Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hmm...ya loh. Lili kena again loh.
Tink she's too angry until cant 'hu xi' liao men. Sign...

Oh i recommended her the Black charcoal durian mooncake frm Home Favourites. One scoop of sample nia, she's tempted to buy liao. Even my elder gal love it!
Did u go to the mooncakes booths ytd at Tampines Mall? They hav a booth there too mah.

<font color="ff0066"> HKL</font>,
Aiyoh... did you tell your PIL's off!! I mean.. how can throw away your stuffs like that without asking! Somemore it's important things like your certs wor!! What has your hubby to say about all this??!! Oh dear.. if it's me... I'll be angry too. Okie... cool down yah. There's nothing much you can do tonight liaoz. Tomorrow first thing in the morning, ask the bangla for help. Cross your fingers... everything should still be there cos the rubbish truck comes to clear the chute like every alternate days only.

<font color="ff0066"> Lili</font>,
Oh dear...!!! Cool down babe... I know not nice to get scolded for nothing yah. *sayang* *sayang* Haiz... we all know cannot use your name to get discount at TH mah... wonder who this "Joanna" is.... Btw, nice towels you've got.
Hai...wats new?? I used to kena last time too.

Hope the black sheep dun do it again!

Hey i like the teddy bear design. Nice wor.

U sure like the hk apple towel rite? But i can see only 1 apple nia leh. Hee...

Did u ask ur MIL y she threw away ur tings w/o telling u? Tink that's basic courtesy loh. Nt very nice of her to throw away ur tings w/o telling u men. Hai....
Sorry to hear abt ur scolding. Hope the person wont do it again. Poor thing..Dun think too much le. The towers nice le....good absorbent?
sigh sigh..once in a while always get this kind of "shit" lohs...some ppl just wanna try their luck...

the towels are new arrivals at TH..should be quite absorbent bah..kekek..their towel quality not bad de...S$6 nia..cheap cheap
ask yr fren to collect from me at Raffles place or OMB. am usually available at 1 pm.

u can also ask yr "usual" fren to meet me at Raffles place to collect yr pot.

ACSY is collecting for me this time cos I am meeting her later in the week. TIA
Sorry to hear that you got the scolding.HOpe the person would not do it again.
Ms Blur
thanks, i think i saw the thread le, if you never order than i go join the thread

Hi Lili
cool down
i hate to say this but i also kena last time when i did a BP on gainIq i told them the place end up they use my name to quote this and that got so piss off back than.. ya this whoever is really very unethical by quoting yr name. the very last time think someone also kena when i read the thred, hope this <font size="+1">whoever</font>don't do this again, else next time got no good lobang here le..
<font color="ff0066"> Lili</font>,
Haiz.. let's hope after your huge RED warning they dun do it again. We can also keep new members informed about this cos they may not be aware.
Especially cos you organise lots of BP sprees wz TH so they may think you got special "lobangs" with TH lor.
Hi Dymples/Blue Blue,
Website for The Patissier:


Ann Siang Hill shop is near Maxwell market.

Mohd Sultan shop is at the first shop at the junction of River Valley and Mohn Sultan. Can see from the River Valley main road.

The double chocolate praline is very rich. Yum yum. I ordered this every year for DS's bd. Hehe. . only can afford to eat once a year.
<font color="ff0066"> PomPom</font>,
Wow!! Expensive taste wor. 500g cake is selling for S$38.52. *faintz* But guess their standard must be quite good to command that type of price.
hehehe.... my mom's B-day coming up in Oct, tink will try out this cake shop. But must keep the receipt or else my bro will tink I "ketok" him when I claim $$$ for his share. hahahahah... Thks for the link.
okies sure..pls get acsy's fren's consent 1st lors..cos 2 pots not light lors..and she in sales line some more..lugging 2 pots to see customer..hahahha :p

some ppl just wanna try their luck..sigh sigh...think we too nice liow...let ppl "make use"...sigh sigh..

yah, thats my purpose..to also warn the new members. i do bp doesnt mean got special lobangs lors...

my lawyer ordered a box of mooncake for her client, cost $400 bucks..wanna faints man...its birdnest and coated with gold...

Fruit Meringue from the patissier is damn nice..one of the popular cake
Just to share,
this very nice chocolate cake from roomfordesert was on TV voted for best carrot cake before.. can try they are freshly bake everyday and finish very fast..
located at 261 waterloo st
#01-42 tel : 6336 7637

tried patissier's cake tho exp but must say their cake are really yummy!

just ignore lah, bound to have such unethical people! *shake head*
$400??? haha. . I wish I can even dream. . haha. .. cos don't know how it looks like.

Yes yes, if you love chocolate, try it. A lot of wealthy couples use them for their engagement/wedding cakes. Hehe. . .I only can afford a small BD cake.

Btw, do get ready a good knife for cutting the cake. The common ones given are tough to use.
i got no clue man...wanna steal a pix also dun hv..yet to chk where is it from...really "eat gold" man..hahahaha.

the log cake from roomfordesert is also very good..u ladies can try it...last year i was given a box..cannot forget the taste..hahaha.

haha..u know wendy lah..she where got be bothered..will just call me and "u know wat lah"...hahahah.

no new sks stuff wor...but will have tables/chairs coming..will let you know..kekeke...
Oh no...got new sks tables/chairs ah?? Gonna be big damages this time for u! Hee...

