Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


Where do you stay? You mean the clementi one is Dr Tan Kim Sing? My hb went there to do ACU after we signed up for KKIVF. For myself, I went to Eu Yan Sang at Paragon, mr Sinseh is Xia Rong, as she is only here for 1 week in every month, under her recommendation, I went to Ang Mo Kio Ave 5, Dr Zhou to do ACU, she is using the same method as Dr Xia Rong. Price also cheaper, $25.00 for 40 mins. Eu Yan Sang charge the same for $40.00. But frankly, I find Dr Zhou a bit commercial.

You also can consider Eu Yan Sang Tiong Baru, DR Qi Xiao Yan, although she is only a GP in TCM, but she did help a lot of couple for the infertility problem. She also doing ACU.

i'm also thinking abt ACU after i recover fm my lap. i've heard q a bit abt this dr zhou and another female doc (jin jin hua or something??!?!?!) at raffles hospital.

i've some qns re dr zhou:
1. wat are her consultation hours like? i'm thinking of going back to work, so my primary concern would be whether it's easy to see her after office hours and on weekends.

2. is she easily available or gotta book way in advance? and how many times a week will we need to see her?

3, the price you mentioned ($25 for 40 mins), isit for ACU only or inclusive of medication (if any)? if not, how much does medication cost?

sorry for the many questions...
<font color="aa00aa">pooh2</font>

No problem, I am very happy if can answer your questions, cos I might not be able to remember the details already.

Her shop (yes, is a medical shop) open from 9 to 9. So the timing is very flexible. I don;t know how is the condition now, at my time, she has only 2 beds, so you will have to wait even you have make appt.

I went there abt 3 to 4 times a week before I took lucrin (the surpression med). Stopped completely after I started IVF. If you are trying for natural, you need to be there for 3 days continuos treatments before your ovalulation. Eg if you ovalute on 14 days, you need to do ACU on 11,12 and 13 days.

No need to book, but you can call before you go over.

The $25.00 is only for ACU, I din take her medicine.

But have to tell you 1 mummy told me her skill is not really good, cos you can't feel the pain, so she suspected she doesn't have the skill as EYS doctor.

You can call this number, 64560833. I just remember her blk is 505, at AMK.
Hi Koala,
I stay at Sembawang.
Yes the clementi one is Dr Tan Kim Sing, why didn't you and your hubby go to the same TCM? Heard accupunture on the ear part is quite painful thus I am scare lor. But my sis went to him for accupunture when she's trying for baby. She told me Dr Tan Kim Sing need to make appointment earlier. I am with another TCM now, but not for accupunture, don't dare to try out. But if half year later still no news, I'll go to the Clementi for the accupunture.

Me initially had a hard time to get HB to see TCM and since he is working at clementi area, so I ask him to see DR Tan Kim Sing, since is so convenience, he has no excuse. For myself, I still prefer lady sinseh.
Hi girls, have been busy with my girl and i'm starting to get cramps plus brown discharge. So I assume it has started...

Jac, when you can take leave? i think we make it Before CNy lor. But my girl starting her classes next year so cannot have lunch on friday.
i'm preparing for the full blown period then can start to boil my longan plus red date. I even bought those ready made red date drinks from NTUC. Just pour hot water then can drink. Just in case I too lazy to prepare fresh ones.

pooh2, i think i gonna bleed already. so don't have to wait anymore..

bluegal, you have long cycle huh? I have a 51 day cycle and sometime even longer so i ovulate abt 6 times a year. that half my chances.. And i don't think I really ovulate 6 times.. Sometimes my temp nv go up at all then come down already. Meaning no ovulation. Is that the case for u? can eat clomid to help with ovulation mah.. So don't worry.

koala, wow.. your boy can eat alot.. My girl is starting to be choosy.. Now sometimes don't wanna finish her food. I start giving her our food after she turn one. better for us lah.
You pm me? i nv receive any pm leh..

babe79, u reflect to dr lah... hee hee.. by right she should be nice to us leh.. cos we are the customer. We pay for their service. But she is better than the other 2 nurses for the other 2 dr there. the fat fat one always scream one.. then when they give medication, they talk so loud the whole world know what the client is having.. Kaoz..

vinwee, so did you call dr and ask him? how will the blood test help? maybe can go for scan and see what's going on inside?
I think mine is medicated right from the start so without medication, it just start to bleed. yours is natural so more difficult to bleed?

