Dr Han How Chuan from KKH

Hi Small Bell,

He sure got 7 kids. See from reports and old threads from 2004 in these forum that their age range from 7 to 17 years old. When all his children grown up, he will be able to xiang ching fu lor...

He got his funny side but he also very serious in his work leh. That time when i was being told by one of the nurse regarding on which package to take. The nurse tell me that if i take premier package (B1) and if anything happen i might not be able to downgrade. After listering i refused to sign as i belong to the high risk side. The nurse even say that I must sign up a package before my gestation reach 30 wks.
When i went in to see dr han, he was asking me what stop me from siging the package. I tell him my worried regarding the downgrading. He tell me that the package will not be activated if i happened to delivered early and can be downgraded. I can even sign my package at gestation wks 32. He than ask me who is the nurse that explained the package to us and he want to see the nurse to clarify the matters.

Another time is I email him telling him that I couldn book an earlier appt to see him as his appt is fully booked.

(Have email him telling him my pregnancy problems and was ask to see him earlier). He email me back saying that he was sorry to know that I have problem booking my appt. He ask me what tel no. I called as he has already told the nurses and the appt clerk that he allowed over-booking. He then forwarded the email to sister hong to investigate the matter. I eventually managed to get an earlier appt by him. Really appreciate his help. Sorry for such long-winded stories.

Hi chloegal,
yes, he can enjoy in his old age. But he dun look his age now.

From your incident, really show he is very responsible in his work.
Ya lor... he dun look like mid - forties. He look much younger than his age. Must have eat alot of bu pin.

I so scare the nurse there will blacklisted me lah...always get them into trouble.
HI Cindy
How r u going to relay msg to him? R u seeing him for pregnancy? How many gestation r u now? Sorry for so many question.
Paiseh, I not preggy already, given birth to 2 girls (9 & 5). I see him in March then tell me, anyway he knows me well.
So u r seeing him for your yearly pap smear. Think he will ask u if u still want another bb. He always encourage ppl to have more.

Thought of sending him a christmas card...

Wow... your 2 girls so big already. My son only going 2 yrs old and my girl only 2 mths plus.
Yes, I only see him for yearly papsmear, he gave up asking me already cos I told him I old already, can't give birth.
Both your kids delivered by him?
No lah... only my gal. My boy delivered by Dr Tony Tan as he happeded to be on duty that day. My boy was born at wks 25 so have to choose C class. But he very nice lor... he still come and see me. So gan dong
Actually, There was once I email him regarding about my appt and so I soon pian tell him that he got alot of fans at the other web at G & O forum.

Dun know he got time to went in and see or not. Maybe he will tell his children to do so if he do not have the time to do it.

Sorry to ask r u the fatwoman in the forum?
Yes, fatwoman is me.
Oh you mean he didn't deliver your boy and he still go and visit you. If yes, that's really nice of me.
He was on oversea conference when there was some complications to my pregnancy. He come to see me once in the delivery suit when he just come back and ask me what happen.

Another time is at the ward after my cerclage was done and have to be on complete bedrest till i delivered.

Actually he dun need to come and see me one lor cause my case have been handed to dr kenneth quek (high risk).

when i see him for my second pregnancy, he stii concern about my son and ask me how he is doing.

When u go for your pap smear, did u bring your daughters along?
OIC, looking at your case, we can conclude that he is really caring & nice ya!

Sometimes my girls will go along, not always.
R u still visiting the other web?
At first I guess u r his clinic assistant cynthia? Cause can pass massage to him mah.
on and off.
aarh, cynthia i know her too, she is nice too.
so funny, i went for facial and it so happen that she also knows him. small world
U means the one who do facial for u also know dr Han? Dr Han also her gynae ???

Cynthia is now at clinic D also helping Dr Han.
I used to meet Cynthia at Clinic B till I change my pap spear appt to TPS. Dr Han told me that she is now in Clinic D, still assisting her.

Ya, my facial lady sees him for woman's problem.

Are you still giving birth to No. 3.
Yap. Me plan to have another bb in 2 yrs time. Then close shop.
Hope to have a boy so my son got company. I got alot of nieces to play with my gal.

I also see him in TPS. Clinic B have to wait too long. Scaning have to queq also.
He wanted me to see him in Ang moi kio clinic but i dun want, the place too small and no place to sit. Parking is also a problem.
Would like to check, Dr Han is seeing at TPS only?
How abt SK clinic?

Also, how much are his charges per consultation?
Hi Eno,
Dr Han is seeing at TPS, clinic B and Ang Moi Kio clinic. Forget about the charges liao, but as he is a senior consultant the charges will be abit higher.

