Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

ya heard different branch got different service, mine not bad, took from Nation toa payoh (near my place mah)

agreed, take maid is heng sway..
like buying lottery

if need to label like that will be so tiring man..
taking maid supposed to lesser our burden, if still need to do so tedious like this, better without maid

we are lucky lah.
my maid i wont say she is great..
she doesnt need to cook, only clean and play with my gal..
not so much work, but she is quai..
thats enough for me

so far Nation toa payoh ok..
but again, i got no problem with my maid, so doesnt really know..
but in the beginning after hired maid, i called them several time re. maid, the agent is helpful to help.
even when my maid went back for her holiday, i wanted to apply for the levy reimbursement for 2 weeks period when she was not in SG..the agent there help me FOC and fast leh..

try to look for this lady, her name is Karen - nation toa payoh, she is not bad..

<font color="ff0066"> Eliz</font>,
Where is this Jack Focus? Do you have their contact? Thks.
Haiz... some agency will ask you to apy for food &amp; lodging lor... some dun need. I was stupid to select one that had this requirement.
Now I know better liaoz. So to avoid paying this... better to send the maid back to philly.

<font color="ff0066"> Starlight</font>,
Wow! Your maid really good life cos no need to cook. For my family, that is a "MUST" pre-requisite on top of doing the housework. Child-minding is secondary cos my gals are big liaoz. And when no.3 pops, I'll be the main care-giver. Juz dun trust maids with my precious princesses.

Btw, can I have the number for Nation @ Toa Payoh? Thks.
Jack Focus got a few outlets.
Mine's the one at Hougang Green Plaza.

I went to the Nation at Hougang. Cannot make it!

Yes, getting a maid is sure like lottery. Heng suay one..

Msblur's maid good ah..
Even helped me look after Megan and so worried when i tell her to let Megan walk on her own.
Next time can ask help bbsit Megan liao. lol.
Wow ur maid is already good life. But should at least ask whether she can eat or drink.
I think employ a maid is heng or suay. I have been changing maid for 8 time until the gov ask me to do a test in order for me to employ maid again. Lucky my sil ask me to go this agency which her friend recommence that i stop changing maid. Some of the maid is u treat her too good they take advantage from us and some of them is u need to be more strict to them. But as for me i always employ Indonesia maid. Cause Filipino maid all too clever and too smart to think.
My col also no choice lor...The maid eat when she not at home lor...
When she wanted to eat then realise gone. Her maid can finish 1kg of longan by herself and got sore throat.
Fried 1 whole packet of chicken nugget but only give her daughter 3 pcs. The rest she finish all...can still lied tt the girl eat all. How can a 1yr girl finish 1 pkt of nugget.
Drink the fresh orange juice like nobody biz till she coughing...
Imagine U reach home to find ur maid baboh on the floor...i also cannot tolerate that...
The maid say she thought thats fruit juice wor...

When the maid first came, she very slim cos' my col show us pixs...now she 2x the size of my col wor...I got a shock when I saw the pixs...
Hi Ladies,
Mi went to the lantern fest yest, luckily weather was ok. Feifei, think yr bb will enjoy the bright cartoon lightings. Mine too but then she fell asleep halfway thru n woke up again. Btw, they put Sat got firework, just fyi.

Since u just came bk fr overseas wif bb, can i get some advice fr u. Me plan to bring bb to either HK or Japan after 6mths but my DH abit worry whether she will be affected by the air pressure in the plane. How big is yr bb? Does she/he feel uncomfortable during the flight? R u bfing yr bb? Me wonder whether it is convenient to bf overseas. Did u bring stroller. Sorie ah so many questions cos tat will be her 1st trip so alot of things have to prepare.

Or any ladies can advise?

Yr mooncake look very well done!

