Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

vanilla pod, maybe it's your genes leh.. my hubby fat fat one so my girl also big bone like him. Sometimes I hope she can be skinny then next time more suitors.. hee hee.. Think too far already.
Your boy is training his neck muscle. this exercise is very good. Must take video on that! My girl turn ard only when I'm not in the room. So I plot against her and take video secretly.. haa!
Have you bought the baby feeding spoon and small bowl? I'm so excited abt his first feed.. Take some pictures and show it to me leh..

halo ladies!!!
long time din pop by...

how's everyone?
<font color="ff6000">mummies
anyone deliver at gleneagles b4? wanna chk whether wat to pack for my hospital bag... need to pack bb's clothing or gleneagles will provide?
or wat stuffs are provide by gleneagles so i no need to pack extra?</font>
Hello there.
I'm new to the forum. I'm thinking of seeing Dr LC Foong because I've been trying to conceive for a while. I've read some comments about him here but there are pages all the way back to 2005! So, can I just ask again, what's he like as a doctor? What will he do to me? I have an appointment for after CNY and am a bit nervous thinking about it.

dun worry, he's a caring gynae... u sure will be in gd hand...
when i 1st visited him, told him my prob n he will tackle it accordingly... so hv to depend wat's yr prob n he'll treat it based on his experience...
i rem i did blood test to see my hormones reading n scanning during my menses...
during yr appt, no need to be nervous, jus tell him yr prob n see wat he advise...
hi Wan..my boy v naughty when i take my HP to video he does not turn. He finds it weird not muumy face but this black thing. the spoon my fren will pass me and the bowl i bot a ceramic one from Ikea. becos plastic has BPA.

I will try to take pic n video and mms u...hee hee i also v excited. will do it on next Wed after CNY. Just went supermkt and saw the Heinz one... 1 pkt left!
Thanks Sunshinebaby.
What's this doctor's background like? I'm going to him because my GP recommended him and I'm tired of trying to conceive without any sort of success.

Do you have any kids yet, Sunshine?
Hi Wan,
Actually we don't intend to rest lei as I am not getting young anymore.

Hi sunshine,
How long have you being with Dr Foong before you get pregnant?
sun96, the hospital will give the baby clothing but I don't like leh.. Cos it looks very old. Prefer to bring own clothing.. Then better to bring your own maternity pad. Cos they will charge it to your account. For me, I pack my own pad, nursing bra, disposible panty, clothing. For baby, I pack receiving blanket, a set of new clothing, hat, 4 set of booties and mittens(this they don't provide). Actually worry if forgot cos anyway hubby can go home take.
When are you due?

gabrielle, as sun96 mention, dr foong is very gentle and caring.. So you won't feel uncomfortable with him. He is very sensitive kind of guy. So his words are always very smoothing to the ears... Just get ready your medical history for the first appointment. It's best to go on day 2 of your cycle so he can scan and you go for the blood test. But it's difficult to get an appointment. He has been real busy..

Vanilla pod, they are always so cheeky lor.. When you nv look, then they turn or do funny things.. You can try hiding behind the door and see what he will do. They are so cute, they drive us crazy at times...
after starting with rice cereal, you can change to Healthy times brown rice cereal which is organic. Can buy from major NTUC or any cold storage. It's better than the plain rice cereal. My girl has constipation when she is on heinz rice cereal. But must remember the 3 day rule. Meaning to introduce new food only after 3 day. So you can start to introduce the brown rice cereal after he get use to eating food. Maybe about mid next month? Ask PD first..
I give my girl the plastic bowl and spoon.. Cos i thought only hot water will bring out the BPA.. So food is not that hot most of the time. Oppss... Must really consider changing her bowl and spoon..
Bluegal, Speaking from my experience lah.. Hope you don't mind. I start another cycle right after my first miscarriage and end up with another miscarriage. I think it's kind of linked. Maybe the uterus haven't recover or the lining is too thin or thick. Therefore my baby nv grow after 5 weeks. the first real menses after miscarriage will be very heavy.. Maybe I nv clear that menses.. therefore I lose my darling.
Haiz.. Many of the girls ask me to rest then I insist to try. Haiz.. Can't say anything much now.. Only myself to blame.
different people different case lah. Some women got pregnant right after their miscarriage and the pregnancy went smoothly too. So I say i'm only speaking from my point of view.
ermmm... I just recall dr told me can try right after the miscarriage. I'm starting to push the blame to him.. hee hee.
So it's Dr Foong's fault that you miscarried? That's very tragic I think. Was he being careless to tell you that it was ok to try right after the miscarriage?

