Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

I'm planning to Europe on coming May but not sure yet because currently only 4 ppl join the tour keke

7-11 HK figurine is $3.90 each

PM received, check my reply later.

wow you going Europe.DH say that will go to Natas Fair on Mar,hope to book tour to Hokkaido & Tokyo in june.
Hi Ladies!

Okie will pm u the link later.

I have 4 extra 7-11 Fortune Kitty and 1 pirate kitty to let go at cost or exchange for Office Lady, Singer and maid.

I went on Thursday the SA took from store said sanrio people only briefing them today. Suppose to have dunno what chops etc.

I went to Redhill mrt's 7-11.

You going to Hokkaido & tokyo in June, then will be summer time issit? Quite hot wor but oso a good time to see all the flowers, rite?
heehee i not sure what is the best time to go?Should go during the spring beta right?Must wait for DH to ask ask 1st.
Paiseh you have Pm again.
Tks! My bday is today.

Your HK figurines is nice!

Got your payment. Tks!

i went Yishun MRT 7-11. SA told me, they will only start selling on 7 Jan.
Happy Birthday! Any HK presents from your DH?

Sorry can only pm u the link on Monday, cos I saved the link in my school laptop but I did not bring it home today.

Angel, i last went Hokkaido in 2007 and 2006. Wow, if your fren share with you on the directions,let me kno too?
I am still undecided whether want take domestic flight to Chitose then JR Hakodate line or take the JR Cassiopeia then change to Sapporo. The 2nd way is more cumbersome but feel like experience the Cassiopeia.

Princess, ya good idea
i thot of that too but my past few trips alittle pressed for time, haiz .. Now i m thinking of extending from my trip next month, so still trying to figure out how to fit things altogether.

Piggy, june will be nice, in between spring and autumn, and just nice school holidays for your boys rite?
Hokkaido will still be cold, over there is always colder than mainland Japan. But still better than now, at least wont be neg degrees. There are 2 other good times to visit Hokkaido, in Mar/Apr if you wan to catch Sakuras and in Sep if you want to see their lavender and wild flowers bloom.
happy birthday meiji. how u celebrate ur birthday?

hi ladies was doing some spring cleaning just now, n i decided to let go some hello kittys all below retail price.
gv me some mins k while i upload the pics
thanks for yr info.Going without the kids.shhhshh
if the trip is on,maybe need yr advice on HK shopping.but me cant buy limited stuff.DH will sure kill me.

me waiting for you(yr stuff).heehee
The 7-11 that I went to is at Toh Yi drive. They actually displayed one at the cashier. So I told the ic that if I have an extra, then I'll exchange with the one at her cashier. She has np with that.


Can you claim your medical expenses against your DH company? Keke. . mine can. So for dental, my company also gives $400 and I'll claim from my DH's company. But not full, only claim 80%.

Ya lor. . the specs ex de lor. . .I paid 20% and claim 80%. If ask me to pay 100%, I bu se de cos I don't drive and seldom wear sunglasses. Furthermore, I already have another 2 pairs + 1 HK which I bought from KK long time ago.


Yen is so high now. When I went May 2008 and 2007. 100yen = S$1.3 only. Now so high. For the last 2 years I went, we also spent S$10k per trip but was for 4-5 pax, excluding airfare. Actually with this amount, can buy quite a lot of HK liao if still at the 1.3 exch. rate.

Now super broke after all the trips in the last 2 years. Told DH this year go cruise can liao.
Oooo Piggy, so romantic ney?! Then you MUST go Otaru! Scarli have a number 3 made in Otaru? Hehehe
I tell you when i was there, i felt like i m in love all over again, hahaha
Normal mail include or can meet-up at Jurong Point/Vivo

a) die-cut case with candies, $6

b) HK face 20 pockets card-holder, $10

c) HK head plush keychain, $6

d) Blue spa bag $5

e) Pink spa bag $5

That's all at the moment, till i spring-clean again...
REAli,heehee i need to fall in love with my hubby again as we been together very very long time(15yrs) liao

my da-sao also said that now quite ex to go japan
Wow Purin, $10k havent include air tics? Then at least $15k whole trip? Wow ..