Oh dear...yr poor bb. Baby very smart one hor, abit different they will know leow
Hello Kitty
ya, u go try. My boys' lanterns have no sound unless they ask me to 'switch on' the sound for them =P

Aiyo, ur maid's taking advantage of u. She thinks u need her for ur #3 so do funny things and still ask for increment. I think u shd try to change b4 #3 comes.

can i have the SKS mats? But how to collect from u ah?

yes, it's actually easier to travel when bb is younger. Their only needs are drink and sleep. Plus they're quite light, so quite easy to move ard. Actually my bb is already on solids, but during the trip I just breastfeed him, too mafan to bring his cereal etc =P

no leh, I only brought baby, my elder 2 DS were with my PILs. But if there's a next trip, will have to bring them along. Quite scary actually to have to take care of all of them, plus i won't be able to shop in peace, hahahah...

my bb is 7mths. He was ok on the flight there, but a bit cranky on the flight back. I'm bfing him. He didn't look uncomfortable due to air pressure. If u're worried, can bf him while plane is ascending and descending. Bfing overseas shdn't be a problem, I wear nursing top and bf my bb in a sling, quite discreet. Pple think bb is sleeping. I brought a stroller there coz he's quite heavy already, so can push him ard to see things, and particularly useful when he's sleeping. It's also good for carrying my loots from shopping =P
yes, i saw she cooks her own meal, i think not up to my standard, so i asked her no need to cook for me

if i wanna cook, she helps me to prepare and clean, good enough for me..
as for my gal, i ask my maid to play with her.. but her meal everything i prepare myself..
so far she is quite patient in feeding my gal, also bathing is fine, i often peep when she doesnt see, so far so good.. hopefully it will be like this till end of her term next year.

Nation toa payoh - 6353 8199,
try to look for Karen Tan,
try to talk on the phone, if u find her not bad then can go down, but if talking on phone doesnt give good impression, better dun waste time.
Human relationship is also relative, every person will set different standard
good luck hor

OMG, she really ate alot..
sound like Kittymum's previous maid, i was burst laughing when she told me that time.

btw, Eliz,
ur mooncake looks good leh..
i wanna taste leh hehe
Haha. .I want to be your ad-hoc maid. . . good life leh. Better than mine.

Mine has the following prob:
1) Will talk back/argue like nobody's business.
2) If unhappy, will keep mum regardless of how many times you ask/question her.
3) If scold her, will say,"ya ya, I'm crazy"
4) Speak English with all the wrong sentence structure. Thus, my DS also has this problem.
5) Keep wasting water/food for me. She won't eat or serve certain food first though the expiry date is near.
6) Can't do housework properly. Doesn't pack my stuff. Just dump aside. Thus, my house is in a mess.
7) Always misplace or can't remember where she puts DS's stuff. Causing me to buy duplicates at times.
8) Doesn't greet us since Day 1.

Her benefits are as follows:
1) Monthly salary of $360
2) One off day per month
3) Can eat anything we buy (unless we state it to her which is very seldom). Thus, has seen her cooking chicken drumstick for herself.
4) Can take afternoon nap if DS is not around or is sleeping. She wakes up at 6.15am and sleep at around 10pm. Later if I have dinner late.
5) DS is also in school almost full day on Mon and Fri. Tues-Thurs half day. She has no one to "report" to during this timing. - haha.. .this is also a benefit right?

Why I never change her:
1) She is rather independent when it comes to looking after my DS.
2) I have no help. Thus, cannot change as and when I want since I'm working.
This kind of maid is never eat before good food so keep eating. Their country dun have so when come to our country everything also wan to try. This maid is about the same as kittymum's maid eat non stop.

Last time my maid still can eat my bird nest. Was so angry until i dun know how to scold her.
I rec'd the kimono combs liao. Very nice lor. I love them. If u managed to get the other pink hor, can help me get 1 pls. Thanks ya. Can sms me yr account no. &amp; the total amt I hv to pay u.

Make sure you tell the agent to terminate her EP else once you send her OFF. Btw, some of them still come back in with different identity!
<font color="ff0066"> Eliz</font>,
Ok. Thks. I tink Jack Focus got 1 outlet at Bt Timah. I'll go check that one out.