Little flower, You can try to test 6 days after your last injection. so it's just a few days more only. just bear with it.
i'm having cramp now plus PMS mood.. So just trying to rest as much as i can. The weather is also too good lah.. make me so lazy to log in. hee hee..

Great, I am thinking to resend you again if you don't receive it. Jac said finally she saw my pretty face... ha ha.. she has been chasing me just to see my face.


Touch wood, 1 good thing abt my boy is he is ok with what ever I give him. But his big problem is sleeping... very difficult to get him sleep and he is a light sleeper. Some more still cry and cry after sleeping abt an hour.
Hi wan, it's so good to hear from you. please do rest and take care of your self. I'm waiting impatiently now! No symptoms at all. Some times little pain here and there but nothing more. I'm worried also. Anyway I have promised my self I won't test till the blood test. You know something sometimes i just feel I jsut don't want to know the result even. I just want to just wait and it's the result is a negative I jsut don't want to know....
I went fr my blood test this morning. Waiting fr Dr to call me. cross my fingers.

Little flower,
somtimes I also wish I know nothing.. hahah.. like the old people, they don't know they got pregnant till 3 mths. It's good u think positively now, just relax yourself till the day. I don't even bother to know the result aft I do the blood test. I just went fr market to buy food to prepare for my friend's birthday dinner and go to buy cake for her. Till till clinic call me fr the result.

Waiting for result. How you discover your ectopic pregnancy last time? I have no sign of bleeding, brown discharge at all. That's why dr ask me to do blood test...

Waiting fr Dr to call me later....
Babe79 / Wan,
u know what, I totally agreed with you, the lady just talk out loud abt out medicine. There's one time I bring down my hubby sperm for lab test initially when we see Dr, warrua.. she also said out loud.. piangz!

Then this morning, she scold the long hair lady, like blaming her of waiting her to do things, dunno how to solve problem herself...in front of customers!!!
Vinwee, I think you are doing the right thing. I'm going to read a book now. It's always best to just forget about everything nad just get on with life.
I have nothing.. no sign at all.... I have been waiting fr 2 weeks fr my natural bleed but up to now nothing at all. No sign of discharge, no pain. Weird right???

Hahah... maybe like what babe79 said, she has attitude problem lor. And nv give face to the colleague..

Little flower,
Yeah, don't think.. just sleep and eat and watch tv or some reading??
thanks much for the detailed info, including the phone no.!

u were at the clinic this morning? my appt was in the afternoon, i jus came back abt an hr ago! went to remove my bandages. hope dr has called to update u wif the results? must be stressful waiting...

if he has not called, could be because of the audit they had this afternoon. moh officials were there to inspect their new clinic ard 2.30pm, so the three docs and their staff were wif them till abt 3pm.
Dr. Called back.. my HCG level still keep going up, that's why I will not bleed till now. Have to do scan again.

today was q funny. i was so paranoid abt the belly button wound that i kept telling dr f to be gentle. and when he wanted to spray something to "waterproof" the wound for a few more days, i couldn't help it but instinctively covered the belly button, and was laughing uncontrollably at the same time cos i was so afraid it would hurt or feel strange! dr dunno wat to do wif me, stood there laughing till i got over it...

then he showed me the pix of the fibroid that he removed - abt 4cm - boy, was it gross!!! even my fallopian tube looked gross, like a worm!!
Hhaha... I nv ever dare to look at anything inside (the organs inside our body). :p I find it gross!!!

