Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Tks for your advice on making nice sunnysides. I'll try again. I think I too slow le. 3 more weeks to go?

It's a choc-mint flavor cake. Something special but my DS finds its too "hot".

Wow ya our cake looks almost the same. For "Baby Kitty" too.

Tks for your wishes and compliments for the cake.

Happy Belated Birthday to Enzo! Nice prizzies he got.

Both SKS chair and cushion from TH? So many nice SKS stuff from TH. I must visit it this week! hehe...

Nice pics from Chinese Garden! What's autoback add?

ur bday cake nice leh...so sweet..

U went to chinese garden liao? how was it huh?

Sorry hor, side track abit..

I had a hard time on the wkends cos seems like Friso Milk Powder has changed their formula or something cos my ger kept crying since fri.. Cos she was not full...Everytime we make 5copes of FM to make 150ml of milk for her.On fri, she was crying for 1 whole hr lor, then finally we make another 60ml of milk for her, after drinkig she guaiguai go to slp...so its 210ml lor..Hb and I tried the milk , it was so dilute, unlike the previous tins of FM...So on sat, we went to NTUC, bot another ting of Friso to try out, this time, the production date is 28/5/08, when we open up the seal, can smell the FM smell, it was so much more concentrated than the other 3tins which we bot from one of the provision shop at Bukit Panjang..Me so angry lor, how can they (tui gong jian liao)...

I will be calling friso later to complain..Cos now I am stuck with 3tins of milk powder which e prodcution date is 08/05/08. Yest we wanted to try give my ger 180ml of the less concentrated milk, end up she still crying after drinking 180ml!! So we make another 60ml, still cry, we made another 60ml lor...so scary rite? how can a 3mth old be drinkign so much lor..Hiaz...so disappointed with Friso...Anyone encounter this b4?
Fish soup, Onz!!

I did go on Sat but it poured soon after we reached. Sad sad..
The HK lanterns are nice though i feel e previous one 4yrs ago was nice.

Milk intake
My gal's always on diet so she drinks more frequently.
And she's on Mamil Gold. For milk powder i only buy from NTUC, cannot play play ah..
feifei.. ya.. agree with eliz.. may not be friso's problem.. prob may lie with the medical hall.. who knows.. aniwayz.. even different country the FM, even though same brand also different.. I once bot Enfa from JB before.. eeeee.. sticky sticky one.. yucks.. haha
I bought milkpowder from Abbott directly through my GP. Agree with Eliz, I don't buy from Provision shop cos heard that some manufacture in some parts of Malaysia whereby they will tou gong jian liao cos it's not meant for market outside their region.
Yesyes,its diff. I bought from JB before also.
Though my gal cldn't taste the diff, when i checked the nutients on the can, its diff lor!!
JB milk powder has lesser DHA etc..

The beach set is with me liao.
I try come over to your place tmr? What time ok for you?
Wah...your mooncakes look very pro leh...nice nice!

No need to thank me la, that time you helped me with some purchases and I havent paid you yet so this kind of offset it lor.
the HK lantern is it HK one?batt operated?hv music?wan to get one for my ger wor..keke..

true hor..hmm...so terrible leh, like dat i also scare to buy frm there liao..But their prices is $2 cheaper than those bot frm NTUC wor..

true lor, after this incident, I also scare to buy frm these shops liao..hmm...Ur boy drinking similac?
<font color="ff6000">Re: Mooncake</font>
Actually the snow skin one really very easy to make.
You all also go try.. sure successful.
Its the baked ones i'm having problems.
Was tempted to take leave today to bake ah! Haa...

Thanks for all the compliments though

Just gave my colleague to try and he wanna order from me to give his wife.. Haaa...

<font color="ff6000">Re: Milk Powder</font>
If buy from JB, easily $10 cheaper hor..
But really, such $ cannot save one..

<font color="aa00aa">Feifei</font>
Yes, the lantern on batt and got music but i found it so noisy!!
Warning: Its big for my gal lor.. Megan drags it on the floor alot!!
Wanted to find smaller ones for her but no luck.
Happy Belated Birthday! Ur cake is so sweet! Maybe I shd get 1 for myself too, altho my BD passed already =P

Happy Birthday to Enzo! Nice pressies he got!

the trip was very good, everything was normal there. I found a Central store there, so managed to get some of the HK stuff the ladies here get in BKK. But coz I travelled by Tiger, the weight limit is 30kg for 2 pple, so cldn't get more stuff for u all. My baby's barang and our own stuff already 20+kg when we went there, come back was 27kg coz hubby handcarry some stuff =)
Morning Ladies!

Thanks so much, let me know how to pay you for the SKS placemats ok? Btw, I have blue plates &amp; 2 mitts with Lili now, please help me to collect these the next time you are meeting her

Yup, now at 36 weeks+ Let me know how your next attempt at Sunnysides turn out, fire control quite important so keep it to small/med flame should work heehee...

