Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

eskimobaby, i think my hubby is only a little sad. He nv show any 'sad' feelings at all. Life seems to be the same for him. I think men are more calm towards this kind of things. Your hubby must be a very sweet guy to take care of your dog. As long as mine don't bully the dog, I will 'xian tian xian di'.
My previous dog has this excessive barking problem. He thought we are the only living thing in the world. Cos from young we seldom bring him out. So he will bark at strangers. We moved to a new place and he keep barking day and night. Then my parents gave him away while i'm in school. I cried for 3 days!

vanilla pod, Tomorrow still have to face her cremention.. Don't know if i can survive that. Sobz!
My stomach having cramps and a little fresh blood bleeding. Hope the blood will flow and flow..

koala, maybe last time only see your mum once in a while but now see her everyday so he will take her for granted. Next year when your mum is not ard, I think your hubby will cry for help. most men are quite insensitive.. They don't get it one. Like I told my hubby at night when my dog dead, 'my heart hurts alot', he just say take it easy then I can start to hear him snooze in less than 5 mins! Can't even take some time to comfort me. End up I cry until i fall asleep with his snooze!
I already prepare all the longan and red date. Then can boil and bring to hospital.

so sorry to hear abt your loss... but dun be too sad ok... cheer up!

update us on your second blood test ya.. did dr f say how cum u still hvt bleed yet? cos he is the one to ask u to go home to wait for the bleed mah...hmm.. then now in the end still got to go thru D&C...
babe79, actually wanna type and call you baby. But very weird cos later my hubby read then thought I got affair online. haa! just kidding..
I'm not sad anymore. Just wanna get it done and over with then can get on with my life.
My baby is still growing that's why i still haven't bleed. If the hormones for blood test is higher, meaning the placenta is still working. Then I have to go for D&C but if the hormones levels are down. I'll just have to wait for the bleeding.
Christmas is coming! World peace for 2009!
hahaha...i will love to hear you call me baby...wahahaha... :p

If the blood test show the baby is growing..is there any chance this pregnancy still can carry on? when will u know whether u need to go thru d&c?

Pai sei pai sei. Need you to come over here. Me actually has replied both of them. As for the status, I will update by today.

The pregnancy is not a healthy one therefore it is very slow.. by right should already see the baby kicking but now the heartbeat is still not starting. So there is a very high chance, it will not be a smooth ride for the baby. I rather give it up than let it suffer in future.
Dr say my hormones level is down abit. So need to wait for next monday blood test to confirm. Hopefully the blood will start flowing then I don't need a d&c. If not, early next week I have to be wheel in again.. haiz.

Koala, Things just got worst. My mum just 'resign' today cos I ask her not to hang my girl's towel but put it on the rack. Then I will know which is used and which is washed already mah. All the towel also hang there, how would I know. Then she ask me to get a maid myself. i ask her when she wanna stop coming. She say when I got a maid lor. I'm not getting a maid and i'll take care of my girl. Then she say she's stopping tomorrow. Fine lor. I'm sick of her threatening me everytime I need her. She know I'm going throught a miscarriage and possible a d&c yet she still like that. Last time I going for my FET and even the surgery she also threaten me. I'm really sick lor.. don't understand why a mum will behave like this.. I just hope she don't find trouble and tell me to go rest. But she nv lor. She can't see me lying on the bed or resting. She will give black face. I'm not a maid leh. If she not ard, I can still rest during my cramps or when my back ache. Haiz.. so sad lor. feel so abandon.
Everyone is blaming me when they know nuts. My mum just cry and act pitiful. I don't even bother to explain since my dad say I have to be filial to them 'no matter what'. I have my own life and family to account for. I can't always give in and ask her back. She has to be responsible for what she say. This is the countless times she did that and I always give in to her. This time round, I'm really sick.. I have too much problem myself and i can't be bothered with her anymore.
hi Wanbb - so sorry to hear abt ur mum being so mean to u. I know it is v tough to take care of a child at home alone. To be honest, maybe better u get a maid or a part time maid to help u out. At least u pay the maid, u can ask her to do things. With parents n parents in law, we are asking them for a favor.
ic ic... hopefully u will bleed soon so that u dun have to go thru d&C... but how long more u need to wait le? seems like forever le...

this site seems like fewer and fewer posting hor...where is everyone ah....hmm...

