Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

really? ok ok... what is the centre name?

Anyone has any recommendation for PD?
Hate the queue to wait for Dr YY Yip at Glen even though he is a nice doct. And the clinic is so so full of kids who are down with cough n flu... aiyo. headache..

Jadefeet, I recommend you going to KKH. They are very professional compared to Dr YYY. Imagine go Dr YYY, wait for one hour consultation only 3 mins. And he nv explain things one lor. Even the checking also nv do, he only ask the parents. For KKH, don't have to wait very long and not many people. The dr very professional, ask her everything she also explain nicely lor. And all the checking also she done personally. I'm very pleased with their service. So if you wanna change, change early or else after injection all that then very ma fun.
For BD i think up to individual bah.. I'm okay with it except for some pain lah. But slowly more acceptable.
it's good that you are still pumping, 60ml also not bad mah.. Some baby nv even tasted mother's milk before.

happy, really will shrink??? Me already very small leh.. if shrink then how??

Jac, you think too much leh... haaa! But it will be more dry than before lah. Cos got the wound and stuff, where got mood to BD.

haa..might shrink to the b4 pregnant size...not that they will be smaller than b4..


i'm interested in the slimming package too..haa..
Happy & Curl
Thank you so much for the info.. it certainly very helpful for me!!!
I just called Dr Foong clinic to book appt on the 18th... the nurse say all fully book and the next earliest date is on the 24th!!! Gosh!... it falls on the xmas eve somemore... 24th is my CD16... I usually gets +veOPK on CD17... any idea what Dr Foong might do on that day on my 1st visit?? Will he do a scan for me?
I tot of doing IUI immediately this cycle... but i guess cannot liao.. cos too rush.. and i dun think Dr will do it for me without monitoring me for awhile 1st rite? I have already tried naturally for 6 mths liao... Dr will still want me to try naturally ahh?.. i tot of requesting to do IUI straight away... cos BD-ing on schedule has been quite stressful for us... tot Dr can save us this process.. hehe...
Forgot to answer your qn abt my cycle... its abt 32days cycle... the past 3 to 4 mths has been quite regular.. 32 days..... last time i usually abt 35 to 37 days cycle one.... may i ask why u ask this qn? any thing i need to know?
hi babe,

asked coz that will help estimate when yr ovulation will be. i suppose the 24th appt is just nice since that's day 16 and you usually ovulate on day 17.

dr will definitely do a scan for you. as for iui, yah..think it's too last min. i dun think there's any such cases here..hee.. first appt only and before knowing yr condition well enough, rush into iui.

i suppose if you really want to zoom into iui in the next cycle, dr foong will respect and do it for u too..that's my guess
I almost faintd yestday nite when I c t 4D results.Oh my gosh my wedding date & yr ger birth cert is out,yr ger no cannot manage 2 get in while 4 my own no can get in but nver buy system,so strike also no money 2 take.WOW LIEW bai bai c money fly away.

Recently we got 1 unlimited package for 3mths plan.Vy worth it 2 bad already ended.

Chong 2 more days n wkend coming.Do u realise tis mth pass vy vy fast now already mid Dec already.
Babe79, don't worry, dr won't ask you to try natural. Me try one year before visiting my first gynae then she ask me to try another 1 year. Kaoz.. waste my time. Then after trying another year, I went to Dr foong. I conceive in the 5th month. First few times I tried IUI then discovered my block tubes and finally VIOLA 'IVF' is the key. nOW MY girl is 5 months old.
My advice is go on Day2 of your menses then dr can do scan and go blood test straight. This cycle will definately be wasted.
Wish you luck!

Jacx, my girl's number very hot lor! always strike... But I nv buy 4D already lah. My mum last min go buy but nv get it... After she went for holiday then she nv strike lottery any more. I think it's my girl's punishment for her. heee hee.
Since yr ger born until now I keep on follow tis no but always cannot get in.I worst is I only buy wed tat it sat n sun I dont buy.1day also dont let me strike.
Nver lah,my cleaner here will help us 2 buy mah so cannot so ma fun.My tis cleaner do everything will black face but buy 4D he vy vy willingly cos if strike must give him money 4 buy cofy.
Vy fast hor yr ger ger already 5mths already.

2day fri how come our Happy nver log in & chat.
My office vy quiet & good,all t kpo & boss all on leave.hahahahaha......
Outside Isetan now got 1 small X'mas booth,I saw 1 bubble chair vy cute 1,feel like buying.Is a round bubble chair & t cover is piglet,some more t cover is washable.

happy today very busy

u blur again. today is thurs not fri..wahahaaa

why dun u go buy the 4d yourself? can get from tbp mah.
Ya lor i also think its all too rush man.... hehe... too kan cheong to have a baby thats why... who knows i strike this mth naturally... hahaha...thats my wish! Btw... i never done any V scan or pap smear before... the V scan painful or not? i very scare leh....

