Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

happy, Can try organic food or go vegetarian. I heard it's good.
This is really not a good year. So many bad things happening. Just hope everything will pass soon.
Guan Yin liang liang will bless your mum with good health.
Pray that aunty will be healthy and happy.

I am back from my D & C yesterday. No bleeding aft that, just a bit of fresh blood aft the D & C. No pain, no cramp, no nauseas, nothing... is that weird?

But anyway, still have to take good care to bu. Don't want to regret nxt time.

The hospital just give lump some of the hospital fees when I admitted yesterday. They nv list down the fees items by items. But I checked, there's surcharge fr day room aft 4pm. I guess same as op room as well.

I am not sure how much is the Dr charges, they ask me to refer back to Dr.

How I know the lady is yoga siao? She keep talking about it when I happen to be there lor. And always tell her colleague what they shld do fr this post and that post.

Sorry to hear about your mum cancer. Is she able to go fr any op or therapy etc? My grandmother IL also diagnose with the cancer but she is too old to go for operation. This last her a few year till she's gone.

Don't let your mum eat mum solid food, not easy for her to digest.

My aunty and uncle are doctor. I heard that the mangosteen pill is good. And some other things, if you want to know more, maybe I can check for you? Also, my HB staff in HK mentioned "yun zhi" is good. Her MIL took it when she diagnose with cancer, it help a lot. Maybe you can try to look for more info on this?


Thanks fr sharing. DOn't think you are showing off. At least we know know what we should do and don't.
Thanks a lot. I started with hot drinks since yesterday aft my op. Hot milo, hot red dates tea that you mentioned. And eat lotsa ginger and black fungus.

What else should I do? How long do I have to "bu"?

DOn't cry for nonses old witch at home. No point, you have longer life than her ma.. don't torture yourself. One eye open one eye close, one ear in one ear out.. i guess she will piss with your this reaction. hahhah...

Little flower,
Ya.. too early to test.. just go back and test again...Have good rest and don't think too much.

Ya.. hope will bleed naturally for you.

Do you have to do any check out again aft D & C? Dr said he will call me fr my lab test? Also, have to do a blood test to cfm my HCG drop. And maybe see him again 2 weeks later?

My hb ask him how long we at least have to rest and then can start a fresh cycle coz we plan to bring his mum for holidays then before we prepared a new cycle. He said we can do it aft my first menses come. UNless we want to bring him along fr our holidays then we can start earlier...
Ya, I have taken a lot of photos for him until no place to store it. Hee hee..

I got BIG BIG fights with HB when I was doing confinement, why? becos of the old witch and all the young witches (SILs), I really thought of divorce and be a single mom to raise up my son alone, I don't want to keep a man that need his mum more than me. So can't stop crying and crying. Becos of all these, I think affect my milk flow and after 6 weeks, my right breast was disgnosed with pus from engorgement, I was forced to stop bf my son at 8 weeks. When I saw him wanted to latch when I carried him, I felt so guilty and again couldn't stop crying. I am such a lousy mum.

The next 3 months I will have to go to breast specialist to suck out the puss, they used a syringe to poke on my brest and to suck out the pus, sometimes it would suck the blood out as well. Initially I have to go there every 3 days, first 2 times I cried and shouted like a mad woman once the syringe touch my breast. I have spent abt $2k on the treatment, after that, I stopped crying as has already numb to the pain. My hb was with me on my every visit and will hug me tight after every time I came out from the treatment room, since then, he changed my mind to be together with him again as I think he still love me.

Is very stressful under such situation, make your mum happy and no worry is very important, Mind power over everything, My mum asked us just to pretend nothing happened for the whole 4 months when my dad was in the hospital. His cancer was declared in 2nd stage already. Nobody know if he can come out from the hospital. Not even the doctor. My mum is a strong woman. She is out support. She can still smile and laugh with my dad although we know that she has been crying and worrying alone. She told us she believe guan ying niang niang will protect my dad. So now as Wan said Kuang Ying Niang Niang will protect your mum too. Take goos care of yourself first. We all are here to support you.

If you can, just do the confinement it one month, but I think the first 2 weeks are most important. Ya, pls don't drink barley water too, if you really want to, buy the chinese barley to boil, is not cooling. Take care.
TCM said if you pregnant again, can do confinement to "bu" back. So used this time round aft your bleeding, started to "bu", it might work.
Warrua, what happen to your SILs?

Fr your 1st miscarriage, do you do D&C or natural bleed? will we bleed a bit aft D & C?

One month confinement? Ops... I was thinking two weeks. :p I didn't bath but did used wet towel to clean my body and wash my private part, scared of getting infection. You were mentioned one mth as in eating all confinement food or not cold stuff (drinks, veggie etc)?