Lovely moonies! Can share what's the proportion of dough to filling please? And how you mix the dough evenly? That needs some skill I believe
Tried on my own last week but was a flop and had to give up halfway cos feet were swelling up &amp; couldn't take it anymore

Sounds like you had a great trip! Only brough BB along and left your other 2 DS at home this time?
no leh, i only bot HK stuff + gifts for my #1 &amp; #2 + souvenirs, nothing for bb, hahaha... but the seafood there is realli cheap, every nite we have seafood dinner, less than $10 for 1 garoupa =) oh yes, enjoy the massage session too...

yes, only brot BB, the other 2 DS enjoyed themselves at my PIL's place =)
Hi Angel, Oki. Later i update you whether i managed to get the SKS placemats. But you wanted how many? And which one ah? Or both designs and how many per design leh?


(MsBlur, borrow your pic)
I used 35g Filling 32g Skin
I drop the colouring into the water before pouring into the flour mixture.
Knead the dough lightly - Hope this helps

I invested in a digital weighing machine coz my weighing scale is getting me nowhere!
My hubby commented that buy so many things plus my effort, shd just go buy moonies instead ah.
the garoupa quite big, less than $10. Even the giant squid we ate also less than $10. Cheap cheap =) The vege was more exp than the seafood, so the last 2 nites we din eat vege, hahaha....
Bring bb ok leh, when we're eating, the stall helpers still help us carry him and take care of him, so we can eat in peace. Feel like going back again, now at work, and will be bz again these few weeks....
Hi Ladies!

Good morning!

I just forwarded the email to u liao. No thread 1.

U wanna collect your stuff tomorrow? Let me know via sms ya...

Ladies interested in lanterns?
Just to share...I bought 4 lanterns at Toa Payoh HDB Hub last week. Got lots of cartoon characters like winnie the pooh, Hello Kitty, Doraemon, ultraman etc. Battery-operated with noisy music and lights (but SA said can reduce volume by pasting scotchtape over sound). 1 for $4.90, 3 for $12. I saw other places selling same lanterns at $5.90/$6.90 each.
Hello Kitty
ok, we confirm via sms later hor. Thanks!
Most lanterns can switch off the sound by putting the batteries in the opposite direction. Still got light, but no sound. I do that to my boys' lanterns if not my whole house will be super noisy with 2 diff melodies playing!


Really can switch off music but light still on? Okie later I go home will try. Really buay tahan the noisy music... last year I felt my head gonna burst just listening to that music.
Hmm...that's quite cheap for the lanterns. Hw does the HK lantern look like? with whole body de mah?? Me usually would oso paste a scotch tape over if the music is too loud loh. It helps loh.
Hmm, sounds like I can just sling BB along when he's younger to go on hols! Was thinking gotta wait till he's older eg. 2-3 years before can bring him along without too much hassle, guess it's just the luggage to consider

It's the design with the 3 SKS (set of 4 pcs) at top of pic. I just need 1 set, think Spunk said it's $9.90. The other design is nice too but think a bit early to buy for my bb now haha ;)

Thanks for the tip, I do find the HK Face plate's imprint is clearer. The HK Full Body one is less deep I guess, no matter how hard I press it's still not very visible! I have a digital scale too just that was too lazy to measure the dough &amp; filling individually when making the moonies! My dough turned out too lumpy so thought should ask as I wondered if you used any special utensil to help stir hehe ;)
<font color="ff6000">Good Morning Ladies</font>
YEAH!! Today got sun shining.

<font color="ff0066"> Ladies wz maids</font>,
I need some advise here. This is my 3rd maid liaoz.. and I tink gotta change her. The story is... this maid got 12-years experience in SG as maid, but transfer cos the last family is expat returning at end of their contract, so dun need her. She seem ok with good attitude at the agency, though kinda old (40-yrs). So I pay her quite high salary of $450 cos she can cook, clean, everything. No need to train at all. First 6-months, her work and attitude is good. Won't say excellent. But cooking is really good cos she can cook lasagne, spaghetti, all types of chinese food, etc. Housework also done promptly. Problem starts after I shifted from HDB to Condo. All sorts of pattern come out.

This is what she did... and we discovered:
1) Always neglect to tell us my gals pampers are finishing, till totally no more. She has to run down to NTUC at night (9-pm) to buy.
2) Steal my hubby's wine to drink. From half bottle became quarter bottle.
3) Opened up my new packet of cherries and eat before me. Took quarter of the packet.
4) Keep wasting water for me by on-ing the tap full blast - even juz to wash a simply small rag.
5) Never lock my main door &amp; gate before she goes to bed - usually she's the last one cos she goes to bed at 10pm.
6) Never give my gals breakfast to eat before sending them to school cos she said the school will feed.
7) When visitors come, she never come out of the kitchen to greet them or offer drinks, etc. Everything I do myself.
8) Worse... at my J2's recent B-Day party, she actually sat down with my MIL and start chatting with her. Can even help herself to the food whilst my guests are around without asking me first! Behave like she's the hostess instead of maid.
9) When point out her mistakes... she'll say sorry reluctantly. Sometimes can even answer back wor!
The list goes on and on.

