Dr Han How Chuan from KKH

Ha... Ha... i think one of my Medical officer in camp know him too and ask me if he is still as chatty as before and say i should be in good hand being his patient when the Mo know that my cerclage is done by him.

Hi chloegal,
wow, he has never change, as chatty as before.
I have heard him gave a mandarin health talk at KK before, together with a few other gynae. He can be serious at times. He is very strong in chinese language.
aiyo, got him sometimes wen he is free, we behave like we sitting down coffeeshop chit chatting... asking me n my hubbby how and where we met lar.. fun lar!!

ask u gals , how long did ur stitches take to heal?
My stitch take about a week to heal. You just delivered? I just delivered my ger in May. Ha...Ha... he really very funny lor.Saw him on the chinese TV show "Morning Singapore" before and he speak very soft and sometimes give a silly smile when he dun know how to react to the host.

yap, he can be serious. There was once a nurse give me wrong infor on the delivery package and he immediately ask the nurse to see him.
Hi Small Bell,
If i am not wrong,He will go on TV once every year when they have the campiagn on stress incontience. Saw him on TV twice. Think he abit kan cheong leh... his reaction sometimes very funny...
cholegal: m due next mth lar, just wanted to koe.. can prepare mentally

i hear from my gf say he speaks mandarin during her consultations but me n my hubby he speak only english..
chloegal: ya mine cny bb.. edd is 28 jan, but he say 90% is earlier loh.. so m waitin hehe see if bb wants to be rat or cow , capricorn or aquarius
hi! wonder if this thread is still active.... just saw dr han last sat for my 1st appointment n felt that he seemed to be in a rush... very kanchiong...i hope its only for that day.

anyone has similar exp? does he rush through the check?
Hi jojo,
usually he will not rush through the check unless there is a lots of patients or he went for delivery and jam up the queq at the clinic He also have to rush to ang moi kio clinic on sat afternoon. I usually visit him on wed afternoon as there will be less patient, he will even chit chat and joke with you if his clinic is not jam with patients. Dun worry... fast means your pregnancy is ok, not like me got so many problem...

Remember to tell your birth story here after your bb is born.
Hi jojo,
similar experience with chloegal. He is only rush when he needs to go to AMK. If you have questions, can still ask him.
Hi, hi, I'm seeing Dr Han at KKH too and this is my 2nd bb. Our previous gynae left KKH so we're now with Dr Han. However, hb and I got a bit worried as Dr Han behaved very kan cheong every time we visit him and he got the prescription wrong twice for me (e.g. I need calcium pill he'll prescribe fish oil, etc.) Nothing serious, but then he got us wondering if he'll rub his nervousness onto us during delivery. Thus we're wondering if we should switch gynae. Can anybody share your experience with Dr Han during the delivery? Thank you.
Hi Jojo and coral, do not worry so much. I must admit that he is sometimes very kancheong and seems to be in a rush. However, if you have any questions to ask him, he will be glad to answer them. I delivered my baby in 2001, during the delivery process he is very calm and cool, dun need to worry. Still seeing him for my yearly pap smear. My sister and cousin just had a surgery done by him in Dec. He is really skillful and "zhai". haha.
Hi Coral,
I had a long labour on a public holiday and he came back about 3 times to check on me and not in a rush. I thought that was nice of him. Normally one waits for gynae and not the other way round.
Don't worry. Dr Han may seem rushed, esp when there is a long queue, or he's in the middle of a delivery. Usually if he's rushed, it means your pregnancy is progressing well
and he'd better get on with clearing the queue. When he's not in such a hurry, he will initiate conversations about all sorts of things with you. The other day he was telling me about his tax relief cos he was so happy for the new policies. Another time he told me his daughter was going to attend the school that I was formerly teaching at! Then he also will take time to point out details of the scan, and he even tried to teach my 4 yo daughter that that was the head, the heart etc. She was blur. Hahaha!

