Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

hi Purin

Thanks. I know where is it now.

I didnt know toh yi is so near to Dover. You have a nice hawker centre there right?? My son doesnt like potato. Tried to give him pumpkin stew (which pumpkin is his fav) he doesn't like it.

To tell you the truth I hate it when he starts solid. Its so tough to get him to eat. I rather bf him. But knowing that bf at this age wont be too beneficial to him. He needs to take solid food now.

I cannot imagine it when he starts to self feed. I will really buay tahan when I see him dirty himself.
HI Pau Ling,
Toh Yi is near Dover. As for the hawker centre, I hardly eat there. What I like is the satay beehoon and the BBQ fish is so-so.

My gal refused to wean off bm until I started her on semi-solids. By the time my bm stopped, she has drank it for close to 10 months. Talk about feeding herself, it's a mess. Have to hold the bowl of rice and soup.
Hi hi, i m still here, hehe ... free internet at airport and my flight is an hour away ...

Kittymum, i give the round containers a pass cos i already have that design. Thanks for sourcing.

Elizabeth ah, the clip very cute leh, for adults ah? Very sweet lor.
I am still bf my son. I dont have as much milk as before when i tried expressing. My mil doesnt like me to bf my son. she told me its an ugly sight.

I told her if i dont find it a bother to feed my son why she bothers so much.
So fast miss us liao ah. At airport still reporting. Hee..

Yup, th clip is for adult or kids who have more hair lar.. I'm gona use it on myself! My gal still very little hair. Sigh...
My flight 1140 wor. No cafe leh, i am at T3, there is just 1 area with many PCs, standing kinds and all free internet. Getting bored waiting so pop in here see anything happening or not, hee
<font color="ff0000">FINAL LIST - STOCKS ARE READY.
Total: 21 pieces @ $16 each

A) HK with bunny
1) lili
2) lili
3) msbrown - PAID
4) bubblesangel
5) szu
6) kittymum - PAID

B) Kitty &amp; Mimmy
1) kittymum - PAID
2) blue_genie - PAID
3) emma - PAID
4) emma - PAID
5) tling - PAID
6) tling - PAID
7) dior - (To confirm)

C) HK with hearts
1) lili

D) My Melody
1) kittymum - PAID
2) hello kitty - PAID
3) PP - PAID
4) Maplebabies - PAID
5) ktgal - PAID

E) Melody/Kuromi
1) PP - PAID
2) msblur - PAID
Ok, gtg now, my silly HB lost! Dunno where he went man! Ok, go hunt him down, haha ... Buaiiii gals and nitez!!
Still at Singapore airport ? Wow, you at airport also find internet to login. HaHaHa. Not too long ago, you mentioned going to Japan. Now you really flying off liao.

Pau Ling,
I dont understand her mentality. Even my hubby's mother thinks that way. She said it's 'yucky'. Do these women realize that these kids are her grandsons and that we mothers are giving them the best.
Yes, that's my point!! The sight of her telling me that is even uglier...buahhhhhh

Bec for their era, milk powder is the king. So if we talk about bf they think we are the natives.

They think bf very easy leh... if too stress dont have. too little also we stress. must eat well and sleep well or supply will drop.haiz.. all this they wont know. only bf mothers will know.
Pau Ling,
AGREE 100%. My SIL told me she said it is disgusting. BTW, I dont bf directly, but express out. If it bothers her, then dont see lah. BF not easy leh...my mum is the one (not her) who buys thread fin fish to make soup, so as to have more bm. Every 3-4 hours wake up to express.
I dont express in the night. Very tiring got to wash the bottles, pumps,etc.

I have expressed out 88 packs of bm after my maternity leave. Guess what my son fell ill the 2nd day.

That's when we had a major discussion on me to be a SAHM.
for all mummies who are currently bf these are tips for you. food to increase bm

1)fish (all types of fish)
2)green papaya with fish bones soup
4)soya bean milk

that is all that i know.
hi ladies..
wah, the thread moving so fast again.

me too staying in the east with a 7mth bb gal. just managed to put her to bed. she sometimes also wake up in the wee hrs of the night crawling or making funny noises. Got to pat/carry her back to bed, so tiring at times.

will try to do the transfer for the drawers later. BTW, does yr supplier have the brolly that alicia posted or other nice designs?

yr luggage so colourful with all HK. seems like all of u have at least a HK luggage. All so nice and pretty
Hi Kittymum,
I've made payment leow, pls chk, thanks!
To Account: 073-18782-6 Kittymum
Amount: S$8.90
Transaction Reference: 1632771527

Will arrange to collect fr u..or will u be passing the stk to any ladies staying ard North?..It's ok, no hurry.
pau ling,
I also find it very tiring to express esp in the office, my supply go super low. That's y i always latch on. But even after taking those food to increase milk ss, my supply kept falling leh. In the end, after 4 or 5 mth, have to supplement with FM.
Pau Ling,
From what I understand, drinking soup made from threadfin is very good because it is exceptionally creamy and best of all, natural.
<font color="ff6000">Lili,</font>
So nice of u to offer to pass to <font color="ff6000">Sasi</font>, bet she will be delighted to hear this. Will let her know. Thanks!

<font color="ff6000">PauLing,</font>
Dover! i know.. near ACS right? my DH used to stay there!

<font color="ff6000">Elizabeth,</font>
The clip which ur DH bought can be a hairclip or a brooch too! Its magnet right? i hv 3 colors. White, Pink n Black!
<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>
i envy u all hv the Yong Qi to buy HK luggages. U all not scare later spoil ur Bao Pei meh? i dont dare to buy even my DH offer to. Cos i scare i heartpain leh!!! Unless i alway handcarry but sometimes cannot leh!
Hi ladies,
I need your help!
Juz now, my boi pressed my keyboard, now all my fonts become so tiny. How to get back to the normal font?
Hi Jasmine,
Can help me check with your sis where the KiLaRa shop is? There used to be a retail shop in the airport 2 yrs ago. However, when I went last year, it's no longer there.

Mmm... Actually I also scared to spoilt my luggage but luckily all my luggage are cabin size, so I carry it while on board.

Recently I bought another which bigger, I'm so regret now and I think I'll keep it in store room for quite awhile...
Pau Ling,
Dover is convenient...got good schools around there. Ghim Moh market is not far away.

You mean no more KiLaRa at HKG airport ? I thought there is one store there. That means my hubby got the HK bag from Relay.
Pau ling,
Soya bean milk issit those tat we buy fr hawker ctr? Any kind of mushrm can incr breast milk?

How to cook the threadfin soup?...maybe nx time will prepare.
Your phone in silent mode?? I call many times to you but you did not pick up?? Can I know if you have seen the dvd mini compo that I told you and I have sent you a mms of it...but not sure if this is the one..
Will you be starting the spree for it??
They have just build a NTUC here. THe products they carry not much. Selection on the dry food is like 50% as compared to the normal big NTUC stores.
<font color="ff6000">PauLing,</font>
Got it!

<font color="ff6000">Janet/Purin,</font>
KiLaRa is still in HKG airport! i saw it during my last trip to HKG in early Mar! But i think it's shop is not in the Transit area.
Hi princess

I heard from the nutrisionist that those packet sold in stores are good enough. Those sold in hawker not as good as the pre-packed ones.

My mum used the bones to make the soup. She stir-fry with some ginger to get rid of the fishy smell first and then put in the bones and fry for a while b4 putting in the water to boil. My daughter can drink 7 ounces of bm and still want somemore.