Very long story abt my SILs. But now I have settled them already.

I didn't do D&C but it bleed out naturally. My mensus was drag until 21 days.... I think 2 weeks is good enough if you can follow strictly. I did 3 weeks last round. Not bath for the first 5 days, but wipe my body using ginger water.

Some veggie still can eat, like brocoli and carrot. To avoid are bai zhai, kang kong, cucumber, white carrot..
Good that it's settled, hope they are not giving you anymore trouble.

Ya... I didn't eat much things today. Just the boiled the chinese medicine, ginger chicken with black fungus to clean it 1st. Then aft that maybe start to boil soup. Ya.. I eat normal veggie but never take bai cai every since I know it consider cold stuff.

Thanks a lot.
Hi Ladies,
Check with you gals again, any of you experience like your menses used to last for 7 days, but I realise last month it last for 4 days and this month only about 2 days. Don't think is pregnant as my temperature is low and I also tested negative. What could be the cause of it?
Vinwee, have to go back for review 2 weeks later right? I did a surgery to remove my tubes and d&c so have to go for to check the wounds. My sis did went back to dr 2 weeks after her d&c for the result and review. Maybe it's to check if there is any infection.
Actually it's not good to start so soon.. My personal experience lah.. The last time I did a D&c then dr also say can start next cycle. In the end the lining is so super thin lor. If you are on natural cycle, you won't know if the lining is thin right? thin lining will lead to miscarriage and alot of other problem. Better wait for 3 cycle first.

koala, u should upload the photos mah.. it will be kept there forever and he can surf net to see in future. hee hee..
Poor girl.. you suffer alot. I can imagine the needle going in. Ouch! I only use warm towel to press on the blocked duct then faster pump out the milk. I manage to clear the blockage. Very painful just with the blockage. Can't imagine how much you suffer. *sayang.. sayang koala..*
I have been feeling very guilty for stopping breastfeeding! And you will feel worst cos you are force to stop. At 2 months, his reflex is still there so will turn to your breast when you carry him. Next one then you breastfeed longer lor. But must make yourself happy so there will be more milk. It's true that unhappy mum have lesser milk. I tried it before. When I'm nervous or angry or sad, I can only pump half of the normal volume. When I'm happy and eating alot, I can pump 20% more than normal. haaa!
I hate SILsss also! All SILss are evil to me.. hee hee.

Bluegal, did you have clomid during you last cycle or this cycle? Cos one of the side effects of clomid is thin lining. So with thin lining, you will have light menses.
i'm having my doubts about dr foong. to make the story short.. my SIL has an etopic pregnancy but dr foong did not detect it when my SIL complain of very bad cramps even after her menses came and it was almost nearing 3 months when she found out from another gynae in kk and one of her tubes has to be removed. She is really really traumatised. i've not see her so sad before. i really hope she'll come out of it and be the same as before.

i've started on my clomid and my hubby has gone for his 2nd SA test and the SA results are still no good even tho he's on tcm. anyway, i think i'll just go thru IUI this cycle with dr foong and see wat happens even tho i have my doubts about him after my SIL's case cos i can't just jump ship now to do IUI elsewhere.

i'm sorry to hear about ur mum. i know what u r going thru since i've been thru it too when my MIL got breast cancer... the most important besides the treatments would be to let her relax and be happy..
For the black fungus, it can clear the "dirty blood" inside the body, but pls don't take too much, during my confinement last year, my mum asked me to take abt 1 week (with 2 meals at the first 3 days and 1 meal at the subsequent 4 days), cos it will really clear out "everything", then will make you very weak. If is only a mini confinement, just first 2 days should be enough.

At first we printed the photos in hard copies, after that really can't afford to keep them... then have to put into the disks. Now I start to down load it into his blogs.

Thank you for your "sayang".
I will still insist on bf for my 2nd 1 as by then I can give some of it to my boy to ease my guilt. Hee hee. I wouldn't be scared of the needle.

Marriage is no longer between 2 persons, it will involve his mum, sisters and a whole group of irrelevant ppls come into your house.. I really hate that. Before CNY last year, My stupid SIL wanted to store her seafood (sorry is only for their use !!) in my fridge before 3 weeks of cny, idiot, right? She think my house is a free warehouse can let her store her stuff. And the best part is she thought I was not at home, so can quietly them put into my fridge without telling me !!! (She din even tell my hb too !!!) When she saw me, she got a big shock.

I told her off my fridge is full with EBM, so she bo bian and have to carry with her stupid 3 bags of seafood back home after I said no. They are like that, always do something to irritate or annoy me and testing my patience. I really start to admire myself how to take all the nonsense.

