Dr Han How Chuan from KKH

Chloegal, last night I show my hb the article and told him, ok, now we can forget abt getting Dr Han to advise on contraceptive method. Thus I went on to do my research. All 14 contraceptive method I found online did nto appeal to me. The side effects just sound scary. Haiz. But shall worry abt that after delivery bah.

coral, actually still can discuss with him lor... I remember asking about it too and i ask him if there is one method that is done on the men one right? He look at me and hubby and laugh and say aiya...men seldom go for this kind of surgery. When i ask about IUCD, he told me that my hubby will not be able to feel the device inside and can last for 5 years.

Actually i try yasmin before and it give me very bad side effect. I keep having very bad headache and i will shiver and vomit. Then he change my pill to gynaer but i feel very bloated and so i give up and concive my No.3 lor.

Was thinking, how would he feel if he know there is a thread that is talking about him??? and what if he read this thread???
Chloegal, he might just feelvery GOOD.Haha. But I read from various sources, pills and IUCD makes one put on weight. My mum was on pill and she ballooned from 46kg to 70+kg and her heart was weaker due to the pills. Although hers was the older generation pills, I heard the new generation ones might have such effect too. So I'm quite loss on this. Actually we decided to stop at one, but then strike no. 2 So now we decide we must think of something before we strike a 3rd.
chloegal: haha think he loves his wife alot..i mean it takes alot of love between each other to have 7 kids...anyway they going to florida in march..

seein him this wed .. my 39 weeks liao..
Wow...so loving. If his children going along then his bill will be very big lor.

Ha...ha... excited hor going to delivered soon. Is this your first bb?
ya my 1st...

last week bb engaged tot coming, then this week disengaged,so boring (then i ask him y? he say bb dun wanna to cum out loh..sianz)
Throughout all my visits, Dr Han seems very rushed leh. Maybe I alys go in the evenings after finishing work and there's alys a long Q. lol
Hi, Kell
I'm seeing Dr.Han at KKH TPS too.And this is my #1 bb..I agree with u coz everytime when i went to see him its always so rush and less than 5 mins.But if i got any Qns i will ask him and he will explain and answer the Qns nicely loh and always told me don't worry too much...
Everytime entering his room, he always smiling n ask me "NI HOW MAH" he speak to me in chinese and i will feel more comfortable loh...he..
So when is your Edd???
hi im back!!!

victoria eden
natural w/o epi
labour 3 1/2 hrs
3.42kg, 51cm

i write my birth story liao, but a bit long to post here.. interested can go http://victoria-eden.blogspot.com

aiyo , i tell u i think i kick him alot man!!
he keep telling me to kick him..."ti wo, ti wo, kick me"

to those mothers under him... visits can be rushed sometimes but his delivery not rushed one...don't worry you gals are in safe n professional hands.. i got no regrets having him at all...

priviledged is inducing later at 2am, bb supposed to be out on 31, now low fluid.. all the best n have a smooth delivery
Congrates on your newborn, read your birth story. Really need alot of courage to go through natural hor... Come to think of it, i also dun know how i manage to tahan too. That time I dun even have the strenght to kick him...
Flo, a very interesting, encouraging and touching birth story. And hye, you're funny too. Like reading V E's blog.

You're certainly luckier than me. For #1, I was admitted at 3cm dilation 7am, intense contraction which hit 60+% at 6pm, water bag broke at 8pm and bb already poo but till 11pm I was only only 5cm dilated, no choice succumb to epi at 1145pm cos dont want to risk bb life and go for emergency c-sect. and wihtin 1 hr fully dialted and bb out!

Hb say to use epi fm the start this round, safer than trying to insert the needle when I'm in such intense pain...still considering. Hope bb can come out b4 epi kicks in.
hi hi,
Since flo already announced by bb's arrival
, I shall post my birth story here. All the timings are approximate cos I really didn't know

As she mentioned, I was due 31 Jan but baby didn't want to come out on the due date. Visited Dr Han that afternoon at AMK clinic, and fluid was low, so he arranged for prostin induction on the wee hours of Mon. By that day I already had some contractions, strong, but very very far between. 1 cm dilated.