Can you talk to her at least help u 2 more weeks? At least you can rebuild back your health first. Frankly, I think your mum may be has too much "xin bing" with you which she didn't spell out, that why she always try to made your life difficult when she has chance. After this, you may want to consider to go with her for a counseling. Until now, I still don't believe a mother will "ren xin" treat her own daughter like that. I don't mean to doubt what you said, but your mum may be bothered by something else that you didn't realised.

Now, most important is your health, can ask your sis or your dad to talk to her? So just let her "win" this round, can? After that, don't relay on her, find other alternatives.

I really worry abt you and Kate if nobody around.
vanilla pod, i will take care of my girl alone. I think I should be able to cope since it's not the first time my mum abandon us.
Don't really wanna live with a stranger in the house. Even part time maid i also don't like. therefore I rather hire cleaner to clean the house. Since they only come once a week and I try to be away when they are ard.

baby, today i have abit more bleeding but not amounting to menses. Wait until monday then see the blood test result lor. maybe next week will go for the d&c then can start the 'confinement'. Today I see a little more blood then I panick and boil the red date tea.. Wasted lor.

Koala, I don't wanna beg her. Cos sometimes she will do something stupid to my girl. Last time when she quarrel with me, she will vent her anger on my girl. When we are not on talking terms, she will push my girl away or just ignore her completely.. I might be left with only this one child for the rest of my life.. How to take this risk just for my own health.
She is not the normal mother you will see on the street. She is also not very bad lah.. Just more selfish and self-centered. Alot of things she did which is very ugly to the ears so cannot say here lah..
With or without her, life still goes on for me. So just carry on with my plan lor. Even when she is ard, she also won't let me rest mah.
Halo my dear friend Wan & koala,
Really miss those days chatting days n nite with u all.

Now u so open called her old witch,heehee.....buay tahan u,tat time ren until so hard n now after got yr boy simply bo chap her,admire u.Me also buay tahan my tat MIL,go 1 trip needs his son go n fetch her go & back,like last week she bk fm taiwan n flight abt 1130pm,my tat hubby askd me wanted to go 2gether a not,I asked him he taken his dinner already a not,asked me 2 give up my sleeping time & go & fetch tat old woman,waited long long.I really simply dont understd own slf take cabs bk vy difficult mah.When tat time I went KL w my parents,my hubby also never come & pick me up & asked me 2 take cabs myslf.

All the long u know yr mum is tat like,jus ignore her lor,as time passes by,yr mum still will stick 2 u kick her away she also will let u kcik.heehee......Seem like 3 of us talkg until so evil,ppl will thinks tat we really vy bad.
True, sometimes thing just can't work out. Don't be silly lah, you will have a foot ball team of children soon.

Hmm.. you take care, ok? Me got a lot of problem at my side. Need to go to pray to Kuang Ying Niang Niang later. But I find myself a bit bad, only when need her to solve the problem, then will think to go to see her. I hope she doesn't mind. But if I can go through this obstacle, I will go to see her every month in future. Promise.

Ya, miss you too. How is your new job? better?
Your MIL still didn't change huh, that why I told Wan, I won't buy a car now, if not, my hb will be like your hb. Mine may be even worst... and my house would be a call center.. ha ha..
u must be under tremendous stress now giving u are currently in the mid of bleeding and didnt have your mum understanding and help... but u dun brood on it too much... pour it out to your hubby... or pour it out too us... rem we are your listening ears...
Jac, your hubby is '24 siao' son! 11.30pm flight he still go fetch her. If stay together then I won't mind going to fetch lah anyway they come back also will wake me up. But if stay apart then ask her to take cab back better. Next time you go overseas you must insist your hubby come fetch you back. Don't spoilt him.
My mum is back today again. She sms yesterday ask me to pray the tang yuan then ask me to call her if we need help. Then my hubby say she already 'run bu' So just ask her come back lah. Then i sms her in a very indirect way to ask her come today. haa! I going for my D&c tonight then my hubby's back aching so he cannot carry my girl. Think abt what koala say, I just give in as well lah.
I quarrel with my hubby only yesterday. He say he cannot carry my girl so I carry lor. We went to his grandma's place, he just shake his leg only. I run here and there with the kids and almost fainted! He just enjoy himself watching tv, eating fruits! Then stay until very late at night. I scold him once we in the car. Cannot carry also can watch out for me while i have a rest mah. When she running ard, he also can look after her. I have to carry, feed, run and play with 4 kids! Think I'm incredible hunk meh??!!

koala, I also go pray to kuan Yin niang niang when I have problem only. But during end of year, I will go pray for sure. At home I will pray abt 2 times a week lah. hee hee..
Hope everything will settle down for you soon. Remember don't think too much. Be happy! Ignore your MIL for the time being..

baby, tonight going for my d&c then hope i can recover faster. So don't have to relay so much on other people. haiz.. thanks for being my listening ear. I think I will be crazy if i don't have anyone to talk abt..
no prob gal...we are all here to listen... u gals also my listening ears... hope u can recover well soon... dun brood too much ok... everytin happen for a reason....