I also dunno ler... that's why need to do the scan again. But I guess not growing, maybe only the placenta is growing that's why HCG level won't drop or some other reason. Dr also dunno, he said he will do a scan for me and check and see what shall we do.
Hi Wan,
You also had long cycle? Is it long cycle really very low chance of conceiving naturally? That's why you go for IVF? What make you decide to do IVF instead of conceive naturally? Is there any side effect of taking clomid every month.
wanbb is refering to the other two ladies who is the assisants fort the other two drs.. But im talking abt the shoulder length hair with specs who usually sit at the reception.. I dun thk she is a assistant to any dr.. I din really notice the two ladies wanbb is talking abt cos i nvr deal with them ahaha.. But the one i talk abt i always kana her one.. Everytime i see her i sian lor.. Pay $$ still need to endure her attitude.. Duno y they will use her till nw.. I wonder anyone complain before to their drs nt.. Hmm..
koala, you can try to start some bedtime routine.. Like giving him some music before he sleep or a bottle of milk before he sleep. My girl got problem sleeping at times but now she is quite trained.. I'll tell her, 'mummy is tired.. Go sleep'. then she will lie back to her bed and try to sleep. hee hee..

Little flower, i can understand how you feel.. Like me don't wanna go for scan..even good news or bad news I also scared.. I rather stay in my comfort zone as long as i can.

Vinwee, i have not done a blood test after 'confirming' with scan.. So not sure what is happening. hopefully it's good news! Maybe the baby is growing.
So when is your scan?
I don't think you have ectopic cos i suffer from bleeding and pain even from the very beginning.. then slowly i felt giddy.. Dr say it's not a good sign. The pain is unbearable and if it's ectopic, you would have internal bleeding already since it's been so long. So don't worry..

bluegal, i have very long cycle. 'normal' ladies will have 12 chances a year but for us, we might have less than 6 chances. Cos we ovulate only a few times each year.
I went for IVF cos i have damaged and blocked tubes. Anyway I already remove them due to ectopic pregnancy.
there is a few side effects with taking clomid like hot flushes.. and it's not recommended to take more than 6 months. Dr won't give it to you for so long. mostly people like us will need injections to help with ovulation if clomid doesn't work. I prefer injections than clomid. at least no hot flushes..

babe79, next time I see angeline then i complain to her lor.. hee hee. ask angeline to reflect tis to dr foong. But i think dr foong is too kind to do anything lah..
the long hair younger recep very ke lian.. always kanna from the wear specs women.. so poor thing lor. then she also don't dare to speak back to her.

You are welcome.


Yes, may be is a good news, let pray for the best.


Now is better, at least he will sleep at abt 9 p.m till 7 a.m., although in between got ngiau ngiau, but we feel ok already. Your gal so quai, that y you see got the diff between boy and gal.
I just do the scan. Will go fr D &amp; C. Another opt is do blood test again and see if decline. But this will wait fr weeks again. So I rather do it now, coz it's no clean if I bleed naturally, then I have to do, so dun wan to wait anymore.

I guess I am the minority one whose hormone still go high.

I know which gal you are referring to. There's two admin gal at the counter, one is the long hair young lady. The other one is the shoulder length u mentioned?

She is relatively new, right?

Pooh2 / Wan,
It's basically the empty sac. The cell not growing to foetus or baby. It's basically diminished since my last visit. Just maybe the plancenta is growing? Was asking Dr, he was saying blood test act is the hormone level of the placenta not the foetus growing inside us.
vinwee, before the d&amp;c you have to prepare the red date water and bring there. then after the d&amp;c can drink immediately. If you find it troublesome then you can ask for milo to drink first then go home boil the red date tea.
My menses don't know wanna come or not.. a few drops here and there... I'm getting tired of waiting too.
yup u are right... we are saying abt the older shoulder hair with specs who is always at the counter one... but i duno whether is she new or not.. but the younger long hair lady is quite nice compared to her...

when u schedule to do the D&amp;C?

u wana complain to angeline? got time and opportunity meh? scarli u complain but overheard by the lady then jia lat ah...hahaha...
u waiting for your menses to come?? i tot u are waiting for the natural expel bleeding to start?
babe79, got time but i'm going in only next april... hee hee..
the natural expel bleeding is just like menses. Dr say only it will be more heavy bleeding and more cramp. wait and wait.. my neck also long already..
so dr f is sure that you will bleed naturally and it will be clean? your next appt is in april?? no need to go back scan to ensure everything is clean liao??

