Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hi Ladies

I;m selling a BN Authentic Minnie Mouse Patent handbag from HK Disneyland.

Previously selling at $35.00. Now selling at $20 OR exchange for $20 Takashimaya Vouchers

Collection on weekdays after work from Mon to Thurs, at any station from Outram to Aljunied.

Hi Ladies,
wow!@ eveyone cheong to crocs sales!
I din go coz too far and I believed sure super crowded! Hope everyone got their fair share of pretty loots fm the sales.

Hi BBgirl,
Tks for the update! I yet to receive any sms fm KK though I already request to put on their list. This time the LD prizes soooo very nice, I'm tempted & hoping to win the dispenser & plates. Hee

Anyone going on Mon? tsk tsk

Sharing pics of my creations I did today & last night.

<font color="0000ff">HK Coffee Pudding</font>


<font color="0000ff">Mini Cupcakes for my daughter's school party tomor morn</font>}
thanks to hubby's photography skill for making the cakes look so pretty

Hi PP,
I like to check with you on below items that u r organising the BP fm Sanrio Catalogue Jan 09.

7) Pg 10 <032841> timer 1000 yen x 2 ($16)
is the pic n color of the timer same as below pic? Thanks in advance.

The q is super long..i q for almost 2 hrs juz to pay..

KK told me is that series..I want to play but at 3pm? How to apply leave at such short notice leh??

your pudding and cake looks yummy!
Pudding easy to make?
Crocs sale
Wow...seems like alot of ladies here actually go for that and from the way u all described sounds quite scary to cheong there ya. How I wish I can go.

Wan to go but can't leh cos got a very important briefing on Mon afternoon. Hai...I didn't receive KK's sms too after I give birth. haha...

I think I just take one pc of 9. So orders would be 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9. Thanks!

Can't believe I miss ur part III again! I was online and I did ck if u post at HKL at 9plus but hor after that I surf other webs then didn't return le. Haiz...
hi ladies,
i went for the crocs sales also. reached there at around 12pm.. the queue to enter was no where to see.. so i just left w/o anything..
Wanted to ask DH to go to the Crocs sale too but I'm sure he wouldn't want cos he's 100% objecting to us wearing Crocs shoes due to all the incidents. Furthermore, when we were in Japan, they have all the warnings stickers pasted on the escalators.

Keke. . but I was lucky. Mau went and I managed to tobang her to buy 2 pairs for myself and 2 pairs for DS. I quoted what LYD said to DH. Easy to clean off/shake off sand/water so can wear to the beach. But hor, DH still asked me how often we go to the beach. Kekeke. . .

Actually during such sale, we can jio to go together, take turns to browse and queue. Keke. . that was what LYD and I did when we went to the Precious Moments event last year. Faster and can also get what we want.
Loot from Lot 1 Hk shop. beside Hk is milk purse, bot it cos i hv the milk bank. Matching ma, kakaka


still hv some from Xmas series but no yet take pics ;p
Morning Ladies
Yesterday went to Crocs sale.Too Horrid.went with my sis and two kids.Luckily DH joined us Ltr.so one queing,another one look after my younger one.my Elder one and me cheong to take the crocs.heehee.luckily got my boy to hold the plastic and i just see wat suitable and dump into the plastic.just managed to buy 3forJavier,1for my elder,2for myself,1for DH and 2 for my mom.bought alot of shirt and pant for my two Kids.we queued for cashier for 3hrs.

thanks for yr info.

I will rush down on mon.Wait for me.Heehee
Bring more $$

is my order for no 4,8 been taken down?
Anyone wants to share this? It's to place hot stuff on it. Ceramic.


HK ceramic plate <032743> 1500yen x 2 ($24)

Cham ah this catalogue alot of stuff i like. Gg to burn hole in pkt again.
this may not be the right place to post. But anyone knows where to buy this type of shoes? I saw it at suntec, in love with it.
But v exp. $89 per pair.