After a good talk with her... I discovered that what she wants is a pay rise of another $50. That will make her salary S$500 man!! Feel like being extorted. Not like as if my condo is a mansion. Somemore her perks/benefits are as follows already:
1) Her daily working hours are from 7am - 10pm. She can nap in afternoon if all the work is finished.
2) Every Sunday off
3) Every PH off
4) Weekdays, my gals go off to FULL DAY childcare, she only needs to concentrate on doing the housework and cooking.
5) We dun shout at her or call her nasty names.
6) No restrictions on the food she eats (except she cannot touch the expensive stuff like my hub's liquor, cavier, smoked salmon, etc). She's even allowed to drink my 3-in-1 coffee mix, milo, horlicks, eat the cheese spread, etc. Somemore if I'm having salmon or cod fish for dinner and got leftover, she's welcomed to finish it.

But seems like all these still not good enough for her!! Help!!

Question is... should I change her??!!

So sorry for this long-winded posting. I need to get some advise desparately.

Thankfully, I've stopped work liaoz. But I still need some help when no.3 "pops" out cos I dun have any family to reply on. How...???
Hi peeps...

Wah Dymples...your maid very good life I must say...
All I can say is most of maids will come out pattern especially when they know there is a new addition to the home. Really sorry to hear your predicament.
I guess yours is from Philippines? Mine is paid $260 Indonesian, but doesn't get OFF / PH. But she seems fine with it, or at least we when we hired, we took one who doesn't require OFF.
I am amazed after doing Point 1-9, she has the cheek to ask for $50 increment!
Ah yo...that's very bad leh. U tell ur maid lah, she didnt do wat u expected, still dare to ask for pay rise ah?? Tink beta change her fast b4 she demanded more tings when ur 3rd bb pop out.
Last time my maid juz came, she's oso quite forgetful de. Everytime tell us last min no rice liao, no this no that! Until i BTH, when she told me no more rice, i will tell her 'Den u dun eat loh'! Nw she make it a pt to write down in a pc of paper once stocks running low, den paste on the fridge loh. At least me &amp; hubby can buy bit by bit mah, still nt so bad loh. Imagine if were to buy altogether last min will be long list men.

I always told my maid she can dun cook for me &amp; hubby, but the kids she HAV TO cook for them loh. No excuse as in schools provide de. Imagine its still a few hrs more to their recess time, so if they dun eat 1st b4 gg to sch, they cant concentrate in class one loh if they feel hungry.
Tink u should ask ur agent to talk to ur maid loh, still cannot make it got to change liao.

Ur 1 each for all designs, means 1 HK, 1 MM &amp; 1 Mickey rite? Juz wana make sure i didnt get it wrong.
<font color="ff0066"> Spunk</font>,
Yah.. my maid is from Phlippines. I usually prefer fillipinos' cos I hear too much negative about Indon maids. Plus, I'd prefer a maid who is either christian or catholic rather then muslim or hindu in my family cos... scared clash of religion.

Yah.. my sentiments lor. Never do good job still can expect increment. aarrgghh...!!!

<font color="ff0066"> MsBlur</font>,
I had a talk with the Agent liaoz and Agent also gave her counselling over the phone. Past 2-weeks her pattern improved... but recently start again. So dilemma... cos if change maids gotta pay her airfare back... then agent fees + insurance all over again. Will come to close $800+ wor. *faintz*

BP for HK/Mickey/Melody Waterbottles - MOQ min 6 pcs (will close order on 8/9 12noon)
RP: $7.90
CP: $6.00

- emma x 1 HK
- emma x 1 mickey
- purin x 1 HK
- purin x 1 melody
- msblur x 2 HK
- msblur x 1 mickey
- japancraze x 1 HK
- MB x 1 Melody
- MB x 1 HK
- princess x 1 Melody
- Eliz x 1 HK
- sharon x 1 HK
- sharon x 1 Melody
- sharon x 1 Mickey

BP for HK relax series Specs Case - MOQ min 6 pcs (will close order on 8/9 12noon)
RP: $5.90
CP: $4.50

- lili
- emma
- japancraze
- MB
- acthia
- angeltopg
- Hellokitty
- acsy
Ic. That's alot of $$! Hmm...can give her back to agent? Tell them to transfer to other employers. R u still entitled to the free replacment?
<font color="aa00aa">Dymples</font>
Your maid already very highly paid ah..
Mine also philipina but coz new so pay only $260

Your maid life very easy mah.. Kids all in school, afternoon super free.