Ya lor, yen so strong now, have to squeeze budget if going now. So thats why my next trip, gonna stay at ryokans and suburb hotels, hehehe, save more $ for hk! Even then i calculated at least $6k required before shopping cash! Hehehe, come back liao become pok kai liao, hahaha.
did I still owe any1 payment or collection? please pm or sms me ya. me recently very busy coping with my girl as well as my pregnancy alone.
Thank you!!

I oso spent near $10K on my Hokkaido trip, but most of the money spent on food, my DH is food lover and he can eat ALOT....
Hello ladies..

happy birthday..just in time to wish you

aiyo...japan/hokkaido trips all need to spend in "Ks" one ah...wah lao..think i need to save more b4 i can go...but yr europe also wont be so cheap..kekeke..but can buy branded stuff..that one also shiok

wah..lucky u can claim the sunglasses..if not where got "she de" buy...kekee. is the frame very big?
Wow self drive in Japan so adventurous ah!

If you want the directions, I'll check for you next time I chat with my friend online
Dunno when can travel again with Nate so next trip to Japan won't be so soon haha...

We went to Hokkaido in Aug on a Floral tour
Weather was too hot though, a lot of the lavender had been harvested by then... Still managed to enjoy some of their blooms, can share the pics with you gals if you are interested hehe ;)

<font color="aa00aa">Ladies, anyone keen on HK Face DS Lite Pouch from same series as Softpillow's card holder or Fortune Cat LD Long Plate? I have one piece each to let go, please PM me if interested thanks!</font>
Hopefully can go this time, because I suppose to go on May 2008 de.... I already told my DH cannot stop me for buying branded stuffs, hehe
Oopps... Juz read the postings n realized Jasmine has grabbed the cardholder liaoz. No worries. Heheh...

Can we order the CNY stuffs frm HKG? Berry nice leh... =0)
New loots(not much) and some pictures I took at sanrio stores to share with KT fans.

angeltopg, Gan,
Thanks for your compliment

10K on shopping but not only KT also on Blue label stuff. How to F&amp;E in Hokkaido??? I can barely manage Tokyo city? *faint*

melody2228, softpillow,
When I started collecting 4 years ago, that happen to me before too. So envy of those “Big time” collectors. Always go Japan buy KT
Finally I have the courage to come. Cos I really scare I buy with no limits. I try not to “anyhow” buy. Only get those rare ones.

Yea..U’re so right!!!10K is really nothing when in Japan de lor. 4K gone liao after I left Hokkiado
Talking about the glass ornaments with musical, I regret I didn’t get all 3 colours. I only buy the pink one.

Went Shinjuku just now. It’s so crazy!!!! I almost fainted. Kekeke….Prefer Ginza. Sanrio Puroland tomorrow
Hee, tight budget still can go Europe ah ;p U booked quite far ahead hor, hopefully can form a grp. Which part of Europe r u going?

Luckily u went when Yen is low, dunno when will it drop again. Reali not cheap if u go wif family.

Ya June will b hot lor. Me went in Autumn, nice weather n nice seafood but can't see all the nice flowers. So romantic hor can go w/out yr kids.

Hee actuali their rd not much car quite easy to drive, somemore have navigation sys, just key in destination code, it will guide u there. Reali fun n quite relaxing lor. Gd tat u managed to go for floral tour, must be veri nice.

Alot of ryokans also not cheap leh, u got gd lobang? Nx time if i go can chk wif u. Wonder if travel by rail, wun it be inconvenient to lug luggage ard? So gd hor u might b going soon.

Oic, thought $10k just on KT, hee i almost faint. So many nice loots, see until i blur. F n E in Hokkaido, can...there's a travel agency here tat specialise in self-drive in Hokkaido, they can help bk car, hotels, airtickets etc. But of course, winter cannot drive lah, not safe, they wun accept booking too.
KWL, so late still havent sleep?? U went to Shibuya 109 already ah? Wow ...so much to buy hor? Sure spend another few $k at least but worth it lah if you buy those spore cant find de.

Princess, ok lah, some ryokans are still quite reasonably priced, at least cheaper than the like of Keio. Ok lah the Cassiopeia rail is a night train leh, come with rooms, like cabins can put luggage in there. Hmm .. maybe to spend less effort lugging, make hokkaido the front part of the trip lor, hehe, am still planning the best fit.
Ya you are right, their cars so high tech, got GRPS, my hb so fascinated, he also want to drive around, hahaha

Nite nite ladies
Gonna start on my pc game, haha!
Now Im on own time own target liao

No time to go Shibuya 109 yet. $ not enough, time also not enough.kekeke...

