Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

<font color="ff6000">LYD</font>,
eehh.. I've posted above that I wanna get the toothpaste and toothbrush holder leh... before Starlight's posting. Pls confirm if I can get it pls.

Enjoying my maternity. More hectic and sometimes wish i've another me, another pair of hands and legs. Enjoy the feeling of baby in your tummy. I missed that feeling.

Glad to hear he's better le. Stomachache dun play play. Better ask your gynae. Is it the cramp feeling, LS feeling or twitching wan?

Can understand. Thanks for letting us know the price. I'll see if can source for cheaper seller.
<font color="ff6000">softpillow</font>,
heheh... your nick really unusual. I'm now a SAHM at CCK area to 2 gals and 1 more on the way. My HK collection is also not as extensive as most of the ladies here. Enjoy your stay here... everyday there's lotsa good deals or pics to "drool" over.

<font color="ff6000">Emma</font>,
As long as Enzo is taking in fluids, eating well and active... should be ok. Must the weather... rain.. sun.. rain. Oh dear... pls be careful about your stomachache... especially now you're in later stage of preggie liaoz. If fever develop, pls see doc straightaway yah.
<font color="ff6000">Annie</font>,
Yah... I also like the feeling of BB in tummy. But not on the days when BB is hitting me all over. Like got "octopus" in tummy like that. Worse is at night... then cannot sleep. hahahahahahah...
oh thought u selling the dcut purse, easier to buy from u than going to grace's place

thanks for the info on the toothpaste holder set, let atchia has it then
Hi ladies

Angel, Acsy, your stuffs are with me le.

Acsy - TH train clock &amp; MsBlur's rose container
Angel - TH train clock &amp; MsBlur's SKS food picks

Angel, i meeting Lili again so will collect your LD blue plates from Annie thru Mau and thru her then can pass altogether to you hor? Eh, i think you better ask your ah lau come with you when meet me this time leh cos the TH train clock is rather bulky and heavy leh. Its 15" by 15" by 5" leh.

Acsy also, this sun when we meet, be prepared hor. Maybe your hubby can help you carry cos i think you will be carrying your boy rite?

I havent test both your clocks hor cos its the big batteries kind and my house dont have now. I only peep in, the clocks looks ok and well protected. Very nice. I like, just fretting where i should hang now, haha

Paiseh MsBlur, i go collect from you should be i wait for you but end up so rushed for you. Thanks for passing me the loots. Like my pump and snack box bery much!
Hello Acthia, Annie

Welcome Softpillow! Me also intro myself to you. I stay northeast, work in orchard, been collecting HK for a few years liao. My collection also growing very fast till my house almost no space for human beings like me and HB liao, hehe

Where do you usually shop for HK? I also like Tuxedo. And i also like this US Sanrio charactor Pippo Kobutano, only US Sanrio has, Japan Sanrio dont have, dont kno why.
<font color="ff6000">starlight</font>,
Thks so much babe. Guess the thread moves too fast... berry easy to miss each other's postings.

<font color="ff6000">Hi.. hi MB</font>
Guess tonight may be quiet cos most of the gals have gone for their class right?
I meant I still have 1 more HK toothpaste/toothbrush holder set to let go to you.

I've reserved for Acthia already.

Do you want it? It's my last set to let go.
<font color="ff6000">LYD</font>,
oooohhh... you already reserved 1-set for me yah.
Sorry ... cos me din see any posting about that mah. hehhehe.

So I'll collect the toothpaste holder + the bowls from Vivo on Thursday hor. Thks thks.
Hello ladies

u really must THANK MB lots man..she lug the 3 clocks for you gals..it was very heavy and bulky lors.

xin ku ni le

u have to xfer me for the clock, other stuff u buy from TH, pay them directly. will let you know wat items are available for collection, other then the clock.
Thks for passing the things to me. Hee seems like as times goes by I'm buying more n more HK things and you've more n more things to carry for me

M B,
Haa I also din expect the train clock to b so big, dunno where to hang, maybe keep it 1st. My DH sure get a surprise when he c the clock 2mr...

M B is rite, the clock is rather bulky n heavy, remember to get yr DH to carry for u.

Hi Softpillow,

Thks for the bps, hope have more to come..it makes my life as a SAHM more interesting
Yup Acthia, hope the gals show us their creation soon, me drooling liao haha.

Haha Lili, dont mention lah. Shun lu and shun bian mah. My staff still think i bot donuts for them, haha. Luckily only 3 otherwise i will piangz liao, haha. I no preggy no children to carry so still ok, i just worry will be too much for Angel and Acsy wor.

The clock really nice, i now place in front of mi and admire haha. Ya lor Princess, i also waiting later HB come back what will he say, hahaha.

Emma, glad Enzo is better. Sometimes i find children recovery ability better than adults, hmm
M B,
Hee just now i also put the clock infront n admire leow.

