Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Huh...so ex ah?? Thot its juz $29. Duno whether HKG still hav the stocks or nt hoh, if nt can ask my fren to buy for me. Hee...
Hello kitty
To be frank, if I were u, I will ignore her after she posted that she cheated you. Some people are juz plain nasty, no point dealing with them anymore. No refund even.

I din c ur name in that BP. I got the brown one. But for my SIL, cos she was talking abt it a few days ago. Was still thinking whether to get an extra when she annouced that the BP was closed due to overwhelming response.
if you buy direct from On Pedder in S'pore then I guess that's the price, but for this spree the supplier probably quoted a higher price, because this bag is in such demand all over the world that prices have gone up VERY VERY high. for eg, the limited edition lavender one was recently sold on eBay for $900+!! btw, the bags are now all sold out all over the world and the authorised retailers that were selling them are no longer selling anymore, so the only way to buy is to source directly from the factory that manufactures it lor.
i am #77 on the list lah! i got 2pcs of the brown one. luckily i did not hesitate to make my decision! i saw the thread at 11am yesterday, then decided and made the transfer within the next 15mins, then at 12pm they closed the Spree liao! Phew! if i had hesitated then i would have missed the spree too!
I saw ur name liao
I was hesitating whether to buy when I saw the thread, cos there were already alot of mommies n it seems that the 100 bags were already fully sold out. But I decided to try for it and transfered immediately after I realised that many of them reserved but not paid (cos many asking for confirmation before they transfer) Like striking 4D, i managed to squeeze into the 1st batch. hahaha
haha! you are right, like playing & striking 4D! for me i only saw the thread on friday morning, cause thurs i was busy mah, so didn't login, and i think the site was also down.
Hi Ladies,
How's everyone ??
Went to polyclinic today for irritating cough & phlegm. Throat so itchy...coughed until headache.

Hello Kitty,
I read your post...that buyer is plain nasty. To think she has the cheek to complain being cheated. Can die reading her smses.

I'm slow and missed your cute HK container.
Li Li/PrincessEmma,
Still thinking of the HK long wallet...if you happen to see it in BKK/HKG, pls get it for me ok ?? Budget $30. Thanks in advance.

Signing off for now.
Hello kitty,
wow, u saw the keyboard more expensive ah. tks for telling me.

actually anyone keen in the keyboard? i have found a hongkong seller who can sell at $25. i will bring back during my HKG trip.

thanks for the mousepad. i msg you on monday for collection with the date towel ok? pls let me know how much.
Hapi for u that u've got the bags. Seems like the bags r in great demand men! I haven even got the chance to browse through the bp thread, n saw u wrote that the bp closed oreadi!
Ya loh...juz came back frm my grandma's hse mah. Im nt keen in the keyboard leh, anyway thks for asking. Nw hav to control my hk spending.
nice loots from kk and grace's shop....like the pouch too...

hello kitty,
wow..the lady really nasty lor...if i were you..i FAINT when replying all her SMS..haha...so long winded...
Hi Ladies,
Loots from BKK all reserved as follows:

1. Lili
2. Japancraze

HK containers:
1. Japancraze
2. Meiji
3. Hello Kitty

Dior, MC and Liveyourdream,
Actually I have 3 with the yellow paint on the nose dropped out. Guess was due to shipment cos I saw the yellow paint on my box. Unless you don't mind. Haha. . .was telling my colleagues that I have to paint them.

Hi Emma,
What do you want to get in BKK? I find Central Silom has more of the things that I want to buy, i.e. fan, stools. the HK containers and some DS's clothes. I got the plates with cover at Central Chidlom. If you have space, maybe you can help the ladies here buy the HK containers.
Purin.. sounds like central Chidlom has lotsa stuff.. hehe.. i'll definately be there.. and ya.. i'll bring back a couple more if i have space... me going there to get children's day prezzie for my students!!! hope my luggage wont be overweight..
Hi Shan Shan,
The pencil case is around $4.50.

Hi Emma,
I think the stuff at Bkk not so cheap now. There is one shop at Platinum Mall that you can try. Think it's on the 4th or 5th floor at one end. They sell a lot of stationery and they have BP price.

Actually if you ask me to choose btw Hkg and Bkk, I'll definitely choose Hkg. Haha. ..cos they sell HK from Korea and Taiwan, and also the gold figurines that I like.
Lili's HKG List:
This is the updated list for your HKG trip.
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean with new zealand honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling with new zealand honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle
3. Hoho03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster) and nail polisher.
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. msbrown - checked bear water bottle
Hi Ladies,
Good Morning

Hi Purin,
My gf told me got genuine HK gold/white gold jewellery in HKG.

Hi Hello Kitty,
That buyer is so ridiculous and long-winded. I will die if keep receiving smses from her while shopping !!!
Li Li,
Can I trouble you to find me find this item in HKG pls ?? Budget SGD$15. For hubby to tar pau fish beehoon soup. Family of 4. Thanks.
Don't want one too big. Could you pls decide on my behalf ??
Lili's HKG List:
This is the updated list for your HKG trip.
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean with new zealand honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling with new zealand honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle
3. Hoho03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster) and nail polisher.
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. msbrown - checked bear water bottle
9. janet - rose wallet budget $30, food warmer for 4 pax budget $15, kids HK rose tshirt budget $8
Hi Ladies,
Din get the LPB for you cos I have to get a total of 10 boxes for my dept and family members. In the end, only get one for Janet cos she stays the nearest to my place and pick-up is convenient for both of us. The other colleague of mine helped to carry the 12 packets of the Maxim almond cookies. . .and I have a cabin luggage and laptop to lug.

Sigh.. ..DH latest assignment is in Indonesia, not other Chinese dominating Asian country. So, no HK. However, anyone likes coffee powder? I'll be going to Vietnam in Nov and heard that their coffee powder is very good.
Hi Janet,
Yes, I got the 999.9 gold figurine from the jewellery shop in Hkg. I manage to persuade DH to pay for it. Hee Hee! So it'll be for all occasions this year. Actually only left with Christmas and Wedding Anniversary.
Hi Purin,
Thanks for the special box of LPB
Wow, the gold figurine must be really memorable.

If you go Vietnam, can consider getting the roasted lotus seed (lian2 zi). It's very crunchy and nice. My aunt wanted to get 1kg but could not bcos she flew by budget airline and also bought other stuff.

Li Li,
Aussie dollar very high now, so be prepared to pay higher price.
