Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

this set mah?


dun 4get u got stuff still with me hor..if u meeting kittymum before coming to my place, can help me collect my containers? and some of the gal's? thanks ah.

can pass my containers to bbgirl if she meeting u before i do? also can pass those whom always pass thru me? thanks.
msbrown, LYD,alicia,
nice nice hor..me also wanna eat Happy Meals for the next few weeks..

okie, will update again when the 2nd set comes out...haha..
then hor, I called my MIL ask her if she wana eat Mac. She said y leh? I told her coz I wan tat HK toy. haha... then she go " HUH!!!! U wana collect toys again ah " haha of coz lah..... But duno if she's gog now.....

Can u help me & some ladies collect stuffs from kittymum then pass to lili? If yes, can I inform kittymum to pass to u?
later I muz go n eat Happy meal

lili, bbgirl,
Dun need to collect my containers fm kittymum cos I still got the HK cabinet wif kittymum.
Thank you
dunno whether can wait till next month then buy the dvd/mp4 player or not hor? now quite broke liao...
no prob..as long as it's not too bulky as I still got those extra fats after giving birth..scare I will fall down in the bus..haha

Juz let Kittymum knows..
actually your MIL very good leh...

I don't dare to show my MIL my Hello Kitty collection. She will faint and go mad!!!

So my Hello Kitty room in my house is "out of bound".. haha...
Oh is it? They dont offer together ah? hmm..... i tot they supposed to offer 2gether de.

The toy sure looks interesting coz slot in card stickers come out automatically. Like quite fun leh.....

where got funny. haha... I juz want my HK toy......
<font color="ff6000">Msbrown</font>
The material is the same as the $5.00 one but it's cuter coz got laces &amp; hooked handle...heehee

<font color="ff6000">acsy,</font>
My monster dun wait for me to pass down...she openly take my stuffs if I dun keep away from her...heehee..when she see HK, she'll say "mummy, you bot this for me huh? Thank you mummy" then take &amp; go tell daddy happily...sigh..

<font color="ff6000">LYD,</font>
Ya juz now dun have..and I was thinking if any ladies want then I'll go check if have then can order.

<font color="ff6000">bbgirl,</font>
Thanks for sharing..I'm gonna send my hubby go soccer game then bring my monster go eat happy Meal now...heehee

<font color="ff6000">feifei,</font>
sure..i'll compile with you nick include.
u so funi, called ur MIL n asked her to eat Mac.
Now, my place is raining heavily if not I will bring my boi out n buy Happy meal!
lili.. are u talking abt me? keke..

bbgirl.. the toy so nice.. i ask my hubby go eat mac alr.. keke.. from today onwards i'll be craving for mac happy meal till the promo ends.. lol
me too, don't even dare to show my MIL not to say, ask her to buy lor..the problem with the toy is tat once the sticker comes out, cannot push back lor..juz now I itchy hand..now so many sticking out..
U so gd terms with ur MIL, still can ask her wana eat Mac or nt. Envious men!

I still remember last time my MIL even went to Q for the HK millenium stuff toys for me. Went early morning to Q for me when i was in bed. Dat time i was pregnant mah. When she showed it to me, i was so touched.
<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hello Kitty 5 Folds Umbrella with lace - $8.50</font>
Measurement with open up : 90cm(D) x 59.5cm(H)
Measurement when folded : 20cm (L)
Weight : 0.26kg
A) Hello Kitty Rose (A)
1) Ktgal
2) Ktgal
3) Annie
4) Hello Kitty
5) Msbrown
6) LYD

B) Hello Kitty Rose (B)
- ktgal
- feifei

C) Hello Kitty Sit Ribbon

<font color="119911">** Will only check if there are stock available if any ladies here want.</font>
<font color="ff6000">\Ladies,</font>
Aiyo, I so busy leh...juz woke up now must go send my hubby go soccer game then bring my monster go eat Happy Meal, after which go back pack the things &amp; then cook dinner then meet bbgirl...OMG!!! so much things to do ah..gotta run now!!! bye bye
Paiseh missed your earlier posting. Shall transfer payment of small containers to you tomorrow. Tks.

Hahaha, you also sotong like me, missed my earlier posting(...while I miss VQ's posting). The machine is pretty, reputable jenome brand, haven't really test it out. The threading part is complicated though. Make sure kk does a proper demo when you go down for collection.
kittymum,tling,emma,LYD, msblur,bbgirl,
Tink we all now will siao Mac happy meals until all 4 sets of HK toys sold out lor. haha.....

