Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


u call him to make noise lor..hee..

did yr hubby go see him last time?

he told us when we went together to show him the sa test result...

U naughty hor 2day.heeheehee.......
Everytime my hubby will be w me 2 c Dr.Foong.
U mean u still havn't c him yet after SA results is out.

u blur blur.

read my last line of previous post again
happy, not easy leh.. I think the problem lies with me.. I'm not a children person.. I'm more like a child myself so how to take care of another child.. haiz..
That day i even push a kid! haa! he damn idiot. my mum in the front seat with my girl sleeping then me sitting behind. A boy open the door and slam very loudly back. I look at him and he did it again! I turn back to look at my sleeping beauty then I got so angry and the third time he try to open the door, I push it hard! Knock on him and he fall. I got out and shout "GET OUT"!!!! If I nv ask him to go away, I scared I will just kick and slap him. My mum say I have some mental problem and ask me to go get help.. hee hee..

Jac, I agree with you. There is no best of both world. Only can chose one.. Either my freedom or the laughter of kids. Haiz. it will be your turn soon... then we can start complaining abt the kids. haa!
U sure even a kid u also nver let go.Wahahahahaha......I think u will treat tat boy tat way becos u luv yr ger so much so will protect yr ger 1st meh,it natural so I feel u got no mental problems at all.

Yr mum so funny dare 2 tell u off,then u nver shoot bk yr mum meh said tat she only haywired most of t time so also need 2 c mental Dr.Wahahahahaha.......
Jac, wahhaa.. I also think my mum need to go see dr.
I think it's the animal instinct! I look at my girl sleeping then suddenly my body feel fire burning and thoughts of killing that boy just come into my mind. If he don't run, I have no doubts I will kick and slap him until he faint. I cannot control myself leh..
I also don't know if I will chose this path.. But of cos it will be better with her ard.. Still at times, I thought of being alone and do whatever I want(no way that can happen now) ..
Jac, kaoz.. Anyway I nv beat him leh. I only open the door and knock on him. He's the person trying to provoke me. don't see me like a kitten, I can be a tiger and kill when provoked! haa! If the mum dare to confront me, I confirm slap her as well! haa!
Can I asked when u express yr milk out,u really put in a plastic bag instd of cups/container.
If t milk expiry then how,really give yr ger bath is it.All of yr fnd/relatives vy vy surprised tat such a chilli padi can express so much so much milk out.Wahahahahaha.........
U vy cartoon lah dare 2 show us yr freezer full of yr pkt milk.Wahahahaha.......
1 more question so yr freezer dont have any meats etc all yr express milk is it???????
happy, I'm inside the car then the boy outside. Near my uncle's house lor. The boy is playing nearby then suddenly come open the door.

Jac, not plastic bag lah. it's a breast milk storage bag.
I heard that bathing in milk in good for skin mah. Since she cannot fnish then let her bath lor.
everyone say I small small still got milk.. Not a matter of small or big. Haiz.. Everyone keep laughing when they ask if i have enough milk.
I wanna let my girl see mah. then next time she be better to her 'cow'.
Therefore cannot cook now lor. How to store the meat???
U mean outside got sell this breast milk storage bag.1st time I heard abt it.I vy mountain tortise.hahahahaha........
Cannot half store meat half store milk meh,anyway it wrap under storage bag so it shd be safe right.
Hey y dont u get a mini fridge & store yr milk.
Jac, it's not cheap leh. one bag abt $1+. So I intend not to store anymore. Just pump and let her bath if got extra.
No space for meat leh.. Wanna squeeze in I scare will be too dirty then the milk bag will have one smell.
I thought of getting a fridge but that time I wanna stop breast feeding already mah.. So in the end nv buy. Now wanna continue also dunno for how long. Plus house also no space lah.
1 mini fridge will not occupy u alot of spaces.Anyway u will tryg yr 2nd 1 wat so buy also good wat.If got war w u mum,u can hide in yr room 4 whole day also will not die of water mah cos in yr room got tis mini fridge 4 all yr beverages.Wahahahaha.........

oh...that 'boy' is your uncle's son har?

haa..so funny. yah. big doesn't mean will have alot of supply. small is not = to little supply..haa..

