Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hi ladies,
Me went Punggol Plaza today. Bot the following earrings & hair bands. Love the sks earrings the most!





<font color="ff0000">Happy Belated Birthday to you!</font> What do u get for ur BD gift? HK?

<font color="aa00aa">Welcome back!</font> Faster show us ur loots! Kilara stuff got extra to sell? U know wat I always wan to buy loh. hehe...

U sounds very familiar with Japan leh. It's really a land u in luv with = )

U really enjoying ur trip leh. Can see from ur pics. U even do HK nail art? Tks for sharing so much nice pics and stuff with us! Look fwd to your coming back!

I like the SKS earrings too. Too bad I got no ear hole.
Hi Piggy

You can get the 7-11 figurings at Woodsgrove 7-11 store. Its available on sale there. Those stores in admiralty are not available yet
Thanks, i haven't take pic yet cos i'm tired plus i'm also having body ache now, can hardly moved, i try take the pics next week
jenny.. ur leg so pain u still can shop leh.. peifu ni ah!!! now that u're back.. better rest that poor leg more.. if not realli injured big time then no good liaoz..
Thanks for ur concern my ankle is better liao, no worries, now only body aching wahhahaha, from carryin my loot back hehe
injured ankle must be careful dun aggravate it ah...i now frequently go to chinese sinseh to "twee"...so that old injuries wont come back...do take care.

oh, ok ok, i check with local sanrio stores then let you know...thanks.
I dun go to sinseh one cos i scare of the smell, so i always old injury come back, this sprain is a recurring one, happen tat nite i nv c the drain so step in again while boarding the cab back, at nite too dark cannot c properly i'm as blind as a bat, wahahahahahahha
ohhh...so jialut...must open eye big big ah..kekeke. this sinseh i go to, he doesnt use smelly "ointment"..he uses counterpain/nivea cream...he uses the "shift bone" method..very power..my knee cap also not pain liow..usually have pain when doing down stairs mah...
he good ah i dun mind to try out cos mr lee is complaining cos i always tell him i here pain there pain, wahahahahhaah i easily get ankle sprains so always have to wear ankle guards wahhahahahahaa
take care.

thanks for the info.you stay around Admiratly/wooodlands area?

where you get the HK table?how much?
where did u get this small display shelf and how much u pay for it.

I same like u anything with apple or strawberry with Hk i sure love it.
eh, actually TH have all these cabinets..i can check with them
sometimes they hv balance stock in the warehouse...

ohhhh..hahahah..u which design haben collect?
ya, white one nicer.

I am looking for this hk white cabinet. It is sometime back so not sure still have in the market, ladies if you happen to see it pm me.

Updated Loots and pics to share…
Shinjuku,Shibuya &amp; Harajuku later
Hopefully can cover Omotesando.

Your friends always buy KT from Japan for you? So nice of them
They also like KT?

Yup, am now staying @ Fraser Place howff Shinjuku. Highly recommended by me
Sometimes, I don’t even feel like stepping out of my apartment

Shinjuku 109? Should be Shibuya 109 leh. What else, of course KT lah. kekeke…

Welcome back!!!Looking forward to see your loots
Got 2 Shibuya 109 buildings???

Thanks, I have a lot of fun buying KT at Puroland and visiting KT house than the show/rides :p

U really Japan expert de lor
Maybe we can go together F&amp;E next time to Oita to Harmonyland and Kyushu to Seagaia Ocean Dome
2 KT siao travelling together sure shop till drop/broke.

No lah..I didn’t do the nail art cos I was busy looking &amp; buying KT. When I was about to check it out, it's almost closing time for the mall. Maybe if I happen to pass by later, will do it if I have the time. There's so much to do/see in Japan!!!Really cannot take my own sweet time to shop @ 1 store + wasted alot of time on transportation(still very confuse with their subway). Hope u enjoy what I see in Japan thru those pics

I saw the white cabinet(last pic) @ More Than Words sometime back. Don’t know still have or not. Around $69.90 if Im not wrong.
You are very kind to those ladies with DS leh. Took pictures of the SKS shelves. *Drool*

I like the die-cut plates and cups from Puroland. Let me know if you have extras.

By the way, a few of us had previously stayed in Fraser Place howff Shinjuku. BA was staying there too during her last trip. If I can recall, think it was MB who recommended me during my May 2008 trip.