<font color="ff0066"> Cindy</font>,
Yah lor. Getting a good maid is like winning the "BIG" lottery. I just want someone who is responsible and does her job well. haiz... OMG! Your maid can still eat our bird's nest!! *faintz*

<font color="ff0066"> Szu</font>,
Your coll's maid is really the limits. Aarrgghh...!! This type I won't even keep her in my house more then 1-week man. Surprise your coll can still tahan.

<font color="ff0066"> PP</font>,
Yah... I tink my maid is trying to push her luck too. Cos she knows that with no.3 on the way... I'd not want to "rock" the boat too much mah. But her attitude really getting worse lah. Agree... Better to change now whilst still have time then later.

<font color="ff0066"> Starlight</font>,
Thks for the contact. Later, I'll call them and see how it works out.

<font color="ff0066"> PomPom</font>,
hahahah... lots of people all tell me my maid life too good liaoz. What to do... dun give them, they complain we ill-treat them. Give in to them... they take advantage. Wah seh... your maid lagi "terok" lah. But I understand when you mean she's independant looking after DS. It's like no need to give instruction and she already knows what to do. Same same here lor. SHe already knows my style and expectations. Just that she's now constantly pushing the limits to see how far she can getaway with it.

<font color="ff0066"> Spunk</font>,
No worries babe. I'll cxl the maid's work permit (via mom online) when I buy the ticket for her to "fly" back home. Quite easily done. But thks lots for the reminder.

<font color="ff0066"> Ladies</font>,
Thks lots for all the postings. Looks like my intuition to change is right. Guess I'll need to start calling and looking around for new maid and start training before no.3 "pops". Haiz...

Sorry for side-tracking on this issue. REally appreciate all the input.
Hee...we oso surprised Megan wana follow her hoh? She still will stretch out her hands to my maid leh when my maid was playing with her. My maid reali like Megan lah, she said Megan is so cute &amp; pretty. Hee...

U know my maid still recommend her frens &amp; relatives to S'pore to work loh. My hubby's fren employed my maid's cousin mah, n so far has been working for more than 1 yr liao lah. So far so gd.

Ya..most important ting is 'guai' loh. My 1st indonesia maid was very guai one, though dun hav gd looks lah. But i wan someone who can work &amp; play with my gal, nt one with very gd looks loh. But too bad my MIL dun like her, so i hav to send her hm. Until nw i still feel very guilty towards her, my elder gal still ask abt her too.


BP for HK/Mickey/Melody Waterbottles - MOQ min 6 pcs (will close order on 8/9 12noon)
RP: $7.90
CP: $6.00

- emma x 1 HK
- emma x 1 mickey
- purin x 1 HK
- purin x 1 melody
- msblur x 3 HK
- msblur x 2 mickey
- japancraze x 1 HK
- MB x 1 Melody
- MB x 1 HK
- princess x 1 Melody
- Eliz x 1 HK
- sharon x 1 HK
- sharon x 1 Melody
- sharon x 1 Mickey

BP for HK relax series Specs Case - MOQ min 6 pcs (will close order on 8/9 12noon)
RP: $5.90
CP: $4.50

- lili
- emma
- japancraze
- MB
- acthia
- angeltopg
- Hellokitty
- acsy
- msblur
<font color="0000ff">Msblur</font>
Megan really like your maid lor..
The 1st time saw her already let your maid carry.

Say she cute.. you all haven't see her when she cry!!
Then u tell me cute or not..

Your hubby say Megan go dian the boy with her eyes. So funny!

My gal really very shun bian lar, anyhow follow pple.. Haaa..
Hee...i oreadi saw it last sat loh. When u dun let her eat wat she wan, she cry &amp; scream. Haha...
My gals oso said she's very cute mah. Ya lah...my hubby said her eyes very pretty loh, can attract the boy to simply stick with her. Kekeke...
Tigerair has some promotions now wor. Only $0.04 per way. U can try check it out online &amp; if u decided to let her go, maybe can see if the dates fit then buy the cheap cheap fare send her back. My colick oso bought tigerair to send her maid back to surabaya oso cheap cheap niah.
Posting on behalf of HKL. She had 4 peak tixs for the Latern festival to let go at $12.75 per tix.
Meetup: Tanjong Pagar MRT station
Postage: Additional $0.30 (Normal)
Ladies who are interested please conatact HKL at
[email protected] to discuss.
That's only half the volume she can go!!