Mooncake lesson:
Ladies who went for the Phoon Huat mooncake making class, how issit har? Received my mooncake mould tdy, thinking whether to go n learn.
Wah, you still rem I was there!! No, office moved, but I oso on long leave. Hee... Decided to continue SAHM for the moment.
OIC, so tat OUB centre shop is called TH. I shold go there one of these days, but scared burn pocket.
hehe...scared too big for you mah..u some more take mrt back to office wor...

oppps..u see so detailed, yr bear cock-eyed..hahah.u wanna exchange?

u r welcome...maybe 2mr got new bp..hahaha..let me go chk out TH 1st

Hi Softpillow,
welcome onboard and enjoy yr stay here

left u haven tell me when u collecting the clock??? if not i have to lug back to my office liow..then no choice u gotta come my office to collect.

aiyo, sure remember lah..i met you there mah
ohh, so u SAHM liow ah...good life loh
Actually, I was SAHM for a few yrs. When you met me, I decided to try work part time, but find it hard to juggle lor. I just gave birth to my #2 in Jan this yr. So taking a break again lor. Hee.... Tats why dare not spend too much... SAHM no maternity leave, no CC leave, no income.
I c yr bear bear i wanna laugh..so cute. Mine the bear eyes balance but surface got a sratch, but nvm, hopefully when i hang high high can't c clearly leow.

Gd to hear tat more bps comin
<font color="ff6000">MB</font>,
I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I saw your bear bear. So funni and cute lah. So sad I missed out this clock BP. hehehe...
okies, friday wat time? avoid lunch time yah...thanks.

the bag measures approx 10" by 7" by 3"....

u want the clock ah? i can chk if TH still has anymore or not...
annie/dymples.. me also cant put a finger to it.. not sure what kinda pain it is.. sometimes its sharp pain.. then sometimes its like bloated pain.. if tmr not better i go see gynae..

MB.. ya.. i am surprised he recovered so quickly this time!!! his fever usually lasts like 4 days.. this time, maybe cos PD gave him strong anti biotics.. hmm..

lili.. if got stock.. i want a mini compo can..
2mrow going to have BP? I'm going to miss it loh

Can *hint hint* wat is it or not

Tink u better go n see your gynae 2mrow.
glad enzo is better..dun let him go to crowded places at the moment...

okies, will orler for you...

hahha..i dun know yet wor, so no hint
only wait till i go TH 2mr then i know wor...

btw, those ladies who did not get the pots that was on clearance...stay tuned, i got more for sale...will post up soon.
<font color="ff6000">Lili</font>,
Yippee!! Yes please... if TH still got stocks, I'd like to get 1 clock. Thks.

<font color="ff6000">Emma</font>,
Oh dear.. yah yah... better go see gynae find out the cause for the pain. Take care yah...
ooohhh.. more pots. I want!! I want!! ssooo excited now. hehehhe... watching CSI and checking forum at same time.
mummies, can i check which local HK shop sells the HK moulds at the most resonable price? I almost wanted to get mine from ebay and the online store, but nt sure if the price i m paying is worth it? any comments will be appreciated
where u going?? hols ah? i help u put (tbc) loh..then wait u come back then confirm? hehe..enjoy yr hols.

okies, will let you know...

aiyo, dun get so excited wor...be careful of bb...keke.

S@L (blueangel30),
think kai kai at chinatown point has more stock...other shops i not sure..
Ya...u can get the HK mould at Kai kai. Some other shops will be Kitty Love or Kitty Palace loh. But tink they hav almost the same range as Kai kai bah.

Hee...i will help u look out lah.
<font color="ff6000">lili</font>,
heheh... can't help it leh. I'm a total HK fan when it comes to all things HK Household, HK Kitchen and HK Bathrooms.
Lili, msblur thanks thanks for the help...really eager to start baking something for my DD bday...

btw i kept seeing that u all buying loots....may i know is it that i must hit the 50posts before i can participate in the BPs?
Hi Ladies!

Tks so much for your help just now! Btw can I have your a/c no. again? Wanna transfer just now but realise accidentally deleted your a/c no. in the system

These few days I will be out most of the time too. Can also put me in (tbc) for your BP?

I want the pots!!!! Posting soon? *drooling*
going to KL for 3 days loh. Any interesting place to shop n shop?
Okies, thks ya

Thks u

Your loots not urgent hor? I try to pass it to u on Sat.
S@L (blueangel30),
new members must try to post at least 50 posts b4 we let them join in any BPs, cos dun wana ppl coming in just to take advantage of our BPs....

no probs lah...my posbank savings 093464222. thanks.

opps...not posting yet...stay tuned...

oic ic..enjoy yr hols..KL i sian already..nothing much to see...oh, must go to the new shopping mall..opp Marriot..super big lohs ;)
Hee...nt urgent lah. Only the disc inside the bag is urgent nia. Coz wana see my 'yang jia jiang' warriors mah. Haha...
Nvm lah, u pass to me on Sat if u r free loh.
S@L (blueangel30),
do post and yak more often..50 post very easy one

haha..u still haben get the disc ah..u can watch backwards eps ah..kekeke

Have just transferred to your account.

When u posting the pots?

U also watch 'yang jia jiang' ah? I like to watch too. Channel 8 showing the 'shao nian yang jia jiang' every sunday. Last episode I cried very badly cos the marshal and 4 of his sons died


aiyo, u nvr tell me got disc inside tat u wanna to see. If not, tat sunday will asked my hubby to send it to u, no matter how late

Noted. Will go to tat big shopping mall