Sometimes they just take advantage of us.. Wanna change better quick so that still can train in time for no 3.

<font color="aa00aa">Angel</font>
You got sieve the kuo fen and sugar??

Understand what you mean...you know my mom keeps getting Indonesians, but have a hard time cos of communications. I know the one she has right now...takes about 6 hrs to clean the rooms which is not very acceptable...especially when my mom makes her thorough clean one room a day, and general make up room for the rest. So far I have been pretty lucky with the 2 I had.
Your maid Super good life leh!!
<font color="ff0066"> MsBlur</font>,
Sigh... not entitled to free replacement liaoz cos the condition is replacement within 6-months. Now is my maid's 7th month wz me liaoz. I'm fully aware that she knows this too.

<font color="ff0066"> Eliz</font>,
Yah... If I wanna change will do it asap. But scared at same time cos what if the new maid is worse?? haiz....

<font color="ff0066"> Spunk</font>,
Yup... most Indon maids will have communication probs with us. Then their work super slow. Plus they also like to "act blur".

Anyone knows of good reliable agency?
Alamak! 7th mth den she starts her nonsense ah!! Ah yo...reali lugi leh. Is this the 1st time u took with this agent? If its nt, u tell them, u took the maids frm them, none of them can work long de, start their nonsense &amp; testing ur patience loh. Tell them if they dun allow u to hav free replacement with this current one, u wont be taking anymore maids frm them. I believe other agency charge lesser than wat u paid for loh. $800plus is alot leh!

Hmm...ur maid's salary is quite low hoh? U r lucky men. Nwadays the maids' salary went up so high liao loh, n all so demanding men. Hai...
Glad to hear that Megan is slowly getting used to ur maid liao. That's a gd sign.
i got mine from Nation, perhaps u try to call them?
but mine is the only one i ever hired, so got not much experience here.
i would say ur curent maid is good life, but still dont cherish.
this kind of people will only bring trouble, which is the least u expected since u will have new born soon.
i think u better change new one, at least still have some time to train, rather than if baby born liao, u wont have much time to train the new one.
<font color="ff0066"> Msblur</font>,
No.. all my previous maids come from different agencies cos keep changing agencies as none of them provide good after sales service. Btw, the $800 is breakdown into - S$488 (agency fees) + S$220 (insurance and BG) + S$200 (air-ticket back to philippines).

<font color="ff0066"> Eliz</font>,
Yah.. how come your maid salary so low har? Cos nowadys starting salary for filipino maids with no experience already about S$300 wor.
Ur maid sounds very similar to my col's maid. She also help herself to all the food and fruits in the fridge, eat till she fall sick. Best of all she finish my col's hubby beer and red wine. Drink till she 'baboh'.

Wat my col do is tag a price to all things and make a list of all the extra things she eat and make her pay for them. It seems to work in her case.

Sometimes need to be harsh on them. cannot help it lah...
OOps.. its $360. Why did i type $260?? Haa..

Megan better accept helper soon or she gotta go ah!
But still got days Megan don't want her and will cry when she comes near

You took from Nation ah?
I went to check it out lor, coz so called "branded" mah.
Was so disappointed.. haven't even get maid from them, service was already so disappointing!

Very true...my mom has the same complaints! Really heng sway one...
Think if you change maid still have to pay the levy.
<font color="ff0066"> Szu</font>,
OMG! That maid is worse lah... can drink till drunk somemore. *faintz*. hahahah.. good idea. Tag the prices of the food items. THen if they eat, gotta pay. But mine is a sly fox. She won't finish the whole thing cos too obvious. She will steal and makan bit by bit. Then when ask her... she will come up with all sorts of excuses - say the children eat, accidentally spilt, etc. Smart hor. But when I check with my gals... they will say they never eat cos "auntie say canot eat". aarrgghh...

<font color="ff0066"> Starlight</font>,
You used Nation har. But I heard lots of bad feedback that their after sales service really bad. That they care more about earning your $$$ upfront. IS this true?

<font color="ff0066"> Spunk</font>,
The levy is not a worry to me cos I'll be sending this one back to her country, Not going to allow her to transfer to another employer! For what to be so good to her! Let her pay another loan to work here again lah! In this way, I also no need to pay her levy. Plus her stupid agency wanna charge me $10 per day for 21-days (for food &amp; lodging - too bad this is stated in the contract) whilst they find alternative employer for her! No way man!!!
U r heng that ur maid frm Nation is gd. My fren took hers frm Nation, she's so disappointed. Said thot branded she went there, in the end the maids no gd de!

I'm using Jack Focus.. So far after sales not bad.
When i was having problem with my maid, they were very understading and tried to help.

How come need to pay for the food and lodging? My contract no need ley..
