Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

My kitchen is a bit small but I've got both steam/microwave/convection oven plus large convection oven. Still thinking of getting a Kenwood mixer though... Otherwise gotta head to Mum's place to bake if mixer required

I saw the Polar mooncakes, don't look very appetising, and price quite steep! Wish can find the mooncake mould they use, it's shown in their brochure! Does anyone know where it's avail or is it no longer in production?

Btw Ladies, I still have 1 HK Face & 3 HK Full Body Stamper Mooncake Moulds in Pink avail if any of you are keen

i got the same mould which the polar is selling i've made that master piece with it .. hah ha seems ok for me but just need some more improvement on the skin texture
Sure, will bring to show you later! The plastic stamper moulds are $10.50 for each design, pics avail at my stuff for sale thread in HK Loft


Pics of the HK Wooden Moulds which I got for some of the ladies here may be viewed at

Btw, need to let you that these moulds are all non-authentic though in case this is an issue. Thanks!
Ladies, look what I found! Looks delicious...

HK Mooncakes made using the Full Body stamper mould
Pics from Aunty Yochana's Cake Delight blog


I also have that set but cant bare to open all still in packing. Want to buy somemore but no more liao. These were released 2003. So sad.

LOvely Mooncakes...too nice to eat!


The 1st one I have, it's body lotion...


So cute the stationary Set...where they from...Cute!

No more selling liao. The whole set is 5 pieces, got carousel pencil stand and the swinging glue stick, very cute indeed!

I think we both have the same whole set.

Waiting for Jasmine reply for the flask. If she don't want, Acsy is the next leh. If Acsy don't want, I let u know can?
oh... where was it selling previously? and how much? so cute...it makes the desk so cheerful and lively!!!

me ok lah...today decided to "take a break" from work...last week was stressed!
Hi BlueBlue,

Glad that you manage to find a job with fixed working hrs and better pay. Don't think anyone can reject resignation. He/She can only think of ways to make you stay.
LYD ah, it was selling in some USA shops many years ago. Takara was the manufacturer but Takara dont sell direct. Nowadays no more liao. And I last checked ... each piece was about $15 to $17. With shipment will be even more exp.
kittywishlist / MB
wow that shows i am really backdated haha..so nice ya if me i also wont bare to use

i keep those i chance upon and save inside my folder also forget which site i saw le..
Ya loh...we've been talking abt wanting to meet up, but didnt loh.

Hmm...u gg town this few days? If yes, i can meet u after work.
Haha KWL, i saw this too. But i find abit scary leh. Eeeewww... Think only the angmohs and harajuku kids will like bah, haha
OMG, my hb will protest for that HK darth vader! Hahaha!

Huh? KWL u want that contact lens ah? Waaa, you very cool leh! I no guts, hahaha unless i am i m in jpn then i will be as crazy as possible, haa!

Eh, the nails ah? Nice and i think we can do ourselves bah, just paint then paste stickers on? I have mini stickers, maybe i go back try and see, hehe
Yah lor, maybe one day KK will start providing this HK nail art service for their customers but hor, I dun think I would dare to do it leh cos too old for it...kekekeke but then again, if the char bor in the picture dares to do it why not us, right? hahaha
KWL, i got 3D stickers also. I try and see if ok or not. Or hilarious or not, wahahaha

Acsy, never too old lah. Age is only a number. We should always be like HK, young at heart, haha!
Juz to side track abit. Any ladies here wana buy the Fancl tense up drink at $55 per box? I hav a few boxes to spare.