Hi ladies,
Me was at the Crocs sale ytd with hubby &amp; my kids, den later part my sis &amp; BIL oso came to join us. Agreed the Q was horrible! So no choice, once inside, me got my maid to help Q for us den we went inside to browse ard. After that den call my maid to check which Q she's in, den we went to join her in the Q. Phew!
Bought many shorts &amp; tshirts for my gals loh. Though the bermudas they stated its for boys, but i felt they r unisex, so got all the colors. Love the red &amp; brown colors very much mah. Hee...
Reali worth buying lah, coz my sis said 1st day they were selling 1pc for $10. Den ytd they were clearing 3pcs for $10! My sis bot more than 10pcs too. Haha...
Managed to buy a pair of sandle for my mum, a pair of pink Mickey for my elder gal &amp; a sandle for my hubby too.
All these for less than $100. But reali difficult to find the sizes for the adult shoes loh. Hav to go ard, kept looking ard on the flr, see whether anyone juz threw aside or nt &amp; happen to be the right sizes we wanted. Sign....

U Q for 2hrs ah? Me even though got my maid to Q when we reach there ard 6pm, we still Q till 9pm men! Luckily hubby brought the kids outside for dinner 1st, if nt he sure no patient to Q with me one. Luckily my BIL was patient enuff to Q with me.
LD at KK is always only open for members.

The shoes are so cute! Let me know where to buy if u know le. Very exp no doubt. U gg to the LD tomo?
I just called May and she told me got 3 sets. first set at 3pm. Told her I cant make it. So she said come aft work, but call to check with her first..wat time open last set. If worse case, she draw for me...haha. I also dunno how le. U going?

the shoes cute hor..I like too but so exp. I go scout if have, will sms u.

From my new office, I can reach ard 615pm.
Hello Ladies.....

bbgirl/Hello Kitty,
Ya lor, so qiao to see u gals leh. I saw bbgirl in the queue to go into Crocs early in the morning. Then saw HK in the queue oso for payment. Can u imagine I was there fm 10.30 - 4pm??? The queue for pymt is reali terrible de lor. I tink tat comes to abt 2-3 hrs lor.

My damage is around $300 lor, bought for myself, DH, baby niece &amp; my little cousin. Muz say the clothes &amp; pants is reali worth it de lor. The material is very very soft &amp; the colors esp for girls are so sweet lor. Cant resist. Treat it as I buying for them for CNY. haha....

Anyone gog Crocs sales today? Coz I know they releasing the Alice &amp; something else today but DH forbids me to go liao. He said go le waste time &amp; spent money so cant go. haha.....

Wah so many of you went for the Crocs sales...I live so near but very lazy...cos hear of the queue...turnoff already...
Woke up at 7.30am thought of going early...then again, flesh is weak...haiz...

msbrown, still want buy some more ah...
Yeah...the bermudas are reali gd buys loh. N i like the materials too. All 3 for $9 loh.

Alamak...i posted wrongly in my earlier post. All apparels they clearing 3 for $9 ytd, nt 3 for $10. Hee...
Hi Ladies!

The pink camo waiting for Emma's confirmation. Will reserve for u if she changes her mind.

Me too. Went around 10 plus in the morning and because of the queue stayed till 3 plus. My DH got a shock when he saw the parking fee $11. I kept reassuring him say very worth it lah, the sandals already saved so much.

I also got my girl that disney crocs.

The clothes really very worth it. U didn't get the more girlish designs for your girls ah? I got the ones with beetles and flowers.
Ya very hard to get the adult shoes. So many people there and they grabbed like the shoes are free.
When I was in the queue the ladies in front of and behind me were constantly scouting for shoes discarded by others in the queue and once the size ok, popped them into the plastic bag without hesitation. The lady in front of me started with 2 pairs and ended up with 5 pairs...keke...first time see can shop even when in the queue.

Very worth it and very nice!...showed my hubby...but then, he was like...please leave me out of this!
But then again...I super lazy one...rather nua at home! :p
Ladies who went to Crocs sales, thanks for your udates here, still hesitate going or not... But after read all your comments, I decide not to go le, so horrible ~~~

Pompom, you're right, we should go together because we can take turns to browse and queue
Wow!! So many of you went for the Crocs Sale!! Seems like most of you managed to grab really fantastic bargains!