Hope that now you have been through the D&C and everything run smoothly. A good news to us that you have your mum to help, I am sure that you won't feel stress with her ard. REally tired to look after my boy nowadays, super active and very demanding. The fellow crawls until kneecap swollen also refuse to learn to walk, I think becos of his pain, he wants to ask ppl to carry... buay tahan.

Sometimes man is like that... I think they are born to be a bit "heartless" and insensitive and make us very pek cek. Now what I would do is when my boy cry or throwing temper, I will also ti gong ti gong and see who can tahan longer. But if my mum is ard, sure she is the one loh. So until now my tactic still not really effective.

Ya, pls remember to put some tang sheng in the red dates water, is good for you. And pls during your mini confinement, don't fight with your mum or hb, just stay cool so that can have a speedy recovery.

When you recover, I tell you how to pray for "jie hua geng", if you are keen. Just give it a try loh, I think no harm.
hi gals,
i'm back from seeing dr sf loh... he didn't seem to be very patient to listen to me... but he says that i might have slight PCOS... so put me on metformin but it's making me feel yucky... and he did suggest IVF.... actually on the day itself i went to to waterloo st temple and pray... i hands itchy go and qiu qian.. i never qiu qian b4 but was feeling kinda confused tt day so went ahead with it.. i asked whether i should go ahead with ivf... ended up i got a bad lot... it says that why do i wanna torture my body for all these treatments just be contented with wat i have.... aiyo... i think buddha really can read my mind and know that i dun feel ready for it..
Hi, eskimobaby,

Sometimes sf is like that, and he is on leave from this week onwards, so might be a bit rush. I also find him not as patient before. I have visited him on Sat at TPS, wen the nurse asked me to go into the room, I saw another doctor, then she told me SF is catching a flight, but I insisted to see him. How can they just chg the doc without informing me in advance??? At last I manage to see him, but is a very rush 1.

If you think yourself is not ready, better don't gointo IVF first. If not, will be very very stress.
TPS also like that ah? i thot i wanna switch to tps since it's terribly crowded at clinic D and the waiting time there can kill too... kekeke

Aiya now TPS also very crowded, sometimes the waiting time even longer than at clinic D. But of course at TPS, they have no rights to change your doc and you can get most of the med there, no need to cheong to pharmacy.
i think i'm too pampered liao... see dr foong n see dr loh quite big difference in terms of service... sigh... but then must 'ren' becos of the cost issue... anyway dr loh did ask me to go back in jan for a ultrasound scan where they'll pump saline into the womb b4 the scan to blow up the uterus to make the scan clearer... to make sure that all my polyps are not there anymore..
At least he did suggest something. you reconsider, give yourself some time to suit KK. Really can't compare with private, but as you said, due to the cost, just be there first, see how it goes.

Frankly, I think he won't stay long, his patients increased very scary nowadays... Noboday can take it, just the matter of time.

How is everything? you ok?
<font color="ff6000">ladies
long time din come in lor... how's everyone??
x'mas eve lor...
wishing all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Hi girls,
I've not been login in for some time since I just wanted to shut myself up from everyhting........
doctors told me that there is no reason for this to have failed and it most probably was due to stress ... I'm supposed to forget about everything and just enjoy my self for antoher 6 months or so and then try another ivf. I think I'll take their advice it seems to be the best
I myself find it difficult to cope with everything right now.