Sunday 1 Feb
Having contractions sometimes 10 mins apart during Saturday night, but once I got up in the morning, the contractions practically disappeared, occuring maybe once every half hour. Sian. Didn't do much that day except walk to the nearby shopping mall for lunch with hb to try to get contractions going more regularly. Still not much progress. Slept in afternoon to get ready for induction at night. My 2 older kids were already at my parents' place, so I could sleep

10 pm - contractions started to become more regular, 10 minutes and stronger. Was pacing the floor during the contractions to relax the legs.

10.30 - Was worried that we would have to check in 'early' and 'lose' a day of our package. Contractions about 8 mins/

11.30 pm - Set off in my bil's car. During the journey, contractions sort of stopped *darn*. Only one very strong contraction occurred during the 20 minute journey.

Midnight (Monday) - arrived at Delivery Suite. Waited til 0003 to check in.

Walked to Rm 12 and did CTG monitoring. - not much contractions. Not regular at all.
VE showed 3 cm.
Check with Dr - He decided not to induce with prostin, but to stay in delivery room and allow spontaneous labour to progress.

~1 am - Contractions started getting regular again, about 8 mins and strong.

~2 am - I asked for the use of the gas, though it was still bearable. Didn't want to wait til too late. The stupid gas mask was faulty but one of the midwives said 'nothing wrong' mah.

~3 am - Quite painful already, and gas mask was still acting up, so I 'demanded' a change. Much better.

~5 am - Bladder felt really full (yeah, like I could feel it), Tried to pee, but couldn't, so midwives inserted catether to drain urine. Hahhhh relief (for the time being)

~6 am - Quite unbearable already. Gas was not really working! Didn't make me dizzy at all. I reckon that it was just the act of concentrating on the breathing into the mask was helping, but it wasn't really having any effect otherwise. I was struggling with the pain, and groaning away.

~6.30 - midwife wanted to do VE but I just couldn't uncurl myself to let her. She scolded me, and said how could she tell the progress if I wouldn't let her check. I was too in pain to care. I told her that the water hadn't broken so baby couldn't possibly come down yet!

~7.30 - midwife scolded me again cos I curled up and she couldn't get the heartbeat to see if everything was alright. Wah with an enormous effort I had to straighten up during the contractions to let her hold the monitor steady. I can't quite remember, but I think I eventually let her check. I managed to ask if Dr Han was going to come soon. They said soon, soon. I figured that if he came he could burst the water bag and get the bb out fast.

~ 7.45 - Finally he came. So again with great effort, I had to lie on my back and straighten up. And I was already crowning. The Dr said the waters had broken already but there was very little fluid that's why I hadn't realised it.

So I was ready to push. Anyway the contractions had been the pushing (pang sai) kind for >1 hour already.

But this time, Dr Han just held my legs on the bed, and said DON"T PUSH!!! Head is nearly out already. Just cough. I managed to look at him and say 'huh'? So he said cough cough, not too hard. Enormous effort to control again, so I obeyed. He instructed me to cough harder a bit, and encouraged me that the baby's head had popped out. Cough cough again and the body came out. New technique! No need episiotomy. Just a small tear, with 4 stitches. I think we were all happy that things turned out well. But I said 3x during the aftermath to my hb that this was our last baby. No more!
My baby was 3.454 kg. 50 cm long,

So that's my birth story. Sorry so long winded.

Recovery has been much easier without the episiotomy, though of course with the usual muscle aches now.
congrates to your newborn. Really new technique and really very interesting. But if i were you, i dun think i will know how to cough at that time lor cause after using the laughing gas, everything is so blur
. I think i dun have episiotomy for my no2 ger too. But is alot easier for me as my ger is small, only 2kg lor.
Dr han ah.. really pattern liao liao, kick him lah, cough lah... never hear before....ha,,,, i only kiked him, but actually i dare not kick too hard...
Hi Tenny, Address as follow:
kk Women's Clinic
Blk 721 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8
#01-2807 s(560721). (Ang Mo kio Central) Tel: 6453 4688.