Oh dear. Now I'm worried.

Isn't BPA present in everything? Are there forks and spoons without it?
hi Wan, thanks. This 3 day rule does it mean i try rice cereal on him for 3 days then on 4th day i can try new food like the brown rice on him?

Ya becos i am still sterilising his things like the bowl so if plastic will bring out BPA. So i use ceramic. For plastic spoon "bo pian" so i will just use hot water to rinse and let it cool then feed him.

Hi Gabrielle - BPA is essentially present in all plastics. Certain brands dont have it like Dr Brown and Medela. So prices are more exp. As i have research forks and spoons there isnt any without BPA. Most of them cannot be sterilised. So better to cool them first then use, or if ur bb is bigger can use metal or ceramic type of cutlery.
sorry that I took so long to reply,
Supernature is at the old block of condo at the junction fo orchard boulevard and tomlinson road.
You will see a shop selling curtains. It behind it.
I bought the healthy times organic cereal before, MIL didnt like it, she feedback that its too liquid, not filling enough for boy boy. So she still sticks to millet or the 3 grains cereals. All from supernature.
For breakfast, MIL always feed cereals + the ikan billis si shen fen (from NTUC, pink cap and a baby photo) mixed with formula milk / breastmilk.
Its good for bb's growth, 1st meal of the day.
Hope it helps.
I more kiasu, I follow 7 days rule. Only add new food on 8th day. Some allergy develop later.
Take note, allergy is not only redness or rash. Even wet nose / running nose is a form of allergy.
Strictly no egg products ok.
Start with rice cereal / millet + milk 1st.
If ok, then add the ikan billis.
Everything fine, then add abit here and there.
By 7-8 months of age, then start to cook porridge for him.
Then we share recipes lah.
One step at a time, whatever it is, bb has their own milestone, they will do whenever they r ready.

Yeah, I changed company. Joined an colleague from my ex-company to do a new set up.
Happier here. More freedom, lesser politics and most important, my boss is a man!!!

Dr F is a fantastic doct. Even my hub think he is good and he intro to alot of his friends n colleagues.
He is very careful and caring. No one wants a miscarriage. Sometimes things just happened without a reason. In any case, miscarriage happen 1 in 10 pregnancy. I remembered when I was 1st preg, Dr F did not congrat me until week 13. He says 1st trimester is still unstable, anything can happen suddenly.
Dont worry too much. Just pay him a visit, see what he has to say. If not comfortable then you change gynae, most of us here went to a few gynae before settling on him and we have sticked to him since.
Hi Gals!

no time no chat!


don't worry. dr foong is a great doc. you'll know why we say that after you meet up with him.

i've seen at least 6 gynaes so far and dr foong is still the best.
Thanks for the reassurance!

I still haven't wrapped my head round why I haven't been able to conceive. We're quite 'active'. *blush* But it's been 2 years and nothing has happened.

Starting to get worried. My husband has a daughter from a previous marriage so it can't be him and must be me.
i've been trying for 2 yrs b4 gg to him...
well, i'm pregnant n my bb boi due in end Mar...
dun worry, the rest of the ladies here mentioned b4, u need to be comfortable w him so juz tell him wat's yr prob n he'll tackle for u...

i'm pregnant during my 1st attempt w him... can consider heng ba...

how come requires 4 set of booties and mittens? need so many? i'll take note of those u mentioned... my bb due in end mar...
still deciding whether to hv NB w epi or NB only...
You serious? try for 2 years no baby and 1st attempt with him you got pregnant? What did he diagnose then when you told him you tried for 2 years.

Like the rest, me too think Dr F is good. In fact I got pregnant after my 4th visits but lost it within weeks. For my pregnancy, the credit definitely go to him but hor we pay for his professional advise lar. As for the miscarriage, guess we can't blame anyone except for our weak body.