Wan, I'm sorry to hear about your mother and the prolbmes you are having taking care of your little one... thank you for the advice I'also think I'll try the next ivf at home . that's the best to do to reduce costs as well as stress.
Hi all,
I have a bad reaction from the GA.. I've got diarrhea, low blood pressure and bloated tummy after the d&amp;c. I fainted twice in the hospital while rushing to the toilet. I even shit while fainting.. Kaoz! It's a dirty mess but the nurses there is very good. They help me clean up. So pai sei lor. Very grateful to the nurses.
My blood pressure drop until 60-30. My hubby says my face is just like a piece of paper and i even 'fan bai yen' when i faint. They put me on a very fast drip for the blood pressure. Imagine I finish 2 bottles of drip just in one hour! My arm is very cold from the drip cos it's flowing so fast. I got very bloated and nv sleep for the whole night even though I feel like fainting all the time. Everytime when I try to sleep, the pain from the bloating will wake me up.
I thought I'm gonna die lor. cos I heard when people die, they cannot control their bowels. And when i faint, i can feel my bowels just let loose. So scary..
Til now, I still haven't got any strength to carry my girl and have fever yesterday night. I realise how loud I normally talk when I don't have strength to do the normal talking.
Thought it's just a small surgery but end up it's worst than my lap.
My mother has been a great help. I'm glad we made up in time.. Or else I can't imagine my girl looking at me fainting in the hospital and covered with loose poo poo!

eskimobaby, i think that's what jac told me also. KKH is not as personalise treatment as dr foong. But cost wise it's much much more cheaper. I mean it can be about double the cost if you were to have your IVF at private. So just bear with it. The most important and ultimate goal is the result. That's what i always think. The process will pass and you will soon forget it.

Sorry to know abt your condition. Pla take good care. Is that the GA dosage too high for you? Never encountered this before, right?

Great that your mum is helping you, at least you no need to worry abt your gal.
koala, normally should be out to the ward in an hour but I was inside for 2 hours. My hubby say he knew something is wrong when I wasn't out. They change another dr to administrate the GA for me. I think maybe this dr is new??? The previous dr handle all my surgery and even my epidural.
So how's christmas for your boy? he must be very happy to receive presents..
I thought this will only happen in KK, how can they put the patients in the risk. Very dangerous. But really sorry what you have been through, luckily everything is over now. Take a good rest and prepare for the new year. 2009 will be a good year for you.

I was damn angry with my hb, he never listen to me. NEVER. so sturborn and always put me in the risk. He does NOT even know and want to understand how worry I am now, just do all the funny things just for his happiness/satisfaction. Why he can be so selfish?? I will be having depression sooner or later.
luckily u were alrite n there were nurses around to help u... i had an allergy to GA once too but that was many many yrs ago when i had my wisdom teeth extracted... i heard nowadays they have improved the GA medicine... hardly have this kind of cases liao... maybe also becos ur immunity is also low now so end up like that... pls rest and dun carry heavy stuff or do so much housework.. just rest rest n rest
So sori to hear abt it,so now how's abt it,yr health is it better now,pls pls mus do small confinemt tis time round.

Dont get use of calling u nat.heehee.......Y t sudden change of yr name??????? N I know y u called Nat cos some1 now is more more precious than yr hb,right???????

Wat happen 2 yr hb,wat did he do tat make u so angry abt him,
U also mus take care 2.
My work damn damn buz dont have a breaktime at all n t worst is my tat assistance,sometimes jus asked her u free a not or jus asked tml u free? She can immediately answer me I vy buz or tml I need 2 release alot of chq,when she really make me so angry of her I can jus vy bossy 2 her sayg then???? or will said even how buz u r mus do tis thing 4 me be4 u go off.heehee....vy bad hor....I got no choice she will always show me face or straight away tell me off end out I mus do it myslf.U know I jus asked her 2 do some photocopy 4 me n her answer ok but 1 wk passed n another wk passed never do at all end out always I need 2 do it.Xianz......
My boss keep chasing me tis n tat n asked me watever my tat assistance can help passed 2 her n my tat assistance she do all shit I mus follow up vy closely w all her works,imagine I need 2 do all closing myslf,do admin,see see look look operation side n mus do all double works n extra works.
koala aka nat, i think your hubby might be worried too. But you know lah. Men are always so insensitive and they don't know how to express themselves. Especially those men who is mummy's boy. Most of the time, they are very blur towards the wife's feelings. You have to be strong for your boy. Don't quarrel too much cos now your boy can absorb alot already. So he will understand it.

eskimobaby, you also have allergy reaction before? It's terrible right? My hubby ask if we can complain abt it. But i doubt we will win lah cos we have sign so many document before the surgery, they confirm protect themselves. Plus they ask me a few times if i have any reaction after GA then i say only shivering from cold.