Dr Han will only be there on Wed (6.30pm - 8.30pm) and sat (1.30pm - 4.00pm)
coral: tks

pvl: how cum they insert pee catether? more pain rite? me they give pee pan.. i sit until shiok shiok

i was supposed to see him in amk on wed too.. shld be b4 ur app, cuz he didnt open clinic in the afternoon mah.. but wen he came to check on me wed morn 9 am , i was shocked, tot he off .. i mean by the time we finish was 1230-1am, he came in nice n fresh, with a pretty nurse (dun koe wer he find one, cuz b4 n after tat i never see her liao) haha.. cuz the nurse wanted to koe if my lashes were real.. weird these hospital ppl.. must be damn bored...

then i ask him tot he off but hor, that wed he close clinic becuz his boy going army ..they going tekong in the afternoon.. so big oredi!

cholegal: ur photo must update lei
Hee..hee... dun have any photo liao. So fast hor, the article was in 2004 and now already 2009. Maybe have to ask him to post his photo here hor... My friends commented that he look very young for his age. She is still seeing him for some fertility issues. Hope to hear good news from her soon.

she jealous lah... maybe she never see such a pretty mummy with sure long lashes
ask your friend to get a pic of him leh, tell him he got lots of pretty aunty fanz here... ha....
I sat on the pee pan soooooo long, couldn't do it. Not used to peeing in bed! Anyway, the catheter is part of the package, so I thought, what the heck, just use it lah. No it was not really painful. The nurses helped to squeeze all the urine out too, and there was A LOT of it. Hadn't pee'd for 5 hours by that time.

Ohhh, so that's why he was off that Wed. Good that he can take time off to see his boy off to Tekong. Yes I know his boy is due for NS cos during my previous delivery in 2007, he told me his boy had just collected his 'O' Level results. So he must have been in JC 1 that year already.

I've seen 3 of his younger children and his wife. Late one Wed when he had a very very long queue, they came to say hi or something, and then bought him dinner and delivered to his consultation room. So sweet.

Juz to check whether does Dr Han do delivery coz heard my present gynae said that some other dept gynae don't do delivery. Does he see patient in TPS? My present gynae attaching to France for 6 mths so thinking of changing to him coz heard alot of good comments about him.
Hi baby ja,
He see patient in TPS on wed, fri and sat. He does do delivery. My third child was delivered by him last year May.
Hi Cindy,
You seeing him soon for yearly pap smear? I will only see him in July but might be sooner caused got some women problem...

just saw him last week for my follow on checkup.. 1st thing he say to me was he saw my sexy photos online... i was like huh..

then he say one of his friends email him my blog address (think one of u).. i oso forgot i took my pregnancy photos haha.. say he rather be my photographer than my gynae, my gf told him he not sick of looking at mummies stomach meh...

anyway i didnt koe he got promoted until i saw his name tag.. teased him then nurse say "ya lor ppl prof lei" keke
Oh no.....does it mean he know about this thread ....so ha...ha...cannot talk bad about him liao
. Hee hee... maybe is not one of us caused he say his friends mah....so still can continue to talk about him lah.
ya lor...next time see him must also tease him , prof liao hor.
Not me ah! My check-up is tomorrow. Why is he so forward with you ah? Maybe somebody did a search of his name and found your blog.
cholegal/pvl :haha nvm one lar... i post here is meant for all..he was asking me about my birth story ask me how come can remember.. i told him my hb help me fill in the blanks..lucky never write anything bad about him keke (but then there was nothing bad to write about him)...

just a weird feeling like my gynae reading my blog loh

pvl: how r u n gabbie boy? my victoria is 2 months liao... so fast...
Hi all,

I was just tested positive on Mon...now ard 5wks..Looking ard for a gd gynae..may I ask how long do I have to wait if i were to call for a appt with dr Han?
Also, has anyone signed delivery packages with him recently?How is the price like? TIA!
Hi Shirlin,
The waiting time depends alot on if he is having any delivery that day. I think the waiting time minimum is about half an hour lor. there is no delivery package in KKh now is pay by per visit. Per visit is abouth $80+ to $100 at TPS.