U making me drool nw too leh. Hee...
<font color="ff0066"> Lili</font>,
OMG!! $400 for mooncakes with bird's nest and gold!!! That's way to ex for something that's gonna end up in your tummy lah. I'd better invest in a Coach bag lah! hahahahah... at least everyday can see and use.

<font color="ff0066"> Purin / Lili / Estben</font>,
Aiyoh... all this talk about yummylicious cakes making me drool liaoz. Plus.. I'm a super cakes person. My favourite cake is the strawberry shortcake. Chocolates come a close 2nd fav. I so hungry just stuffed myself with Mooncakes from Ritz Carlton. Now hungry again... hehehehh *LOL*
ya lor, u always "kena" from her although not your fault

PM u. Plse chk your email.

u not going to buy the sks tables/chairs, heehee...
ya lah..i also say say..i rather buy a bag or jewellery..at least can see...this one eat already become s*i..hahahah..waste $$. wonder the client will appreciate or not man..

hahahah...u saw how she "treat" me lah..haiss..use to it le

eh pm? bo leh...later or 2mr then i chk again..
Hee....me buy the sks tables/chairs?? No lah, hubby will say so boyish men! Me can juz go TH &amp; drool loh, cannot bring back. Haha...
Thks so much for passing me the pots.

Hope u cool down oredi hor. Wanna thank u for the pot bps. Nice towel, I like the 2nd one.
Ladies in the POTS BP:
u all should thank MSBLUR too, last saturday she help me lug from TH to my office...THANKS MSBLUR
xin ku ni le...

ohhh..hahha..got it...reply u 2mr

i need to bring pails or plastic bags for u gals? kekeke..

am fine...dun worry..just need to vent and warn everyone....dun make my life difficult lah..
tink u need to bring pails for us. If not, later the floor wet wet hor, then u "kena" blame again, hahaha...
Wahahaha...that's a gd one! Ya ya...she 'bo dai ji' oso kena one lah. Kekeke...

Ah yo...no prob lah. Luckily the path to ur office 'bo si mi lang' one on wkends, if nt difficult men. Hee...
hahah..ya bo lang on weekends..imagine weekday i lug from TH..i need to cover my face with a mask..hahaha..so tat no one recognise me...
luckily, weekends not crowded then u can use drag. Tink TH to lili's office quite a distance rite?

y muz use a mask
Haha...duno will there be anyone who recognise u hoh? Must be tinking this lady ah...wkdays hav to do delivery, wkends oso need to do, so hardworking sia! Kekeke....

Ya men...i walk until siao loh. But for lili, she's used to it liao lah. Haha...
cos so unglam leh..wear office clothes, lug ugly grey plastic bags...hahahaha...

hahahah..ya ya..use to all the walking liow..but its like no end to you..kekekek..
OIC, ya hor, no "image" le

Thks for organising so many BPs for us n always help us to lug back to your office
Hi ladies..

haiz, there is always bound to hv black sheep de, really hai ni get scoldings lor...Hope she won't do it again cos its not fair to you since you are doing us a great favour by helping us to get hte best deals here...

I know its hard for you not to be angry...but you must think of your health and beauty...relax and take a deep breath then you will not have that extra wrinkle...heehee..I miss so many of your BP...sigh...

Im interested in the barney and kitty button...can help me to get?? Thanks
Hi Ladies!

Sorry to hear abt that. Guess every now and then still need to ma2fan2 u to flash that msg to remind us and also newcomers to this thread wor...
Really appreciate u sharing lobang with us, and not just that, also lugging back those stuff for us on your own/with msblur.

U 2 go TH on Sat in order to lug back the pots ah? xin1 ku3 ni3 men2 le4! xie4 xie4!
Btw, sorry didn't reply u just now...I slept till now. Dare not sms u now afraid wake u up. I will go TH then go get the pot from u cos remember u mentioned avoid lunchtime at TH so thought better go there be4 lunchtime crowd.
Have just done the transfer for the oven toaster.

$400 for mooncake???!!! Wow that client must be very important to your client. I am imagining the amount of HK I can buy with that amt of $ and admire at home...

Tks for lugging back the pots!
Btw, here's pic of the lanterns. I bought 4 and my babysitter gave my girl 1.

So sorry I forgot again! Will zap by this week!

I suaku...can anyone enlighten me if flashdrive is the same as thumbdrive?


Morning ladies...

Hello Kitty,
Flashdrive shd be same as thumbdrive wor...me also assuming lor..hehe...Ur lanterns are nice leh...so cute lor =D...

the hk with bear towel is nice leh...

morning mummies

what a bad day u had. sayang. i always wanted to go to TH to shop (heard they sell cheaper) but not near there ;(

im tempted to get the hk thumbdrive as well but no usage leh. blueblue,r u getting too?

just bot a few little twin stars, so sweet.