Hmm... I have heard of the same incidents happened on some famous gynaes. I think we will have to accept they are human, so will make mistake too. But to me, I will always seek 2nd opinion if I have doubts.

As long as you are still comfortable with him, then I think rather hunt for another doctor in short term.
eskimobaby, wow! your sil is very lucky! for 3 months is a long time. the baby should have stop growing already or else the tube will burst and she will have internal bleeding.
The other time i scan and dr can see the ectopic pregnancy but cannot be sure also. Cos it's near the stools and he can't make it out whether it's a sac or just stools. I don't really have cramps. But have pain on my right side. Even the right back also painful. I wanted a surgery myself and dr say it's good to look inside to be sure if there is really an ectopic.
I agree with koala, if you don't trust or don't feel safe with dr foong anymore then maybe you should change a dr.

Koala, go ahead! upload more for me to see. Maybe next time can matchmake my girl with your boy! haa! Jie-Di lian. Just kidding..
I heard it's good to give breastmilk to your first child while feeding the second one. the first child poo poo will be very 'nice'. That day I look at the 2009 calendar and spotted a note on april. It's my estimated EDD for the ectopic pregnancy. So sad..
I can understand how you feel. I always quarrel with my hubby when we are newly wed. Cos the sisters always take advantage of him and he just keep quiet. find him a fool for letting them bully him. The sisters will insist we send them to the places they wanna go with no regard to where we are heading. Imagine that time I'm pregnant and have to send them from yio chu kang cementary to Hougang then to bukit panjang before I can head home. I think the whole journey takes 2 hours! My back is aching so much and I'll nv forget all those selfish acts. i just don't like SILsss..
I think your SIL is taking advantage that your MIL is staying there and she consider your place as her Niang Jia. I can remember your SIL always ta bao things from your house. So disgusted!
my sentiments exactly... i realised that we have to vigilant ourselves or be able to discern the doubts and look for a 2nd or 3rd opinion if possible. i just can't help but lament that everything did go wrong for my SIL rite from the start when she found out she was preggie. but seriously, i'm quite sick of changing gynae already... i just seem to be going round in circles doing test after test... from western medicine to TCM.... and yet there doesn't seem to be improvement.. and now my health seems to be affected after being on 3 tabs of clomid a day with mood swings and giddiness. as for dr foong, i still think he's one of the better dr around but if i have to try ivf one day, i'll change gynae to a kk one cos considering cost wise and subsidies, it'll be wiser for me to change.

Why our hb so nice huh? Always being taking advantage by their stupid sisters. I think is too much they still want your hb to send them back knowing that you were preggie. This type of SIL really deserve a slap.

I so scared this will happen to us too, that why until now I refuse to let my hb to buy car. I don't want my hb become a driver. I rather he goes to be a cab driver at least he can earn some $$, rather than being used by the idoit SILs.

Ha ha, ya, I am also thinking to bring our monsters out, ask Jac out too... see what will happen... hee hee, I am ok with Jie Di Lian, but I think at this stage, my boy is very short compare to your gal and his face still like a "baby".. not like your gal, very big gal already.

Ya, I have 2 abbott discount vouchers for $3.00 each. Are your gal on similac or gain iq? It will expire on 31 Dec 2008, although not much, but at least something.


I was the one who keep on changing gynae/infertility sprecialist... Within the first 4 years, from Gleneagle, paragon, Thomson and finally KK. I think is ok loh, although agreed is very tiring, but at least I can compare and know the service. I din do the tests all over again, I would tell the Dr that what I have been through and most of the time they will agree with me no need to test again unless is necessary.

Yes, KK is the best choice if you talk abt the cost saving prospsect, esp now with Govt's $3k subsidies, why not?

My total bill for my last fresh IVF was ard $8k, which $6k deducted from CPF and just folk out $2k +. My cash payment is due to my high dosage of stimualtion drugs, if you are the normal type, you may not need to pay a single cent from your pocket, except from CPF and frankly KKIVF service overall is not bad, although still got 1 or 2 nasty nurses.
eskimobaby, I agree that it can be very tiring changing gynae then start all over again. Imagine having to tell the long story and trying to learn abt the gynae.. I hate it. So I just stick with dr foong. Even when I have doubts, I also lazy to appoach it.
For children care, I think KKH is the best. So when you have babies, don't bother going to private thinking they give the best service. Actual fact, they suck! and just wanna earn money from u. KK dr will explain to you abt your kid and spend more time with us during consultation. Private practise only take 3 mins for consultation. For women care, I don't really know if KKH is better. I can only say it's cheaper and confirm won't be as detail as dr foong(from what i learn from Jac).

