Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

TH also has that HK sideview lappie stickers...they have a variety there too...

how abt sunday? will also be at that area...

Hi Ladies!

Good morning!

Aiyoh missed your pte sale again!

When u posting your next sale?

Is ok lah! First-come-first-serve one mah

THANKS LOADS! Pls help me collect from Jasmine then. I in no rush. Btw, kittymum mentioned she has passed my stuff via BA to u. Reached u already?

Pls pass the toothbrush to msbrown ya, tks!

Yesterday went KK to send my HK phone for repair.
May showed me the LD too. She said coming end Nov. They ordered 8 sets cos some individual getting the whole set. Wonder if is one of our jie3mei4s here?

can PM me ur contact? can't confirm if i'll be at IMM on sun but i try ok

this LD very nice, i like it too.

is this the LD(hazelnut posted) u told me abt?

anyone wants to go play this Nov LD? I hv saved up enough $ to go play wahaha
TH has? too far from my office

Tks for informing me. Got Kitty design too? I also looking for SKS..but think seldom has.

This is the LD that May from KK told me. It will be coming this month, ard 3rd or 4th sat. I sure chiong this LD. The water dispenser so cute!!! Let's go...
Hi here is the details of the LD items.

回転寿司のスイーツバージョンが登場 The revolving sushi appeared SUITSUBAJON
お好きなデザートなどをのせてクルクル回せば幸せ&リッチな気分に Put your favorite dessert and have it roll回SE feel happy and rich

●ドリンクサーバー● Drink server ● ●
とっておきのドリンクをボトルに入れて仲間と一緒に乾杯 Good place to drink a bottle of drink with friends

●バースデーケーキでポン● A birthday cake in the Pont ● ●
3段ケーキの上にキティちゃんをセットして順番にケーキ入刀 Kitty three-tier cake set on top of the cake in order to turn swords
キティちゃんがジャンプしてくれたら大当たり 'd Hit the jackpot jumps to Kitty

●ビッグプレート● Big plate ● ●
キティちゃんの顔の形をした陶器製の大きなプレート Kitty's face in the shape of a large ceramic plate

●やわらかひざかけ● ● ● soft knee guard?
ふわふわ感が最高級のマイクロファイバーを使用 A sense of fleecy use of the finest microfiber

●プチタオルセット● PUCHITAORUSETTO ● ●
キティちゃんのケースの中になんとプチタオルが2枚 Kitty in the case of the two Holy PUCHITAORU
ケースにはヒモがついているのでツリーに飾っても In the case because the strings have also decorate the tree

●棒つきキャンディセット● Candy bars with a set ● ●
キティちゃんのケースの中にキャンディが6本 Kitty Candy in the case of the six books

●マイ小皿● My small dish ● ●
キティちゃんの顔をした陶器製の小さなプレート Kitty's face was a small ceramic plate
カットしたケーキがちょこんとのっかるサイズです Cut the cake is the size get on CHOKONTO

●クリアカップセット● KURIAKAPPUSETTO ● ●
キティちゃんが浮き彫りになった3個セットのカップです Kitty was the highlight of the Cup is a set of three
ON! I bring Ryan and u bring Alvin!
I like the ceramic plate too....revolving sushi!!

Wonder what is the cake pont for? as display?
blueblue.. the cake pont is a game actualli... take turns to pull out/insert the swords and loser/winner will be the one who pulled out the sword that pops the kitty on the top... funny top prize...
Waaa.. nice LD!!

<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine</font>
I think I'll be like u ah... Oh no... <font color="aa00aa">Msblur</font>, u must hold on to me too!! Hahaa..
Morning Ladies...
how are you all? long time didn't turn up here, ya?
<font color="aa00aa">pp</font> will organize this Sanrio Catalogue Jan-09 and i just can't wait to see if anyone can share with me.

<font color="aa00aa">pp,</font> sorry hor, can't wait to get started, hee..

1.) Pg 1 <949311> Aluminum Foil 380 yen x 6 ($6.08)


2.) Pg 9 <033081> 2 tier lunch box 1500 yen x 2 ($24)


3.) Pg 9 <033090> container 500 yen x 4 ($8)


4.) Pg 9 <032522> kitchen mitten 1200 x 2 ($19.2)


5.) Pg 9 <029475> peeler 1200 x 2 ($19.2)


6.) Pg 9 <029483> slotted turner 1200 yen x 2 ($19.2)


7.) Pg 10 <032841> timer 1000 yen x 2 ($16)


8.) Pg 10 <032883> jar 700 yen x 3 ($11.2)


9.) Pg 13 <005169> paper clips 660 yen x 3 ($10.56)