I'm also having problems. Sometimes can sometimes cannot.
Say i'm banned somemore!! Haaa...
Seems like the sling quite useful hor, I will prob do so too. But i need to learn how to use my sling, i've not been utilising it well. Worst come to worst, I use nursing cover to shield but i think sling shd b better.

So yr boi 7mths leow, have to bring other solid food overseas or bf alone?
yup..exactly lor..say i'm banned from the forum.
wat happen?any ladies facing the same prob?haiz...can check with kittymum ma?

dymples.. aiyo.. y ur maid so good life still dun wanna cherish.. oh well.. if realli muz send back then muz do it fast liaoz!!!! i went to nation.. service v good cos that particular agent was recommended to me by my sil..

eliz.. agree leh.. msblur's maid realli v good leh.. the boys were standing at the railings by the pool, she got so worried that they will fall in.. v got initiative.. my maid dun have one lohz.. mine v lack of confidence.. quite sianz... everything muz tell her then she will do.. told her b4 that when enzo is home, priority is him.. but she can still disappear to the kitchen and pretend to clean this clean that.. sianz....
I juz tried logging in. Can ah. U gals try again.

Ah yo...u &amp; eliz dun praise her until like dat leh. Got gd &amp; bad too lah.
She's so scare enzo &amp; the 'plump' little boy fell into the pool leh, so kept looking at them. My gals dun reali need to be taken care of liao mah, so she can do other tings loh. Like carrying &amp; playing with Megan.
Msblur, Winnie,

Shanshan, Eliz,
Babe, i juz checked thru liao....should not have any more problem..hehehe...think it's because of my setting, all rectify le...paisei paisei..
Hi Ladies...

I'm back. Just went to J East to check out some maid agencies, including Nation. OMG!! The asking salary for non-experienced maid, cannot cook/clean type already $350-$380. *faintz* Went to Nation, their agency fees is $500, excluding Insurance. The worse part is that their non-experience maid must be given salary of $400. If no Sunday off, then must pay $420. *faintz*

<font color="ff0066"> Winnie</font>,
You can find HK shops at Novena Square (level 2), United Square (level B1), Chinatown Point (level 2). Then the Sanrio outlets at Isetan, Taka and HarbourFront.

<font color="ff0066"> MsBlur</font>,
From the ladies comments here, you really lucky to have good maid wor.

<font color="ff0066"> Mau</font>,
Thks for the input. Now dunno whether to send my maid back or not... aarrgghh!!!
Is agency fee nowadays so exp? Really have to think properly before changing a maid. I thought the agency fee normally is about sgd188 to sgd388 cause got diff contract so diff agency fee.
You wan to call this agency and try 63630606. Is from united home.
I just got my maid less than 2 mths ago..
My agency fees only $299.00 i think..
How come Nation so ex!!! Includes insurances etc huh?
wa...that was ex! Agency fee $500?? Hmm...previously i paid $388 for agency fee only men, nw so ex liao ah?

acthia said the $500 is excluding the insurance one. Ex loh.
cindy, eliz, msblur, acthia,

Ya NATION's agency fee is VERY EXPENSIVE and NO AFTER SALE SERVICE!!!!! I got 2 maids from them (SIMEI Branch) 1st is ok and was with me for 4yrs then 2nd one was HELL!!!! And worst of all, the bloody stupid, rude so call Manager of that branch is an A** Hole!!!!! He is damn rude and unhelpful at all, when we approached them for help they juz bo chap and then when they speak to us (customer) as if we owe them a living lor....sooooo super angry with them and SWEAR won't use NATION again!!!