Koala, my mum always tell me, if my hubby love his sisters then he is a nice hubby cos he will care for the family. Which means care for me and baby. But I just hope he care for OUR family only.
Lucky my hubby now better already. I try to distance him with HIS family.. Actually I also nv do much lah. It's his sisters who spoilt market then my hubby also sick of them.
Must ask Jac when she can take leave. Weekend is a no for me cos my hubby wanna spend time with his baby/my monster unless you don't mind my hubby join in lah. haa!
ask Happy along lor. we all go eat eat and forget the unhappy things.
My girl on NAN3. You know lah.. I very kia si one, nv try other powder before. Anyway, thanks for the offer.
i haven't been feeling too good since yesterday.
from around 7pm plus last night, i've felt a sharp stabbing pain on the lower left side of my abdomen, where the large firboid was and was removed. strange, it's three weeks past the lap and i din feel any pain all this while till now.

i'm wondering if it has anything to do wif my menses, which came on tues. anyone has any similar experience after lap? i'm still feeling the pain now, so it's been there from last nite till now...

How are you? Was wondering how has you been so far. How was your trip?

Sorry to hear about your SIL case? Is this another SIL that you were mentioned b4 abt M/C? Yep, if you have doubt, just see another Dr fr 2nd opinion. I did it (as my MIL keep insisting me to go to see Peter Chew) when Dr told me the little one not growing inside me. I waited fr 2 weeks fr natural bleeding and finally did the D & C two days ago. Now waiting fr my report.

I also very scared abt the ectopic pregnancy. Coz aft waited fr two weeks fr natural bleeding, I have no sign at all... and went back fr blood test and my HCG still high, I also wonder if I got ectopic pregnancy then. Did your SIL bring this issue up to Dr f?

Okie... I will js eat the black fungus for two days. And fish soup and veggie. I drink the black dates, gou ji zi and dang shen drinks everyday, hot one... must drink fr a mth or at least 2 weeks right? I told my HB I feel like eating ice-cream and drink coke... he said :" can, I'll make hot the ice cream for you". Argghhhhh..... And best part, he went to buy coke lollipop for me.,,, funny....

Ya.. Dr mentioned I have to go back 2 weeks later. He said he will call me fr my report and schedule my appt then.

Does your SIL encounter bleeding aft D & C? I'm clean... nothing ler.. it's that normal?

Koala / Wanbb,
I guess 3 of us hv same type of hb. And it will make us to be the bad women... hahah.... Yr SIL too much laa... their house dun hv fridge meh, they can take cab???? Once you let them bully, they will cont to do so.. sometimes must know how to say NO!!!
Wan and Koala...
I pity both of u.. so horrible SILs.. you all must stand firm cannot let them bully you...

Read abt the complaint on the receptionist at Dr F's clinic.. i also kana from her when i called recently to fix appointment for pap smear.. she refuse to let me change, keep giving me the date that my AF may come... i got to keep telling her that its AF time, then she keep asking me then when? I already say its irregular mah, if i can tell then I wont be Dr F's patient loh!
she somemore ask me to wait till next month after AF then call..sounded so impatient!
Dun care, next time I see Dr F,i will complain to him straight. Will tell him to give the woman some basic OB/gynae lessons... tell her that since his is a fertility clinic, she has to be more sensitive to our needs and constraints.. bochap...
will take revenge for all of you...
yeah it's the same SIL... well.. my bro has spoken to dr foong and dr foong was very polite and told my bro that he'll take note of it in future.. but in any case, i dun expect dr foong to do anything or rather nothing can be done already.. i also think it's better for my SIL and bro to move on and do not let this affect them too much esp my SIL.. if continue to pursue it's very difficult to move on.. i just felt heartbroken for her as this is her 1st pregnancy n she had to go thru so much..

my trip was good but the clomid is making me feel lousy... even felt giddy after going for a walk at telok blangah hill park yesterday!

btw, i think ur hubby is really sweet to buy coke lolli for u... in hk they have this drink called 'ning lok'... they would boil coke with ginger and add lemon slices.. my fren told me it's a good cold remedy.. it taste quite yummy too and feels warm after drinking..

i've actually made an appointment with SF Loh from KKH next thur.. will see what can be done from there... my hubby and i definitely have fertility issues so decided to go straight to a fertility specialist instead of going to a normal gynae.. due to my hubby's SA results i think it's also good to get a 2nd opinion to see if IUI is viable or going straight to IVF is more logical for us.
my SIL did an endoscopy. she showed me the photos and the blood clot at the tube was already very dark in colour and there was already a rupture so had to remove the tube...