Jac, i very kuai this time round. I drink only milo and red date water. Yesterday i drink a little bit of yakult cos share with my girl. Other than that, i nv break the rules.
How abt not askin your assistant if she is busy or not. Just give her the work and tell her to do by today! hee hee.. Since you know she very lazy one. have to push her abit.
hope u are better by now... your ordeal sounds so scary... u got ask dr how cum u will react this way? did dr f come see u? he got comment anytin? who is the the dr who administer the GA for u? who is your previous dr? i cant really rem who is my dr tat time...duno is it thomas..edmund or wat...cant recall...haha
yeah it was terrible.. i still remember tt i did my wisdom teeth extraction in cgh...i was in the waiting area after the surgery i had alot of cotton gauze is my mouth n i wanted to vomit... i was still groggy n no nurses nearby i ended up vomitted on myself... sigh... i felt like a pig being slaughtered but didn't die then... :p
Change the name just want to have a new start... is just a name lah... you and Wan know is me, then ok liao.

Ya loh, why need to ask she is busy or not? just pass the work to her and let her know the deadline, that all. If she give excuses, then I think you will have to tell your boss this gal got attitude problem. If not, your boss would never know she is the culprit. I know you are kind hearted, but don't let other ppl bully you, ok? You come here often here to chat, ok? Very lonely without you.

Hee hee.. why hungry for yakult? Better don't loah, at least not this 2 weeks. How are you? Better? Understand what you said, but sometimes can't stop myself being angry. "REn Ming"....just try to remind myself, as long as he still good to me and my boy, I try to "kang kai" must be happy.
baby, normally the dr who administrate for me is Gordon?? I also can't remember the name. I can walk better now but still no strength leh. later today i'm going to see dr foong. Cos i have pink discharge and slight fever. Next time I will ask angeline to book that gordon for me.

eskimobaby, ya.. one of the side effects is vomitting. You might choke on your vomit. Very dangerous.. Therefore they always ask us not to eat and drink before any surgery. This you must take note. Next time if you have epidural or what, you must tell the nurse.
Really feel terrible when you are in no control of yourself right. Think back, now I know why my girl always so uneasy when she has poo poo in her diaper.

Nat, I have to drink half the yakult so my girl won't drink so much mah. Once she offer me, I must drink already. Very difficult to snatch from her.
DId you start to give your boy junk food? For me, children must grow up with some junk food (I haven't give her any sweets or chocolate cos she allergy). I saw my cousin-in-law's kid who only eat organic vegetarian food and nothing else! I feel so sad for that little boy lor. 4 years old already still nv taste any sweets, ice-cream and fries... Not even birthday cakes or fish or chocolate or any sort of meat.. What will his future classmate think of him?? The mum even insist self teaching at home. poor thing.
Your MIL very old already right.. Just a few years then your hubby will devote all of him to you and family.

Ha ha, I give my boy everything already... ice cream, fries. chocolate, biscuits, basically what he can put into the mouth, I mean he can swallow, I will give him.

Wau, the boy can survive on only the vegetarian, some more organic??? very amazing...

Sigh, I don't know when is that day. Frankly, I am not cursing her, but is really torture to stay with her. Not becos she is old, she can't take care of my boy, but is bacos her attitude problem, I keep on reminding myself, don't be like her when I am in her age. If not, really make ppl suffer.
Little flower, i'm better now. just started on another course of antibiotics. Hopefully it will help with the inflamation.

Nat, should let him try everything.. but of cos not all the time lah. Meals still must take.. Some children don't eat decent meals at all. My cousin's 3 kids all don't like to eat decent meals. They will only take plain rice. I wonder how they survive.

It's not only amazing, personally think it's crazy! The organic boy really very poor thing. Not only he nv taste sweets or junk food before, the mother also nv let him play with other children. Although he has 3 other cousins staying with him. Therefore I think he has some problem communication with other people. I don't understand what he is trying to say to me.. So i think children playing together is also very important. They must meet alot of people when they are young then they will build up their EQ.

Your MIL also very ke lian lah.. With your SILs all nv care her. But some people just don't learn their mistake even after they die.. Your hubby must be very nice since he can bear with all her shit. Chinese new year coming soon.. Alot of people pass away during these period of time. During Qing Ming or 7th month also. My friend's dad just pass away also.. Haiz.. so sad.
How abt sending her to old folk's home?
Hi Gals
Happy New Year to all of you in advance...and may 2009 be better for all and all wishes come true...

must take good care of yourself from now on... eat more tonic.. make black chicken soup with dan gui everyweek for yourself, only skip it when you have menses..