During delivery, he's very very cool and calm. So no need to worry. Just relax.
Dear Mommies,

Thks so much for the reply!! at least that sets my mind at ease...cos he so kanchiong till i forget the question i wanna ask ;p next time i better write down in a piece of paper.

thks again!
Dear Mummies, thank you for the assurance. Yap, when I go in to see him it's always so rush, less than 5mins that I never ask him any qns. ;P
jojo and coral.

before entering the room, run through the qn in your mind wat u wanna ask him,, this is wat i always do.. cos he so fast, i scare i will forgotten about it..

my no.1 was delivered by him. no.2 was not by him cos i have a prematured birth so i downgrade my to B2+.

he is a very nice doc. he is rushing cos he got a lot of patent to see. but like wat other mummies had said, if got prob, he will explain and answer your qn nicely. so not to worry too much. i feel quite disappointed tat my no.2 not delvered by him... bo bian lor... he is a senior doc, u have to take package B1 and above then he can see u. but when admitted to kkh due to brown discharge and mild contraction, he came to see me very fast. when i see him, i feel so much relax, think this is the so call ....trust.

his way of delivery also very funny. i dunno how other gynae do it lah.. during delivery when u need to push, he will ask u to kick him... when the time come, u will know what i meant.. haa... enjoy kicking him... ha,.,
Hi Mummies,

I certainly agree with what you all said about Dr Han. He may seems to be kanchiong and always in a rush, however, he never fails to answer any queries you have.

After having 3 previous miscarriages, my hubby and I decided to go to Dr Han during my 4th pregnancy. I was naturally very anxious whenever I visited him for checkups, with lots of questions to ask. Dr Han was always patient and encouraging, putting us at ease during our visits.

He delivered my baby 3 months back and I would say that he's a very confident and experienced gynae. I'm really glad that I've found such a positive and encouraging doctor.

I'm sure all mummies and mtb who are under him are in good hands.
Hi Yan,
i know what you mean....hahaha....i felt bad as i 'kick' him quite long and quite hard for around half an hour. After baby deliver, he said he felt pain on his side of the waist area.
Ha...Ha...he also ask me to kick him leh... think he will always have blue black on his waist.

At which gestation did u delivered? Both my ger is delivered at 34wks by him.

You still a teacher? So which school did you formly teach at ?
hello mummies,

I had my boy delivered by Dr Han as well.. I agree his consultation is v fast. But we are fine lah, so normally before going in, I will ask HB what we intend to ask. So within that 5 min, can 'chop chop' ask him and for him to answer.. haha..

I remembered when he was delivering, he can still keep talking to me about my company, my job, share price etc.. wah piang, esp when I was in pain lor. But now come to think of it.. really funny.. cos' I can still reply him on all the irrelevant stuff.

Chloegal, you sure is also a big fan of him. I want to see his family photo also.. did I read wrongly that he has 7 children? Can email me [email protected]. Thanks!!
HI sugar nut,
Have email you. Hope you have receive. Yap everytime i thought about my birth experience i also find it very funny. He always ask me if i got the feeling of pooping or not.

Wow... a SAHM for 5 years already, i really sault you cause its really not easy and i dun think i can be one. Really need to sacrifice alot to become one.
jojo, coral: I usually have a list of question in my iphone, then i will put then phone infront of him, then he will answer me my questions in detail one by one.. twice he tell me to stop reading so much... haha

now i ask him questions about confinement.. he oso answer ..hehe

the consultations get more fun.. i agree wif pvl, he will initiate conversations when time is on his side... for me n my husband, he like to tell us about his flts.. n think he is single n pretend that he has alot of girlfriends.. *as if*

chloegal/smallbell: will see if he ask me to kick him (16 more days...)

my no.1 was delivered just 3 daysbefore the edd.
but no.2 not so lucky, she was borned at 26weeks, weighed 825g and 32cm long only. anyway now she is well with us. just went for check up yesterday. now weighs 4.455kg and 55cm long. her corrcted age now is 1mth 3wks old.
Really, he will ask you to push against his hips when you're pushing the baby out. The midwife will usually support your other leg against her hips. He will apply counterpressure so you push harder.

Your baby has gained good weight!

thanks.. ya.. quite happy of her growh too
used to be so small, now can pinchliao.. hee....

ohh for me... my hubby hold on to my left leg, and i kick dr han with my right leg.. the miid wfe jusst there helping dr han.
ha...ha...maybe you can share with us some of his flts... maybe he realy naughty and have lots of girlfriends lor. I remember during one of my stay in hospital and when he was visiting me in delivery ward after his oversea trip and rush from the airport to the hospital, he wear until so flowery that one of the senior nurse commented that he was very handsome that day. He then told the nurse that he every day also so handsome one. Aiyoo... cannot stand him lor, he still look at me when he ans the nurse. so funny... Talking about confinement, i really hate confinement. To many rules to follow, cannot do that, cannot eat that...so troublesome.

