Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

happy, the father met with accident in shanghai then the mother just run over there for 'holiday'. Now then I realise how scary human being are.. Even towards family member. the mother act like a kid who nv been to holiday. It's true she nv went overseas. Then she just throw the children with us lor. so poor thing. My grandma only know if my uncle die, she is going to fight the insurance money.. (uncle still haven't die lor. Money should be the last thing on her mind) My mum thought the mother will send money back for the children (i think that's why she kept them here). So sad lor.. I ask them to go back home. I don't want them to keep hearing bad things abt their parents here and see how cruel this world is. I pity them but can't help them much. At most bring them out on weekends and help them with their schooling things. Keeping them here will only 'hai' them more. Plus getting myself into trouble with my mum also lah.
imagine everyday my mum also gossip abt their parents things with other people. Then when my dad come back, it's worst. They talk abt the other women my uncle is keeping in china then gossip abt the children's mother. My grandma keep talking bad abt their mother and father.. Haiz.. Now they are back home with my grandma only. so better lor.
Yr auntie really 1 kind,hubby met accident still can go shopping,cannot imagine.Dont she worried tis & tat meh.
Luckily she is yr mum,not happy can tell her off of keep on talking bad abt u infront of yr kids,can u imagine if u got MIL,she will do t same way as u mum,MIL problems is u cannot direct shoot at her,end out vent t anger on hubby,if hubby like my hubby will soooooo respect t mum & tell me off,then it worst right.hahahhahaha.......So t bottomline is I die die also will not let my MIL 2 look after t baby if I manage 2 have it.
Sometime is not men wan 2 have other wife in China.I heard tat is china's woman will stick at u & will let men cannot tahan.Aiya on t other hand also men fault lah,they cannot tahan t temptatn & keep a mistress outside,anyway it needs both hands 2 clap,1 hand cannot work wan lah.
U will envy me but I will buay tahan myslf.U know yestday nver went bk 2 my mum place cos they still havn't bk fm holiday yet will be bk 2day.So yestday take a nap fm 3pm to around 6pm then wake up 4 dinner w my hubby n his mum,abt 9plus watching TV keep yawng so my hubby buay tahan me & said u sure 2nite u still can sleep.I told him I vy tired 2 my surprise 10plus I already knock off already.heeheehee.......I feel tat I more n more tired n lazy.
U will envy me but I will buay tahan myslf.U know yestday nver went bk 2 my mum place cos they still havn't bk fm holiday yet will be bk 2day.So yestday take a nap fm 3pm to around 6pm then wake up 4 dinner w my hubby n his mum,abt 9plus watching TV keep yawng so my hubby buay tahan me & said u sure 2nite u still can sleep.I told him I vy tired 2 my surprise 10plus I already knock off already.heeheehee.......I feel tat I more n more tired n lazy.
hi jac,

me have been busy clearing work.

yah. you lucky woman! get to sleep so much!! i was busy packing the house yesterday as there's frens coming over tis sunday..hee..


is your uncle ok? he can't come back yet?

where were the kids when you parents complaint abt their parents?
I do housework 4 my own house + my parents house on sat.vy tired.Sat no time 2 nap so nap at sun lor.
My menses still havn't come yet if come in next wk then good,then I can proceed my treatmt.So my ER will be after CNY.

i'm lost. i thot u only going to start ivf next mth after chatting with the kk nurse?

oh no..that's bad. how long has he been in coma?
I confuse u & myslf.Yep KK nurse is advise me dont start tis mth but I vy tempted 2 start tis mth,tat y I look vy closing abt my menses tis mth.
Hello ladies
I thinking to go for my 1st visit for checkup with Dr Foong soon... been tcc for 6 mths with OPK help also no good news... tot of going to see Dr for IUI... usually Dr will ask hubby to go for SA test 1st is it? SA test do on the day itself? when can see results? thanks!!
some qns here abt Dr Foong (many thanks in advance!) :
- my 1st visit should be in my CD13, what test will Dr perform on me? i never do any test before
- will SA test be done on the 1st visit?
- for SA, hubby got to collect his sperms at the clinic itself or do it at home? prior to doing SA test, need to release old sperms few days before the collection?
- when will the results of SA be out?
- will Dr Foong do IUI on the same mth of the 1st visit?
hi babe79,

this is based on what i've gone thru...

- i've a question. how long is your cycle? dr foong requested me to go for scanning around cd12. purpose is to see i folicle is of the right size. if yes, he'll inject me to help me ovulate...then, suppose to BD..he'll explain to you. if folicle is still too small, you'll have to return a couple of days later to scan again.

- i doubt he'll request for sa test to be done on the same day. yr hubby can collect the sperm at home. but, note that the specimen must reach the clinic within 1 hr as sperm can only survive 1-2hrs. best to refrain for BD 2 to 3 days before the test.

- result should be out in 1 to 2 days but it will be sent back to the clinic.

- i think dr foong will usually let patients try natural or with clomid for a few rounds first. this also help us save money. if unsuccessful, then he will go a step further like iui or so-iui if the person don't ovulate well.

hope my reply helps
Hi Babe79

Just wanted to let you know IUI is just abt 10% higher in terms of success rate vs natural, so its not a 'sure win' thing. As such, he will not recommend unless he is sure that you clear all the tests such as reasonable sperm count, healthy ovulation, proper lining, no fibroids/cysts & etc, rather than wasting the money on IUI even before finding out your 'problem', if any.

