Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Dear Ladies

<font color="ff0000">Happy New Year 2009!!!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Wish all of us have more money to buy more Hello Kitty in Year 2009!</font>
morning ladies..

hi blue_genie,
nice nice, i bought the floor mat for CNY, hee...

hi meiji,
which one you want, i'll have to check the price for you coz i bought the floor mat only.
Good morning ladies...

May I know how much is the floormat?
And also the Hello Kitty "mei hua" tree?

Welcome to join us!

Nice loots! I wanna go 7-11 liao... hee...
hiya ladies!
how's new yr celebration?

wow u gotthe flr mat? nicey..i like too! how much u bought? i like the hk "mei hua" tree and the hk lion head..can u help me chk out the price? tks.

ur hk sunglass really made me drool!i like the hk figurines u got frm 7-11 too...oh no, everything i also like...hahaha, greedy lor..
every 7-11 outlet carrying these figurines?

nice of your colleagues to give u the hk present *envy* i dun tink my colleagues will give such a long extent to search hk for me lor...keke
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Happy New Year Everyone

<font color="ff0000">MB,

yr door stopper is with me, waiting for you to collect.

how much are the floor mat? can let me know...i may wanna buy

hi hi...am fine already..thanks for your concern
gd morn ladies

Purin, those are from local 7-elevens?

Meiji, your bday recently? Happi Bday! I also have the HK plush, its from that make a bear shop right? Mine is HB made for me, hehehe, show you .. she got her own name and birth cert too, hehe


hey ladies, found another jap mag giving free HK mirror, hahaha, just for sharing ..

Blue_genie, Purin &amp; MB,
Thank you!
My bday is 2nd Jan but I'm on leave.

Yup! Mine is from Built A Bear shop, got birthcert and name too. hee...
You DH soooooo sweet. Your white HK is nice!

Thanks for sharing the jap mag too. Nice mirror.

I just got the figurines from my place 7-11.
SA said new arrival still in the carton box. I'm the first to buy. hee..
I bot 3, got 2 Chinese costume and 1 purple like purin wan.
hi hi ladies

Ooo quiet afternoon, alot ppl go out enjoy the holiday ya? Hehehe, mi 'nua' at home :p

Jasmine, ya cos hb loves to go kinokuniya so i tend to tag along. He will go his comics and animea section, i go mag section, hehe, then we will both buy something to read and then go Coffee Club have kopi and read.

There was another mag that gave free hk calender, desktop kind but last piece and abit damaged so i didnt buy, hehe
Hi Ladies!
<font color="ff0000">Blessed &amp; Healthy 2009 to All of You &amp; your loved ones</font>

Nice HK Plushies &amp; Loot!

I have 1 pc of the Fortune Cat LD - Long Plate to let go if anyone is looking for one... Please PM me if interested, thanks!
I also may want to get the floormat if the price is right.
Keep me in the loop ya.. Order now, in time for CNY not??
Hi Ladies,
Wishing U n yr family all the peace, joy, a bbundant health n wealth in 2009. Happy New Year

Meiji, MB
Happy Birthday to U. May all your wishes come true
Kon-nichi wa…From Tokyo
Happy New Year to every Hello Kitty Fans

I’m done with Hokkaido (it’s freezing there) and just reach Tokyo today…Going to explore for more KT in the city tomorrow….here my latest update on my purchases

Domo(thanks)I do enjoy my trip espcially buying KT :p

What u saw from my 1st post are my purchase from the 1st or 2nd day nia…more to come. Check back often

Read your PM..WAHAHAHA!!!!!!Let's just wait and see :p

Hai, me cannot wait till Tokyo!!! So bought a lot of KT x tokidoki items from Hokkaido liao…It’s snowing everyday when am there. Dunno consider lucky or unlucky. Too much of snowing is boring :p

Ha3elnut ,
I really buy alot of KT from Daiso till siao lor..kekeke…Spend about SGD100+ on KT (mostly Sgp don’t have ones) alone. Daiso in Singapore really sucks compare to the 5 storey one in Hokkaido.
USA do have a lot of KT (licensee under USA) too if you know where to go

Im all over Hokkiado
hehehe…Quite a number of KT’s I bought are limited from Hokkaido.
Thanks for the link!
Hope to try one of these days.