My elder boy is born a 25 weeks, weighting 775g. He is now fours years old.
when i bring my son to see him when he was two years old. He was very happy to see him and at the same time very amazed with his growth. He told me that last time the survial rate for 25weeker is very low. He say that now medical is so advance.
Chloegal, he has 7 kids? Wow, can PM me his family pic too. We had a much longer consultation last week with me. He say I put on too much weight and he's more worried than I am abt being able to lose them or not. But diff to cut down on intake cos I'm constantly hungry leh.

What does flts mean?

Smooth deliver Flo!

no wonder i find your nick so familiar, you are also in the prematured tthread rite?

ya.. i think tat injection tat strengthen the baby´s lung really make a huge different in the surviving rate.
coral: flts = flights

yan: wow u delivered so early.. must be scary for u..

small bel/coral: thanks

cholegal: i was flying b4 ... so everytime he will throw me alot of names , asking if i koe this crew that crew (female only hor)... then always like small boy when he talk about aircraft type A380 lar, so big blah blah blah...then wanna sleep in the new biz class seat..die die must always take new aircraft one loh... we once had a 15 mins conversation on how he managed to catch a a380 flt from london despite that it was fully booked... we are always so amused by him... every flt he comes back sure got new names, think he those ultra friendly passenger on board... those never sleep like to talk type..
hahaha... not surprising since he so talkative...

once he asked my husband how we koe each other, issit on board? then i tease him say my hubby not like him , go on board find girlfriends, waulau, he face turned so red loh, the nurses n us were laughing so hard, he paisay...

then my hubby look at him n say.. "sorry i can't help u"
Ha...Ha...during my pregnancy it is also very difficult for me to stop drinking coke but very funny, i seldom feel hungry for my 3 pregnancy.
Think flts means flits. Maybe spell wrongly. Have fwd the article to you.

Yap, i am also at the premature thread. For me, the injections and cerclage did make a very huge different.
now gotta wait till yearly pap smear test then can see him liao..

yalor... admitted for a week then suddenly water bag burst and infection set in.. feel so unreal and lst at tat time. both hubby and i were crying.we din expect baby out so soon.
I was also very confused and scare at that time too... and Dr han was on oversea trip but he rushed to see me soon after his flight touch down. I was so scare that i might suffered the same fate as my sister who miscarriage at 18 wks due to incompetence cervix. But they decided to do an emergency cerclage and i managed keep my bb from 22wks to 25wks. The 2wks+ stay in hospital is the most terrible and unforgetable days in my life as i was order CRIB. I also dun know cry how many times during my stay.
Hi flo,
He's so comical. Seems like he travel quite a fair bit, very hard to get appointment with him.

Hi chloegal,
what a tough pregnancy you have. Lucky it's over.

Anyone encounter Dr Han kept asking you to have more children during the yearly pap smear?
small bell...

a year after i have my no.1, went back for pap smear... he kept saying... can try again liao la.. y still dun have la..

ha.. very funny..
yap, he did. When i went back for my postnatal check up and mention to him that i want to insert IUCD after my menses is back, he ask me to have a fourth one and will give me discount lor. Wah...really cant stand him leh... really wounder how he manage his 7 kids when their age group is so close. me 3 already give me headach. Ha...ha... think 7 seater car also not enough for him. think he need 2 cars at home lor...
Chloegal, thank you for the article.

Opps, so Dr Han promote more bbs. To think hb and I wa thinking of asking him to recommend how to prevent more kids for us after we deliver this 2nd bb. Haha, looks like he may just convince us to have more...

Chloegal, what is IUCD? A kind of prventive measure like contraceptive?
I delivered my girl in 2001, yearly went back for pap smear he will ask me to give birth to another one. Now he gave up liao cos I told him I old already, engine needs overhaul

Indeed now he travels a lot. I always tease him that I am lucky to have completed my family planning cos now I am older, I have no patience to wait for him for so long.

yap.. is a contraceptive method where a device is placed at your uterus for either 3 or 5 yrs. Sure he will, that time when my friends went to see him regarding some issue. He urgue my friend to have bb asap as he calculate base on my friends age that if she was to have 3 or 4 kids, she will become an over-age mother if she still does not have bb asap. Me and my friends was like hah... two is enough liao... and he say where got enough... must have at least 3 or 4 mah...
. Think he must really like children if not how to tahan the noise and mess created by so many children.

small bell
Hee..hee.. if i am the maid, When i see my boss got so many children,i think i will faint first lor...