Ya you did share with us a lot of your experience. I am a lot older than you lei so no choice lor, can't rest too long. What's more we are trying to conceive naturally so won't be that heng to strike immediately......though i really hope to get pregnant asap..... Oh ya i remember you mention b4 that you need to do IVF cos your tube is blocked. How and when did you know your tube is blocked?
Gabrielle, I don't really think it's dr foong's fault lah.. There is alot of reason why i miscarry and I also can't be sure. Maybe it's the poor grade embryo or maybe just poor implantation. I should have just rest and let my body recover from the surgery rather than rushing for another cycle of treatment and end up getting weaker.. Dr only advice and he also cannot decide for us mah. It's me who make the decision to continue.. Haiz..
Your hubby has a child before but that is very long ago already. So it will be better for him to do a sperm count test. Don't blame it on yourself..

Vanilla pod, typically you should wait 3-5 days between each new food before introducing another to insure that there is no reaction. If your baby were to react to the food, if you have introduced them one at a time, you will be able to know exactly what food she reacted to. I give my girl rice cereal for abt 1 weeks plus before giving her the brown rice cereal cos that heinz rice cereal is more fine and i want to make sure she get used to eating before i start on other things. You can thicken the brown rice cereal accordingly. I think the healthy times cereal is more easy to digest for my girl and she loves it. I even add strawberries or sometimes banana to it in the morning. As for banana, you can only give certain type. You can ask the fruit stall seller which is for baby.
I nv sterilise my girl's bowl before. I only pour hot water to it then throw away. Now I nv even do the hot water wash. Just wash and feed her. hee hee.. But for your boy, must sterilise.. cos he is still young so better to play safe.

happy, how have you been?

sun96, the booties and mittens all very big for the baby.. so they will get 'lost' when in the nursery.. The booties and mittens tend to fall out easily and you also cannot bring too tight ones for the newborn mah. My friend advice me to bring used ones to the hospital so when the nurse lost it also won't heartpain.. One pair to go home, two pair to change there and one extra pair for emergency.. hee hee. I very kia su one lah.
my girl is NB with epidural. cannot take the pain lor.. Imagine i took abt 14 hours before I see my girl. My friend told me, she feels like an angel come to save her from the pain after taking her epidural. At that time, I think to myself that she must be crazy.. But after my own experience, I really see the dr who administrate the epidural for me as an angel.. ha ha ha ha!! You won't feel any pain at all! just wait and then push and viola! YOur baby is out. At least you get some rest before giving birth. With natural, confirm cannot rest at all..

bluegal, Or you wait at least for one normal cycle first. Don't worry. you will conceive soon! Then sprinkle some of your baby dust to me.
I did alot of reading from the net and discover abt HSG. HSG is X-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes which allows visualization of the inside of the uterus and tubes. So I tell dr i wanna check my tubes first before going for any more IUI. End up the problem really lies with the tubes.. For you, you can conceive naturally so cannot be the tubes.
It sounds so scary that so many pregnancies are miscarried. Like even after getting pregnant, it's not a sure thing.

I haven't gone for any check up because we felt that we wanted to make sure we gave it enough time.

Wan, you sound very experienced. You've had a baby with Dr Foong?
hi gabrielle - ya Dr F is very cautious. I rem he called me to tell me i am pregnant, he used the word cautiously optimistic abt it. like Jadefeet, he did not give me false hopes until i pass my 12th week (cos i was super happy on 8th week can see heartbeat).

Thanks Wan and Jadefeet for all ur tips! tom will go buy the cereal and hope to try next wed..real hope he takes in well.

I know first time try give 1/2 teaspoon. If he takes it, how many teaspoon shld i give him for say the rest of the week? Sorrie i such a blur mum...
There is such thing called secondary infertility. SO doesnt mean that your hubby fathered a child before means he is ok now. Save the trouble, jus tell Dr F to check for both of you. My gf has the same prob, try for no. 2 for 1 yr also dun have cos her hub's sperm morphology is low.

