Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Jac, wow.. like that Nat and your hubby really very wei da. But think back, i guess my hubby also will take care of his parents bah. Maybe I'm the one who is not willing to clean shit for others only..
You work how long already? I think at least need abt close to one year to be very stable in your operation ba. So you can count down to the day you sack her. hee hee.. You very serious abt this job leh. The previous one you more hack care. I think it's should be able to bring you further..

hi wanbb
how are u liao? recover already?

i just started a new cycle... will be taking clomid + injections to try iui again...hopefully i will be lucky....

anyone took this combo before? clomid + injection son day 6, 8 and 10.... any side effects i should know of?
baby, i'm better now but my bladder still hurts leh.. i think it's urinetract infection. Going to my family dr tomorrow to get a stronger antibiotic.
I tried the clomid and injection. Not much side effects since i only take one tab of clomid a day. It stimulated one follicle on each side of my ovary so i consider it quite successful but as my tubes is blocked, even if have 100 follicles I also won't get pregnant lah.. hee hee.
Good luck!

So other than uti yr womb recver liao? Bleeding stop? Got do mini confinement?

Dr ask me to take half tab clomid a day probably bcos my lining thins out when i took one tab last time.. So to compensate on the half tab i suppose to take injections for 3 days.. Tat time u take injections is it puregon? Can take hm to inject ourslvs rite? Inject tummy or arm??

There was a big fight on Monday nite, all becos of the old witch... My mum now is packing and wanted to go back to M'sia. I have been crying and crying over this. But you know my hb shouted at my mum, how to tahan???? I really don't know what to do now, my health condition is not good... how to cope?? if my hb don;t want to give in, me sure die flat.. my son also will suffer if my mum is not around. More and more bad news coming. Sigh.. Now i know why ppl want to suiside, becos up to an extent that you really can;t take it any more.
baby, my womb recover already. Yesterday I went to GP took a stronger antibiotic. Hopefully it will help with my UTI. My mini confinement already finish but I still feel abit weak. Maybe I nv really follow the rule after i have UTI. Have to drink alot of water and the red date water is not helping lor. So i just drink plain water.
I inject puregon on the tummy if nv remember wrongly I take 75cc each time. So the puregon will last you 2 IUI. But hopefully you only use it once then can donate the puregon already. hee hee.. It's better that you twist the pen rather than pushing it in during injection. More difficult to push in.

Nat, feel so sorry for you.. You must be very very very sad.. Don't cry it will affect your health. Then your mum really going back? How abt your boy??? Why your hubby shout at your mum.. Very rude for him to do that. Your mum must be very heartbroken.. The boat will straighten itself when it reaches the harbour so just hang on..
BTW, very curious what your MIL do that created such a big problem. Sometimes really hate those people, very free therefore alot of time to plot and create trouble! Just like my in-laws too.
glad that you have recovered... no more bleeding liao rite? how cum will kena UTI? try drinking cranberry juice? heard that it will help...

how many days u inject the puregon? what u mean it will last 2 IUIs? u mean i inject one cycle...it can last to the next cycle ah? next cycle no need to inject ah?

Is me the one who can't take it any more, normally I will tell myself to ren, ren ren... she always do funny things in front of us then deny everything... but even my mum also can;t tahan. I will have a hard time, really really hard. Not sure how is the next step...


No, I am not.
baby, No more bleeding already so i assume the womb infection clear. I think I'm very prone to UTI. Maybe cos I nv drink enough water during the 'confinement' therefore will kanna. I also heard cranberry juice will help. Maybe tonight go cold storage and buy.
Haa.. No lah.. cannot last for 2 cycle. I mean the puregon is enough for abt 5 injections so you can inject for 2 cycle of IUI. I also injection puregon on day 6, 8 and 10 during my IUI.

Vinwee, me waiting for my fresh new IVF this coming April. Still not confirm lah cos my hubby say delay all treatment. I'm hoping to have a baby soon.. Haiz..

Nat, Just ignore your MIL lor. You know she might be happy to see you and hubby quarrel. Others wanna make you angry, then you angry she win.. Treat her invisible then she confirm more angry. Maybe can do the same thing as she did lor. Do funny things to her but deny everything. haa! but must not leave any evidence lah. Like you can scold her and scold her but when your hubby ard, treat her nice. Then she confirm go crazy.

Everything is over now, this house won't have any mother... just me and hb and my boy. I am thinking to send the maid back once my boy is settled in child care, cos no use to keep her here. When 2nd 1 is coming also do not need her cos he/she will be in infant/child care. House work can do slowly, or don't even need to do, just do the basic, ok already.