anyway, wat were Jac's comments about SF Loh ah? i know she's also with him for her 2nd IVF.. but she's not here so frequent now i guess becos of her new job ba...
hi wan, vinwee, koala & eskimo,

thanks for your encouragement and prayers. i'll stay strong and positive n will do my best to help my mum thru this difficult time. i have been reading up natural healing therapy from the internet. will need to change mum's diet etc. we will win this war against those bad soldiers!

eskimo, u taking 3 tablets a day? i had side effect when i take the max dosage too. so, foong only gave me 2...which obivously didnt quite work for me.

wan, no sign of auntie yet? when's your next scan?

koala, can pm me your blog? believe seeing yr boy's photos can cheer me up.
Hi Wan,
Ya i had clomid during my last and this cycle. Didn't know the side effect would cause thin lining, now I also know why sometimes i feel giddy already. Wah then is there any side effect for folic acid? I had been taking folic acid for almost a year.

My sis was once Dr Foong patient too, then he told her she had cycst. Thus my sis went to check with other gynaes. But all told her that she didn't had any cycst, so she changed to another gynae in Gleneagle too. Done 2 IVF, both were successful. 1st one was a boy, now was preggy with twins, a boy and a gal. But I only know about the cycst incident recently cos all along I though she's been with her current gynae. But then I still trust Dr Foong lar, I believe he's good that's why he's so popular. But human do make mistakes....

Any idea how much do they charge for the pap smear?
Sorry, I know it's not nice to ask. Your SIL do D & C and also removed the tube? Sorry, I am a bit worry coz I just do my D & C and I am worry abt the ectopic pregnancy as well.

Ya... nothing can be done. Is that if the ectopic pregnancy discover earlier, your SIL don't have to remove one of the tubing? Sorry, I have little knowledge of all this things.

Ya... I know abt "leng lok" (leng = lemon, lok = coke). HK people like to drink this especially when they down with flu.

I drink red dates, gou ji zi drinks everyday. Think will try to drink at least fr two weeks fr everyday then few times a wk aft that.

NOw everyday fish soup with veggie. My MIL said later on must drinks chicken (w/o skin) soup.

When is yr this IUI cycle? Good luck. Hope "yi fa ji zong".

Did you HB take Vit E? It might help?


Let us know if you need any help ya...

You can make your boy photos into canvas print, it's nice as well.

pap smear charge is not very high. I remember I don't pay more than S$150/-. have to check back my bill to dlb cfm.

Yep, Dr did mention that clomid will make lining thinner. Cannot take too much. But I don't feel any other side effect on this.

How's your side? Everything okie?
i have to consider the long term costs also.. if i need to do IVF i find that it would be more viable if i go to KKH... as with the same amt of money i spend in pte i may be able to do more in KKH... so i'm trying out SF Loh at KKH and see if he's good and if he is i'll change to him.. if not then i'll change again or might even come back to dr foong who knows..

dun have to apologise
actually my intention of telling abt my SIL's condition is not to put dr foong down. cos i read abt so many cases recently abt unsuccessful pregnancies that i thot i might wanna share this... my SIL didn't go thru D&C.. her menses came naturally but abt a week after her menses finished she felt unusual cramps which dr foong didn't detect anything at that time and then another 2 weeks later when she went to our family GP, he told her to go get a scan done and the scan shows something in one of her tubes so she went straight to KKH on the advice of the GP... that's when it was discovered that it was an etopic pregnancy.. the gynae at KKH did an endoscopy too to cfm before removing one of her tubes. if it was discovered earlier, she may not have to remove her tube.

Since u've had a D&C done and i'm sure there's a follow up appointment with dr foong.. maybe can bring up ur concern when he's doing the scan for u...

my hubby was on tcm but it doesn't seem to work.. also becos he's not been consistent with his chinese medicine.. tsk tsk... he's resuming his vit E tho...

2 tablets doesn't work for me the last time that's why dr foong put me on 3 tabs a day.. and i'm glad i've finished the dosage cos the days when i'm on it i felt really yucky, got mood swings and feel nauseous n giddy... my frens thot i might be pregnant since i didn't tell them abt my treatments so i just told them not possible :p
i think pap smear is abt $30-$50 excluding consultation if i'm not wrong.. folic acid is a supplement not a medicine so it shouldn't have any side effects..
<font color="aa00aa">eskimobaby</font>
I have been with SF Loh for my last IVF. All the while, my gynae is him too. To me and hb, he is good and I like him since the 1st consultation. I shown him all the history that I have been through, opened up to remove cysts, op, Jurong East TCM, Chris. Cheng.. He really listen to me and we were surprised a public hospital doctor can be so patience and nice. We talked abt 30 mins including the scan and this was the longest consultation I ever had.