Wow! Like yr loots!
How i wish i can be there now! How many days r u staying in Tokyo?
KWL, waaa ... hehehe .. enjoy yourself!! Some of the shops you showed are from Otaru also right? So nice! But bet you spent a bomb too hor? Especially in Hokkaido, the hk there tend to be really exclusive. Waa .. enjoy ah!

Haha, seeing your pics, really make me think again whether want to go there instead. If want, think my hb will faint .. air tics &amp; accomodation alone $5k, then think must prepare at least $3 - 5k shopping money if want to buy back all the Hokkaido exclusive hk hor? Wow .. haha, my hb gonna faint
if he know whole trip gonna cost him $8k at least hahaha
Drooling over yr loots.wow Dasio there so happening than spore one.
heehee buy more back and sell some to us.HAHAHA.****envyyyyyy****
morning ladies!

HAPPY B'day to you..today is the actual day hor..kekeke.

oh really? no wonder i cant find the figurines when i was @ 7-11 y'day..nvm. today i try go again and ask the SA..keke..
I think the 7-11 figurines, HKG already released begining of last year right? Cos I bought the whole set last Jan.

I'll be in Tokyo till the 5th.Arrive Sgp on the 6th. U wanna come and help me carry my loots?hehehe...

Hai, Otaru romantic neh. Like little Europe. And many special Kitty chan there
Do I sound like Japanese? hehehe...

U better don't go Hokkaido during Jan. It was -16 when I left ytd. *FAINT* And snowing is not fun at all!!!

Hmmm....About $7K on air tkt,accomodation &amp; sightseeing for 2 paxs. And 10K on shopping.Hehehe..really need to plan before travelling to Japan. Everything is ex de lor. But KT is consider resonable for me cos Singapore alot more ex for those limited ones.

I will let u know if I have extra to sell. Those in the pic alone also not enough for me :p

Okidoki...Got to go now.If I have more loots, I will update later. Stay tune and sayonara
Happy Bday Meiji

KWL, ya, i think your estimate is more realistic, i just asked hb how much we spent during our past hokkaido trips, he also say about $3k per pax on packaged tour to hokkaido alone, so ya if to be conservative and havent count in extension in Tokyo, air tics + accomodation for 2 should be about $6k at least. Plus shopping money, at least $10k liao, ooo i didnt realise hb probably spent this much previously, heeehee

Otaru is nice ney?! Its so romantic lor. I love having kopi there and then eat ice cream while strolling the streets. Waa .. feeling nostalgic now, hehe.
Morning Ladies

Blessed Birthday to you!

Love all your loots!

Otaru is so lovely, I wanna go back again someday heehee ;) Missing Hokkaido now...
wow, u managed to get all. U nvr get any repeated ones? I onli bought 3 pcs, luckily managed to get the Fortune Kitty
I have extra set of HK window curtains to let go @ cost $56.90 (2 pcs in a pkt).

Dimension: 150 x 173cm

Ladies who are keen in my sunglasses,

I got it at United Sq Specs shop on the first level opp Swenson. $235 after discount and it's licensed under Sanrio. Personally, I find it ex and I only bought it cos DH's company subsidizes one eyewear every year.

There are other colours for the ribbon. Black, crystal white, blue (like mine). Remember there was a pink or red previously but the SA told me don't have liao.
Hi HK,
Pls pm me thhe link for tutu as well, tks

Oops I keep thinking sz 26 is 26cm.
If pass by Bugis, I will pop over to see. Tks for the info.

Hi Meiji
Happy belated birthday!