DH has enough mileages to bring us to Japan and I told him if we go, I want to go Osaka or Hokkaido this time. But the yen is so strong now. Furthermore, I'm still thinking of quitting and be a SAHM. So cannot anyhow spend. Since you don't have a kid now, better go and enjoy as much as you can.
Can u remember KT store is @ building I or II?

U read my mind
Yes, I took those SKS shelves for ladies with DS. And also cos I never see so much SKS in 1 shelve before in Singapore.

I know a few here had stayed at Fraser Place Howff Shinjuku. What I meant is anyone planning to go Tokyo can consider staying here. Really homely place.
The shop should be in Building II, u can c it once u reach the building, they have a display set of bling bling bike rite in glass cupboard,
hi hi ladies

Annie, indeed its a land i love
hehehe. I love their way of life, their culture, their mannerism, food, almost everything, hehe

Melody, you stay in hougang ah?

KWL, so nostalgic the fotos!!
Eh, you played the LD already? Good wins? Today going Harajuku ah? I like the street fashion there, very funky and cool! Hb also like gg there to watch the cosplays.

No lah, i m no expert. Its just my past few trips experiences put together. You go a few more times, you will be more expert liao, hehe. And i m also constantly researching about japan leh. And also every week, i go bother my jap teacher, 'ji ji zha zha' with her to tell me things, lucky she dont find me 'fan' hehehe, she is very cute!

Hey onz!! Next time we go Tokyo together then take the shinkansen to Kyushu and go Oita - Harmonyland!
Any other ladies here want come? We go together, hehehe

Jenny is right, the HK shop is at Shibuya 109 2nd building, 1st floor. You wont miss it de, near escalator.

Purin, yes exactly.
I m also somewhat like you, i know i will want to be a SAHM when i have kids so thats why now actively pursuing certain goals first. Actually when we first got married 2 years ago, we did try to have a kid for coming to a year then hb say certain things better do before kids come, less restraints and financial obligations. That kinda also woke me up to continue in my job too, to save up otherwise i might have changed line back then with a definite pay cut. Thank God, everything just fell into perspective
You were at 1 stage comtemplating to quit also hor? But you have very valid reasons to quit, nothing is more rewarding than seeing your own child grow hor? Furthermore its not easy being a SAHM also.
No lah, I only have one good friend whom she knows that I like Hello Kitty.So I got her to buy a few hello kitty stuff which she did not manage to get.But normally when she go overseas I do receive gift from her. Btw I really like the photos that you have taken.Good and clear shots I would say. I like the big bag that you bought. How much did you pay for it, if got extra can sell me? hehehehe please keep us updated ya.Have fun in Japan.
I stay in punggol. I also want to go japan. Will be very fun to go hk shopping together.

Drool over your photos. Been showing my DH the photo, let him know I want to go.

HGK also a lot of HK, been there 3 times, might be going again this year. HGK cheaper than japan. If this year go, will be mainly for HK shopping.
PLL, you mean her pink blue label bag ah? Very nice leh that one. Good buy!

Melody, o i c.
Hehehe, ya sure, lets go together, hehehe
Jpn is better than TW &amp; HKG, i still prefer gg to Jpn. HKG has quite abit of HK, but i prefer go to Kilara &amp; Ellon, other rest usually can get from our local kt shop, even Ellon stock also can get in TH le, when i shop overseas i try to get things i miss getting or not available locally cos i lug it back very troublesome plus my bf will give me the look leh, wahahahahhahaha
KWL i just finished see your LD prizes, hehehe, wow new series liao

The puroland barbie kitty plate is like that or custom imprinted?
Think u'll enjoy the jpn, cos my bf and i did loh, hehe, very much some more.

The LD very nice loh, i also like very much but i dun think they bring in to sg, cos i notice certain LD they nv bring in
Jenny, i thot so too! I vaguely remember there was this when i last visited but it wasnt plate then if i m not wrong. Or was it? I forget liao, Hehehe
Ya ya, thats KWL at the side, hehe.
No its not the bag that I am talking about. Yes the bag that you mentioned is very nice,but its not mu type. I was referring to the China Type of Big bag in slide 65 of KWL's link.
Keke. . trip to Japan? Faint. . I told Blueblue that I want to go HKG to watch Andy Lau's concert with her too. Jialat. . .how to be SAHM like this.
Your photo makes me wanna go JPN right now, so many NICE HK thingy.... Thanks for sharing so many photos with us

You can be the tour guide if this HK JPN trip is confirmed, hehe

Keep the job first and see how's the situation later. At least you can buy whatever you want now.
