Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Emma, I love him too, but I got no strength to run with him leh, have to lose some weight first, wahahahahha

Ya, I saw your power last week aldy, use mouth only, keke

No need lah, u run after him more sure can lose weight de. Haha....

Ya ya..the mooncake hav to put in freezer, den when u wana eat that time, take out & let it cool for a while b4 eating.
Am surprised the barney shoe charm look so nice too.

That barney shoe charm is his then! Hee...
Am sure he will like it.

Hey Emma mummy...u nv notice Megan had chosen Enzo meh?? We saw Megan pushing ur nephew away leh, but hold Enzo's hand loh. Kekeke...
Heyo ladies,

thanks for helping me collect my beach set..pass me when u come collect yr other 2 pots hor? thanks lots.

woowhooo...the charms are nice de..kekek..thanks for helping to order.

<font color="ff0000">BP Payment time...pls xfer to my posbank savings 093.46422.2 ASAP, and arrange collection ASAP.

Pls see some changes made to the list, pls let me know if ok with the changes.</font>

1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 10 pcs) CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Princess - PAID
- 1 x MB
- 1 x HK
- 1 x Acsy - PAID
- 1 x Dymples
- 1 x Cindy
- 1 x Jasmine - collected

2) HK Tri Face 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 10 pcs) CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x BA - PAID &amp; COLLECTED
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita
- 1 x Eliz - PAID &amp; COLLECTED
- 1 x Princess - PAID
- 1 x MB
- <font color="0000ff">1 x sharon (u mind this design?)
- 1 x PLL - paid (u mind this design?)
- 1 x PP (u mind this design and the words are reverse? if not will return to TH.)</font>