Please do the "confinement" after D&amp;C, to bu back your body, ok? Red dates water is very important and double boil the black chicken together with red dates, tang sheng and go zi zhi every two days after your mensus is clean. You can drink dom after 1 week the mensus clean too, but have to wait until it totally clean, if not it will help the blood circulation.

The red dates water, pls add some black dates also to bu xue. Try not to drink plain water in the first week to avoid catching wind.

If you can tahan, pls don't bath for the first 3 days, after that just boil ginger water and bath it to take the winds away.

The above the old tales story, but it works. Please take care.
Yep.. that lady, she was scolding the younger lady yesterday morning lor.

My D &amp; C in later this evening to avoid surcharge by hospital. Dr said v fast.. like 10 mins procedure.

Naturally bleed will depend on how many days the woman bleed then see if she need any scan or D &amp; C.

Thanks thanks. I will follow your advise. Already got the kampung chicken with lotsa ginger. So my hubby can cook fr me start from tomorrow.

These few days should eat sth to clean my menses and get rid of wind, right? Then start to bu aft that?

I also heard of not drinking plain water. Okie.. I'll go and prepare red dates, go zi zhi and the dry longan water now.

Ya.. I also believe the old tales story. Better be safe than sorry. Don't want to regret in further if got back ache here and there later.

YOu just waiting fr the bleeding mid last week nia. I've been waiting for two weeks. No sign at all. I got a bit of brown discharge (super little) when I pee just now. I think is due to Dr inserted his finger is and checked this morning.

I also don't want to wait anymore, and dr also think better do D &amp; C. Coz my hormon still high. Unless I do another blood test this morning, if decline then can wait a few weeks, if going out then have to do. But with my hormon level, he think is not worth to wait. and which I also worried since the HCG is so high, will it really flush out everything. Dr said, unfortunately I am fall into the minority group, as if the cell cannot grow to foetus, majority of woman HCG will decline and bleed naturally.

Since you got the sign of bleeding here and there. I guess you are the majority type.
ya lor she is so ya ya... always talk like she is the big sister there...that young gal so poor thing...

the D&amp;C only takes 10mins??? so fast ah?? then need to stay at ward after that not? dr got say how much will the whole procedure cost? do it in the evening no need for surcharge? what surcharge is that?
vinwee btw... why did dr need to insert his finger in leh? to check what? tot the scan can see everything liao?? so awkward to let dr insert his finger...hehe.. must be painful...

I tried to p.m. you with my contact, but you don't accept p.m. You just clik on my name and send your contact to me, so that we can keep in touch after your d&amp;C, just in case, I can't come here often.

You can start to drink the red dates water immediately after the D&amp;C. No need to wait.

D&amp;C would clean up all the "stuff" inside, so you no need to eat anything to clean it up.

For dry longan, don;t put too much into the water, just incase you will be too heaty. My gal friend put too much until constipation in her mini confinement. Red dates, black dates and tang sheng are good enuf.

Other than the kampung soup, You can ask you hb to fry the kampung chicken with little bit dom (after the mensus clean)+ slice ginger + sesame oil + go zi zhi. After that, put water in and boil it. Then you can just warm it and eat with rice. Alternatively, you can just put some "mee sua" or bee hoon inside when you want to eat.

Go to market buy some "go he" fish in slice (don't know the name in English), put sesame oil, slice ginger, light sauce, then you can steam it and eat with the rice.

Is eaiser for you if he want to work. Please do eat cool stuff, it will catch more wind. MUST HEAT UP EVERTHING before you eat.

Always keep yourself warm and don't get the wind directly from the fan. Just on mild aircon if you really can't tahan.

Believe me, if you take good care during this period, it will increase the chance of conceive next round.

