Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

M_B, so paiseh, sorry to trouble you, I'm free on next week, let me know which day to meet up will do

<font color="0077aa">Morning Ladies!</font>

Smucks smucks!! You are de best!! Hee..
I was having a bad start to my day and you brighten it..
Can't wait to see my loots and the PINK MJ!!

Hope u feeling better..
Hi Ladies...

Can i chk wat brand of teething gel tat ur bb is using? Thinking of getting 1 for mine. Haa..yr girl also alot of pattern hor...
PM u leh...see my heart really soft for sideview kitty.

Eliz, feifei and softpillow
tks for asking. Feeling much better now. Given 2 days MC but today feeling better so come to work le. Just started new job..so pai say to take MC.

I like ur decal..good job! I think we are really kitty siao le...anything also kitty! Now i hope to put kitty on my lappie...
ya lor..pattern more than anything else..She is using Detinox lor..u can get frm pharamcy =D..

understooded lor, try to drink more water ya..
ya lor..pattern more than anything else..She is using Detinox lor..u can get frm pharamcy =D..

understooded lor, try to drink more water ya..
Morning ladies.....
How's everyone?

Have trf $15 for the SKS stickers to u. Thanks for passing to Purin.

To Account POSB Savings
093-46422-2 TANLILI
Amount S$15.00
Transaction Reference 1974938559

Nice loots ya. I like the magic ink too.

Purin &amp; gals
New additional to my work station. Thanks for helping me buy these 2 cabinets. NICE NICE.... I cleared all my loots fm my car boot liao. haha... only left 1 bag still there. Tat has to be kept in my house.


Yes I saw yr email, I replied to u liao. U post the mitten to me then let me know how much to trf to u including the postage ok.

These 2 cabinets bought from KPalace few weeks back when they're having additional 11.1% off all items. Very worth each cost $16. Made of wood &amp; can put photo in front (at the small square box there)
ms brown
U saw my PM? I din get to meet jasmine yest as I was sick...so ur stuffs is still with me.

Where did u get the cabinets? so chio chio.....
Ms brown,
Your work station is neat and nice. From tomorrow onward i will move to my new office and i can have my own work station with all my HK stuff.

I still have not find time to go ur house to collect my stuff from you. So sorry for the delay. Will do it later by next week.

U ard? I think I cannot view the pictures on sanrio board. So ktgal spree, I cant see. So Sad!
<font color="0000ff">Msbrown</font>
ur loots for yr work station is so cute and nice.. when i am on the board to work i also wana have a HK work station like yrs keke..

am getting so excited as this is my first time bringing my son to Bangkok tomorrow..wonder if he can co-operate and shop with me for HK or not cos i really miss shopping for HK in BKK like i always do keke
Good ah got new work station. Slowly slowly build up lor. Now everyday my boss see my desk, he shakes his head. haha....

No need envy leh. I envy yr kitchen de lor. Next time I oso wana convert mine into something like yrs.

These 2 angel &amp; devils containers, I got fm KK long time back. TPE XLT oso got sell leh. Tink abt the same price. Inside are chewing gums nice grape flavours.

My work station is my only Happy therapy lor. If I'm not happy then I try to touch, open, feel all my HK stuffs, I'll be happier liao. But sometimes I see lots of rubbish lor. Duno Y i bought them in the 1st place.
Hi Ladies!

Tiong Bahru mrt ok but I need to meet before 6pm cos need to fetch my children and rush back to cook dinner...

Hi sorry seldom logged in been busy your files sent out on Monday afternoon liao.

Can I have 2 HK door stoppers pls? Will collect everything from u when my hubby free to drive me over hor...cos the oven bery heavy. Thanks lots!

Aiya missed ktgal's sale
. The HK toe separator and emery board so nice!
hellokitty.. paiseh ah.. me had to help lili/jasmine/msblur chope also cos they either cant access forum from office or are out for lunch.. keke...
PLL, I just asked my friend to post it out leh. Will check with her then let you know.

Hellokitty, I can't reach Tiong Bahru by 6pm. How abt weekend?