3) ORDERED - HKG HK Earrings - $8 (shipping will collect when stock arrives)
- 1 x S@L
- 1 x Spunk
- 2 x Nikita
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x SAHM (Huajing)
- 1 x HKL
- 1 x Lili
```Closed - 8 pairs ordered```
Yaya... i think megan prefers Enzo. Haaa!!

I like the pot! So worth the $
Thanks for doing the BP!!
Yup, must remind me the beach set. I kept it in the store rm and forgot!! Haaa..
msblur/eliz.. realli ah.. keke.. good lahz.. but megan too pretty for enzo liaoz lahz.. haha.. enzo sure ALOT of competitors onez loh!!!
Eliz, i got the mould from KK...u can go and see.

Which is 2006 mould? the second pic i feel the mould nt as deep le....but Pink's moonies imprint were very clear. i was wondering which mould she used.

i wonder if i can take over the pot (3 face HK) if anyone backs out? thanks in advance *jus trying my luck!

Princess, i got the filling from KCT - Geylang lor 27 aft some info from mummies,
very tasty..
Ladies in this BP,

<font color="ff0000">BP for HK Soup/Porridge Warmer Pot
(Poodle(shld be same as lunchbox pix)/Apple or KTmimmy Design)
Measures: 13cm (diameter) 20.5 cm (height)
Retails: $15.90
CP: $12.00
MOQ: 12 pcs (mixed)</font>

1. lili
2. jasmine

<font color="0000ff">Rabbit - NO THIS DESIGN, Pls change to another, if not BP will be cancelled.
1. emma - change to Poodle design
2. msbrown (change to??)</font>

1. eliz
2. sharon
3. MB
4. xing
5. snowberries
6. cindy
7. jasmine
8. Lili
The moonies look yummy, I like the colour! I've learnt that for baking it's sometimes really not just the recipe that's required, individual's skill in mixing, kneading etc. also plays a major factor with the end product hehe... So whilst recipe and demo may look simple, sometimes it is difficult to replicate to same standard!
I didn't use the dough/filling proportion given in the recipe cos the HK moulds I have are much smaller so can't really advise you on that. Eliz shared the proportion for the HK Stamper mould which you are getting from me though, perhaps you can try that with better results?
angel, yes i totally agree with u...the proportion is self-derived..my moonies skin is too thick.i also didnt follow the recipe proportion cos i believe its nt suitable for the mould i m using.

ya i cant wait to use the HK stamper mould..sorry hv nt TT to u cos i left my hp at my mum pl jus now..hiaz. i can only do tomorrow.tx
The lanterns r the plastic kind selling anywhere. Got full body, head only and airplane design.

I love the HK charms and the thomas charms leh! Wanna order also! HOw much ah and where to get?

If have extra of the 2) HK Tri Face 2 handle pot - $12 each can I have 1 piece
? Very sad did not managed to get it when u posted. Was queueing right behind MB.
Hi Acthia,
I must say yr maid is asking too much. Based on the fact that she has no manners, dont feed the kids and bochap, she BETTER go. Her friends must have been brain-washing her - since employer staying in condo now, can afford to pay her more. Change the maid b4 yr #3 arrives, or else you are at her mercy. Oh yes, when you change to a new maid, dont spoil her. Salmon, caviar and wine is not for her to drink even if cannot finish.

My present maid is a Filipino. If no off day, $320. I am still thinking whether to give her a off day, bcos very scared she get brain-washed by other maids. Actually she is a transferred maid...worked for another family for 8 months.
Hi Acthia

Ai ya maid can't be spolit. like my mil employed the maid also so so only.she laugi best loh when all of us were out she wil have the flat to herself until 5 pm when all of us are back. i was told by the shop aunties downstairs that she always hung out with some maids near my place. last year she some more bought a hp cost $300... i always treated her like a frene so i just told her straight off even she don't like it.i told her don't think all not at home we don't know what happen. u come here to work or to play. if u think u want stay on better wake up. i know how to speak malay so at least can understand them better. we be their talking frene &amp; from there we can know them better. i did that it helps.

we can be nice to them but they cannot cross the line. the last maid who when home was very nice so my family asked her to stay on but she want to go back &amp; marry so no choice.
Hi Acthia
I think you better change your maid before you give birth. My last maid kept quarreling with my BIL and threatened to leave when I was 6/7 months pregnant. After discussion with my family, I quickly went to my agent and got another maid. On the day I told her that I am sending her back, she questioned if its legal for me to send her back. I was like "huh? thot u kept saying u want to go back and I am giving you 1 month advance" she even had to cheek to ask me for more money.

My new maid is an indo. Dumb like nothing, really feel like strangling her sometimes. Gave her a notebook with specific instruction and told her to write down stuff so that she wont forget. She gave my wardrobe "new" colours at least twice and after I gave birth I realised that she have been using my washing machine with too little washing powder ( 1 spoon vs 1 cup as instructed). She went to plant seeds in my garden without asking permission. etc, etc. But we still keep her as she is generally ok, good manners and all.

Janet, I thot now min wage for fil is 340? My indo without experience is $330 with no day off.

they all say go back and marry but end up in HK and TW.
<font color="ff0066"> Janet, Muffin, HelloKittyLover</font>,
Yah... I'm looking to change my maid. But can't seem to find any at the moment. Those available transfer maids now cannot cook or clean type. I have very high standards and expectations lor... so really fussy when comes to maid too. I dun wanna jump from frying pan into the pot. Will continue on my search this whole week. Hopefully I'll manage to find someone.

Haiz... the wine, cavier and salmon is NOT for my maid to eat... but she secreatly steal to eat and can say she give my gals eat. aarrgghh...!!!

<font color="ff0066"> Lili</font>,
I'll be meeting you today to collect the clock after lunch time yah. I'll "park" the car at the road between ORQ and your bdlg. Will also sms you b4 I'm there. Thks lotsa.
BP Payment time...pls xfer to my posbank savings 093.46422.2 ASAP, and arrange collection ASAP.

Pls see some changes made to the list, pls let me know if ok with the changes.

1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 10 pcs) CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita (PAID)
- 1 x Princess - (PAID)
- 1 x MB
- 1 x HK (PAID)
- 1 x Acsy - (PAID)
- 1 x Dymples
- 1 x Cindy
- 1 x Jasmine - collected

2) HK Tri Face 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 10 pcs) CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x BA - PAID &amp; COLLECTED
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita (PAID)
- 1 x Eliz - PAID &amp; COLLECTED
- 1 x Princess - (PAID)
- 1 x MB
- 1 x sharon (u mind this design?)
- 1 x PLL - paid (u mind this design?) - confirmed taking
- 1 x PP (u mind this design and the words are reverse? if not will return to TH.)

3) ORDERED - HKG HK Earrings - $8 (shipping will collect when stock arrives)
- 1 x S@L
- 1 x Spunk
- 2 x Nikita (PAID)
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x hydrangea
- 1 x HKL (PAID)
- 1 x Lili
```Closed - 8 pairs ordered```

BP for HK/Mickey/Melody Waterbottles - MOQ min 6 pcs (will close order on 8/9 12noon)
RP: $7.90
CP: $6.00

- emma x 1 HK
- emma x 1 mickey
- purin x 1 HK
- purin x 1 melody
- msblur x 3 HK
- msblur x 2 mickey
- japancraze x 1 HK
- MB x 1 Melody
- MB x 1 HK
- princess x 1 Melody
- Eliz x 1 HK
- sharon x 1 HK
- sharon x 1 Melody
- sharon x 1 Mickey

BP for HK relax series Specs Case - MOQ min 6 pcs (will close order on 8/9 12noon)
RP: $5.90
CP: $4.50

- lili
- emma
- japancraze
- MB
- acthia
- angeltopg
- Hellokitty (PAID)
- acsy
- msblur
Ok noted. Will let Lili know.

