Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Np lah. So u managed to settle ur maid's ting liao? Hope so...
i am staying at fernvale, seng kang. I can also collect at bedok area, if anyone here is staying there. Hmm.. is there anyone at seng kang who can help me collect the stuff from VQ?
hahaha...think u gals think too highly of me le..Jus tt, it involves reading n understanding of it, makes me v stress cos long time nv tk course liao

Jasmine/ Pau ling,
My coy sent me for some specialise 1st aid course tt involves theory/practical exams.
Nw tt i pass, I can go n save pple le
BA, does the first aid course cover the kiss mouth breathing thing? Aiya, i dunno what is the term, ney ... the kiss mouth to breathe air to the other party to save life one??
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">To All Ladies,</font></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Kittymum's Spree - CLOSED!!</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">Charmmy Kitty Table Lamp - $29.50 <font color="ff0000">(CLOSED)</font>
Measurement : 58cm x 31cm
- acsy <font color="ff0000">(PAID)</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hello Kitty Sit Ribbon 4 + 1 Tier Drawer - <font color="ff0000">$8.90 each(CLOSED)</font>
Measurement : 27cm x 18cm x 13.5cm
1) bbgirl (CONFIRMED)
2) Bubbles_24 (CONFIRMED)
5) myprecioustots (CONFIRMED)
6) mypreciuostots (CONFIRMED)
7) Jenny (CONFIRMED) <font color="ff0000">(PAID)</font>
8) Jenny (CONFIRMED) <font color="ff0000">(PAID)</font>
9) alicia (CONFIRMED)
10) kittymum (CONFIRMED)
11) acsy (CONFIRMED) <font color="ff0000">(PAID)</font>
12) Paulyn (CONFIRMED)
13) Jasmine Wong (CONFIRMED)
14) Yalokittycindy (CONFIRMED)
15) Blueblue (CONFIRMED)
16) princess (CONFIRMED)

<font color="aa00aa">Hello Kitty Sit Ribbon Round Container Set of 3 <font color="ff0000">$5.50 per set (CLOSED)</font>
Big:11cm (D) x 11.5cm (H)
Medium:10cm (D) x 8cm (H),
Small :8cm(D) x 6cm (H)</font>}
1) Emma
2) Jenny <font color="ff0000">(PAID)</font>
3) Msblure
4) blue_genie
5) lili
6) tling
7) msbrown
8) msbrown
9) szu
12)Jasmine Wong
14)Hello Kitty

<font color="ff0000">Please transfer payment to POSB Saving Account 073-18782-6</font>
enzo de ma,
i no hp today...4getful me, left it at home..wat abt? 2nite i go home then reply you hor..

i can help u collect yr items from VQ, am at sengkang. u can ask VQ to pass to msbrown, then to me...

i've also pm-ed you.
Thanks so much!

Can u pls pass my stuff to Msbrown? thanks

Can u help me pass my stuff to lili? thanks too

Hahaha...this is quite funny! ok ladies, chat again tonight. DH waiting downstairs liao...see ya all
hahaha..its quite common here to pass here pass there lah....we use to it liow..just that u have to remember who collected yr items..in case missing in transistion..kekeke.
OK no problem.

Ladies who need me to collect from VQ &amp; pass to lili/msblur, pls inform VQ ok.

u muz label each item properly ah else I blur blur de lor.
<font color="ff6000">Acsy,</font>
Request Noted.

<font color="ff6000">BA,</font>
PMed the contact for part time cleaners to u.

<font color="ff6000">M B,</font>
<font size="+2">ENJOY UR JAPAN TRIP!!</font> Try a MADE IN JAPAN bb too!!! hahaha....
<font color="ff6000">MsBrown,</font>
Then i hv to ask <font color="ff6000">Lili</font> or <font color="ff6000">Kittymum</font> whether i did a good packing job during my last sales? Did i? hahaha.... My DH saw me packing, he asked WOW!! u open a production line ah! assembly belt ah? hahaha.. he is CRAZY!!!

Hey, i also blur queen. i just send sms to the wrong person, <font color="ff6000">PauLing</font>! hahaha...
<font color="ff6000">VQ,</font>
You're good man..packed very neatly so easy for us to distribute..hehe

<font color="ff6000">yalokitty, MB,</font>
CONFIRMED NO MORE Hello Kitty Sit Ribbon Round Containers le..but she have this design. Let me know if you want.
Hello Kitty &amp; Bear - $5.50 (5 Sets)
I stay in Woodlands. 2 girls. 7YO &amp; 9mths

Aiyo.. both of us stay so apart. i thot can hv kakis to "yum cha"! hahaha...