I totally agreed that getting good a maid is like kenna 4D man!!! Damn hard to come by siah...had enough of them and luckily my gal is coming 4yrs so decided to get part-time cleaner to help with housechore instead of facing and handling another maid.
Hi Ladies...
Yah.. I was super shocked that Nation charges so high for Agency fees lah. The rest that I checked ranges from S$350 (cheapest) to S$488. Only Nation charges S$500. The worse part is nowdays, all the agency DOES NOT include insurance hor. That is additional S$200+ depending on how comprehensive the cover you want. So total for both agency fees and insurance can come up to S$700 wor. *faintz*

<font color="ff0066"> kittymum</font>,
Haiz... after my no. 3 pops out, hopefully by next year Feb I can also revert back to using "tingkat" and "Part-time" maid. I cannot tahan all the tricks of maids liaoz. I was also not impressed with the services at Nation @ J East jux now cos the counter gal seems so disinterested in doing biz.

<font color="ff0066"> Cindy</font>,
Thks for the contact. I'll call United Home tomolo.

<font color="ff0066"> feifei</font>,
Oh dear.. how come the baby formula milk like that one?? Yes yes... i agreed. Those milk for Malaysian consumption is very diff in terms of ingredients. Tink better to buy from SG and from reliable sources like NTUC. Btw, is Friso from Abbott? If yes, you can call them to arrange bulk purchase (by carton). Tink it's much cheaper that way too, plus if not wrong, they also can do delivery service.
Hi Lili,
I've made payment for the 2 pots. Pls help me to pass it to Nikita,thks
Amt: $24
Trans Ref: 1877359510

Hi Feifei,
My DS is drinking Pediasure complete. We buy one carton of 24 tins (400g) from the PD everytime we order.

Bil recommended us to buy from a Provision shop in Jurong West cos it's cheap. We never try.
Ladies, Good news! There will be a new Sanrio Gift Gate store opening at Plaza Singapura L3 soon, it's still under reno but just saw the shop name on the PS promo materials for their revamped 3rd storey!
Angel, thanks for the recipe...but i think mine turned out a tad too soft...
i will try reducing the liquid and using shortening instead of oil. and i think the skin to filling proportion is not right.

this is my first attempt in making moonies...hahaha let u all hv a good laugh!

hvnt bought the HK mooncake mould, so jus make ue of the HK egg mould. i think i did a bad job, but its all fun..

inside i used Red wine filling with mashmallow- taste good though its ugly.

Another one using HK onigiri mould - imprint VERY NOT visible!
Lotus paste i bought from Phoon Huat

As for the red wine filling hor, i heard can buy from KCT addy:
No.61-63, Lorong 27 Geylang, Singapore 388186
Sounds like nearby Phoon Huat..

I so wanna get the 2006 series HK mooncake mould..
Think this is what PINK used for her pretty HK Moulds. Sigh

BBsit Megan for a day and you tell me you like her again okie? Haaa..
Ordered more shoe charms again;


Ur shoe charms arrived today. They r mei de loh!

Thks! They r indeed nice loh. Esp the HK, barney &amp; thomas train.
Haa.. 2hrs ah.. cannot see her true colours yet.

Yes yes, Its mei mei.. My frd's son sure will like it!
The Thomas train also looks nice..
I better collect my loots soon. Hee.

Hey, the durian moonie must keep in freeze ah??
Hubby slept liao.. tmr then eat..

msblur!!! omg!!! barney and thomas train train!!!!!! haha.. if enzo sees it he sure shout shout shout.. then will keep telling me.. ahmmy!barney! ahmmy! barney!!! hahaha...

jasmine... u no love enzo ah.. i lend u 2 hrs to try to love him lah.. muahahahahhaha...

eliz.. thanx for info.. i dun mind megan for 2 hrs also.. i'm sure my nephew wouldnt mind too!!! hahahahhahhahah.... sorry leh.. that day that boy so pushy.. tsk tsk tsk.. but so cute lahz.. u give her zoot zoot she reject.. he give her only she gladly accept.. muahahaha