Anyone keen in the HK &amp; thomas train shoe charms i ordered? I can ask my seller whether she has extras or nt. Let me know soon ya?
Good morning Ladies!

I am keen!!! How much each piece?

Okie possible to help me get all 3 designs 1 each (2 HK and 1 thomas)? I like the barney too! If have would also like to have 1 of that.
Thanks in advance!

Pls cancel the HK Soup/Porridge Warmer Pot. Thanks for helping to organise.

I oso like the mould leh. Jasmine has it &amp; it's nice de lor. If u can find, help me get 1 ok.

The shoe charms are nice de lor. 2 bad I dun hv crocs &amp; no little cousins of mine has them wor. The kitty ones are nice de lor.
ok noted. Will cancel off ur name on the list.

Ya loh, the HK shoe charms are reali very nice loh. Colors are bright too.
msblur.. that means BP unsuccessful ah... sigh.. BP gotta be cancelled lohz.. sianz...

or anyone else wants to take a slot for the soup warmer BP???
Sorry ah, I didn't realise that needs 12 pieces, I still tot it's enuf liao. In this case, I'll take the poodle design. thanks.

lili said she has already placed order for the stool.
Eliz, wow the 2006 mould is pretty! no wonder Pink's moonies so nice..i tot she used the cake mould....

u know where to get? i also wan...
My transferred maid will get $340 after 6 months on the condition NO off day. I thought of giving her a day off once a month, but afraid her ears very 'soft' and get brain-washed easily.
After I sent off prev one for being rude, I printed out the Dos and Donts and stuck on the door. Realized that with maids, cannot be friends with them bcos they cross the line.

Yr maid is 'old bird' already...being here for so long, that's why taking advantage. To tell you the truth, my maid doesnt know how to do housework even though she has been worked here for 8 months...her prev employer made her work in a shop. So when I took over, literally have to teach her to cook and do housework.


1) HK Ribbon 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 10 pcs) CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita (PAID)
- 1 x Princess - (PAID)
- 1 x MB (PAID)
- 1 x HK (PAID)
- 1 x Acsy - (PAID)
- 1 x Dymples
- 1 x Cindy (PAID)
- 1 x Jasmine - collected

2) HK Tri Face 2 handle pot - $12 each (ONLY 10 pcs) CLOSED
- 1 x Purin
- 1 x BA - PAID &amp; COLLECTED
- 1 x starlight
- 1 x Nikita (PAID)
- 1 x Eliz - PAID &amp; COLLECTED
- 1 x Princess - (PAID)
- 1 x MB (PAID)
- 1 x PLL - (PAID)
- 1 x PP
- Defective pc, will return to TH, unless anyone keen to take over.
Okie I'll take over your slot for the stool, tks

Can pm me your acc no for payment?

Can help to change Szu's name to my name for the stool? Tks!

BP PRICE: $14.00

Design 1 - Sit Kitty (not ordering this design - MOQ NOT MET)

Design 2 (round face kitty)

- MB x 2
- jasmine x 1
- angeltopg x 1
- kenjer x 1
- feifei x 1
- LYD x 2
- stephy x 1
- lunaticfreezer x 1
- sharon x 2
- lili x 1
Is it that we can go down to TH to collect the pots anytime from now? I might get my fren to collect for me.

U need me to collect for you too?
Thankz for taking up the slot.
I think we have not make payment to Lili.

Sorry for being so ma fan.
Hi ladies
THose who have tried polar cakes for their birthday. May I know if their cakes are nice? THinking of ordering a HK cake for my gal. Which flavour did you choose?
Pls arrange collection with Lili. She oreadi lug the pots back to her office.

I ordered polar HK cake for my gal for 2 yrs liao. Their cakes are nice loh. My gals like their chocolate cakes. Can try lah.

Thks. Will update later.

hi msblur, i jus made payment for the earrings:
To Account POSB Savings
093-46422-2 ms blur HK
Amount S$8.00
Transaction Reference 1878383149