<font color="ff6000">Kittymum,</font>
Thank you!! Then tonight i open the production line again. I like packing n wrapping presents actually. My family alway called me to go Departmental store to work part time during Xmas, to wrap presents!! hahaha... but i go clumsy if ppl stare while i wrap!! hahaha...
<font color="ff6000">Hi PrincessEmma,</font>
I have that brolly you posted...Purin helped me to get it. But now I have gone 'brolly-crazed' (umbrella crazy, NOT Bollywood). HaHaHa.

<font color="ff6000">MB,</font>
All the best...and hope to receive good news from you. HeHeHe.

There are quite a few of you staying in NE side like Fei Fei, Li Li and acsy. I just logged out at abut 3+ and the threads moved so fast liao.
I have to pass u the inflatable boots then i collect from u the die cut bags and hook only.
I'm not gg back to sembawang this week, so have to arrange to collect from u in RP can, let me know okie.

VQ, Blue_genie, HelloKitty
U got mail
<font color="aa00aa">MB:
have a good trip !!

come back and post pics okay?
hee... make us drool.... haha</font>
<font color="ff6000">Hi Ladies who work at RP,</font>
I need ur help to pass item to <font color="ff6000">Sasi</font>. She will collect fm u at RP. Anyone? THANK YOU!!

Wah, you stay so far, thot can form playgrp. Anyway, can I ask whether your baby keep waking up after you put them to sleep. Mine will always get up during the night. She will make eh eh sounds and I have to go in and pat her and rock her back to sleep. This will go on every 15 mins or so, then after 10 pm she will sleep longer without getting up. It only happens during the night bedtime.
Hey Pinkicon

I have stop working for almost 7months already. My son is 1yr old. hmmn, so have you started your little one on semi-solid?

Hello, I am staying in Dover. My mum stays in Admiralty. Ya lor,

jpwong (myself):West

We lack of one south person. ;p

Ya lor or else we can meet up once in a while.


I think she lack of security. Or maybe she knows that something that is going on in the house?I mean fun??

Most baby can sense that thus they dont sleep.

My son has been sleeping thru the night since he was 2 months old.

His nap time: once in the morning,once in the afternoon ,sleeps at 9plus (he will wake up around 11+ for his last feed than he sleeps through to morning. maybe around 6am for his breakfast.
Hi Pau Ling,
Staying south means Marina area ? You staying in Dover ? I'm staying in Toh Yi.

Yr son is 1 ? Taking porridge yet ?

Hi Pinkicon,
Yr description of yr princess is naughty. Dont call her a 'female terrorist' lah. Kids now are naughty. When both my kids are at home, I am stressed out...dont mind the different sessions they are in, although I am busy.
hello janet

Yes, i am staying in dover. Where is Toh Yi near?Yes my son has been taking porridge since 6.5months.

I have tried giving him rice but he doesnt seem to like it. So I think I wont rush into it. How old are your kids??
Hi Pau Ling,
Toh Yi is near Beautyworld, Bukit Timah Plaza. My gal started taking porridge when she was 6 months old...actually I mashed the carrot and potato from the stew.

My son is 8, daughter is 3+.
Hi Pau Ling,
You know where is Ngee Ann Poly and Beauty World? Toh Yi is just at the junction. It's actually near to Upper Bukit Timah.

Hi BA,
Our outings how ah? Annie MIA liao.
Anyone knows where to get nice Hello Kitty Tee and not too expensive?

I like the HK tee that ur gals wore on the LD day at KK. Very nice! Too bad,i thinkwe dun have nice tee in spore.

Ms Brown
Yeah, that's the dispensers. Thanks. I like it, but heard from KK that no stock got to reserve. U remember the price?

Yes, I sms u..
It's ok.
I like this design school bag. Thinking of getting something like it when my gal goes to P1, but trolley one would be better. Sorry, very kiasu.


Just taken cough medicine for this irritating cough...have been trying not to take any cough mixture with codeine, but cannot liao.
I agree with you...Singapore doesnt have really cute and nice HK tees. Those which were sold at Hang Ten are not cute enough.

Hi Hi. Was wondering where you are.

Wow, so much to read. I was just away for half a day. Was busy shifting office. Now got a nice place, can start a mini HK workdesk liao.

My hubby just bought this for me. This is a hair Clip hor. Quite nice.