Just take epidural!! I love the anasthetist whom Dr F arrange for me. Dr F knows i damn scare of needles. He is so so good, i dun even feel the jab going in the back m also the IV also set by him, totally no pain at all. Think he is Dr Kenneth (forgot the surname liao). For the whole entire pregnancy, childbirth is the least painless!!! I watch TV, read storybook and sleep all the way until 10cm dilation, 3 pushes n bb is out!!
gabrielle, I have a 18 month girl from IVF with dr foong. I've tried for one year before going to a female gynae in Mount E then she ask me to try for another year. She is so sure I can conceive natural.. But waste another year of trying.. End up i found dr foong and conceive my girl in abt 5 months from start of treatment. Time is a factor for us women.. when I'm 25, Dr says my IVF rate is 60%. Now I think only left 30%??? Just my guess lah..

Vanilla pod, You can refer to the box for instructions. They will tell you how to start and increase by how much. I think the most important part is getting used to the spoon. They are too used to bottle feeding. My friend continue to use bottle to feed her baby cereal. But I read somewhere that it's not good as the baby need to get used to spoon feeding so it will be easier to introduce food in future.
thanks Wan, hee hee maybe i start this week to feed him bm with spoon to try out! So diff to find rice cereal (the plain type). Hunt high and low found 1 box organic type from Australia.
Vanilla pod, I also had a hard time trying to figure out which cereal she like.. But the most important thing is that the cereal don't cause any constipation.
Not a bad idea to start with bm first. Then he might get the idea of spoon and it will be easier to feed. Get ready your bib cos it's a messy job! hee hee..
hey gals...its been a while since i last post here...

i just did my 3rd iui with dr f last sat... this is my first attempt with half tab clomid + 3 days injections... dr says i ovulate well... and it is also my first attempt iui after i ovulate... before the iui dr scan for me says i already O within the last 6 hrs... the past 2 iuis done before i O... so i duno whether is this good or not... and this time round my hb sperms are the best condition... dr says my hb sperms improved by 4 times...the count last iui is 20mil...now its 80mil... so hopefully this will be a success for us.... but now already 6 days past O... no special feeling...hmm..

dr says if not successful...ask me to increase my injections from 75iu to 100iu...to get 2 eggs... hmm...but i duno whether i will want 2 eggs to risk having twins... cos i will prefer singleton.... but hopefully i dun have to consider it at all...hee... i will update u gals again...
the iui charge alone is abt $480... the injections cost another $500... scans and dr charge abt $150...so in all over 1k.. if u do not need injections... then u dun have to pay the expensive drug of $500...

but my af gng to due in two days time... im aldy feeling the pre af cramps...so i guess its a failure again...
hi wanbb and jadefeet, tried the rice cereal on bb yesterday evening... it was a success! He ate all of it (1/2 teaspoon + 20ml of milk). he was initially tired and wanted to sleep, but we still wake him up for it. Then i think he is hungry so with the spoon there is so little milk, he was gobbling it down and make noise cos i was slow in scooping.

Today i will try it during lunchtime and see if he continue his eating behaviour!
baby, Can test already right? share with us the good news okay!

Vanilla pod, great! my girl rejected it for the first time. it's good that your boy loves it. You can slowly add abit more cereal then when he is comfortable with food, you can introduce something else for him. I remember the first food i gave is carrot puree, she loves it. Cos it's very sweet mah.. hee hee.
So happy for you. Now that he is enjoying his food, then you can slowly add more. But dont overfeed even if he ask for more. Bb doesnt know when to stop.
Did you try the cereal? Its alittle sweet to the taste.
<font color="ff6000">baby
the injection is for trigger ovulation?

dun give up hope yet... as long as AF not yet report, u still hv chance!!! JIA YOU!!!</font>
Hi baby,
same as you, i do experience af cramp, thougt my af coming. But then actually i was pregnant. Sad part is i didn't know I am pregnant and when i test the pregnancy kit, it was a faint positive line for few days so i take it as negative. I only went to do my blood test one week after my af due, too late lost the baby. A very valuable lesson learnt, in future if i suspect anything, the first thing is do a blood test to confirm rather than keep waiting for the positive line. So experiencing af cramp might not be no chance. Do a pregnancy test and check first.
hi wanbb and jadefeet, just now i increase to 1 teaspoon and 25ml of milk. he finished all, but have to admit still learning the swallowing action so did spit abit out.