I really love the service apartment Im staying now. And the Italian food just beside the apartment is yummy. Can I stay here for good? hehehe..maybe not, 7K a month to rent this apartment is crazy!!!

U really love playing PC games leh.

winter is ok for me but not snowing. It's crazy!!!And I hate it cos very messy.
i just came back..i go feel the HK.....got another complete set for my friend

u sleep le? just now i sms u cos i 'feel' the singer than duno u want or not..
KWL, eh U gg Puroland tmr? I PM you something about that. Check ur email in a while hor?

Haha i know which apartmt, shiok right?
Yo ladies!!

A very Happy New Year to all,

Hope all of you are well.

you seemed to be enjoying every minute of it though you complained that its snowing.You are still able to get so much HK stuff despite snowing. So I guess you are so much happier there then compared to be in singapore right now with the hot weather here.

Below are the loot my good friend has got for me from Tokyo.She just came back on last saturday.

Thanks MB

Shinjuku 109 has a sanrio shop and also the kt crystal shop, plus the area there is like our SG Far East Plaza wif all the latest trendy stuff
morning ladies,

hi meiji,
happy belated b'day..

meiji, bluegenie &amp; lili,
was quite busy y'day and here's the price for the cny items. (*price is inclusive shipment from HKG)

1.) floor mat $22
2.) lion head $33
3.) "mei hua" tree $42

let me know of yr order by monday, ya?
wooo...welcome backie.."yuan lai" you went to HKG ah..kekeke..hows yr trip? cold cold there eh? show us yr loots okies...kekeke.

anyone has the non-authentic HK water flask for sale, the one i did BP a long time ago...pls let me know. helping my fren to search for it. thanks.

thanks for checking the price...if order in, will be in time for CNY? if yes, i want the carpet...thanks lots.
<font color="aa00aa">she_she,</font>
I want the floor mat &amp; mei hua tree, thanks!

<font color="0077aa">Jenny,</font>
Welcome back!
Welcome bk! Bought alot of things?
Oic, me din know abt the Cassiopeia rail. During the day, when u go sight-seeing,where u put yr luggage leh?

Ya agreed snowing is nice but also messy, not easy to move ard loh. Hope u hv a nice trip at Puroland tdy.

Wat is the round white thing? Mirror?
Yea Purin, Jenny is right
but its Shibuya 109 ya? Just right outside the famous Shibuya traffic junction.


so far i have not need to lug luggages while on the go leh. Even when i change hotels, usually i could still leave the luggages at the new hotel then go out, checking in only much later in the day. And when i travel from tokyo to osaka that time, i could actually store small luggages on the shinkansen too. There is a small luggage area on the shinkansen. Same for those day trips to Hakone and Mt Fuji. And if worst scenario, really need to store luggages, for eg. going day trips by bus or last day already and want to be at non hotel designated airport limousine bus pick up point on time, then can use those travel lockers. Shinjuku station has quite alot and furthermore near the airport limousine bus pick up point.

Yea the Cassiopeia is night rail, you leave Ueno at about 4pm, reach Sapporo next day, in between must change at Aomori i think. This is the part i m still not too sure how. Its a long ride but have cabin rooms kind so you can sleep thru and then enjoy scenery when day breaks. I feel like experiencing tat.
Hehe, otherwise it will be more time saving to just fly to Chitose.
I bought more of kilara stuff, some ellon stuff for frds, a pink kt luggage but she disfigure liao, wahahhahahaha

The trip is ok but weather abit cold

Yah is kinda cold there but still bearable, i abit lazy to take pic, will take soon. I saw the CNY kt things from sanrio, quite cheap there, but only bought some hairties and purse, was thinking maybe TH will bring in cos all from hongkong.

Thanks for the welcome

Bought some things only lah not alot

Tat time, i went there to hunt for the kt shop, didn't realised got 2 Shibuya 109 buildings, hehe, as usual had to ask ppl, chicken and duck talk, wahahhahahaha

Yes, its a mirror. How you know huh? Have you seen it somewhere?

quickly take pic of your loot and show us here.

lili &amp; jasmine,
you may want to check with the local sanrio shop if they'll bring in the CNY items or not, i got mine already so u better to check with them first.
