u all, and also need a listening ear. Really down today and emotionally drained. A lady pm me said want to get my clothes which I posted for sale here. Total she got 3 pieces which after her bargaining I agreed to sell her at $53 instead of $58 (which was already discounted in the first place). She mentioned need to see the real thing first and asked me to reserve for her. So today I specially went down to raffles place to transact with her. She took each piece and MEASURED THEM AGAINST HERSELF before paying for them. Around 2 hours later she smsed me said cannot wear and sort of accused me for giving her the wrong measurement. But what I stated (size) was from the website and from the label on the dress itself! And I explained to her that I am very apologetic to know that and suggest she resell them here or singaporebridesforum. I see her so unhappy agreed to refund 1 piece the highest price one. But she kept smsing saying that what is the point of refunding only 1 piece when she can prove to me she can't wear all 3. But the thing is she had VIEWED AND TOUCHED AND CHECKED AND MEASURED them before she paid me. Should I bear the responsbility for her? Even in shops great discount also goods non-returnable. She then sms what's the point of me arguing with her she very unhappy cannot fit wanna refund. In the end I was so tired I told her I was not arguing but stating the facts and I will also refund her (although not my fault) but I did not mention whether 1 or all pieces. I felt so emotionally drained. Intend to shop went to taka sanrio but in the end did not have the mood to buy anything, Very affected now. She is hounding me with sms when can do refund.
Ladies what would u do if u were me? I agreed to refund cos very tired reading her sms accusation and I dun wan the situation to turn ugly. I am thinking of just refunding her 2 pieces but not the dress cos the dress not stretchable I dun know whether she might have tore it or something. Pls pls advise!
Hello Kitty,
really sympathise you. hate this kind of buyer. actually u r not in the wrong, dun even need to bother to refund. for me i would tell her off and ignore her. u didnt force her to buy in the first place. hope you resolve this soon. take care.
hi Hello Kitty,
I think u shud act tough lor. Dont care abt her. Such ppl are juz like a pest. I mean if u feel u r not in the wrong, after all those viewing & seeing the real thing, paid then 2 hrs later told u she cant wear them wana refund, that's reali ridiculous leh. Like for me, I went to fleamkt sell my old clothings i oso allowed them to go try then if cant wear it's ok, if they try already buy liao then come back tell me cant wear this & tat, I sure wont entertain them lor.

I feel u shud stand firm. Tell her sorry, there's nothing u can do, even if she's unhappy. Tell her she already viewed & confirmed & made payment already. Tat's how I feel lor.
Hi ladies!

So quiet hor...hmm....Lets do our BEST to keep this thread alive here...

Went kk and Grace shop yesterday, as usual, spent again...hee

here are my loots...

Loved this..
Hi lili, msbrown

Thanks for the advice. Really appreciate.

When I sell things, I will hope that the buyers who get them r happy with their purchases. If they unhappy I will also feel sad. But this lady is ridiculous lor. Was at taka sanrio after taking my lunch after meeting her. In the end spent the time there smsing reply to her. Feel very sad after that in the end went home cos no mood to shop at all. Felt emotionally drained totally. Just wanna end it all then so told her will refund. Now cannot go back on my word. Hmm...but I think now I will insist can only refund 1 piece (the highest price piece)lor.

I saw the keyboard at the Alexander makeshift store selling for $38 (even more ex!). Saw a HK keyboard at one of the Bugis Street stalls near OG too, but didn't ask the price. Think 1 of the ladies here bought a keyboard sometime ago. She even posted the pic leh, but I forgot who already. Maybe later she will respond.

i symphatise with you...

there are 2 ways you can go about this.

1) if you wanna stand firm, then just tell her that since she has already viewed and measured the clothes herself, and agreed to buy them AFTER she viewed and measured them, then you will not refund back. end of story. but you must be prepared for the backlash lor, ie. perhaps she will pester & hound you for refund, or worse, she highlights her "plight" on the forum and "blacklists" you as a bad seller, and she emails the moderator complaining about you & asking that you be banned fr the forum, etc.

2) if you want the problem to end quickly and without incidence, then just agree to a full refund, but ON YOUR CONDITIONS, ie. she will first have to return to you the items via registered mail (she will have to bear the cost of registered mail, since she is the one who decided to return the items & asked for a refund), then once you receive the items and checked and confirmed that they are all in original conditions, then you will refund the full amount to her bank account. tell her you will not accept the items being sent by normal mail, as you will not bear responsibility if the package gets lost. also tell her you will NOT do anymore meetups, as it is inconvenient for you.
wow.. Hello Kitty... that woman sounds Unreasonable.. if she personally measured, and decided to buy it, the mistake is hers, u dun have to refun her or what not...let her go sell it on her own... dun bother refunding her...

feifei.. nice loots... my sil bot me a drawstring pouch juz like the one u like... will upload the picture soon..
Oh dear! First thing in the morning see this!

Thanks for the highlight to let me know, and thanks for speaking up for me! She is so sickening! And looking at the time, we haven't even finish our 'conversation' via sms!
Good Morning Ladies.. . .

My loots from BKK:

1) Pencil case

2) HK and CN stools

3)HK mouse pad

4) HK container with waffle biscuits

5) CN plate and bowl

6) HK plastic plates with cover

7) HK sweets/biscuits in small tins

Extras for sale:
3) Mouse pad - $4 each (2 for sale - 1 has been reserved by Lili)
4) HK container with waffle biscuits - $5 each(3 for sale)
KK was selling this at $12.90 previously.

(Note: I am not making any profit from the sale. Thus, appreciate if you can meet at my convenience. Thanks)
Nice loots leh...

I like your CN stuffs...
I bot that container with waffle fm KK before, very ex! Would like to get 1 container from u. Tks!
alamak, you ladies so fast chope the HK container with waffles!

no worries girl! i am not afraid to speak up for someone if i find it is justified.
btw, i am having this morning "off". dd is much better, so hubby just brought her out for breakfast at Ya Kun Tampines Mall and walk-walk ard with her for a while until lunch time, so that I can rest. Hee...
Hi Purin
Welcome back!
Heard from msbrown that she asked you to help get a HK CD holder for me from BKK coz she mis-counted the last time. Pls let me know if you managed to get it, and how to meet you for collection. Thanks!
I like the pink hk pouch u bought frm Grace's shop. Tink maybe i will go there & hav a look myself then. Many new stocks ah?? Saw frm her sms, she said oso hav chammy kitty new stocks.
i noticed some ladies from this HK thread also joined the BP for the "I'm Not A Plastic Bag" bag...i also bought 2pcs - 1 for myself, 1 for my sis. looks like instead of HK bags, some of us will be carrying this bag instead soon...hee...