This house will be never peaceful as now as no mothers/maid around. Frankly, I never like a stranger stay in my house. To me, his mum and maid are stranger. I can have my own life now. Will be very hard, but at least I can enjoy privacy.

I know my boy will cry and cry when his first or second days in infant care, but is alright, I believe he sure can survive.

Ya, I need to do amnio for this round, the blood test results shown that I am at high risk. Bo bian, can't bear with the risk, better clear everything now.
hi gals,

haven't come in to chat for a long time.


u r pregnant with 2nd one?? congrats! how many weeks already?

u mentioned no mother in your house. where did you m-i-l go to?


u must take more tonic to nourish and restore your 'qi'. give yourself another few months to recuperate before you start the new course.
Nat, Your MIL go where? It's great news for you. At least don't have to face your MIL everyday. As for your boy, he will get used to it sooner or later. Alot of children also grow up in childcare centre. So it's not that bad lah. Can make friends and learn alot of things there.
How abt NT scan? I heard amnio is risky leh. There is no way to avoid it?
My friend also high risk after her blood test but end up her baby girl is perfectly normal. Birth weight at 3.7kg! So i think there is nothing to worry abt.

Happy, how are you? Long time nv hear from u leh.
Really very weak after this round of treatment. i think i need alot of exercise, tonic and time to recover. Hopefully can rush a tiger baby lor..
hi Wanbb, glad to hear that u r feeling better. Went to Dr F new clinic on 3rd floor. I was teasing Angeline - say they earn so much $ from us can shift to bigger premises. Went to renew my eggs (by the spectacles lady who is really unfriendly n fierce). Miss kelly the other receptionist who is so much friendlier.

hee Hee if u have tiger baby good...he/she will be 36 yrs younger than me!!

Hi Nat - i did amino cos during my 20th week scan there is 1 in 3 chance my boy cld be DS. During the scan, my boy v naughty, the radiologist marked a X on my womb area, and we have to wait for my gynae. I told him my boy v active, sure move one. He say no worries we willscan again. Then when gynae came, my boy did a 180 degree turn such that his head is at the X mark. So we need to find another spot to take the amino fluid. then during the procedure, he used his leg to block the part where they draw the fluid cos my gynae cannot draw and she say obstruction and the radiologist say "leg, leg" and she had to pat and pat my tummy so baby move leg.

I went for FISH and the normal test. FISH is faster - 3 days later will know if DS. the normal test will test for all chromosome. Total i think i spent like 3K. the wait is painful, but God is good, my boy cleared it. it is import to rest after the amnio..no walking,keep to bed rest and sit down. I KS took 10 days MC to rest. there is a 5% chance of miscarriage.

Pass 12 weeks. But this round not so good, bleeding, blood clot, now just clear these 2 problems need to face the FTS scan poor results. Sigh.

There is no chance to avoid unless we are ready to take the risk. I rather do it now, have a peace of mind, if not need to wait until give birth... can't bear with the long waiting.

Very drama, my hb just sms me said he will bring his mum back this Sunday... Really a joke of the day. Yesterday just told me the sisters has arranged her to stay with the youngest 1, change the address on the ic, said soooooo LOUD. End up now said one of those sil and her hb fight becos of my MIL, ha ha.... only 3 days, they tested her bau, the old folk love to see couple fight, she enjoy seeing that and very skillful in making the nonsense and make every body fight becos of her. Ha ha... really good.

I am ok with her coming back, in the 1st place, I am not the one to ask her to go. Is her son "key kiang" thought the sisters very supportive, end up make his mum like a ball being kick here and there. Now he should wake up and ware that only me can tahan her and still not crazy until now.

Hey, many thanks for sharing, I will ask Doc on the FISH test, but not sure KK will provide this service. Cos what I know is they need to wait for 3 weeks for the results.

Hee, your boy so cute...

Congrats on your pregnancy.
Dont worry too much. Take 1 step at a time. Same thought as you, better take the test and get the worries out of the way.
Can understand how vex things are for you now.
But now since your husband managed to arrange for your MIL to go out, pls try your very best not to bring her back again... she is nothing but trouble maker and this is definitely not good for you and also your marital relationship....

Thank you.
When is your turn?

