Dr Han How Chuan from KKH

chloegal, Can I have the photo too please. I'm a fan of Dr Han. He delivered my boy in Feb
. I miss having my regular antenatal visits. Miss his jovial personality.
[email protected]
Hi Priviledged,
Have send the photo. Just visited him yesterday when accompany my friend for her check-up on family planning. He so funny leh.... ask us to have aleast 3 or 4 children. Telll me not to stop at 2 and ask my friend to start early. He calculated the age of my friend if she was to have 4 children and ask her not to wait.

When he know that we have gathering later with our poly friends, he was so envy and said that he also meet-up his group of friends for 20 yrs not long ago in Japan. He have not seem them for along time and he missed it ...
I am relieved to see this post. Lol. Reason being some ppl tell me KKH is not that good. But to me, I find its the same. Gynae are all Gynae right? In that sense. My doc is also Dr Han HC.

We decided on KKH, as its a full fledged "baby" hosp, in case, touch wood, anything happen.
Hi, sorry for the late reply. Missed your post and didn't have time to check in here. Thanks for the photo. Yes, he's really very friendly, personable and funny hor?
Glade that you have receive the photo. Yap he is definately funny even during delivery time he will tried to joke with you and make you relax
Competent, professional, dedicated,caring. Such positive expressions, and more,are often used
freely by patients to describe the medicalservice. Are there even more better words to describe?

My wife and I are lucky to meet Dr han by chance.

She got chicken pox at the 20th week and we went to KKH as there is an isolation room and we follow up with Dr Han. We wanted a senior consultant due to our chicken pox situation. We were seeing Dr Lawrence Ang at sunplaza before the chicken pox but the only advice he gave us was not to go to his clinic during chickenpox and worst, he didn't even follow up or offer alternatives. He forgot this patient in need of help. Please don't go for the cheapo packages as you will not get good response during emergencies

My son is born on 29 Oct, 38 weeks at 2.93kg. Through out the prepancy period, we had many issues chicken pox, later a bit unber weight and last bridge position. Dr han is very supportive and provided the right advice each time. My wife and I are very thankful to Dr Han and not sure what else we could show him our appreciation
What i did last time was to write a letter of appreciation to him through KKH website and bought him cupcakes during my ger 1mth celcebration
Just to check if anyone went thru delivery with Dr Han w/o having an episiotomy?

Also, if I choose the KKH classic package, Dr Han would only come into the delivery suite towards the end? Or he will come by to check?

Welcome any feedback.
Me and my sister's bb are delivered by Dr Han and both of us have an episiotomy done. Think our below is not as stretchy as the ang moh. Both of us choose the premier package as we do not want any MO to come in to do the check.
hi mummies,

anyone have the email address of Dr Han?
does he reply his mails?
i am suppose to do a day 21 blood test with him. but my cycle went haywire recently- not sure when should i go back now.
Thanks chloegal! I also chose Premier.

Dr Han seems to be v fond of kids too. Keep saying bb so cute when doing the scan. Lol. I dun seem to make out anything cute. Other than bb moving.
Hi ,

Does Dr Han has a pre-natal package ?

Does he have any private clinic? Or must go to KKH for the monthly check-up?

Is the waiting time long?

Thanks for sharing
Yes, the normal clinic and Private Suite have pre-natal package. You must go to KKH for the monthy checkup, else it will be at Ang Mo Kio on certain days. The Private Suite (like pte gynae) waiting time is ok, at least 30mins ba.
Hi mummies,
I have just given birth to my third baby at the wee hours of 27 May 08. Dr Han have again successfully prolong my pregnancy to 34wks and help to delivered my bb ger safely.
Congrats chloegal on your new born. Luckily you delivered on Fri, he was away on Sat. Take care and enjoy your confinement.
Ha...Ha...27 May08 is a tue and i delivered in the wee morning of 28 May so he kenna recall back. Lucky he is already back. He come in his home cloth and slipper, very casual. While waiting for me to dilate fully he bring along a storybook to read. Dun think he finish one chapter cause i delivered within 1/2hrs. Hooray!!! i am going to finis my confinment soon and thanks for the concern.
I just went for my post nantal check up on the 9 july. Think as what Kell say, he really v fond of bb. He was playing with my bb and keep saying bb so cute hor...

In the end i brought him Famous Amous Cookies in canister Tin to show my appreciation for helping to keep my bb till 34wks
Hi chloegal, i gave birth on 28 May as well. Went in for induction in the wee hours and gave birth in the afternoon. i forgot to go for my postnatal checkup. Think i should re-schedule another apptm. Hows your baby doing now?
Hi Mummy Lee,
I delivered my ger in the wee hrs of 27may and is gainging weight well.Is yours a bb ger or boy and how is your bb doing too. Ha...Ha... Dr Han must be very tired during these 2 days as he has to stay up till very late to delivered our bb.
hi chloegal, mine is a boy. Ive a 3 yr old girl. Wats ur girl's birth wt? And wat do u mean by gaining wt well? I dun think my bb is gaining wt well. According to doc, he shld be putting on 1kg per month, for the 1st 4 mths. But he is not...
Mummy Lee
I have 3 children. My boy is born at 25wks and both my ger at 34wks, weighting 2kg at birth. She is now about 4kg+ and doc say she is growing very well.
Chloe, Ok...so ur girl's put on abt 2kg+ these 2 months. Tats ideal. Im bf-ing my boy, and sometimes feel like ss is low...maybe its bcos of this tat my bb is not gaining wt well...
Dr Han really a funny guy. Help my wife to de-stress with jokes every time we visted him during the monthly check up. A week after my wife delivery, we went back to see Dr Han at AMK for routine checkup, without looking up (he was looking at the patient's record), he just said " excited anot? next week deliver already"... Both my wife and me were "Huh", hey Dr, you just performed a caesarean operation on me last week...

Dr Han, "Oh yaya ya".. and he laughed.
hi all,
im new to this thread..Im oso seeing Dr Han & must compliment that he's really a humourous & fun dr..Always managed to calm a paranoid mummy like me..

No regrets under him..juz find that sometime its abit rush on all the routine visits cos he has got too many patients liao..

Think most of the KKH patient find it difficult to locate their gynae when complication aries. They do not know which Number to call. Hope the below tel No. help

I manage to find out from Dr Han and his answer is as follow: It is very simple. just call kkh operator 62934044 and ask the operator to msg the dr for the dr to call you back. We will not answer call when seeing patient, doing operation or delivery.
we will usu call back the pat in between cases or after the clinics. Hope the below information help. To add on, the Tel number is 24hrs operational.

cholegal: tks for the mail, i oso read b4..haha think must ask him for new photos..

we always enjoy our visits with him, he is damn funny can talk anything under the sun...