OK lah, she dont interfer wif my HK stuffs one lor. She'll only ask wat u buy again ah, sometimes I'll show her but sometimes she'll oso say I spend too much.

There was once, my hubby's aunties came during CNY when I was not around &amp; they showcase my room to them lor. Then everyone laughed lor says I so like HK wor.

Hai, they dun understand our LOVE for HK de lah. keke....

Thanks ya I got tis checked tin from TH long long time ago when they're still at Clifford Pier. Tink I got it at $6.50 or so lor. Comes with sweets oso.

Oh I tink it's gona be quite bulky leh. Not too sure, gotta ask kittymum whether the 4tier &amp; 3in1 containers bulky a not. Let me go check archives who's got wat.
I'm sure there is a way to open up the toy &amp; put the stickers back. U try try lah. Else how to refill the stickers? keke.. My own thinkg only lah. Duno if can be replenish de a not.

Yr MIL oso good mah.

I tink the last toy is a memo pad holder leh. hehe... So excited. Tink it's gona change toy every week wor.
diff outlet offer diff set of toys because some outlets "finished up" the toys fast so they will offer the 2nd set n so on....
Hello Kitty 5 Folds Umbrella with lace - $8.50
Measurement with open up : 90cm(D) x 59.5cm(H)
Measurement when folded : 20cm (L)
Weight : 0.26kg
A) Hello Kitty Rose (A)
1) Ktgal
2) Ktgal
3) Annie
4) Hello Kitty
5) Msbrown
6) LYD
7) msblur

B) Hello Kitty Rose (B)
- ktgal
- feifei

C) Hello Kitty Sit Ribbon
OH ok...hee.. aiyo, very gan cheong leh. Scare wait all HK kakis run to eat Happy Meal then no more left for me.... keke.....
me gan cheong leh..... aiyo.... Pls dont finish up so fast ah..... Wait for meeeeee...............

Today juz start only ah?
I duno if u can manage these.... I tink 1 of the biggest Takashimaya paper will be able to fit all these in.

Do u tink 1 big Takashimaya paper bag can fit these in?

Hello Kitty Sit Ribbon 4 + 1 Tier Drawer
- 1 x Emma
- 2 x Jenny

Hello Kitty Sit Ribbon Round Container Set of 3 $5.50 per set (CLOSED)
- 1 x Emma
- 1 x Jenny
- 1 x Msblur
- 1 x blue_genie
- 1 x lili
- 2 x msbrown
- 1 x Hello Kitty
Buy 2 sets? No lah cant men. Unless they have 2 diff toys lah. I oreadi told them, no pt to collect 2 of the same designs loh. U know dat day my younger gal's teacher ask her whether anybody has those toy video camera leh. Den she go tell her teacher 'my mummy has'! Faint***
Her teacher was asking them to bring the toy, display in the classroon loh. At 1st i told her 'no way'! But when i saw her sad sad face, i turned soft liao. Haiz....

Actually my MIL is ok one lah. Juz dat she tends to nag alot loh. But overall ok lah. We oso used to go shopping with her during wkends. Too bad nw she's nt ard liao.

I saw the last toy is the clip holder too. For sure i wana get that! Dat time wanted to buy the memo clip frm celline's spree, but OOS liao mah.
kekeke... dun worry lah, tink juz started today lah. ytday, I walked pass mcdonald oso nvr saw it mah. If not, i sure buy loh

No lah, not finish yet

As if, I'm in charge of the MCdonald toys, hahaha...

chat again. I quickly cook my dinner then bring my boi to buy Happy meals then fetch my gal home!! BYE!!
Yippie Yippie... My MIL calls me, said she helped me buy the Happy Meal liao... haha... T.Bahru's is also the standing HK with stickers one.
So did u remind your girl muz remember to bring back after display?
I'm so angry wif my gal ytday! She lost her HK lunch bag, cinnamoroll lunch box n HK skipping rope in sch
So happy for u. Ur MIL reali fast leh. Hee...
Me oso gg to eat Mac later. Juz nice im gg Hougang Mall mah, so can drop by.
Ya ya...i told her liao. But i will sure remind her teacher loh. Hee...
Huh! Hw come she lost so many tings? Did she go to the General office to check?
Actuali she goes to T.Bahru plaza very often lor. haha... So tat's y she's very fast.

wa sei, how she lost it? Muz be she left it on the floor or in class then go out or wat? Or maybe PE class before school ends then after tat forget to bring back.