10.) Pg 17 <709361> writing pad 200 yen x 6 ($3.2)


11.) Pg 17 <710661> File 100yen x 10 ($1.6)

She_She, if already meet minimum qty for the items, will you start another set? Eg. if item 8 already meet 3 pcs after Angel and Forgetmenot's orders to share with you, Eliz and my and Princess can form another set of 3 hor?
kitchen mitten comes in one piece only, i wish to have in pairs too, hee..

i do not know when will it be launched locally, if you order here, the arriving time should be end of the jan or early feb.

correct, as long as MTQ is met, we can open as many set as needed.

i'll consoldiate the list a bit later on, ya? busy at work nowadays, hee..
haha, no prob, u got them so excited too!
I'll do the compiling since u're bz, thanks for the lobang again!

<font color="ff0000">Sanrio Catalogue Jan 09</font>
The link to the pics is here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24465386@N08/sets/72157609030364949/ (Copy the whole link including @N08/sets/72157609030364949/ )
Conversion rate is XX yen x 0.016 = S$YY.
If there are items with MOQ, u can post here like what she_she did. For items with no MOQ, u can PM me. Ladies who r interested in the items, just post what items u want, no need to copy the list. I'll consolidate the list regularly. This is to keep the thread neat.
Closing date is 17 Nov 2008 11.59pm.
Pls check if the list is correct, thanks!

1.) Pg 1 <949311> Aluminum Foil 380 yen x 6($6.08)
<font color="ff0000">Set 1 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 2</font>

2.) Pg 9 <033081> 2 tier lunch box 1500 yen x 2 ($24) <font color="ff0000">CLOSED</font>

3.) Pg 9 <033090> container 500 yen x 4 ($8)
<font color="ff0000">Set 1 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 2 CLOSED</font>

4.) Pg 9 <032522> kitchen mitten 1200 x 2 ($19.2)
<font color="ff0000">Set 1 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 2</font>

5.) Pg 9 <029475> peeler 1200 x 2 ($19.2)
<font color="ff0000">Set 1 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 2</font>

6.) Pg 9 <029483> slotted turner 1200 yen x 2 ($19.2)
<font color="ff0000">Set 1 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 2 CLOSED</font>

7.) Pg 10 <032841> timer 1000 yen x 2 ($16)
<font color="ff0000">Set 1 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 2 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 3</font>

8.) Pg 10 <032883> jar 700 yen x 3 ($11.2)
<font color="ff0000">Set 1 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 2 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 3</font>

9.) Pg 13 <005169> paper clips 660 yen x 3 ($10.56)
<font color="ff0000">Set 1 CLOSED</font>

<font color="ff0000">Set 2 CLOSED</font>

10.) Pg 17 <709361> writing pad 200 yen x 6 ($3.2)

11.) Pg 17 <710661> File 100yen x 10 ($1.6)
Thanks for pointing out. Princess will be included in set 3.

Amendment to 8.) Pg 10 <032883> jar 700 yen x 3 ($11.2)
Set 3
Hi she she
When is the closing date for the Jan 09 Catalog?
I think when you pasted the picture here, it looks so much nicer as it's bigger and clearer. And now it tempting!!!! Evil Evil...haha. I want to buy a few items!! will submit later.

U see, I am supposed to contain everything in the Ikea Cupboard! Seems that it's just a dream! I wont be able to succumb to temptation!!!
Jasmine! Lili has kindly agreed to help us with our exchange of your TW loot-2pc HK towels.
Thanks Lili!

Can you pass my the 2pc one to her then let me know? Then when i meet her to collect my other loots with her, will collect and also pass her the one you passed me the other day. Then when she next meet you, she pass to you. Ok?
did u receive the item i sent over last time, forgot to ask you, really biz lately...think pp said the closing date is on 17/11 (mon), ya?

thanks so much for offering yr help to organize this BP, there's alot of work to do, and i know you're very new to be an organizer here, so ladies, please give yr support to PP to make this happens coz without her help, i really can't handle it myself, thanks.
<font color="0077aa">M_B</font>,
You don want to see me ah? haha
I will pass your 2pcs kitchen towel to Lili next week

<font color="0077aa">She_She / PP</font>,
I want no.1, no.2 &amp; no.8.
Anyone wan to share this?

Pg 3 <973955> HK cup w brush 840 yen x 2 ($13.44)

1) Forgetmenot

Pg 3 <973998> SKS cup w brush 840 yen x 2 ($13.44)
1) Forgetmenot

Pg 8 <057151> HK clasp pouch w sweets 600 yen x 4 ($9.60)

1) Forgetmenot