When I was pregant with my boy, I encounter problem with my boss, Dr Loh never hesitate to help me, he even wrote a high risk preganancy letter to justify my condition after I e-mail him telling him abt my problem. I can say I have been taken good care since the fist day I start IVF treatment through out my whole pregnancy.

Please bring all your history to him when you see him and do a summary to let him know what you have been through. Frankly, now his "business" is too good, too long q, so may be he won't have time to listen. So go to a too famous doctor also got pros and cons.

But I think he is sincere in helping childless couples, that y he can stay in KK for that long.

I really hope he can help you.

<font color="aa00aa">Happy</font>
I will p.m. you my boy blog.

<font color="aa00aa">Wan</font>
I also do the same to "separate" him from HIS family, but will not be effective.. cos the old witch is here. Today is Sat, wah lau, her son is here, she is showing face to us already. Kee Siao.

<font color="aa00aa">Vinwee</font>
Your hb is very nice..
At least he think of the alternatives loh.

Hee, oh, you are here quietly huh? Hee hee.. How is your boy? Still with the same boss?

I am very "garang", so won't be bully. Even the old witch scold me, I will not like last time just walk away, but now will scold her back. Ha ha.. now she dare not do this to me any more.
i'm glad to hear u had a good experience with dr loh. now biz at KKH fertility centre is very good due to govt subsidies so have to bear with it ba... but if he's a good doctor then nothing else's matters.. it's really important to feel safe and have a patient gynae esp for our case where we do have problems... i really hope he's the last gynae i see :p

will have to see wat doc says... see wat are our chances for IUI and IVF and decide from there...
Hi girls, I'm back.. the weekend is the worst for me.. My dog pass away on the very morning of my birthday. I guess she wants me to remember her forever. She loves me most and I love her too. Then my menses is still not here yet. Might have to call dr today.

Vinwee, there is only a very little bit of spotting after the D&amp;C. Dr says he will do a clean job so that we won't bleed and keep thinking abt what is happening. So you are fine.. I'm also very worried abt no bleeding the other time.

eskimobaby, Jac nv say much abt the dr. She only talk abt KKH service.

happy, no scan leh. calling dr later to ask him what is the next step lor. Hoping there is some medication to help..

bluegal, I don't think there will be side effects for folic acid. It's a vitamin so it's normally in our food.

Koala, i think the misunderstanding is too strong between you and MIL already. Like me and my mum.. The moment my dog pass away, everyone cry but my mum slap me ask me not to cry. Stupid right??? My hubby say she take this chance to hit me.. Then I ask her not to force my dog's eye to close cos it might hurt her. She angrily say 'then you don't rest your hand on the dog lor'. My hand is on the table not the dog! Very childish right???!!! We will nv make up.. It's a xin bing already.

Little flower, how are you doing?

Sorry to hear that your dog has passed away. I had a dog too, very big one, he was with me for abt 3 years +, that year I was 10 years old, because he was sick, my dad asked somebody to send him away without my knowledge.

I was so sad and angry with my parents and refuse to talk to them for 2 weeks !!! After that, I dare not keep dog already.

Your mum really slap you? Unbeliaveable. Why? Bacos she doesn't like your dog? Hmmm... agreed, got "xin ping", very difficult to see each others in eye to eye. Now I don't even bother to talk to her. She show me the same attitude too. Sometime, I really regret to marry my hb, really torturing, always fight with hb becos of her. Very tiring.

But you and your mum are different, your are mum and duaghter, the bonding is there, this can't be changed. Me and my MIL are non-related to each others originally. But now force to stay together.

So I think still got a chance for you to patch up with your mum.
The pap smear cost S$40/- w/o consultation. You can do it while you go fr consultation. After that they will call you to inform you the result and mail you the result then, you don't have to see Dr if everything is fine.

When are you gg to try another BB again?

Little Flower,
Hi, how you???


Sorry to hear yr dog passed away. But your mum funny, she slap you for what? But I don't understand why mother and daugther will have "xin bing", you are not DIL ler, is own daughter.

OKie, noted.. I am so scared initially as no bleeding, no spotting at all.

I guess yr bday same as my bro..

