Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

1 dirty joke.Tat y our pte part so mushy tat y t troops cannot find their way.Wahahahaha........Unlike Wan strike so easily.Wahahahaha........
Jac, I also dunno what to buy leh. maybe I go shopping again tomorrow. haa! alot of christmas gift to get this year.
I already very used to shaving so the hair grow out also not irritating leh. only the first few shave will be quite itchy.

happy, shave until xi kwan already then okay. Can try lah.. Different mah.. later your hubby thought you got new bf. why suddenly shave.. haaa! If i nv shave then my hubby thinks I'm getting like an aunty. Nv groom myself. wahaaa..
i booked appointment with a PD at united sq liao for the 1 month jab...if good will stick with him liao.

I will give myself another 1 month to lose some more weight. If really stuck liao then i will go the slimming centre liao.
i booked appointment with a PD at united sq liao for the 1 month jab...if good will stick with him liao.

I will give myself another 1 month to lose some more weight. If really stuck liao then i will go the slimming centre liao.
I think one mth too short la. Some pple take upto 6 mths to lose all weight. No offence, but it may take a little more for those without breast feeding. Thats what I heard lor. So as long as got slowly lose good already.

By the way, who bath the bb for you when you confinement? I am just thinking what I need to do if I really cannot a confinement maid?

Heard from my other friend that KKH still has the best pediatrician. Ever though of trying KK?

Its true you know. They make you open your leg big big and let the aircon blow you and then say you cannot move and then start 'playing' around your part, isnt that part of raping

My worst experience was a lady gynae at Thomson. She so old fashion and will use the 'metal' type of equipment instead of the plastic type (what Dr Foong use) to check your down there in details. Everytime I see her, I will shiver as if they are gonna cut my that part!

But if you shave, then a bit pricky feeling, then if hubby on top position, its v ticklish, isnt it?

Anyone thought of trying permanent laser hair removal? Dun know which clinic is the best leh? I tot of doing it for the armpit once and for all!

haa...u mean having aircon blowing at pussy is also part of raping? haaa.. my god! can't stop laughing!

oh..metal type..plastic type.. i didn't notice. yah. i'll always remember the pain my female gynae gave me. the way she dig was like i got no feeling down there!

i thot those laser hair removal are not exactly 'permanent'. there will still be a little growth..something like one has to redo it after sometime.

jac, am i right?
U vy naughty 2day.Yep tis is t words(TICKLISH/PRICKY)tat I wan 2 askd Wan abt it.Hahahaha.......
I ever shave be4 I just dont like t feeling when t hair starts 2 grow tat time vy pricky feeling.
I feel tat tis type of laser thing will get into our body,if we still wan 2 conceive better dont try it 1st,now already so hard 2 conceive if do laser become even more harder 2 conceive.
Permanent Hair Removers need 2 do few times be4 it totally will stops growing.
Imagine if u r those vy hairy type do 1st time sure will grow again n t worst is they will askd u dont pluck it & when u wear sexy clothing or no sleeve shirts can see yr arm beat 1 pussy pussy black forest laying dwn there,no more image.Wahahahaha.......
4 wat I know t therapist wan 2 c t process after doing t laser,2 c which level is more suitable 4 yr skin.Different ppl diff meh.
Thanks gals for all the info.... it definitely helps!!!

Thanks for the illustration of the V Scan... I always tot got to open my legs wide wide... rest my legs on the metal stands.. like what the tv shows... so scary... really looks like someone going to rape u man.... hehe.... so for Dr Foong.. no need to rest legs on metal stands? just bend our knees and open for the V scan to go in? how abt pap smear... cos i never do pap smear before.. so tot of doing it... which one is more painful? V scan or pap smear?

This is why i wanted a male gynea... cos i heard alot of my friends say female gynea very rough one... not gentle at all... esp when they shout out say very pain... the female gynea would comment "where got very pain... not pain one lah...i also do before... no pain one mah...".. wa lau....

