Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Did u bring the towel today? U can pass to me me when we go class then I can pass to Dymples on Thurs. Let me know ya.

Then try reading it slowly. Dun have to rush

<font color="ff6000">Mau</font>,
No worries babe... will release the items then. If Eliz pass you the towels, then I'll collect from you Thursday. If not nevermind.. cos I also need to meet Lili to pass her MsBlur's and Cindy's items mah. Thks for helping.
MsBlur ya cos today i gg there to visit a friend so can meet you. So tonite 830pm can hor? Will sms you nearer to 830pm too.

U got items for Angeltopg too mah? Think she has SKS item from your pte sale? Can pass to me too cos i collecting her clock from TH so i can pass to her altogether.

Yup, Acsy i remember the rose container, rect one.
OK cya later. I a bit scare I'll be late wor, if me late, u all rem to update me &amp; reserve 1 space for me to stand hor. keke...

OK tink Eliz will pass me later so I'll pass to u on Thurs lor.

anyone still interested in these?
I need a Pink Cushion, anyone interested to exchange any of the following with me for the cushion.
Buy any 2 at $18.

1) 1 x Blue Tote - $10 (Dymples, I borrow yr pic hor)

2) 1 x Pink &amp; 1 x Black recycle Bag - $10 each

3) 1 x Pink Pouch - $10 each

4) 1 x Black Mirror - $10 each
BA.. sorry.. i wont be able to make it tonight.. enzo's down with high fever.. i cant leave his sight at all... sigh... purin has kindly agreed to take my place so that we dun waste that so-hard-to-book slot.. u gals enjoy urself tonight hor.. then who free come and teach me ok.. hehehhehe
oops..bo pian lor cos enzo needs you ma..no prob, we can pass u our 'kung-fu' after the lesson kekeke

Spunk / acsy,
Oops..i 4get to pass ur loots to Kittymum yest nite when I took my stuff fm her leh..will do so another time hor cos i still hv stuff fm her tt r yet to come...sorry hor
anyone still interested in these?
Buy any 2 at $18.

1) 1 x Blue Tote - $10
2) 1 x Pink - $10 each
3) 1 x Black Mirror - $10 each

4) 1 x Black recycle Bag - exchange with Kenjer for pink cushion
5) 1 x Pink Pouch - $10 each (reserved for PLL)
Show u 2 loots fm TH last Sat. The rest havent take picture yet....

CK Toilet Seat Cover $15 &amp; Toilet roll cover $5

HK Car Seat mats - $50
<font color="ff6000">Nikitsan</font>,
Yes babe... the HK pet carrier is still available.. You want to reserve.

<font color="ff6000">LYD</font>,
Have done the funds transfer (via ATM) for the bowls liaoz... details as follows:
Date: 02/09/2008
Time: 15:51PM
Amount: $28.00
Transaction Ref: 2230

Pls acknowledge receipt of this. Thks.
<font color="ff6000">LYD</font>,
You can leave my stuffs at Vivo. I'm meeting MsBrown on Thursday at HF so can collect the bowls then as well. Thks lots.

Oh... just saw your new loots. Can I get the toothbrush and toothpaste holder from you? hehehhe.. gotta do funds transfer again..

<font color="ff6000">Mau</font>,
I like the car mats. Too bad I bot the grey ones from TH also... but before the sale. *sob-sob*. They're now in the car my mom and I share. hehehhe... so far she's ok with them.
U sure got alot of HK rose stuff leh. But I've those u posted le. hehe...hope to see more rose items for sale. U go and dig more lah. We didn't meet for almost a year le? Wah....time really flies leh. How much is the HK clothes rack? I'm interested in that. Reserve for me first till I found out the price from u. Tks!

I love your HK bear car seat mat. So nice! I wan sit ur new car leh.

Thanks for soucing all your boxes for me! Really hoping that you've extras of those HK rose stuff that I dun have.

Today my MIL and I packed the whole storeroom and she saw most of my HK buys. She still taught me how to preserve them. At first tot she'll nag at me but she just gently remind me not to buy more oh....haha...she's so nice!
keke, mine oso grey ones wor. Maybe we got the same ones? Tink there's another grey set with angel HK lor but I prefer this HK with bear. keke....