Have you call Dr to check if you have to see him again? I do blood test (as no spotting and bleeding at all aft 2 weeks), then once he knows my HCg level still high, i went fr scan the nxt morning and do the D &amp; C then.
thanks.. i hope so too

sorry to hear abt ur dog... i have a dog too... he's 8 yrs old now and i can't bear to think of the day that he'll leave us... ur dog had a good life with u i'm sure she'll rest in peace...
Koala, Sending the dog away might be better.. Maybe your dad thinks you are too young to handle his death. My first dog is also send away by my parents cos he is too noisy. So nv face a 'best friend's' death before..
My mum says we cannot cry when someone die cos they will stay here with us rather than go heaven. Stupid lor.. everyone is crying, she is only using this chance to slap me. Imagine I already so broken and sad then she still slap me.. kaoz! We can nv patch back already. maybe on the day one of us die then we will forget the xin bing..
You are more worst off.. At least I don't stay with my mum anymore. If quarrel, I just ask her to go home then next day we act like nothing happen. As for you, most likely you will lose the battle. Cos she is your elder and your hubby's mum. No matter how unreasonable she is, still have to bear. But is your son helping with the situation? I mean your hubby give in more to you than your MIL after having your son?

Vinwee, even my hubby also say me and my mum no hope already. the xin bing is too deep.
My birthday is 14 dec 81. your brother the same?
I call dr already. He ask me to go for blood test tomorrow. My hubby very bad one lah.. He say he already prepare the 2k for my d&amp;c since i so suay one.. Always falls into the worst case scenario.. Like my ectopic pregnancy, only 1 in 10 will kanna.. then suay suay i am the 1.

eskimobaby, My dog is 14 years old already. So she is consider very old. I heard the smaller and longer nose the dog is, the longer they live. My shih tzu is small but has short nose maybe that's why she only live til 14.
before i have my girl, I can't imagine a day without my dog. I thought of dying with her cos I can hardly live without her. But after I have my girl, life has to go on for me. I cry and cry in the night but the next morning, my girl still wake up laughing and starting her play. How can I stop my life..
Spend more time with your dog.. Give some time to him everyday and tell him you love him. I regret neglecting my furbaby during her last year. I hope she will understand.. This thurs we will have a private cremation for her then will decide how to deal with her ashes later. I wonder how to face the part where they push her body into the 'oven'...
My elder bro is one day earlier than you.

Btw, you disconer the ectopic pregnancy while you doing the scan?? I got a bit of fresh blood just now.
Not sure what happen. WHile I am having that, I got a little cramp at my lower abdomen.
But no okie already. Worry ...

D &amp; C got diff price??
Dear all, I got a negative for the Beta HCG test yesterday. I'm so very upset.......I think you all know how I must be feeling...I can't explain it in words......
vinwee, then my brother in law has the same birthday as your bro. But my BIL has 2 other brother so cannot be your bro.. hee hee.. so confusing.
dr scan me and found a sac like object but not in the womb. So he suspect it's ectopic but he cannot be sure cos alot of 'foreign' smelly object behind. hee hee.. Then he is hoping it will stop growing and come out itself so i can save myself a surgery. But end up i cannot take the pain anymore and ask him to cut me!
Very common to have abit of bleeding here and there after d&amp;c. As long as it's not too much. Cramps is also normal. But if you have any doubts can call dr to ask.

Little Flower, i can understand the disappointment.. I have so many disappointment, at some point of time, I got very numb to it. But after crying over it, life still goes on.. Have you thought of what to do next? How abt IVF in your country then won't have to spend so much.
I'm also guilty of neglecting of my furball at one point or another esp. when i'm working... now i'm having my hols so he gets alot of my attention.. but once term starts i'm too tired to play with him sometimes... he's always tagging along with me everywhere i go in the house sometimes when i dun see him around me i'll fret... so i think i won't be used to it if one day he's not around anymore...

give urself some time to overcome ur sadness... and then think abt wat u can do next.. *patpat*

My hb? I think he is now more scared to side me than before, why? cos he scared ppl said he love his wife after his wife manage to give birth a son to him. Partly also my mum is here, he want to show ppl he still love his mum. I know now also he doesn't like my mum, he always try to pick my mu, until sometime I really buay tahan and scold him back then he keep queit.

I really got evil thought before, can't stand this type of life. We said want to go to look for counseling, but put aside cos too busy with job and my boy. So I ren the situation until now. My mum always say aiya, you don't think silly thing lah, now you have a son with him, is too late... I dislike what she said, but I relly don't know what I can do to improve the situation. May be too selfcentered, or like lst time I told Jac, I never love him up to that extend I can put myself behind, that why I can't love his mother until now.

IVF is just like a gamble, all are matters of luck. You are a brave gal, I admire you. Please be strong.
Sorry sorry... havent gone for pap smear yet so cannot advise on the price and not yet complain to Dr F abt his rude staff.. this friday then I get the chance to fire the bomb on her...

sobz sobz... i wonder how would i be when my dog dies... though i am not close to him but sure very very sad..
recently some neighbour complains my dogs barks too much... studpid right, the neighbour must be expecting my dog to be dumb .. where got dog doesnt bark, the best part is my every other neighbour has at least 1 dog so how the person knoow its mine?
even the AVA officier also find the neighbour stupid...
Let us know the outcome of your complain.. :p


You got xin bing with yr MIL, your hb try to pick your mum, nv ending... hahha.... It's really pity if a couple divorce due to IL.. not worth.