I already married for 2 and a half yrs liao... never take precaution... then realize how come haven pregnant, always tot will get pregnant easily... so only start to tcc seriously 6 mths back with OPK help... me and hubby want a baby very much... so now bo bianz got to look for dr help... we actually dun want to get help one.. thinking we can strike on our own naturally.. but scarli.. no news after 6 mths try... very sian liao... so now no choice... somemore next yr i 29yrs old liao... i dun want to have my 2nd child too late... (haven have my 1st child already thinking of 2nd one liao...*shy*)...hehehe...

haa.. no lar. rest on metal stands only when there's surgery. v scan only bend knees and legs open maybe abt 90 degrees.

personally, i dun find v scan painful. dr will apply lubricant on the dog stick (curl, is that wat ppl call it?) that is covered with condom. then, dr will say "sorry, it's a bit cold"..hee..remember to empty your bladder before seeing the doc so that the image will be clearer...else doc will need to press on your stomach to get a clear view of ovaries.

for pap smear, there will be more discomfort but dr foong is very gentle and careful. so, u shouldn't feel much pain too. not to worry.

i see. yes. it's good to seek help sooner. good luck to you
Dun you think so? All the rape movies is like this poor lady thrown onto bed, then strip off and she feel cold ill shiver and shake and then the man will start 'playing' that part ? Exactly like what some female gynaes do to us? Somemore the rapist will be very aggressive and give the woman a stern and horny look, exactly like what my female gynae does, "DON'T MOVE".

Have done pap smear with Dr Foong, he is v ok. You are right, no need to put legs on metal stand type. Just lie down, bend your legs up and he slowly goes in. And yes, Happy is right, he always say : "Sorry it is a little cold".. His bedside manners are excellent.

Babe, you are still very young la. All of us here (except Wan & Jade) all pass 30 already. I also started trying when I was 29... a few mishaps and pg loss and now 32 already. Its good to start early and I think you should see Dr fast cos sometimes it takes 1-2 yrs to see results if case more complex.

Dunno is call dog stick leh. I always thot it look like 'skinny penis'

I suddenly thot of very mean joke to Dr Foong. Since he always say : Sorry, its a bit cold to us. Wonder when he BD, does he say : "Sorry, its a bit warm" to the wife ...
he he he he

Yes, thats what I thot too, thats why tot I should only laser after I finish child bearing. Scared the laser kill my eggs/ womb/ lining / breast and affect pg.

By the way Jac, you confirm doing ICSI with SF Loh? Can I offer to pass you my big bottle of Protein Drink from GNC? I only drank abt 2 cups and its now nicely kept in the cabinet and no one use. Cos I didnt develop OHSS and thus didnt have a chance to drink it all all. Costs more $30 and I didnt want to waste it.

If you ok, I can pass to you via Happy since she stays near you.
yep confirm doing either this mth or next mth,now depending on my menses.
Sori I already stock up my protein milk last week already.
Can I add on 2 tat mean joke.Then Dr.wife will said is all right not warm enough n I like it.Wahahahaha.......

Can I askd u after yr ET tat day,did u straight away put t heatpack on yr tummy 2 keep in warm? When u will c MP sinseh? I worried tat my 2ww is during CNY time n t MP clinic is closed so I need 2 find out more info fm u.BTW MP sinseh is going away tis 18Dec until next yr then bk.

i really can't tahan!!! i think if ah foong peep into our postings, he will faint. u told babe that she has to bend her legs and 'he slowly goes in'!!! gosh! u can't be clearer, right? haaaa.. what is going in???

haa...he might also tell wife "sorry honey, it's really hard"...


u better not think of our postings when dr perform the v scan on you...else, u might just start to giggle and dr will think u r enjoying it..haa
Hi everyone

So long didn't manage to come in. My life is just busy wih pumping, latching and feeding my boy.. Handling new born is never as eaiser as I think before. now what I feel is very tired. SUPER TIRED.

In the middle of the nite, mum, hb and myself need to take turn to carry him... sigh.
And my boy is super cranky,I can pat him for 45 mins after feed, but once put him back to the cot, he will open eyes big big liao.He can shout until my neighbour can come to ask hb the next morning, bb ok? make us so pai sei. I hope after his full month, he will be more quai quai.

I told hb must get him a sorong,if not, after my mum go back, I sure die flat.. really.

If I have a chance to have 2nd 1, I will get a CL already to help. So that I can have enuf rest during the confinement.