hey! zoe tay's really became very big...
U nver said properly,I thought u referring 2 tat boy is a stranger.hahahahaha.......
So cannot think & presuming must said n make sure like wat our Happy is doing.
Jac, the fridge will take alot of electricity leh.. No point lah.. only for this few months.

happy, no lah, that boy is dunno who's child. If he's my uncle's son, i confirm slap slap slap slap until he cannot talk.
I dunno abt zoe tay lah.. I can store until very big also mah.. Like hamster.. haaa! I mean big for my small frame. Can store until Cup D. haaaa!
Happy, therefore I say that boy is very very naughty lor. he just open and slam the door hard and look at our shock face. Open again and slam...
Cup D lah but when he 'turn on', the milk just spray on his face.. wahaaaa.. Buah tahan myself also.. Laugh until I roll onto the floor. It will be so hard when it's full.

haaa! so funny!!! should have just ask him to help himself with the best milk in the world!

if i was you, i would have got out of the car to lecture the naughty boy.
U sure is cup D not cup E meh.Wahahahaha.......

I think Wan's hubby will turn on everynite tat y during pregnancy still can on her.Wahahahaha......
happy, he say he scared leh.. He don't dare to taste it at all.
I did got out of the car. But after I use the door to knock him lor. I nv lecture lah.. too angry to think of words. Just ask him to get out.
Jac, I also Dunno what cup leh.. But it's just big lah.. haaaa..
I also hope he will be turn on everynight.. hee hee.. kidding lah. too tired for that.
Jac, haaa! pump out first lor.. like that won't leak. At most wear bra BD? I think it's not a big issue.

Happy, I think she is taking notes down.. hee hee kidding hor..
Life already so hard already so sometimes must share RA story 2 lighten up t life mah.

Wear bra & BD,then hubby shiok u not shiok wat.Wahahahaha.........
Jac, wear bra how come hubby shiok leh?? haaa..
The bigger issue with BD with breastfeeding is being dry. Cos you breastfeed so not ovulating and etc therefore very dry.
Got to go already. feed that monster
Hubby just as long as can release their troops they already enjoy already wat n women wear bras when BD,hubby cannot touch n let u shiok meh.Wahahahaha......
I ever heard 1 of my fnd told me tat when u having BF,t vagina will be vy dry n vy hard 2 go in.
bo bian.. must keep promise to DH mah..
Anyway I am using Fu Kwee catering, tried them before at friend's bday think not bad.
I booked them for both days of celebrations.. havent order cakes yet..headache..
I still sweat like a pig even though the weather is cooling cos i bathe with hot herbal water mah.. aftr that got to blow dry my hair at high heat.. by then like sauna liao.. sweat will drip n drip...still sticky loh..
Wan, my massage lady told me better dont BD untill 100 days. cos better for our uterus and vagina.. have u heard abt it b4?
Very envious of you that u have so much milk.. i drying up liao, can only manage to pump max 60ml a day.. so pathetic.. Think next week full month i will keep my pump in the storeroom. Must go for breast enhancement treastment.. my boobs drooping and also if i cant lose my weight i will go Marie Franc man...so so sad..

aiyoh! u scary man!


it's ok.

har? never heard before. what i know is one can bd after full month..provided the stitches have healed...

no no. it's koala and wan who have lots of milk. mine that time was not alot too. that's why i don't remember i had the dryness problem that full bf mums have.

if you feel your boobs are drooping coz the size is much bigger than before, think u need not be too worried. they should shrink after u stop bd. my did shrink after a few mths.

don't worry. after your confinement, you can do some light work up to help lose weight. how many more kilos to shed?
I put on 24kg now only lose 12kg.. faintz liao duno how to lose.. I know 12kg at week 3 is quite good liao cos i put on over a period of 7 months.. but i really very very impatient cos all my clothes cannot wear..face super round, double chin.. fat tummy..so unsexy..and i hate the nursing bras and super auntie disposable panties.. with the wrap on my body..so much sacrifice for a baby..

don't worry.

after yr confinement, cut down on your carbo and exercise. you'll be able to shed more.

can always go to slimming centre and ask hubby to pay for it
