Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

jac, you call already?? if you call let me know then i call him give discount. haa!
leave the work to the expert. then CNY also can ask him to do spring cleaning for you. If you feel the price too high and don't wan also don't pai sei. Just reject him.
Tonight rest well lah.. The weather so good now.. I also feel like sleeping. Tomorrow I going to do my hair. Wonder if I should perm or not leh. I scared perm already turn into an old lady. my hubby ask me to cut short cos he say now long hair not in style already.

what news are you expecting? nothing good to share
Dont perm lah,go do rebonding & do some highlight lah.

I am talkg abt yestday nite t hong xin.All t acter/actress clothing gan na sa especially tat stupid lee kwok wah double gan na sa win called jeff up & show off,cannot take him,y let him take shd either give xuan yufeng or brian take.

i didn't watch the show thru out. was walking here and there, in and out.

but, was glad that gou peng got the best actor. it's high time man.
happy, always got come out the birth cert. I got tell you before mah.. last week just came out first prize.

Jac, then I will rebond and cut shorter maybe do some colour. see what my stylist say..
I also feel that Li Guo Huang shouldn't win cos his mandarin sucks!
I agree.I feel tat zheng gou peng now more n more handsome as compare w previous look.

Anyway beginning I also nver watch do some things.
i super support your views jac on why lee guo wah take prize instead of xuan yi feng or brian... i really cannot ta han him when he showed the bai jia le... he so rude... i love brian and yi feng... i think they are superb hosts!
I think dress Liu Zi Yue wore not nice.... her legs not slim.. wear that dress show her not so slim legs... i wonder what the stylist thinking... the red little dress lai yi ling wore after the show also very ugly.. make her look short and plump... she is the skinny type but duno why the short dress she wore make her look fat... gosh...
Both eyes are double eyelick. Sorey loh, he doesn't look like me at all, my mum even teased me, oh, his eyes so big, I really can't tell which part of your boy look like you... ha ha..

Thanks. how u warm the forzen milk after you thaw with running water? Put the milk bottle into the hot water? How abt EBM that put into the fridge (not the freezer)?

As for EBM, I always put the milk bottle into a cup with hot water (from the flask) leh. the taste ok leh.. you mean I still need to thaw with running water first?

Sorry so many questions...
Bb face will change everyday,somehow will have some part assemble u dont worried.

U talkg abt tat Lai Yiling,buay tahan her only,another ya ya papaya.

Dont cut until so short,I always tell myslf wan 2 go n colour my hair but becos of coming treatmt delay n delay,now going x'mas n CNY,I dont think I can do any more.

I agree man. Cannot tahan that Li Guo Huang. I prefer Wang Jian Fu. His jokes and language always do low class and I also think he make a fool of Jian Fu. Quan Yi Feng or Brian deserves the award better. I 'pui chao nua' (spit smelly saliva) when he got into top 10 as well. Kenna sai! I think he bride his frens to call hotline. I am so glad he loses Bai Jia Le almost every episode.

I agree with you that its good that Ge Ping got it too. I like him v much and think he has been working v hard for many yrs.

I also not happy with the 'supporting actor' award. I dun think Lin Min Lun is good. Should give to Huang Jiong Yao. He so poor thing, worked so hard so many yrs still get nothing. He actually can act quite well, just not as good looking and no luck yet.

Lai Yi Ling v unpolished in her speech & very aunty and no class. Quite a pity. Actually its a shock that she got in.

But I also v gald Ou Xuan never get in! She is such a ya ya papaya, always think she v pretty and acting never improve. Good for her! Wake up call!

How much you cleaning services charges? I saw a list from the Simply Her magazine. Not sure if I should engage from them. Tot of doing spring cleaning for CNY and baby room. Aiya, file too big. Cannot upload. They recommend Spick and Span from Suntec. Any idea?

Dunno if I answer you before cos I got a few postings all kenna throw out due to system hang.

The hot pack. I put it on my tummy immediately the day after I return from emrbyo transfer. After egg retrieval I didnt put cos I scared ovary a bit sore and heat will cause more sore. I only put it to warm the womb after tranfer for easy implantation. Its v warm, so I have to wrap it in towel and put on tummy. I bought the OTO heat pack HP806. UP:$18 but I got it at promotion $10. Osim also got but I think more than $20.

As for the protein drink, do you need extra? I can pass to you. If not, I will donate to Dr Foong clinic for other patients. Dun wanna waste it.

i missed what guo huang did to jian fu. what did he do?

haaa...i'm surprise u can pui chao nua..hee..

i also prefer quan n brian. like to watch quan in that cooking show. she is a joker. suppose it
s a 'perfect match' as that chef's mandarin is very bad so quan always make fun of him.

eerr..who is wang jiong yao?

yes. i also didn't like it that lai got in. feel she doesn't have 'xin wei'. yah. i also dun like ou xuan. find her very unnatural and always act like she's very pretty.
Curl was talkg abt tat men act in 13th slope(something like tat)talkg abt 4-5 buddy being jail,tat acter colour his hair in yellow colour 1,any idea.........
Just 1 words 2 describe lah all gannasai.
yep tat guy.always act like ganster,I agree w Curl tis guy vy hardwork but always dont have t luck,maybe he shd learn fm ge ping change t name & change his luck.hahahaha......
hi everybody!

Christmas is round the corner. Ah... festive mood!

welcome babe. Dun worry, Dr Foong is a good dr, i am sure u are in good hands.

actually, i'm surprised that so many of them are christians. only found out that ge ping is a christian that night...and how come christian also believe in changing name...
Hahahaha....U askd me I askd who.hahahahaha.....
Anyway his wife hong weifang is my 1 of my colleague here friend,so then knows ge ping is a bodybuilder tat y his figure solid 6 pace 1.hahahahaha.......
I really wan 2 condemn their dressing,dont know who is t designer,design all their clothing so ugly tis yr.hahahahaha.....
Hey may i ask how come need to drink protein drink har? Is it only for IVF?

Curl, u mention putting hot pack on tummy after ET... hot pack will help implantation? even for natural conceive... hot pack will help also??
Hi Babe
Yes, the protein drink is more for pple who get side effects - bloating from IVF (also known as OHSS). If you are doing it naturally (even IUI), then leave it.

Heat pack also more for IVF cos we know that 2 days sure implant. so if you are natural, your really dunno when it is. WHo you can subsititute is hot soup and drink for that week.

When he got the award, he say "Awards are not individual" and he make Wang JIan Fu join him on the stage and cheer. You can see Wang a bit 'xian' but still have to entertain him lor.
Oh I see.... I didint know IVF ET still need for the E to implant itself.... I tot the doc doing the IVF will "implant" into the wall.... meaning there is still possibility that the E may not implant?

Ya lor Wang Jian Fu looks damm sian and awkward... like bo bianz got to go up the stage.... he even not nominated rite?

pai sei. i got to step aside... i tikam tikam..think it's CD21..hee..

jac / curl / wan,

pls advise angelbee..hee..

u gonna go for ivf with dr foong? when do you intend to start?


cannot sleep...got to prepare some doc for customer..

no. will with kk. if you don't mind, i got more questions for you. must jab for how long? how often do we need to go back for scanning? Do we have to take our own leave for 2ww? i have to plan my leave carefully from now on.