I din go cos too far liaoz... all the way to Expo. Hub also not keen to drive all the way there.

<font color="ff0066"> Emma</font>,
hahahh... yah.. me still "cheonging" for last minute BB bargains. Went to the Motherhood Fair but was really disappointed. Nothing much.
But very happy that I managed to get the Medela Mini Electric breast pump for only $135.
so sorry tat u missed out on my pte sale. i'm still missing on 3 of my boxes, dun seem to be coming in, no news from singpost, i'm suspecting it prolly stuck somewhere, haiz..... maybe no more pte sale liao
I went back again today but saw the Q, oH my!!! Forget it!
Went shopping at Book fair and food fest. There also spent a bomb!!
Luckily hubby's colleague is inside and tompang for one baby alice for my gal.
Really glad i went on friday! The crowd is so like the shoes are like free siah...
but really cheap lar. Too bad for hubby, didn't managed to get any for him.
Ladies who bought from my pte sale
I dun think i'll be having anymore pre sale until all my boxes arrived, therefore i'll be sending PM in kitty loft for payment and collection of loot, kindly reply once u received the PM.
Hi ladies,
Me back frm expo! Went to Crocs sale, food fair &amp; book fair. Didnt buy anything frm Crocs sale, coz' the crowds were terrible! This time i cant even squeeze in at all men. Unlike ytd nite, i still force myself in. But saw all the nice designs all no stocks &amp; sizes liao.

In the end only bought some books for my gals &amp; myself.

Me didnt get the more girlie tops lah, coz' all materials very thin &amp; its cap sleeve, so will make my gals look even skinny, so juz bot the above tshirts for them nia. Me cant resist but bought the bermudas too loh, though my elder gal kept pointing to the tag stated 'for boys' to me. She told me 'mummy, this short is for boys u know'??! But i juz brush it off saying 'ah ya its actually unisex lah'! Haha...

Wat time u were at Expo today? I reached there at 4pm loh. My gals very funnie loh. They juz followed blindly with us...den when we reached liao they said 'Mummy, y r we back here again'??!! Hahaha...
I reached 1030am and the Q was already like snake and ladders x 1000!!

The food fest not too bad hor? I bought some jelly, drinks etc..
Ktgal, thanks for bringing back so much extras for us!
Believe its not easy shuttling between 2 places and having to mind luggage limits yet you still thought of us. Thanks for sharing
Ok will look out for payment of my loots, hehe.

Hope your boxes come in soon and surely. Maybe clearing customs? Hope Singpost can keep you updated.
Wa..u were there so early ah? Did u see tling? She was there ard 11 plus.

Ya me oso Q to go in juz nw. The Q was till the nex exhibition rm men! Phew...
The food fair ok lah. We bot some fd, den went to the fd court outside to eat. U bot the Hello kitty jelly ah?
Nope, didn't buy. Haa..
Tling went?? Did she q?? If she did, i peifu ah.. The Q was really unbelievable.
Hubby was the one who wanted to go today but when he saw the Q, he turned back at once!
Ya ya...she Q. She told me she bought 10 pairs of shoes today ah! Pei fu her...so terrible crowds, she still managed to find the sizes she wan.
U welcome, hopefully its there, the boxes r actually bigger than the ones i received, inside has more of the jp loots leh, tml have to find out from singpost loh
msblur, Eliz,
I reached there abt 11 plus to 12pm. Agreed the queue is super long but since alrdy there so muz queue to go in. My hubby said me crazy loh, queue to spend $$. Queue for abt an hour to get in, then queue to pay oso spend an hour plus. When we were inside, we spilt into 2 groups - hubby n boi, my gal wif me. So we juz choose and dumped inside the plastic bag. After tat then we meet n sorted out which r the items tat we want

msblur, calculated wrongly, bought 9 pairs of shoes + 9 pcs of shirts n pants.