Welcome u to sit my car anytime lor if we have chance to cheong HK again lah. keke.. OH ya, I will help angeltopg collect her blue plates fm u leh, she told u? Can I pop by yr place tonite after my mooncake making class? Maybe late around 10+ like tat then u can try my mooncake. keke....

Oh no, I oso like the clothes rack wor...
the clothes rack/colourful rack are my loots...not for sale currently ( though I haven't open to use yet actually..)

But if you all are interestd,I can order from Japan. But please try other sources first before asking me to order. Because I don't wish for any misunderstanding about pricing issues ( which is beyond my control).

metallic purse are from grace's shop, $9.95 before discount

yes... I really have lots of HK items! So just trying to clear as many items as I can!
the metallic die cut purse is nice one loh. I cant keep my eyes off them too when i saw them. I bought the pink one frm grace's shop.
<font color="ff6000">Nikitsan</font>,
No worries...

<font color="ff6000">Mau</font>,
Tink mine is the HK angel with wings cos I remember mine is more pink pink. That time I buy din see this HK with bear design leh.

<font color="ff6000">Annie</font>,
Wow! We long time no chi-chat liaoz. How are you? How's life with no.2? Guess it's more hectic right? Does Justin like to play with his lil bro?
Me interested in the HK rack with 3 layers de. Can u check for me the price 1st then decide if to order?

The pouches reali nice nice mah? I saw some of them at Mumuya the other day but dun hv the purple colors I wan, i like the ones in LYD's pic 2nd row, both of them.
We all like the same item! Hehe...too bad not for sale.

Ya i miss the days when u drive us cheong hk. May not be able too in future le. But during my maternity leave and when my hubby timing allows i think i still can go on weekday. Ya angeltopg told me le. I prepared the plates le. Wow i so fortunate to taste your hot-from-lesson mooncake. Thanks! See u tonight. Just to let u know my hubby be home tonight. We can chat le cos maybe my justin not ard to disturb cos he only taking his nap now.

Hope enzo can get well soon! U must take care too cos you're preggie now and need to take care no.1. Get mrkitty to help u ya.

Get from jap with shipping could be exp. Nevertheless can help us check out the price first? Not too exp can consider cos the current clothes pack i've is rusty le. U remember how much u bought it?
yup.... shipping is not cheap.
for heavy/bulky items, much of the cost goes to shipping cost actually + on top of that, I pay my japan shopper commission to buy items on my behalf.
So in the end, add up the sum also can be a lot.

So I only buy things direct from Japan that cannot be found locally or very expensive locally.

If can find locally, after local shop members discount, most of the time cheaper than get direct from Japan.
welcome to this forum!

If possible, intro more about yourself so we can get to know you better.

will post your items to you tomorrow
u selling the dcut metallic purse?

this one: HK toothbrush/toothpaste holder set $12
still available? is the cup fom glass or plastic?
this one: HK toothbrush/toothpaste holder set $12
it's plastic.
I still have 1 set for sale.

the dcute metallic purse I'm not selling as you can find them in Grace's shop at $9.95 each before member's 10% discount.
im a ftwm with a 15mths old boy,staying at jw. what abt u? my hk collection is not as big as my melody but im slowly building it;p in fact,i love most sanrio characters,i like kerroppi n tuxedo sam also;p

whr is grace's shop?
hi softpillow,
I stay in east side. For me, I have too much Hello Kitty/Sanrio items that I am starting to clear those that I can bear to part with... to those ladies that can "house" them

Dior stays in JW too if I'm not wrong... and some other ladies too which I can't remember...

Grace's shop is inside bugis village... a bit hard to say how to go there because it's like a pasar malam.

hi softpillow.. welcome..

lyd.. how do u use the toothbrush set to put toothpaste ah? i saw it at the poster but i forgot.. hmm...

thanx annie.. he seems much better now.. v active again.. yesterday he was so listless i was so upset.. now he's running ard playing ball liaoz.. me on the other hand having stomachache leh.. dunno what kind also.. so strange..
