Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Morning ladies!

I have the HK hair clip u posted ytd. Dat time i bought 2 pink & 2 black color for my gals. Very nice, n its a magnetic clip loh.

yeah!!...thx for adding me in to the 4-in-1 tier drawers.
I wil collect my pens, bakeware, drawers, containers together frm u hor..or u wan me to collect my pens 1st? Jus let me know hor so I wil arrange once my DH is bk

kittymum / lili,
Tonite I wil trnf to you hor

Thx for organizing
hey pinkicon

You really kana post natal blues ah?? So poor thing, if you really cant cope did you tell your hubby?

My mil likes to help. Sometimes too much help can be a stress too. SHe likes to pop by every now and then during that time. As I am busy bf my son. Or sometimes babies do cry right?? If she happens to be at my doorstep, she would dashed in and asked(interrogation type of tone)why is the baby crying??

I mean, baby do cry and of cos they cry right?? how else are they to express themselves at such young age? It's their only way of communication to us.

she would ask how come my baby havent start walking yet?(it was "then")how come my baby eats so slowly? How come my baby doesnt know how to talk??

According to her, my hubby starts to talk and walk around the age of 1.toilet trained at about 6months. her 2nd son lagi best.. not sure if she is boasting. knows how to talk at 8months walk at 11months toilet trained at about 6months.

I mean all this doesnt matter to me as long as my son doesnt fall sick and he is growing and developing well, so what if he starts late?? It doesnt matter to me at all.

WHat the hack??!!! right??!!
hello alicia

Please dont say that. Stone age ppl doesnt log into motherhood to yack here.. hahah they will be busy hunting and making fire with stones.


Give me your email account I will forward you the link to set up a facebook account.

is your baby the fussy type?? colicky when young??

Esp during your pregnancy are you happy or sad? cos it does affect the baby's behaviour.
Hi Pau Ling

Yah, I kana post natal for 3 months. I couldnt handle baby and my own mother. Everything stresses me out, was crying everyday. I came to the forum to seek advice, there will be many advice and well wishes. So, I'm very thankful for to all those mummies. My hb is aware, and he tries to help me out, but he was very stressed out by me. Cause whatever he says can trigger my crying spells. So he had to watch his words, he also very 'cham'

We are the opposite, your MIL likes to help, for me is my own mum. She is doing what your mum is doing too, even worse, blame me for everything i.e when I chose to breastfeed, blame me when baby cries and blame me when she doesnt take her naps. Sigh... everything I do is wrong to her. And she also scolds me when my baby's tongue got those milky white stuff which was very stubborn to remove then.

Wah, I didnt know can toilet train baby at 6 mths! You are right, as long as your son is growing well and happy, the milestones are really up to individual.
Hi Pau Ling

My baby is not colicky, dont know leh, she is a high needs baby, extremely fussy. But now she is better, but doesnt mean she dont fuss, just lesser.

When I preggy I very good mood le, cause not working mah, everyday sleep, surf net, shopping and eat lor. Never fight or quarrel with hb, my pregnancy quite smooth leh.
hmm.. i use to blame my baby for everything he caused me to go thru. like not enough sleep when he was younger. nowadays, i start to look at him with a sense of gratitude. I will say "thank you" to him each time he sleeps well. cos when he sleeps well, his sleep gives me an equal amount of sleep too.

I think if you take your baby's behaviour with gratitude you will feel much better. As time goes by your little one can sense it and will improve.
hello fei fei..

how are you ?? its only me and pinkicon yacking over here!!.. want to join us?


THen maybe i am just 1 of the lucky parent to get a easy to care for baby.
hi hi

Some times is ppl tat r unreasonable or ungreatful that can cause all the unpleasent things.

Please dun ever blame the child for everything that was not right or unhappy. they are innocent. They should be our joy and happiness.