But it is good to see him if you are very keen to have a bb. All the girls here have received help from him some way or another and he is a reassuring gynae, so you feel assured in his hands. Good luck!
I here.Vy tired.Dont know y recently my body system vy tired.
Recently I really hate my body system always give me t wrong signals.Be4 menses come all t preggie syptoms will shown.SOBZ........
I know I expected my menses will come just a matter of time only.All t long I nver expectd tat I will strike thrg natural.I think is vy far far away fm me.
me too always have pms = pgs, the they both the same leh. usually only 1 to 2 days before af than all syptoms will goes away. sick.
Jac, the other women very worst one lor. She took away everything in the apartment. China women really very scary. And they nv see her since. So scary hor... I tell my hubby if he wanna find other women better don't get china ones or else they kill me and my girl then how...

happy, my uncle is coma now but they are getting the SOS to send him back with medical team and plane. Coma since last last sunday. My parents and grandma talk in front of the kids lor. Then my hubby or me will bring the kids in the room. Don't wanna let them hear so much bad things.. So sad for them yet everyone is talking abt money and backstabbing. Cruel world...

poor kids. both of you did the right thing to bring kids into the room. no matter how bad their parents are, it will be hurting for them to hear ppl talking bad abt their parents. how old are they?

wow...yr uncle seems to have quite a complicated life...
We have 2 face it,tis is t world tat every1 of us is facing,if not tat no politial no who will gain or lost.

Halo friend if yr hubby ever got another woman outside is beyong his control,even find a china woman also is not he want,is those bitchy woman click on them.Wahahahahaha........
Yr uncle also so believe yr tat auntie everything under her name,wat 2 do,it fate lor.U know even we buy insur my hubby also will not put all t benefinsure under my name,split half half under his tat mum name.While 4 me all my insur benefinsure all under my family member name.
So how yr situation w yr mum already,is it better after t 2 kids have went bk.
U did mention t 2 kids will send bk 2 yr grandma 2 look after,have u all think tat yr grandma already so old already,where got t energy 2 look after t kids.
Yr uncle so young n now in coma,really feel life now so fragile.I thought tat t kids vy small by consider big already wat,then how come tis 2 kids can still bully yr ger n use t hands 2 make yr ger eyes.Cannot bearable such thing will happen.In chinese said mei jia jiao.
I really hope my AF will delay,delay until 24/12/07 then good,then I can book 4 D21 n my ER will be 11/2/08.I think I going crazy already,everyday think abt my AF.Wahahahahaha........

oh. but, my ovulation should be later than you as my cycle is quite long.


aiyah. got to go back to my work first...saw an important email. chat w you later.
hi gals..

i am back, carrying my son and typing now...
he is more alert now, spending more time awake and asking to be carried..my milk supply also drying up liao... felt a bit sad but dare not latch him on to stimulate...

jac..dun be too stress with AF... spread all the baby dust to you.. hopefully you will have a baby very very soon..
AF now vy important 2 me.If dont on tis wk then come then my ER will be tat CNY tat wk tat mean even lunar dinner I also cannot eat.I can skip my CNY but not t lunar dinner.hahahahaha........So u know wat tat stress me.
Aiya dont be too stress with things that had not happen... 1 step at a time.. everything is pre-destined liao by God.. whether you get to eat the lunar dinner or not.. the more stress u r the longer AF takes to come.. u know lah.. stress affect our system..
Baby's name is like me super secretive hahaha. sorry...
miss u all so no choice must come in and check u all out..
Jadefeet, enjoy your time with the baby.. Now is the most easy time.. Very soon, he will know how to demand for things or attention, etc.. No time for toilet unless he's sleeping.. Haiz.. I also don't know how to describe.. They are non-stop monster. Move here and there. Just cannot keep still. Want this and that, if don't give them then they scream and scold.. Beat or scold they also don't understand. really very irritating..

Jac, I also wish can start my treatment. But I think abt the second monster.. I will hold back abit. Can't imagine having two monster at a time.. sianz.

can tell me in details what will happen after mens come? how come can drag until cny then er...


haa..u are the most secretive mum here. secret agent? hee..

have you decided on which caterer? when will you be celebrating your full month? the weather is super now. so cooling so u won't get to perspire and become sticky all the time.


you know how to handle when that day comes...with 2 cutie not monster lar.
Once menses come must call 4 appoinmt 4 D21,D21 onwards must start lucin injectn & drag n drag & lucin + puregon 2gether,roughly take 1mth be4 ER,then 2wk HL starts.So I roughly calculate t date lor.

It is t price tat u have 2 pd 2,in tis world tat no free lunch.hahahahahaha...... Wait until yr ger slightly bigger then starts t treatmt lah.Me no choice,old already plus desperate need a bb 2 keep me accompany cos hubby no time 4 me meh plus I also dont wan him 2 keep me accompany.Wahahahahaha......

Cannot stand u lah so secretive,even bb name also so secret.heehee.....
In fact once yr menses is here must practise safe sex.I calld up KK & chk,t nurse told me tat once my menses is here,D2-D3 must go dwn & collect t tablet 2 eat 4 prevent having bb during tis time.Anyway once it starts t treatment can 4get abt BD anyway.

Heeheehee......U vy high in sex 1 ah.heeheehee.....

lucin is for suppression, right? i just wonder if it's D21, one might have conceived without knowing..then how?

i remember u mentioned yr hubby's soldiers are not very good. in order to have better quality soldiers for the big project, he'll have to 'clear' them every maybe 3 days. u got what i mean?
Tat y they will ask u 2 have safe sex better dont have sex if can.heeheehee.....
U wrong wat I understand is tat men will reproduce their sperms in 3mth times.Serious I dont know men must clear their troops every 3days,anyway once we start we will refrain fm having BD.Once u start t lucin u will feel vy tired & restless dont talk abt BD.Wahahahaha.....
