Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

hi all,
my loots (finally i got something to show too!) from TH


From IMM:

it is a short sleeve t-shirt set with shorts. good enough to wear it outside also. bought it at GIANT for $9.99. they came in yellow colour too. left mostly size 140 when i was there on sunday night.

the mousie is for me...hehehe... i bought the HK bag for my girl but she was more excited with the seat belt handle (or whatever you call it)..haha!
Can you transfer S$10 to my POSB Savings a/c 060-72527-6? Because I'm not sure whether can I make it on this Friday's gathering or not.

Eliz's recycle bag had passed to Msblur, and Yalokitty's towel had passed to Lili.

Yalokitty, must take care of yourself & your cute baby hor
if u read archives, already mentioned TH sale on LAST SATURDAY. dun ask anymore lah...

<font color="ff0000">Ladies in the Train Clock BP,
appreciate if you could let me know when wanna collect? cos the BOX is VERY BIG, really dun have space to store in my office. if possible, can collect ASAP from TH, so that i dun hve to lug to my office.

let me know, so tat i can arrange with TH, but please AVOID LUNCH TIME, or collect after 2pm.</font>
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">HK and CK Loots for SALE...!!!</font></font>

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Pls buy only if you are comfortable with the prices.
All items are BRAND NEW. Still comes in original packaging and boxes.
All prices are non-negotiable. Thks...</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">1. BN CK Air Purifier - S$100</font></font>
* You will need adaptor for this to convert the electricity.

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">2. BN CK OVen Toaster - S$100</font></font>
* You will need adaptor for this to convert the electricity.

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">3. HK Electric Kettle - S$35</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">4. HK Oven Toaster - S$35</font></font>
For now, I say say only, cannot buy yet cos sekali at home he also play and play until dun want to help look after DS ah!

True, can always go again and I believe your next hkg trip wld be quite soon eh...hahaha
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">HK and CK Loots for SALE...!!!</font></font>

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Pls buy only if you are comfortable with the prices.
All items are BRAND NEW. Still comes in original packaging and boxes.
All prices are non-negotiable. Thks...</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">5. HK Door Hanger - S$10</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">6. Small Thermal Flask OR
7. Big Thermal Flasks - S$19 each</font></font>


<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">8. HK Slippers - S$10</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">9. HK Pet Carrier - for small dogs or cats only - S$30</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">All items below here are S$2.00 each. Condition is not brand new (7/10) cos some got slight defects like minor scratches. Not for sensitive buyers</font></font>


tink u missed out my reply to u ytd.

Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 10:29 pm:

No more liao. TH's old shop will be closed for renovation starting tmr.
Thanks for the well wishes!

Okie I will collect this Wed from TH (the other shop is it since TH under renovation?) before 12pm, can? May I know what time does it open? Btw, the plastic mag rack (HK and thomas/CN still have?

Nice mooncakes! Can u pm me the link to the blog? Does the lady put up the recipe for the mooncake?

If I remember correctly, I think msbrown has the purifier already. She has 2 somemore.

ok noted, will inform TH. they open at 11am. Oh, the mag rack still have, u want? i chope and pay for you, and u collect on wed. which designs? I PM u the price....

You too MIA...:p

I was about to warn you about that, once a man is hook on PSP its very tough to kick the habit of not playing it. Luckily my Dh has not interested in it.
I will contact you this week for collection of the clock
I will go direct to TH as it's better for you and me too

Have you transferred $6.80 to me for the pen yet? because I just checked my account and it's not in yet.

Also, please PM me your address for mailing the pens, ya?
rem to let me know which day? i need to inform TH, pls AVOID LUNCH TIME yah. also did u xfer for the clock and round lunchbox?
<font color="ff6000">LYD</font>,
No... I have not TT the $$$ to you yet. Sorry... was busy the whole day with my 2 gals cos no school. aarrgghh...!!!
Hi there! Well, still have craze, but need to curb, cos quite broke liao. And my house getting cluttered liao.
Btw, where is TH?
I served it during a gathering in my house last friday... they said it's nice leh...

The mochi must thaw a while when out from the fridge to soften it before eating
I will PM you the details... then you decide whether you want to collect from vivo or from KK

yup.. no worries. I just realised who transferred the $ to me already

I PM you liao

good night...me going to sleep now... zzzzzz
Hi ladies,
Can check with you all what battery size works for the train clock?
The clock indicates '1.5V batteries' but my 1.5V batteries seem much smaller than the battery compartment.
Anyone able to advise if 1.5V batteries come in other sizes? Cos the batteries that I tried using states 'size C', so dunno which is the exact size for the clock leh.
<font color="ff0000">LYD</font>,

Can i haf ur acct. no.? Sry ah..busy..cos sch holidays..student's mummy added lesson..&amp; oso did u saw my earlier post gettin the aluminum water bottle @$10 too? So 2gether is hw much ah?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ladies</font>,

Anyone can help me tompang items frm LYD ma?

<font color="0000ff">lili</font>,

Hi sry to ask u again..did u manage to ask TH abt the carpet? &amp; do i can collect red train clock frm TH tis thursday isit? Pay to them or tt u? Pls advise..thanks!
Morning ladies

Lili, possible i go down TH today to collect the train clock? I will sms you in a while too in case you cant access this thread. I can be there about 2pm.

Angel, shall i collect yours too?
<font color="ff6000">GOod MOrning</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine,</font>
Amount S$10.00
Transaction Reference 1868409185

<font color="aa00aa">Dymples</font>
Got your payment. Thanks.
Will pass the towels to Lili on Wed morning.
Sorry for the delay.

<font color="aa00aa">Lili</font>
Thanks for lugging my stuff back to SK.
Xin Ku ni le!!
I love the MJ set!!!

<font color="aa00aa">HKL</font>
Hi, I'm gona pass the towels to Lili on Wed
Please try to trf payment to me by then.
can I trouble you to collect the clock for me then I collect from you when I visit my grandma on sunday? Also, how will you be collecting your stuff from msblur huh? Can I also tompang you?
Acsy, can can.
I haven arranged with Ms Blur yet. U have stuff from her ah? OK then i arrange with her and then let you know so you can collect all your items at the same time. Meanwhile i keep your clock at my place first ya?

MsBlur, can i meet you either tonight under your block about 830pm or tomorrow early evening at hg mrt?
Thanks so much! What i have with msblur is just the hk rose snack tin which you let go to me, remember? kekekeke...
U wana meet under my blk ah? Ok ok...but im nw staying at Blk 603, juz beside the sports complex, u know hoh?? Will pass u ur container &amp; acsy's. Ur pump is with Lili loh.
Good morning everyone.

<font color="ff6000">Eliz</font>,
Ok. I'll collect my stuffs from Lili on Friday then. Thks for "passing baton".

<font color="ff6000">Lili</font>,
Ma fan ni le. Thks so much for helping to collecting/passing the loots around. Can meet you this Friday at about 1230hrs then?
hello ladies..wow, heavy rain in the east again.

yest at home no rain else wil b so shiok sighhh..

I did the ice-cream mooncake leh but i think is a failure hahahahaah...wil check out my creation tonite n see can 'expose' to public or nt

See u all later har..hope no rain in the evening else v man fan.
Eliz, we meeting at MRT later hor? abt 5.45-6pm?

Morning ladies.....

Thanks for choping for me ya but I hv the 2 items liao. Some more I got 2 air purifiers too. keke.... thanks thanks....

I dun need the 2 which Jasmine choped for me. Thanks hor.