Ya, remember, don't eat cabbage, watermelon, "ta ba chai", cucumber, very cooling to the womb.
Ya... she always got lotsa things to say. Know what she tell me this morning, must relax. Think she is yoga siao if I am not wrong.

Hospital surcharge fr any op aft 8pm. Dr was mentioned I have to rest a while in the day ward. I'm not sure abt the charges.. hahah... my hubby also ask him, he said he will keep the charges as low as possible. I remember I did a keyhole op before to check if my tubing block by another dr, the Dr can ask the hospital to give us discount. That one also day ward. Will only know the charges this evening.

I also don't know. He said he need to check, so aft he inserted the finger in, he just move here and there and check if there's any pain. It's not pain at all when he insert in. Just feel sth when he moved ard.

Thanks a lot for your advise. I already boiled the red dates, go zi zhi water with ginger. Didn't put longan.

Okie... he will cook. Better than ask the helper cook, I think i will die fr hunger aft that. Our new helper can't make it in cooking. Sianz....

All the dishes you mentioned are my favourite. :p Will eat more...

Thanks a lot.

Btw, I already PM you. Thanks
hi girls
I had my hcg test today and the result was just 5. Doc said it's inconclusive. it could be from the hcg injection i took on the 5th of December or it could be that we tested too early. Today is day 11 after transfer for me. I should have really checked on the 13th of december.
But I guess it's just negative but doc didn't want to tell me for sure because of the possibility that it was not from the injection. I'm so very upset. How much beta hcg did you girls have on day 14?? when you did the blood test?
Little Flower,
Did Dr ask you to go back fr blood test again? If so just hope fr the best, don't conclude so early. Btw, why Dr ask you to do your blood test so early?

I have only 80 fr my first test and dlb up on day 16 when I tested again.
little flower
i've not done ivf so can't provide any advise re hcg numbers.
but dun feel too upset first, k? like doc said, u could hv tested too early... all the best to u!
wow, u're v knowledgeable abt the chinese way of "tiao" and "bu", where did u learn all this fm?

hope the D&amp;C goes smoothly and painlessly for u, do hv a good rest after that.

hope it comes naturally for u soon...
hope everything runs well for you...get plenty of rest ya...

that lady is yoga siao ah? she dun look like one leh...hahaha... how cum u know she do yoga?
Hi Wan,
Same as you, for the past 3 months, i only ovulate once which is the month that I took clomid. If pregnant naturally should consider lucky already. So far Dr F have not suggest any injection, but i am afraid he would suggest very soon. btw how much does the injection cost?

I have a lot of receipes, will share with you as and when if you need it, now can't remember off hand. But, frankly, I am regret cos I din do a good confinement after give birth to my boy, cos of some family problem during that month. So I feel myself a bit weak now, very easy to catch chill.

Will reply you via sms.


Me not knowledgeable, but very key po, hee hee. Have asked around after my miscarriage in 2005 and prepare for my confinement when I was pregnant with my boy last year (cos I have no confinement lady).
koala, i'm fine.. having sore bb and cramps.. the menses still not here yet.. sianz!
You are really very knowledgeable. Lucky we have you with us. Or else we also blur blur. I think abt what you say and it's really true leh. I wonder if i didn't do any mini confinement last round therefore i miscarry this time.
I used to be very strong and seldom fall sick but after giving birth I become very weak. I thought it's cos of breastfeeding but think abt what you say, i think it's becos i nv do my confinement well therefore always get flu.
BTw, your boy looks like you! So cute lor. he seems very happy in the gym. I brought my girl to my gym in woodland before but stop already. Now i enrol her to shichida method and is waiting for the term to start next year. If it's good then i let you know. hee hee..

babe79, dr ask me to go home and wait for bleeding then wait until after CNY to do my fresh cycle. So i assume no need to go back for scan.

Vinwee, i have 3 more days before my deadline. Dr say wait for 7 to 10 days so today is 7th day already.. Hope i bleed tomorrow.