Is my husband think he can moved her out, but the facts is we can't , cos nobody wants her.... unless throw her on the street. She will stick to us until the day she die. Now I heck care already, just treat her transperant. And I will also bring my mum back cos really need her help. If my hb don't like, he has to bear with it. I don't care, now bb and my son comes first.
vanilla pod, how's the new clinic? Better? Maybe more privacy since it's location is more wulu.. Sometimes when i walk into the clinic, I can feel eyes staring at the infertile me.. Guess I'm just being sensitive.
How many eggs leftover? are you planning to use them?
I miss your boy boy.. have you bought him his new year clothing? Must have grown alot bigger already.
You also a tiger! My fortune teller ask me to have rat or tiger baby mah.. So i hope can plan for one next year. But only hoping lah.. I wonder how many miscarriages can i take.

Nat, pass 12 weeks should be very safe already. So you want a boy or girl this time? boy then you can save money on clothing if girl then you can dress her up.. Both also good for you leh.
Your MIL also very kelian lah. so old already still don't know how to think. i guess til she die, she also don't know what went wrong in her life. Pathetic lor.
Like what you say just treat her transparent and ignore her for the rest of her life. It will be better for you and baby. Don't get angry over her okay. If not you will kanna her trap! Must rest well after the test. Baby more important.
I agree with jf not to bring your MIL back. But it doesn't seems nice too. Very difficult to decide..
Congrate to u really hope yr pregnancy will as smoothly as yr 1st pg.
Wow finally yr hb decided 2 let his mum out of t house,at least got some peace.
Y tat time yr hb shouted at yr mum,u mus be vy sad,did u voice up 4 yr mum?

I got sad news 2 renounce,my company meet me yestday saying they cannot confirm me either give them 24hrs or can 1mth then left the company.The reasons saying tat I 2 concentrate on acct n when switch to operation vy poor n alot of staff cannot get along w me,my boss even told me tat alot of junior staff dare not to approach me,dare not 2 approach me is my problems meh,jus cannot understand.
hi Wan, the new clinic is much bigger...nicer too. My boy very poor thing, put on so little weight that PD not too happy and will refer to dietian if next week still not much weight gain. He is 14 weeks already but just 4kg. Sigh! My frens see him say he look like 1.5mths old. Alot of pple on streets say he 1 mth old.

I just bot 1 set of CNY clothes for him cos alot of pressies are clothes and havent wear yet.

I got 11 eggs left over. V worried abt having 2nd one. I doubt i will want 2nd one. I spoke to Dr F and he said that my boy's conditions are genetic and hence there are higher chances that the remaining eggs might have gene prob and MOH does not allow me to test the eggs. I think I will just have my boy and close shop but still renew the eggs (Dr F also advise me when i told him no more) for flexibility.

Dun worry - u sure will have a tiger (boy) ok!

Hi Nat - u can ask them abt the FISH. The normal results of amnio is 3 weeks, FISH is faster but u must pay additional. KK has this FISH thingy.
Jac, So today is your last day at work? Or you already quit? Just find another job lor. don't be sad. New year is coming. You can take this time to enjoy your cny mah.

vanilla pod, i think i will only go to the new clinic in April so by then it will be old and dirty again..
your boy still on milk only so i also don't know how to advice you.. Maybe give him more milk? but baby can only drink this much amount. Even if give him more, he also won't take. It would be a waste.. Did your PD say anything abt helping with the weight gain? Or wait another 2 to 3 weeks then can start with rice cereal. It might help... I start my girl with rice cereal at 4months.
Why can't you test the eggs? Since it's genetic problem, they should allow testing right? How abt doing a fresh cycle, will that help? Have another one so your children can help one another when they grow up mah. I mean we can't be ard all the time.. If me and hubby leave first, my girl will be all alone in this cruel world... so sad.. So I must 'make' another baby out! This is my motivation.. hee hee.
Yestday is my last day.Of course will feel sad lah not becos I love tis job is becos during CNY been sacked vy bad luck lah 4 1 whole yr,u know?
hi.... am looking for a gynae presently...

the thread has a lot of enthusiastic MTBs..

Can i know what are Dr Foong's charges and packages like?? thanks in advance!
Jac, CNY still not here mah.. Anyway the rat year is not really good for me. SO maybe ox year will be better? Don't think too much lor. can start to send your resume already.

Rayrachel, Actually here don't have much MTB.. Are you pregnant or trying to conceive?
Dr foong is more than a gynae. Maybe a specialist.. His package start at 22weeks. Close to $600.
WanBB> hihi.. wah.. dun have MTB?? then who are the people here?? heheh..