Little Flower,
Sorry.. we all know how disappointed it is to see neg result while we trying fr bb. We try our best but still natural take the course and we must have fate then we will get one. Please be brave.

Update us what you are going to do nxt?

Hahha... ya... cannot be same person laa... hahah... else how can I don't know I have you as my relatives ler...

Thanks fr yr info abt the ectopic pregnancy. Coz I got this pain at the lower right side of my abdomen, and I can feel the flow out.

I hv been sleeping from 12pm till now... scared, tired..

How's your blood test this morning? Got the result already??
eskimobaby, it's so nice to have someone waiting for you at the door. Greet you with a big wagging tail when you're home.. I miss my furball doing this.. Sometimes she will run ard the house in anger cos we are out too long. They behave like humans. So cannot blame us for treating them like one of us. My hubby always say he cannot treat the dog like human and love them. He say dogs are just dogs. Wonder where is his heart and love???

koala, what has he to say abt your mum??!! At least your mum is helping out, unlike his mum. oppss.. I think i'm making things worst. Anyway, he should just work hard outside and get more cash back. Home affair he shouldn't interfer too much. hee hee..
You cannot say you don't love him that much until can put yourself behind. Or else you would also mean the mother nv love him. Cos she also cannot put herself behind and live well with you. It's the women thing lah. Not becos of how much you love him. Even if 'til death do us part' there is still a limit to things mah.
My hubby love me but don't love my dog. then i love him but don't love his family. hee hee..

Jadefeet, you stay in landed your neighbour still complain. Imagine I stay in HDB with 3 barking dogs next door but i'm okay with barking. As long as my house don't smell, i'm fine with anything. All dogs bark mah. it might be good also, if there is thief, your dog will chase him away. Your neighbour should thank you!

Vinwee, my guess is the pain is from your ovaries. It might be releasing hormones. I have stabbing shoulder pain during my ectopic also. Dr says it might have press on the nerves therefore the shoulder pain. And this is also one of the common signs of ectopic.
my beta is 25k+! the levels are very high therefore i have to repeat the test again. The baby is still growing but at a very slow speed. Only 3mm for 2 weeks which is very not normal. Lucky there is no heartbeat or else I will have a hard time deciding.. So tomorrow I will go for my blood test then maybe friday a d&amp;c. I'm having cramps now and hope it will flow itself.
ur hubby maybe mouth say only... i think when ur dog passed away he felt sad too... sometimes i ask my hubby the qn what if one day our dog is no longer with us.. he say like that lor.. but i know it'll affect him quite badly cos the dog is actually closer to him than to me.. he feed, bathe and train him since young... for us women we dare to show our feelings but for them must hide hide kekeke

hopefully, ur ordeal will be over soon and can start fresh cycle...

i kpo only hope u dun mind... i dun believe that u have to lose urself to love someone deeply.... i think it's unbalanced... if u and ur hubby thinks that u both need counselling then that is actually a step towards improvement...
this reminds me of wat dr foong once said to me... that we shouldn't let all this ttc-ing dictates how we live our lives.. we should still carrying on doing wat we do... i've been constantly reminding myself of wat he said... especially when i feel down abt ttc-ing or when i got BFN...
i think ur neighbour is just being too fussy.. usually for this sort of neighbour the ava or hdb ppl just come and see see look look to pacify these sort of neighbours they can't do anything else.. last time i also have 1 neighbour, he's quite notorious for being a complain king... my dog will bark at him when he passes by my mum's pl... then he went to complain... but when the hdb ppl come all was quiet... they also told me that my dog is not a nuisance.. i think my dog also quite smart know that we dun like that neighbour.. dog will definitely bark but as long as not excessive barking is no problem.. anyway excessive barking also mean that something is wrong with the dog or how the dog is being treated...

He dare not say anything to my mum, cos know still need her help. But his action has shown that he is not respect her as before even though she comes all the way to take care of his son. Sometimes, I just feel like to ask my mum to go back, let him taste how important she is. Anyway, my mum is going back next year when my boy turn 18 months, so I just need to ren yi ren. I just wanted to tell him pls use the BIG head and think how my mum scarify just to come over here.

Don't talk abt this, you must take care. If go through D&amp;C, please tiao your body nicely before you go into the next frozen ivf. You are still young, pls don't rush.

Ya, is inbalance. Agree, we should have been gone to counseling for long.