Also nice HK loot u got.
Yur hubby so sweet! Hee

Hi PomPom,
Tks for sharing the Hk figurines.
This morn went to 7-11 but my place here dun have these.

Hi sghellokitty,

<font color="aa00aa">By the way, I've already start using the CNY LD's long plates yesterday.
Hee but I use the plates to display the chicken wings i/o sushi.
Hee. My guests finally see the Hk design on the plate after finishing the wings &amp; they found the plates nice nice . </font>
Hee, u veri funny
Yr HK shopping budget $10k, big hor! Remember to post pics of yr loots in Tokyo.

We shd have start collecting HK earlier, i also wanna go bk Hokkaido to buy more but waiting for bb to b older
Did u go F n E tat time?
kwl so envy u,

gan, my place 7-11 also no hv the Hk figurines, i been to all Three 7-11 near my place, all no hv.

2day, my boy 1st day at school,he kep crying when i gotta leave..haiz. dunno how long this wil last
hi hi ladies

Ooo so busy today, cleaning the house!

Purin, waa, thats rather exp hor, the sunglasses? But considering its Sanrio licensed ok lah, dont feel that much of a pinch liao.

Gan, did you buy those baking kit from Sanrio? I thot you will, then can make with your girl and show us, hehe

Princess, actually KWL's shopping budget $10k very easily hit leh if buy those exclusive hk, especially those that dont even come to spore. Maybe even more so nowadays cos the yen is stronger. Maybe KWL really buy very exotic stuffs hor? I saw in Otaru before hor ... hk glass ornaments and those musical box kind, 1 tiny weenie stuff already a couple thousands yen, walau

Angel you went FnE ah? Wow .. Otaru not easy to go FnE leh, must know how to change trains which i m still abit blur though my jpn teacher has tried to guide me verbally.

By the way ladies, the 7-eleven hk next week should all have liao, they are mass rolling out next week, i heard.
Hee hee, in a way good we weren't really into HK when we went to Japan. Save our pockets from being burnt though I think most of the souvenirs I brought home were HK items but not those limited edition type

We went on tour in 2006. Thus only managed to spend a few hours in Otaru, my friends in HKG just went there recently FnE though
Must ask them for directions hehe... When did you go to Hokkaido?

Ladies, are these 7-11 HK just figurines for display or do they have other functions/purpose?
U r so lucky to get the completed HK figurines. Me so scare to stuck with extras so juz bot 3 boxes nia. Got 2 CNY &amp; 1 sch gal figurines loh.

So fast u used ur LD long plates liao ah? Me still thot of using it during CNY to put kueh lapis &amp; CNY cookies men.

$235 seems ex, but since ur hubby's co subsidizes specs de, den its ok lah. Hee...

Me oso tinking of where to make an extra pair of specs. My co oso subsidises me for my spectacles. I hav $400 to spare loh. But dun intend to spend much lah, coz' the rest i can use on medical mah.
I got extra Fortune Kitty, schoolgirl &amp; magician HK figurine to exchange with Business Man, Pirate &amp; Singer, please PMed me if you have extra, thanks!!

I miss Hokkaido too but my DH would prefer travel to another country, we have tight budget, too bad =p
Purin, estben &amp; jasmine
i went to 6 "7-11" store in pasir ris, sembawang and admiratly.All not have the HK figurine.i asked the admiralty side they said the Hk promotion start on 7jan.
Can i know which 7-11 did you all go?

pm you.

Oic, those exclusive HK stuff reali ex hor...hee me haven't go to tat level yet, onli buy normal HK stuffs. Ya the normal musical box in Otaru areadi not cheap hor.

I haven't start collecting tat y bought very little HK things at tat time. Reali looking forward to go Japan again.

Jasmine, MB, Angel,
Maybe you all can try f n E self-drive in Hokkaido, my dh n I reali enjoyed the trip, tat y if i go again i will opt for self-drive again.

U planning for holiday again ah?

7-11 HK figurine:
May i know how much issit?