I bot the australian organic brand (bellamy) rice cereal. did not taste it (hee hee cos got bm, i havent tasted my own bm)..

After his rice cereal we let him finish his milk. A good thing -- he has increased weight!! Now he is 4.726kg! I am so happy but initially worried cos if his weight gain is too much we have to start his heart medicine again. Called PD he said if bb is happy and cheeks are chubby it is ok!

SianZ next mon will be back at work! Think can only feed him in the evening when i am back. will continue this rice cereal and then do the brown rice and puree later.
Hi Sunshinebaby,
Yes I am still trying cos the m/c was early this month. But according to WanBB, i have to rest for one cycle before i try again, so now not so active lor.. Anyway my this cycle ovulation also don't know when, during my last visit Dr Foong said this time round I'll have a longer cycle due to the m/c so he is unable to tell me exactly when i'll be ovulating. Oh ya any of the ladies here always get positive for the ovulation kit? It seems doesn't work on me as my LH level too high. So no matter when I test, I'll always get a positive, so far have not seen a negative even i test it straight after my menses.
my IUI failed again...my af reported today... so i duno what went wrong... it must be on me cos my hb sperms is in excellent condition.... so i duno whats wrong with me le...hmm... dr tells me during the IUI says if it fails...he will want me to increase my injections from 75iu to 100iu... to help me get two eggs... to increase my chance...but im quite reluctant to do that le... i scare the higher dosage will have more side effects and im not looking in having twins le... wat u gals think? anyone had 100iu injections before?
baby, have u thought of doing a HSG to check the tubes? I done a couple of IUI before checking my tubes. End up it's my tubes having problem therefore I cannot concieve. HSG is not very expensive too. And I read from the net that some people conceive after doing HSG cos it clear the tubes and the egg flow smoothly to the womb..
Hi Ladies,
I manage to conceive via IUI by Dr Foong too... but I am in a delimma whether want to use him as my gynea during pregnancy... anyone has experience whether his c-section and natual birth stiches are good by him? Reason why I am having 2nd thoughts is because gleaneagles is far away from my home.. so thinking of going to thomson medical.. also, not sure whether dr foong's stiches are good... we do like him as he is very very professional and gentle... am seeing him for my 1st scan and see how first... hope to hear baby heartbeat soon.. thank you..
Joanne, I think dr foong can also deliver at Thomson medical but for scans and visits you have to go to gleneagle.
hi wan bb,
I see.. Any idea whether his stiches r gd? I think need to pay xtra charges rite? Thk u 4 ur advise.
joanne, mine is natural with epidural.. So not very sure if he's good in c-section. I would prefer to go gleneagle for child birth since he is almost always there. Anyway you have until week 12 to decide your gynae. dr foong's package start from week 22 and some other gynae start their package from week 12.
y i never consider doing HSG cos dr told me my tubes are unblocked when he did the hysterscopy for me when i remove my polyp... i also duno how he check...something like he blow some air into the tubes and he see bubbles coming out so means unblocked.... u mean if tubes blocked...after doing HSG will unblock them? i tot HSG is only a xray to check whether the tubes are block or not...it can also help to unblock them?

u concieve via dr f iui? first time iui?
y the need to do iui? cannot O or hb sperms? u took clomid as well?
this time round probably dr will increase my injections to 100iu to give me two eggs... i really do not know what is wrong... hb sperms good... i can O on my own... I react well to the drugs given to have earlier O... polyp is removed... hysterscopy shows normal uterus..and tubes unblocked...IUI done prior to O before...and also IUI done after O... all failed...