Hi Pau Ling

I know what you mean, I also feel thankful when she gives me 4 hrs of sleep, I will give her extra hugs and kisses. She is more mature now, I always tell her to be nice to me, cause its only me and her during the daytime. Like this morning, she fusses and refuse to sleep, told her to be good to sleep or I wont bring her down to PS. She fusses for 10 mins, then decided to sleep. Sigh.. cant wait for her to grow up.

But your baby boy sound really manageable, so nice
Hi Nikisan

I never blame baby lah, no matter how naughty she is, I also never regret having her. But during my post natal days, its very hard to have clear thoughts, but luckily I never laid my hands on her, only accidentally dropped her twice on the bed while breastfeeding, cause I fell asleep, too exhausted.
Hi Pau Ling/Pinkicon/acsy,
When my SIL gave birth to her gal, she decided not to follow the 'generation pre-set name'...know what I mean right. The old one told me behind her back that the name she gave not that nice. So I asked her if she was the one who gave her kids names and she replied, <font color="ff6000">'I lah. I am the mother what'.</font>. What a joke, can tell me that. So I told her, <font color="ff6000">'Fine. We are the mothers, so we give our own kids names'.</font> She buah tahan when my son was born, somemore 1st grandson.

You know where I got my son's name ? I was crazy over this HKG actor then and I decided to give him that name bcos it sounded nice both in Cantonese and Mandarin. Most importantly, it's not too 'strong'.
no worries. not pointing fingers at anyone.
I understand how you feel as i have been thought that stage b4 and got real bad. hahaha....
Have a great day ahead...most importantly try to stay indoors as much as possible. Weather very hot in the morning and then raining heavily. I have the flu now. Chat again later.
Anyone keen in these items?

- Rice cooker scoop $12.00

- HK stackable mugs $5.00

- HK small containers $3.50

- HK sling bag $8.00

- HK notepad $2.00
Wat die cut bag ah? I blur liao leh. Cant remember any die cut bag u hv with me wor. Only remember the hook.

The rose box is not cheap wor. BKK selling abt $15 if I'm not wrong.
hey pinkicon

yes, my boy is easy to care for. he is well behave infront of them. heheh heng ah... or I will get remarks flying to me again.

I have read this book during my pregnancy. The book's title: Healthy sleep habits happy child. It was then I realised that sleep is really very important to baby. We have to help them to fix their sleep schedule.

I have been allowing my baby to sleep on his own timing. Then fine tune abit when i catch hold of his sleeping hours. when he is 2 months, his sleeping hours has been rather regular to now.

his schedule

9.30am he will naps for 1.5hour to 11 or 11.30am,plays for a while then takes his lunch.

2.30 he will nap again for longer period to about 4.30 to 5pm sometimes.

8.30 he will sleep again after his dinner and bath to about 11 or 11.30pm for his last feed then he will sleep thru to morning.

His schedule has been the same until now.Every child will fuss if they are tired. Sometimes if children are overly tired they cant fall asleep on their own. Us adults think they cant sleep so we continue to play with them, they will be even more tired when comes to their bed time.

During then it will be too late, as they are so tired they can go to sleep by themselves then parents like us will suffer.

Here's the link to the book i read

Hi Pau Ling

I totally agree with you abt the sleeping patterns, in fact I kept a sleep diary to monitor her patterns. Babies r happier when they have a sort-of routine, they like to know what to expect next. I heard abt the book you read, I didnt read it, I read the Gina Ford and Dr Harvey books.

Got to chao now, later then tok, going PS to for lunch and to check HK stuff. Update later

Hi Janet
The name thingy is very funnee, I also kana, but I dun care cause its my baby mah. They are not strict because my baby is a girl!!! What an irony! These old folks damn like to discriminate sexes.
hi ladies,
am back from the quite long meeting!

Yes, I like this calculator very much. I wanna get it...hehe but how much did u pay for it huh?

My HK collection not many, very pai seh to show...esp when you ladies have so many leh...
My son is 5 months old n yes, he is my 1st...during his first 3 months i had a hard time because he didnt like to sleep....now he's better, he naps more and sleeps earlier in the night. he is a very active boy who wants people to talk to him, play with him. Generally, he doesnt sleep as much as other babies do.


take good care! the weather is really bad..changes as and when...
nevermind la..