Ya, I have been losing a lot of weight, I think partly is due to bf and too busy to take care of my boy. I think this is the only good news.
Koala,Very tiring hor.. I am dead tired with a CL ard. Can't imagine no CL, confirm lose more than 5kg..
Sarong is not good for young babies. Better wait until 2 months then give. Cos their skull still very soft and brain is like jelly. Very dangerous.
After full month, baby will sleep more. That's what my CL say lah..
My neighbour even shout for me outside the corridor in the afternoon when my baby cry. Make me so stress lor. Have to cope with the baby then have to ans my neighbour.. Haa! Lucky it's all over... Can't imagine going through it again.
Thanks gals... both of u certainly put my mind at ease on V scan and pap smear(ps).... always wanted to go for ps but dun dare... drag until nearly 29yr old then doing the 1st ps... i think i got super sensitive V... sometimes BD also feel pain one.. usually got to use lubricant like pre seed then not pain... i guess foreplay too little.. probably no mood to BD thats y... BD for the sake of baby only...hehe...

i wonder should i do ps and vscan together at once not... sounds like scary to do both on the same visit.. esp i never do any of it before... but i probably think Dr Foong would like me to do ps.. right?
I think i got to try hard not to think abt the comments here when Dr Foong slowly goes in...hehahahaha.... gosh.. sounds so RA...hahaha...

do u take essence of chicken? i noticed i always asked this question.

i didn't feel tired during my confinement though i had to look after the difficult baby myself. thanks to essence of chicken!


let dr decide for u. since u've never done it before, i believe he'll prefer u have one done.

it's not scary since it's dr foong who will be handling it. dun worry...he will ssllowwllyy go in

after all these details from curl and myself, do share your 'first time' after yr visit with ah foong
ahahahhaa.... i sure will fill u gals in on the details....hehehe.... im going to lose my "first time" to Dr Foong very soon....

I also tried not to give sarong intially, but my boy has been losing weight, he can't sleep even more than 1 hour and keep on crying, after that can hear his stomach full of winds and he start to fart, then he become cranky again. So I think sarong is the only way to sort thing out. Anyway, I am only give him after his full month.

Partly also I will be back to work on mid Jan, my mom will be taking care of him alone in day time, if his pattern like that, my mum sure can't tahan.

How you made your gal to sleep? Pat her? Normally how long you need to pat her before she can sleep?


I took 2 essence of chicken everyday, my mum also made pao sheng chicken for me every day, if not, I don't think I can dong with everyday less than 5 hours sleep. And I think cos mine was c-section so have a slower recovery compared to natural birth.

Another question is did you freeze your milk? How you thaw the forzen milk? My friend told me have to remove it from the frozen compartment one nite before and put into the chiller before I take it out and warm it. Is that true?

I have stock up the frozen milk but don't know the correct way to thaw it, so funny me...

Thanks for the hug... I am spliting my 3rd months maternity leave into subsequent month cos my mum need to go back on monthly basis.

Can, will send you via mms later. I need to go now as need to bath for my boy, talk to you later.
hi babe,

haa.. u made the right choice to give your '1st time' to him


is baby having too much wind in stomach that's why he kept crying? i gave my son cradle last time...only during afternoon naps and he was back to his cot at night. personally, i feel there's no harm so long as u take care of the safety and also not swing too much and too hard.
U boy really vy cute.I believe mummy also pretty right.Yr boy already look so boyish.hahahaha........

Yestday I so tired & until t tears keep runng dwn & whole nite cannot get into my sleeps,2day so zombee........
koala, newborn is like that one. they don't really sleep for long and they just wake up on and off.. a sleep routine will help. Can find out from the net. Mine only started to sleep better at night after the 2nd month. 3Rd month then finally she can sleep until morning. Now she only need a feeding every night.
I haven't give her frozen milk since I'm pumping til now. During my holiday, my mum give her 2 packet cos I can't be back on time. The night before have to place below then when you giving the milk, have to thaw with water(abt 15 mins). Just normal running water. I tried using hot water then milk spoilt, lucky it's for bathing. After thaw finish then can warm it up.

Jac, rest more or else alot of holiday coming then you become panda.
I already panda now.Yestday really a torture 2 me.suddenly feel heartburn & backache yestday nite n 2day like seow woman.Thank you my fnd.
Jac, like that you better rest more. At least until next week when christmas is here. And Santa give you a big present. Don't bother abt housework and stuff like this. Wait until christmas then pack also not late. Did i give you the cleaning company no? Or you wan it now? I can ask my friend to arrange for cleaning asap. How?

need not wait till treatment starts to have stress.. now u always wonder when will menses come and count when will cd21 be... suppose all these created some level of stress unconsciously?

or it's simply coz u slept too much yesterday afternoon? haa
I nver take a nap,just laid on t bed n rest.If afternoon slept 2 much then nite I not worried so I know I so enough sleep but.........