Maybe u can call KKH or their website to check.
thanks chloegal

actually just went kkh see john tee

will b going for fibroid op in Mar.. was tinking of in future if get pregnant, can see another consultant nearer, Im staying at SK..
More Reports on Dr HC HAN

Competent, professional, dedicated,caring. Such positive expressions, and more,are often used
freely by patients to describe the medicalservice
provided by Dr Han How Chuan, Head and Senior Consultant, Department of Gynaecological Subspecialities, and one of five winners representing the Ministry of Health at the 2005 PS21 Star Service Award.

This is really anhonour. Very encouraging as well, said Dr Han, who also heads the Urogynaecology Unit.The PS21 Star Service Award, initiated in 2003, is a Public-Service wide event to r ecognise public officers who have consistently demonstrated high standards of service excellence. Winners are seen as exemplary role models who will inspire other public officers to strive for quality customer service in their work.

In the last two years alone, Dr Han has received 120 compliments from his patients. Given his hectic schedule, coupled with his responsibilities as head of a department, a surgical unit, and a medical doctor, how does Dr Han provide consistently good service to his patients?To me, patients well-being must always come first. Some patients may be difficultand demanding but they still deserve the best of our advice, care, consultation and management.

Its rewarding and satisfying when these patients get cured and are happy and satisfied, said Dr Han.

Dr John Tee, C h a i r m a n ,Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,has observed Dr Han at work while treating p a t i e n t s .Patients can relate to Dr Han. His pleasant demeanour and d i s p o s i t i o n have made many patientsunder his charge feel at ease.

Dr Tee recalls an incident where a patient, feeling nervous and fearful, had an emotional outburst during a consultation. Dr Han managed to calm the patient and eventually treated the patient. After the operation, the grateful patient wrote a note to thank Dr Han and his team for their gentle approach, which moved her.

Apart from the personal touch,Dr Han has also been instrumental in improving work processes and introducing new services,for the benefit of patients. One example is the relocation of the Physiotherapy Clinic for urogynaecology patients, to the Urogynaecology Centre, so that patients do not have
to take a long walk to the Physiotherapy Clinic.

Dr Han was also the driving force behind Gynae ValuPack, which provides
cost effective surgical packages while offering full services that patients require.

We must have passion and commitment in what we do, and equip ourselves with new and advanced technology, the best surgical skills and medications, to ensure the safe, effective and speedy recoveryof all patients, said Dr Han.
Hi, just went to see dr Han and find out that there is no more thursday afternoon clinic at TPS.
It has been changed to friday evening, starting from 1800hrs to 2100hrs
Thur clinic was already no longer available for quite sometime. His clinic at TPC are Wed pm and Sat am, oh now Fri nite is available, didn't know that. Thanks for letting us know. So that means more busy for him. Just went to see him on Sat, he told me that he has been travelling.
No wonder there is so few patients at tps when i see him on 22 Mar (a thursday). I thought i was so lucky, as the usual waiting time for thursday is quit long as it is his Operation Day. So... he is clearing his patients whose appt was make earlier on.

I only checked with him when i realised that my next appt was a fri evening.
Dr Han was on "Hello Morning Show" on channel 8 today morning. He was so cantoon and funny as he was quit nervous when on TV. The interview was about womb dropping out and the kind of remendy they have.
Seen him on this show many times, I think he also very sian with this topic liao. KKH is creating awarness that women shud seek treatment for incontinence and shud not suffer.

i also ex-patient of Dr Han.

i gave birth last yr sept.. abt to due for my next check-up soon. suspect got cyst again.

anyone know when he will be on duty at AMK clinic??

better make appointment early as he is popular
Hi patient of Dr Han,
Dr Han went on holiday is it? Have emailed him but no reply. I waiting for a test result from him......
Hi Cindy,
i emailed him tues night. so almost 2 days liao. by right i shld received phone call from him on the test result but 2 wks liao still no news..
If i am not wrong i think the first consulation is about $80+ and the follow-on visit is about $60+ as he is a senior consultant. U may call them to check on the charges.
Think me and my Twin sister really have to thanks Dr Han for helping us to have 2 bb each. A boi and a ger. If not for his great skill in doing the cerclage and the great care and concern he showed us during our pregnncy, we would not have make it so far. A million thanks to u Dr Han
Hi All,
Anyone still have Dr Han's family Photo? Can email me at [email protected]

Hope to show it to my children when they grow up. Then they will know how the face of the gynae look like that delivered them.

I think most of his children look more like their mommy. The youngest son look very cute and seem more handsome compare to the others.
can someone sent me the pix also?? i am curious too.

btw, anyone has the number to made appointment with him at AMK branch??
Have send the photo to you. I think to make an appt with him at Ang Moi Kio can also call the normal appt no.

He will only be there on Wed evening and sat afternoon.

KKH Appt No: 6294 4050 / 6297 7763
Ang Moi Kio No: 6453 4688

Hi All,

My baby was also delivered by Dr Han. Am curious to see Dr Han's children too. Could anyone pls send a his family photo? Many thanks.