I dont have that much too. I got more of those tiny hk stuffs that I can use more often. I have got about 2 bags from HK. Got to post the pic slowly. Else nothing to post later. ke ke ke.

My collection limited too unlike the seniors here... hahahha


How irony, the mil forgot that they are women themselves.
hey acsy

the 1st 3 months of the child's life is always tough for the mother and child. So let just reminsce the good times with our child. right??
hee....of cos can join u all lor =D..me huh? having abit of cramps now, tummy abit umcomfy =(...hope bb can faster come out =)..but still hv 2 more mths to go and my feet already swelling like balloon..haiz..

u can go Daiso to check out the HK stuffs =D..hee..


take care hor...

i forgot liao wor cos bot it quite sometime ago..hmm..Prephaps other ladies can answer this..
Wow fei fei.. working hard for the baby yah?? hahah. So are you having a boy or girl?? is it your 1st baby?

yes I can remember the time when I am pregnant. Stomach starts to grow when I am 6months. When you are nearer to the EDD you cant wait for your bb to pop out!!
is a ger =)...yup, 1st bb, lotsa things to leran..

feeling better? drink lots of water ya...

Both of us doing well, tks..just feel discomfort at times =(
Thanks for your concern regarding my flu...really appreciate
It is so hot in the morning, then afternoons it rains heavily.

Pau Ling/Pinkicon,
These old ones are so funny...my first one is a boy, because my SIL started the 'trend' of naming her own daughter, I can follow suit. I told my hubby that his mother also gave him and his siblings their names, so dont expect me to follow suit. On one occasion during my BIL's wedding, one of my hubby's sickening uncle made a comment that my son does not follow the 'pre-set generation name'.
Fei Fei,
As you reach the end of 3rd trimester, you will experience those Braxton Hicks contractions...something like tightness in the tummy suddenly. I think the gynae will advise you to take it easy and sit down when you feel those contractions.
I agree...and for me, initially i was so disappointed when the scan shows that mine is a boy but the min he's out of my tummy, i fell in love with him liao

when's your bb due huh?
Hello everyone,

Found these cutie HK earings on a taiwanese website:




Anyone here is interested to do a BP from this website? Free delivery to spore if total purchase is more than NT$3,000 (equiv S$150). I don't have ezpay account leh.
<font color="ff6000">Bubblesangel,</font>
no prob at all, can collect with the bakeware lah..Luckily I saw early this morning so can ask her to send together with the rest of the stuffs today...heehee
<font color="aa00aa">acsy</font>,

Your baby boy is very cute ley. I felt it's quite challenging to bring up a kid after saw what you all wrote here (=p), and I have not prepared to get pregnant yet, scared~~
<font color="0000ff">VQ,</font>
I had trfs $10 to your a/c via atm today.
Thx u

<font color="0000ff">kittymum,</font>
trfs $5.50 to your a/c via atm. Thks
thanks, thanks, for the compliments. the only prob is he wants so much attention that whenever i see my nephew who is 2.5 months younger than my DS, i hv no more energy to play with or carry this nephew of mine. maybe it's due to my age...hahaha...jasmine, u can take your time but it's always good to have one when you are still young...haha...my opinion la...but for now..do watever you want before you are being tied down for the 1st few years after having a bb...
<font color="aa00aa">acsy</font>, I think you're younger than me ley. Envious

I'm very confuse one, sometime want baby, sometime afraid being tied up with kids, maybe it's not the right timing to have baby now?? My Hubby also can't tahan me... hehe

Yap, collected the machine. Paid add'l $20 to change the Jap switch to spore one, so dun need to plug in adapter. Machine still in my ofc, haven't bring home yet. Shd be quite good, since its Jenome, a reputable brand. The lady at KK showed me how to thread the machine. That's the complicated part.