Little flower, it might be late implantation. My HCG is only 48 at 14DPT for my previous ectopic pregnancy. when are you going back?

bluegal, injections will cost abt 500+ with the pen. the drugs will cost 400+ per tube. Cannot refund if nv use finish but can use for another cycle with the spare drugs.
Don't worry too much. Ovulation is just a small case. Look at me.. I cannot ovulate well, tubes blocked(now 'tubeless'), plus i have PCOS.. But still end up with one little monster.

Pooh2, never have i wanted to see blood flowing so much.. hee hee..
hi wan, koala &amp; jac,

long time no talk. i thot wat happened to our thread and it has been renamed...

life has been busy and depressing for me. mum just diagnosed w cancer so really didn't have the mood to come in. i thot i should pop in to check on how wan is doing.

wan, take a good rest first before u try again. do take good food and tonic to build up yr health.


how's your job?


u r lucky to have a good mummy to help look after yr son. do show your mum more TLC...
I am just sharing, I don't want ppl to think I am show off so sometimes also depends, not every body I would share, hee hee...

Ya, confinement is very important. You know I cried a lot during my confinement, my mum always warned me not to cry, not to cry, but I still can't stop myself bocos of the old witch. Now think back really not worth it , but is too late, really afraid that will be blind when getting old. (although a bit stupid to believe that)

My boy looks like me now, last time when he first born look like my hb, but now don't know why his look changed already.

Little Flower
Testing on 11 days is a bit early, HCG will double up every 2 days, 14 days after transfer should be more ideal. In KKH, we only allow to test on 17 days to capture more accurate results.

Sorry to hear abt your mum incident, pls be strong to support her. I know is not easy, I been through the same when my dad also diagnosed with cancer abt 8 years ago, whole family feel very lost and depressed. But now he is cured 100% and still working happily. As long as they are on tretment and being monitor, everything would be alright.
happy, what happen? izzit early stage? still can cure right? Must take care of yourself.
This morning I can't open my eyes! They are so swollen from the crying yesterday night. I felt so pathetic. So many things happening and I can't do anything to stop them. My dog is dying, my unborn baby is dying, my whole life sucks.. I cry and cry until i sleep..
Then I woke up today and life still goes on.. My girl is ready to play, my hubby is preparing to go work but before all that, he find some time to laugh at my 'korean' look. Cos he can hardly see my eyes. So I guess we have some time to grieve and be sad but after that, we still have to pick ourselves up and do what has to be done.. Life really sucks right..

Koala, No lah.. don't think you are showing off, you are very generous.. Not everyone will share what they know.
Oh my god, why you cry during confinement?? NOt good for the eyes leh. I remember being stubborn and nv believe in confinement until that day my hands become numb from washing the breast pump at night abt 2 weeks into my confinement. Then i start to regret.. I was so scared why my hand felt so numb during the wash. Now I also worried abt having 'feng shi' when i'm old. I promise myself second one I must BU back!
Boy look like mummy will have good life. You must take more pictures of your boy. They change very fast.. I can't recognise my girl's baby photos already!

hi koala &amp; wan,

thanks for your concern.

actually, this is the second time cancer striked on her. first was in 2002 w superficial bladder cancer. she has since recovered.

we sent her for checks as she had jaundice. found tumor in bile duct that caused the blockage. after running the CT scan and MRI, confirmed it's pancreatic cancer and it has spread to liver. i know prognosis is bad but we are praying for miracle to happen. my mum has done lots of good deeds thru out her life. we got to have faith that Buddha and the deities will help her thru this difficult time. we pray hard each day that the cancer cells will be wiped out and she be blessed...

we are also doing internet research on natural therapy/healing...


it's good to cry it out. i'd also shed alot of tears since knowing mum's condition.

it's sad that the little one might not be able to make it. can't help it as you already know the quality of egg isn't good. don't be despair. take a few months break and go for a fresh cycle. i'm sure you can have lots of good quality eggs again..just like kate. looking at your 'record', ET have always been successful for you. so, your chances of cuddling another baby in your arms are really high. don't give up!