$600 sounds reasonable.. hee...

I'm currently 5 weeks pregnant..
Hi rach
I am currently 10weeks pregnant n seeing dr foong. can't remember how much is 1st time consultation but his subsequent consultation is $60.
Hi ladies,

Have not posted for quite some time. I am coming to 31 weeks in my pregnancy. My twin babies are small, so i have been eating more though i dun i have much appetite. Still working though hopefully for the last week. Have informed my boss since early Oct that i would be on leave in early Jan and now she acts blur and keeps asking me to extend. Out of goodwill, i agree to extend another week and she then went and told my team mates after i left for the day that i initially agreed to extend till before CNY (i corrected her when i overheard her talking to my team mates about my last day in office earlier on)

Getting tired and thigh aches whenever i get up from bed or sitting. Need to sort out many outstanding baby preparations too.

BTW i visited Dr Foong on Fri morning. Joked with him that his clinic has now expanded and he humbly said clinic looks bigger due to decor and mirrors.

Wish you & your loved ones a Happy 2009!! May all your wishes come true!
Rach, Congrate!
I'm planning IVF with dr foong so not MTB. Hoping i can have another newborn soon..

Puppet, how abt taking durian. It will make the babies bigger.

Since pregnant, i could not take the smell of durians though i used to love to eat durians. Have been taking anmum twice a day, morning and night. Hope the babies are growing healthily. Might try durians if they are still small after my MUH scan this Fri
hi Wan, Dr Foong said that MOH does not allow genetic testing -but i can write to them abt my case. Then again the cost might be another thing. Am already runnign down my $ for my boy's operations.

I really fear the fresh cycle cos I got OHSS and really wanted to die then. I cannot pic myself going thru it - that is why i really admire u for ur bravery to have another child.

Will ask PD abt the ceral. Scared his throat not developed yet..dun know if he can swallow properly. Now he can choke on his saliva when he lie down and "talk" to us...
puppet, don't worry, babies tend to gain more weight during the last few weeks in the tummy.

Vanilla pod, I'm thinking of not having the supression and then stimulation. I wonder if I can go straight to the stimulation but with very very low dosage. maybe get abt 5 follicles and only one transfer. I won't get OHSS this way and I think it will be much cheaper. This is my idea lah. I haven't talk to dr foong abt it.
Don't admire me.. I also dread of getting OHSS. I can remember the scene where I cry myself to sleep everyday and the 11 extra inches from OHSS... It's hell!
Ya it's better to ask your PD. I remember my PD advice against solid food before 6 months of age.. But i still start her on rice cereal cos of peer pressure.. hee hee.
I am not ready for no. 2 cos i just changed to a new job for abt 2 months. And the last pregnancy left me quite a scary experience...u knew how difficult it was and i really dun want to lose my job again..
Though hubby is very keen but he says its all up to me to decide. Maybe give me another few more months. My boy now start to walk around alot.. not energy to catch up with him...
How r u coping with your boy and bb? I am amazed where to find energy to chase after a toddler and being pregnant at the same time and worse got to work from 9-7 everyday!!!
Isit very tough?

Take a break and find another new job. Dont be so discourage and think its bad luck. Sometimes, the company just find all kinds of reasons to retrench pple... If its really a mismatch then too bad loh...
hi Wan, ya the OHSS is really scary. I could not sleep at all for 5 weeks and could not eat...so painful that almost want to die.

Think u can talk to Dr F abt it... he is so professional that he will not make u do unnecessary to earn more $.

For the rice ceral, is it that type u get from supermarket in small jars?
vanilla pod, mine ended abt 3 weeks. 5 weeks is a long time! Even an hour with OHSS is hell.. I rather give birth 10 times than have OHSS.. hee hee.
I'm hoping i can convince my hubby to do our fresh cycle soon. I don't wanna wait for another year before starting on it.
I got the heinz iron-fortified rice cereal which stated start from 4 months. I start off with a tiny bit of cereal with milk. She reject the cereal the first time I feed her.. then I try again few days later and she took it! So don't be surprise if your boy reject it on the first try.

Check this out..
In some cases, it may be better to start food earlier. When a baby seems to be hungry, or when weight gain is not continuing at the desired rate, it may be reasonable to start solids as early as 3 months of age.
(got this from http://pediatrics.about.com/cs/breastfeeding/a/starting_slds.htm )
Better ask your pd abt it before starting on any solid..
U change new jobs I thought u workg in tat previous company not bad.