Yup i saw all previous posts that u conceive via IVF... may i know what are the symptons of blocked tubes? Other than going to the HSG xray... any other methods in knowing whether are we at high risk of blocked tube? I saw alot of posts saying go to see Dr on CD2.... Dr will do V scan while we still having heavy flow AF ahhh????? Thats gross man!... or Dr only do tummy scan???
hi babe,

good luck to you. hopefully, your wish can be granted

don't be scare. dr foong is very gentle when handling patients. there might be a little discomfort but i would say there's no pain as he does it gently and slowly.

dr won't do v scan when u r having yr cycle. that will be super messy man!!
Thanks for your luck!!

Wont do scan on CD2?? Then how come i always see postings saying to see gynea on CD2 to do a scan? To check the lining of uterus... see whether normal or not.... not meh?

is it..the scan should be tummy scan? i've not done v scan before during my cycle.

only went back once on d2 to do blood test.
I also dun know le Happy... I never visit a gynea before wor... WanBB previous post asking me go see Dr on my CD2 so that can do scan and blood test...

yes. i'm also seeing dr foong. i've got a 6yr old son. have been trying for 2nd one since 2003

oh..u have not seen a gynae before? what made u decide to go see dr foong since there's sooooo many gynaes around? i thot 'first timer' who usually try to go for female gynae

well, since u have already fixed the appt, u might as well just go ahead with it. dr can also scan to check on your lining. suppose he'll need you to go back on cd2 for blood test only. it'll be good for a hubby to do teh SA test too

haa..u know today is thurs but u typed fri. your fingers not listening to the heart..haa.

so u chiong mango aredi har?
Of course chong Mango.But nver buy any cos no mood 2 get anything at all plus now all my attentn divert 2 tat,u know I know right!!!!!hahahaha.....Save money 4 my big project coming up...........
I saw 1 guess watch vy nice abt $200plus sum more can change 2 strap n baby G got 1 couple watch also vy nice abt $200plus-$300plus vy da dong.
c only lah wont buy 1.
Wo bu shi de lah but I really like it so much.Anyway wkend watch I hardly wear also,so no point of buyg.Even went out I also hardly wear watch.
Jac, really or not ??? 60% discount??? I love!! later I go and see.
You wanna buy bubble chair for what? very dusty one leh.

Babe79, Wow.. you read my post.. hee hee..
Anyway, dr will do a V scan. Not as bad as you think. For me, I'm a little scared for the first time but after that I'm okay. Dr Foong is very gentle so not much discomfort.
D2 scan is to check for anything obnormal inside the womb plus check if got PCOS? That's what I think cos dr did scan and see my 'necklace'(PCOS)...
It's good to go for HSG so not to waste time. I wasted a few cycle and money on IUI. If I knew my tubes are block, I won't have to spend money on IUI.

Happy, your son also with Dr foong?
Nver lie 2 u.I went just now.Then yr ger how,throw 2 yr mum & u chong Mango.Wahahahaha........
As I mention tat bubble chair cute lor not exp also wat just $16.90.

will dr use v scan on d2?

i asked dr foong last month if i should go for hsg test. he told me unless i ever had a bad infection or have multiple sex partners, he doesnt see the need for me to go for the test. then, he asked me in a serious manner if i got multiple sex partner. i was shocked

no. my son was delivered by my first gynae-female. she was super rough! it was super painful when she checked me below and when she did the pap smear test. dr foong was the next gynae i saw after her. it's such a contrast!
No matter how I feel tat u shd at least have 1 HSG test,2 chk is it due 2 blockage or anything,at least 2 clear yr mind whether 2 have IVF a not.If really no blockage then u can save up tis money n no need 2 go thrg IVF wat.
I wanna go see Dr Foong becos of his good reviews on fertility here... and i wanted a male gynea instead of a female one... i think male ones are more gentle... u have been trying since 2003 with Dr Foong???? your 1st child conceive naturally?
How come Dr Foong say only need to test HSG xray when u have multiple partners or got infection... u mean blocked tube is resulted from infection and multiple partners??

CD2 scan is V scan or tummy scan? I dun think i want to do V scan on CD2 with my heavy AF... its so messy man... so uncomfortable.... esp when i never do V scan before..... do it without AF already quite frightening liao....
Jac, i go chong mango already.. nothing to buy leh... sianz.. too many people and the stock also not so nice. GAP also got sale so I bought two t-shirt for my girl.

happy, V-scan on d2 is very normal. I think he will check for unknown object or the lining?? I also not sure.. babe79 can ask him on christmas eve. hee hee..
Ya I have infection when i'm very young.. maybe due to poor hygience??? Moreover I nv see dr during that time cos I scared and shy. Now I really regret. Maybe my parents also nv educate me therefore I dunno the importance of such infection. So I must educate my girl in future.