Its very frustrating to not knowing what is the problem...even dr do not know...
i wonder is it becos of egg shell is too thick for the sperms to naturally penetrate... but this we can never know unless we go for IVF... i told dr f that i wont consider IVF as it is too physical and emotionally straining for me... he told me not to exclude the thought out... ask me to keep a open mind.... hmm...but he says i should conceive via IUI which is why he is still preserving with IUI with me... the next IUI will be my 4th.... dr says another one or two IUI more I should consider other means... he did suggest doing a lap to check everything is ok... to clear up any mess to enable pregnancy... but i really do not wish to go thru a lap... but of cos if i have endometris lap is the only way to know for sure and to clean it up... but i dun really have teh symptons for it... so i really do not know how to move further if my next iui fail again.... my hb did ask me to change a dr to see whether another dr can help us not... but i feel dr f is already a specialist in infertility... if he cant help us who can....
Hi Ladies,
Being on clomid for a few cycles already, Dr Foong also increase my clomid dosage from 1 per day to 2 per day. If 2 per day still can't work, he told me I'll have to try injection already. Does he meant by IUI? and how does the IUI work? Do I need to do the injection myself?

Have you try TCM as well? I went to TCM to 'tiao' my body cos was very weak, it does help to regulate my menses, now i just have to work on my weak body. I even go to the extend of asking shifu from temple. Maybe you can get second opinion from another gynae on your problem, can try Dr Christopher Chen from gleneagle fertility specialist also, my sis is with him, she had successful IVF with him before.
baby, oh.. then don't have to do HSG already. But if you increase your dosage, have to buy new bottle of puregon. HSg won't unblock the tubes but i read that it will clear the tubes and egg flow better. heard a few cases of pregnancy after doing HSG.
If you wanna do a lap, I rather you spend the money on IVF. Lap is as invasive.. Imagine having to cut into your tummy then will scars. You will almost spend the same amount of cash anyway.

Bluegal, can ask your hubby to inject you. IUI is only putting the washed sperms back into your uterus. Normally the sperm will have to swim all the way in but with IUI, it's short cut for them.
hI Wanbb,
How about his stiches for natural?? Is it very painful after painkiller medicine wear off?? Or you can walk around the next day??
Hi Baby,
Sorry to know that your IUI has failed. Ya... I try injection for the first month, then lining not so good so he wants me take Pynorgna (forget how to spell liao) for the lining to improve one.. so I try natural that month.. and true.. it fails since lining only 6mm then.. 2nd month then I try 3 injection from days 6 onwards. Also take half clomid for first 6 days. and the pynorgna... so now lining increase to 12mm.. which is ideal..Glad to know that had strike after 2wk... but not confirm as hasn't scan for my bb heartbeat yet... it is tomorrow scan... after wait for 3 weeks since I know I tested positive... phew... what a long wait.. so I dare not confirm that I am pregnant until hear my bb heartbeat tomorow... looking forward to it but also feel abit scare, anxious and nervous..
Good luck to your next coming IUI. Ya.. try TCM accu... I do go for accu 2 days before my IUI too..think it helps to circulate our blood at our womb area and warm our womb... don't take any cold drinks for that 2 wks too..
I had natural birth with epidural with Dr F. He is very good. He prefers to help you stretch the perinuem rather than perform a cut(episotmy).. so it will be a natural tear.
And I am glad, he is very good at it. I had a normal tear, stitches is well and next morning, i am walking, kaypo-ing around the ward and peeing without taking any painkillers.
And this given that fact that my boy has a big head of 37cm (if i dont remember wrongly).
Recovery after that was ok...went shopping after 2 weeks of confinement, i think...
Think resume making love within 6 weeks...
As for C-section, i have no comments. But since he has delivered so many sets of multiples, i would think he is good at it as well..
It all depds on what u meant as good stitches? DO you mean lesser scarring or pain?
Pain threshold varies among different pple. So cant compare.

dun be despair, i have tried more than 6 IUI and all failed. Then after the last failed IUI and i decided to give up then i strike!!
You must understand, IUI helps by providing a short cut to the sperms and avoiding the treacherous journey up the cervix but this doesnt help them to drill the hole etc...
And of cos stress level plays a part. When our body is too stressed up, it will produce a high level of acidic environment which is very unhealthy for the sperm to survive n thrive....
If you decided to choose Dr F to help you, then have faith in him and yourself...
And personal advice, I been to other gynaes b4 and whom Dr C. Chen is one of them.
I was not very comfy with him and likewise my hubby cos he suggested very invasive op for my DH's sperm condition on the very 1st visit.
So give Dr F more time before you decide if you want to change doc.