Cannot post cos my monitor the screen widen n some of the wording cannot read at all,it time 2 change,now waitg 4 hb 2 buy.heehee....
Hey u asking abt Nat,y never asked abt me.heehee.....just joking.......

If you want to give cereal to bb, i suggest you go for the purest form 1st. Millet is the highest nutrious level among all cereals. I buy all the cereal from SuperNature. All organic n no artifical preservatives or flavours added. I try not to give anything with sugar or sodium added at such young age cos not forgetting bb's kidneys n liver are still developing so they may not be able to remove sodium from the body so fast.
Make sure that whatever you buy, its gluten free.
or whatever possible allergen- free..their body n immune system is small so anything is a big thing to them.. better to spend more n be more careful then regret.
Most imprt, get clearance fr PD.
Fundamental rule: your bb must be able to hold hs head upright and sit properly on a high chair before any solid food.
Cos if the neck is still soft, he may get choked
So sad i just miscarriage without even knowing i am pregnant. I am only late for a week to do the blood test but Dr Foong said i did the test too late.
Jac, kaoz.. we got contact one mah.. So you are always on my mind.. haa!

Bluegal, how come? poor darling.. Plus take care and do a mini confinement as well. Did dr say why miscarry?
Look at the bright side, at least you can conceive naturally. Just take good care of yourself and don't think too much.. Time will heal the pain, bring the sun and dry the rain.. It will be very painful(mentally) in the first week but you will feel better soon..
Hi Wan,
Have not seen Dr Foong yet. He's extremely busy these few weeks. But he did bring my next appiontment earlier to check lor.
Vinwee, it's Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. OHSS happens when too many ovarian follicles have developed in response to the usual dosage of medication. It is a result of the hormones produced by the ovaries in response to the usual dosage of medication. There is a number of symptoms like shortness of breath, dyhydration, bloatedness or swelling of the abdomen and genital area and abdominal pain. Anyway, it's just like living in hell. Damn scary..

Bluegal, Maybe it's CNy period therefore he is much more busy to prepare for the holiday ahead. The rat year is not really good for us.. Hopefully next year will be better.
So have you done any mini confinement? I think it's quite important. the first one I nv do any m-c then i keep getting flu. The second time I drink red date water and feel better abit..
hi Wan, ya OHSS is so much more painful than C-section! PD told us to give bb rice cereal aftre CNY.

Thanks Jadefeet will check out the millet. WHere is the shop SuperNature? My baby can hold his neck upright, havent try sitting him on the high chair, but he can sit on my lap while i hold his waist.

PD hoped the rice cereal will boost his weight gain. he needs the carbs.
Hi Wan,
I did not have any mini confinement lei, I only take Bai fong Wan and Ginseng tea lor. How to prepare the red date water, can you teach me what to add? Thanks
Vanilla Pod, at least c-section will recover over time.. As far as I remember, OHSS only get worst. Maybe the recovery time is also slow.
That's good news. Do be slow with the feeding. Once you started on rice cereal and he is used to it. Then you might wanna start him on some carrot puree or pumkin puree. Avocado is very good for gaining weight cos it's very fatty. But of cos have to consult your PD first.

Bluegal, for the red date drink I add dried longan, Gou qi zi and red date only. For the first few days I add ginger in to get rid of the wind.
You can go Fu Hwa and buy the Ba zhen Zi Yin Tang which comes in prepack boxes costing $5.50. Just double boil the herbs and drink. I nv add anything else. Better to drink at night before you sleep or in the morning when you just wake up. You can drink this once a week for 3 weeks. This will make your body more warm so you won't catch a cold during mini confinement. This herbal soup is very good for me, after drinking i feel better and not so weak. So i strongly recommend it. I remember my confinement lady also brew this soup for me last time.
Hi Wan,
Thanks a lot, will go and buy the ingredients for the red date drink and also your strongly recommend Ba zhen Zi Yin Tang tomorrow. Hopefully after all these, i can get pregnant very soon again.
Bluegal, Give yourself a 3 month rest then try again.. It's better for your body. If you have ginseng at home, u can also add to your Ba Zhen Zi Yin Tang. Cos ginseng will bu qi..
Don't worry, we'll be waiting for your good news! For the time being, just rest well and prepare for the CNY celebration..

thanks Wan. Now my only aim is to make my boy fat fat!

He now can turn from his back to his tummy... v cute and amusing when he does it. and he can turn his arms on his tummy to try to lift his head up.. think he trying to lift his chest up too... all he needs is more milk to have more strength!