Babe79, Dr foong perform Vscan cos it's much clearer than tummy scan. I only have my tummy scan when baby is big before that all Vscan. Vscan is not very scary. Don't think too much abt it. For the first time, it might seems very invasive but dr foong is very professional. Don't worry too much. Just treat it as a normal checkup.
AF very heavy also okay. Alot of women do scan during D2 mah. So not that bad lah.. you will be supply with tissue to wipe clean. For the sake of having a baby, I think this is small issue. Just get it over and done with. It will be a one time thing. Next V-scan will not be on menses day already.

no. i saw a few other gynaes after dr foong but finally went back to him this year. feel very confortable with him and i like his mannerism.

i conceived the first one easily after 1 cycle of clomid.

suppose the main cause of tubes getting blocked is infection n ppl who have multiple sex partners will have higher risk of getting it...


i still can't imagine doing v scan on a heavy day...later got big splash..hee..
Thanks WanBB for your detailed explanation..hehe...
I also cant imagine doing the V scan on a heavy day... so disgusting... Btw, is it a must to perform this scan? V scan on non AF day cannot ah?

U are on clomid now? Or u doing IUI/IVF?
I really hope i can conceive very very soon... really hope Dr Foong can help me... Btw, are u all pai sei in letting him check on u? down there alot of hair le... need to remove not? *shy*
U vy funny.Dr.Foong see alot already so nothing diff 2 him at all.hahahahaha......No need 2 shave lah.
Fm yr postg u tryg just abt 6mth,is consider vy short ttc unlike us ttc for few yrs already.
Objection.objection.Having HSG doesnt mean 2 have alot of sex partners then can scan.I know y Dr.make such remarks on u cos u look so decent Dr.just wan 2 make sure his glasses wont drop dwn as a super surprised 2 him.Wahahahahaha......

dr foong very sweet. i told him the tcm that i've been taking for the past 2 cycles helped me shorten my cycle and helped me ovulate. i would like to try one more round first. he agreed and said if failed, we can even do east meet west..so long as both side knew what the other party is doing.

suppose if i still fail, i'll try iui.

u take it easy. like what jac said, you just started trying for 6 mths-naturally. u are still young so chances will be high especially with the help of specialist.

v scan will be clearer so you can't avoid that. u'll be seeing him on cd16 so u need not have to worry abt the cd2 scan. let dr guide you along.


haa.. i know lar. ah foong just trying to help me reduce my pain and save money for the time being.

he already got the answer from my facial expression when he mentioned abt multiple sex partners...and he had to ask again to confirm it. mmmhh..naughty him! hee..
Hi Babe

Yes, no need to shave. Otherwise you will shave non stop cos fertlity treatment need q uite a no. of vagina scans

Dr is very sensitive so you wont feel 'shy' in front of him. Normally, you (or the nurse) will help to the examination table and there is a blanket that he will ask you to cover yourself there and ask you to let him know when you are ready. Then he will insert the vagina scan 'under the blanket', all done in a very sensitive, slow and professional manner. Do well done that you wont feel shy at all.

I have seen other gyanes who will make me open up my legs wide and put on some sort of thigh rest and you feel as if you are gonna be gang raped! Then they will ask you dun move sternly, otherwise cannot see or check. Make you feel so horrible. Dr Foong is extremely gentleman and he doesnt make one feel so 'exposed'.

So do be rest assured.
happy, it's not as bad as i think. not alot of blood came out leh.. Only abit of stain on the papper.. hee hee. I even clean it myself cos I paisei to let angeline clear.

babe79, i think you have to ask dr foong whether can skip the scan... If he say have to scan, then just let him scan lor..
I nv shave just for him. I always shave one.. wahhaaa. just in case need to go swimming then no need last min shave mah.

Jac, I agree with you. HSG doesn't mean got many sex partner. It is sometimes difficult to determine the reason for a tubal blockage. It could be because of an infection, a tubal spasm or a mucus plug. Not really cos of sex.. hee hee.
I think Dr foong just teasing happy.
Give me a Five.

If not will give other ppl thinking tat HSG scan is 4 multiple sex partners.Wahahahaha.......
Ye ger 1st year having X'mas w u,so wat presents u buy 4 her.
U tis vain mummy will always shave.Wahahahaha........Dont u feel tat when u shave,beginning is good lor but when t hair starts 2 grow tat time vy irritate 1 lah.I cannot shave cos I vy hairy type,hair will grow everyday.Wahahahaha......U know wat I mean.
U tis vain mummy will always shave.Wahahahaha........Dont u feel tat when u shave,beginning is good lor but when t hair starts 2 grow tat time vy irritate 1 lah.I cannot shave cos I vy hairy type,hair will grow everyday.Wahahahaha......U know wat I mean.


haa..ur expression so funny..like u gonna be gang rape! haa..

and we are soooo used to the v scan aredi, isn't it?


suppose you should feel more at ease now with all these feedback?