Msbrown, new deco on your working station wor, nice nice
Estben, you are travelling too?

Wow.. me have to go somewhere soon, anywhere got HK can liao, been grounded for too long.

Mau i like your art sense, simple HK stuffs after arranged by you always look so much more appealing. Am sure your kitchen will look fabulous! Then i gotta envy you again, hehe
Hi jasmine

Is it? Cos I thought you told me you will only go to singpost on saturday. Please check if she has posted if its posted Np then, please kindly give me your account no to pay.

Hello Kitty,
If u dont mind, I can help u collect fm Jasmine then u come my place collect from me or my FIL but wont be so fast, maybe next week?

If HK is ok, then u label her stuffs &amp; pass to me when I go meet u ok. I hv ask blueblue to post out my item so I cant meet u anytime next week coz tis week a bit rushed for me.

No new leh. I juz added in the 2 cabinets lor. keke... I love them very much lor. Swee de lor.
<font color="0000ff">M_B</font>
ya a very last min trip cos SQ having promo so take this opportunity to bring my son along too.. but cant go for wild HK shopping like i do in my recent ones..but still will go shop for HK keke..
<font color="0077aa">Msbrown</font>,

When you gonna to collect your stuffs? I know you have been quite busy these few weeks... You can sms me when you're free.

So sorry for unable to help you collect the items from Blueblue, I accindentally pass her stuffs to Lili without knowing it too, very blur recently =P

<font color="0077aa">Jovan'smum</font>, enjoy your BKK trip!!
No worries. Anyway only 1 mitten liao so I told BlueBlue to post to me. Easier. I'll arrange with u next week to go yr place collect from u ok. Sorry for the delay ah.

Sometimes I see those makeshift stalls at T.Bahru Plaza they hv wor. If I see again will let u know.

With a toddler travelling a bit difficult to go shopping hor. Yr DH gog oso? If yes, then shud be ok leh.
ms brown
thanks..let me know if u see the stalls. my friend send a website for making these stickers at $5 for 100pcs. Wonder if it's exp. Oh I will post your mitten to u...hee hee. I cant check emails in office. They barred it... sob sob.
There is one shop near Hougang Mall, around Blk 806 where there is a playground, they have HK n SKS stickers. I did my gal n boi's stickers with names there. I can't remember how much I pay le cos quite some time ago
<font color="aa00aa">Japancraze</font>
Amount S$20.00
Transaction Reference 1975201768
Please pass to Lili when you go to RP hor.
She's in the loop. Thanks!!
Ladies...there will be a Hello Kitty Live show at Tampines Mall on the 8th to 21st Dec leh. Tink should be the same one at IMM previously bah.
Yeah...this time its so much nearer, sure can go lah.
It should be the same one loh. But i still can go again lah. Hee....
tling and kittyapple
Thanks..will pop by hougang mall if I hv the chance. I wan to label my stationary in the new office..haha..Crazy kitty.

Ur link got prob le...error..
Paiseh abt the other day hor.. Can we arrange again to collect my pots?
By any chance, Will u be home tomorrow ard noon?

I'm wld like this:
55. HK aluminium foil - $6 correct?
Tling that shop still there ah? I dont see it already. Hmm..

BlueBlue if i pass by the shop Tling mentioned tomorrow, i help you see.
hi LYD, oh i know about 49 liao. Paiseh paiseh.

I also want this 55. HK aluminium foil, still have?

Can also reserve this for me 42. HK dcut lunch box $22 ? I confirm this one tonite.
Abt 12pm lor.. I heading to Expro for the crocs sale.
Will call u lar.. if u not home then another time.
I COD hor if meet tmr.
I think I got 2 foils to let go... so each of you will have..

the price is the number beside the name of the picture.

I omitted $ to play safe.... because my purpose is to do spring cleaning to my over-whelming collection.
oh! got cros sale???!!! where? I want to go too!

how good is the sale? I want to get another pair of cros!

It's the best shoes (in my opinion) because I wore it to Egypt to the dessert and it served me very well! When it's dirty, super easy to clean and water proof!