Wow, Nat, you gave him everything ah?
I am quite strict with my boy, no sugar no salt as much as possible.. cos they kidneys n livers still young, cannot handle the salt level. and too much sugar bad for their teeth n appeite.. children who take too much flavoured food tend to be more fussy eater and not eat proper meals properly.
I agree with Wan, children really learn more when they play together esp with older kids....
my boy just started walking on X'mas day... very difficult to take care of him now...
he keeps want to walk n crawl even when we go out shopping..
i got no more energy to carry him cos he is atleast 12kg now..
Jadefeet, your boy is a giant! my girl is only abt 11kg now. but i heard boy are usually heavier than girls. But 12kg is huge... Must be very tiring for you. Wait til he start to run around. By then you won't even think of bringing him out shopping. Cos there is no way you can shop.
I'm trying to get back my health now.. Just bring back the DOM from my mum's place. try to drink one cup every night and see if it helps. The black chicken very lang fei since only drink the soup but chicken nobody wanna eat leh..

Nat, i bought the kids cheese from cold storage for my girl and she loves it. Maybe you can try giving your boy some. Now having promotion only $4+.
Wow u so bad teachs Nat 2 send her MIL to old folks,sure nat &amp; her hb will have a big quarrel maybe end out divorce becos of tis words.hahaha......I personally feel tat tis days will never never arrive!!!!!!!!
Like my case once we talks abt my MIL,sure we will have a big quarrel cos I told my hb I will not want n hope to stay w his mum at all,if 1day she needs some1 2 take care we apply maid 4 her at most but u know my hb 24 siao son said if tis days come,he will choose his mum &amp; not me n our children.U c tis type of husband want 4 wat.

While 4 yr cousin I also think tat she got problems teaching her children to share their joys but maybe she is seeing the future hope her children can grow at a more healthy environment.

How r u now? yr mood better?

Me 30/12 really buay tahan my tat assistance anymore &amp; after works called my boss &amp; complain all out already n she said will talks 2 her abt it.Sometimes really hope my blunt wont hurt any1 at all,sometimes really think tat my working pace fast n expect them 2 have t fast pace w me,like vy demanding.SORI no choice tat me.heehee...........
Jac, no lah.. i nv ask her to send the MIL there lah. But just think of the possibility. What if one day she cannot walk, bed ridden and need medical care.
your hubby won't know how to take care of his mum if she is really sick lah. How can he clean her shit and urine for her. And i doubt he can bath her also. don't have to talk abt it now. In future if really that's the case, he will surrender.
I don't think she can protect her son for a long time leh.. he still have to go school eventually mah.. Then he will have classmates and he will grow up. I will definately make fun or stay away from classmate who 'nv eat tibits before'.. So strange mah. Then the boy will be very pitiful with no friends at all.
You call your boss then what she say?? you can cope without your assistant? ask your boss to hire a new girl lor.
Happy New Year to everybody !!!!


My boy now is abt 11 kg, but very katik cos he is a bit short and (I think) still want to be the boss and refuse to walk.

Jac / Wan
Ha ha, Jas is right, I think my hb is more willing to divorce me rather than send her to old folks home.. This will not happen lah… NEVER. I think if that day when we can’t hire maid, he will willing to clean the shit for her. But don’t count me in.

I just back to work, kena sai, my boss know my condition, but just ask me to “pull up my socks… “Wah Lau..” although is not new to me, but I still wanted to slap him.
Nat, wow.. he will really clean shit for her? I doubt so lah.. imagine son bath for mum. Very weird right?
My uncle is in a coma then got to use feeding tubes. So he has to be in an old folks home even thought my grandma wants him to go back to his own house. The wife says she cannot cope if the feeding tube got choke or what. End up my grandma also give in. Sometimes those medical condition we don't know how to handle one.. So maybe if the worst happen, your hubby might have to send your MIL to old folks home. So it might happen...
Just hack care your boss lah.. Go easy with your work and stay happy. that's the most important now.

U wrong wrong wrong,confirm Nat's hb will going 2 clean shit 4 his mum if tis days happen,they will still willingly unlike if 1day r we who needs them 2 take care,they might run far far away.hahahaha........All guys r like tat,my hb also tis type of ppl.
No I cannot without this assistance temporary,at least she can do operation faster than me.Like yesterday suddenly abt late afternoon my HR manager called me &amp; said we having a meeting tis coming Mon &amp; needs 2 discuss abt our last meeting,I immediately told him I still havn't do finish t report yet!!!!!U know tat nite I stay until abt closed shop then left.

halo fnd,is jac n not jas.hahahaha.......So fast u going back 2 work already?