I also dun remember my birth story exactly, I was so blur by the laughing gas. Dun understand why it is call laughing gas??? it is not at all funny... and it is so painful. I was closing my eyes all the way and i heard alot of instructions and not sure if i manage to follow all instructions correctly.

My ger is alreay 10 mths and is still expressing milk for my ger. Actually i dun know how to stop lei... so scare of the pain. Did ask Dr han for medication to stop milk flow but heard ppl say that the medication will shrink the breast so dare not take the pill yet.

How you manage your 3 kids? Will your children jealous for the newborn? My second ger will beat her bb's sister for no reason if i carry my bb. She will get jealous easily and my 2 elder kids like to stick to me like honey, they dun want the maid to help them bath or feed them. It was so tiring....
Hi chloegal...

Sorry but TPS means?? So saying i have to pay for every visit i make?how abt the delivery part??i get charged seperately for room n doctor's fees? Total around how much?? Cuz am doing some comparisons now to decide between kk or thomson.... Sorry to ask so much~
Hi chloegal, if you want to stop the milk, just dun express and will sure engorge, buy some china cabbage (bao cai) and store in fridge, if engorgement appears, peel a few slices of the cabbage and cover your breast. Do it a few times and the milk will stop eventually. This method also helps to relieve the pain of engorgement.
hi shirlin,
yap pay as per visit. There are two type of packages for delivery. The classic and the premier packages and also 4 beded or 1 beded. You can check out the kkh webpage for prices caused cant remember exactly how much.

Will try out your method but really very scare of the engorgement pain. Always failed to stop cause cant stand the pain and will go express. Really very tired lor...imagine have to wake up 1 hour to express before going to work, which is as early as 5.30am.
Chloegal, must try, sure no more pain after the cabbage is on your breast, feel so cool and nice. Let me know whether successful anot. I attended the anetenal class, tot how can it be??? But is actually works. I am so happy.
Cindy, unfortunately the cabbage thing didn't work for me...

Chloegal, I would strongly advise against the med. I took it for my very first delivery as nothing works and even the med didn't work. I had breast hard like rocks, and I had high fever. In the end the only relieve I had was extra strong pain killer to allow me to tahan the pain. I did nto express my milk as the more you express the more supply you'll have. AFter 2 days of pain and extra strong pain killer, the engorgement subside. I really regret taking the med. Cos I'm nbot sure if it's the result of low milk flow in my second preg...

haha, I've always been too shy to tease Dr/Pro Han and my visit is always less than 5mins...Will be delivering in 4weeks' time...Do you ladies discuss your birth plan wiht him prior to delivery? Cos my previous gynae will initiate a discussion on this, but not sure abt Prof Han...
Think A/P Han is also a very delicate parent, having such a busy schedule still willing to fing time to go to his children's school to give talk to the primary school student.

I never discuss or plan any birth plan, i just let nature takes it course. If you want, its better that you initiate the discussion with him. He is quite forgetful sometimes...
Wow chloegal, thanks for sharing... you can be a PI liao, even knw abt the sch thingy

Coral - sorry to hear that the cabbage thing doesn't work for you.

I ever told him that nowadays mum got a lot of request, birth plan, no epistomy etc... he laughed and said that we are going back to olden days... home delivery may be implemented later lol. Coral, if you have any birth plan, you can discuss with him, dun be shy.

Wishing you a smooth delivery ya!
Actually the one i read got photo and more description but dun know why this one dun have.

think i need to take a few days leave if i need to stop my flow, my flow is alot even if i pump 2 to 3 times a day.
Thanks. Actually I'm not thinking of anything elaborate. Like my previous gynae would ask abt my preference of whether to use epi or not, and when to go hosp, etc. Haha, although not first time, still feel a little nervous when the date is getting nearer. Now my worry is what happen if I'm abt to deliver in teh middle of the nite, what do I do with my gal? Is there time to get someone to help care for her...:p getting cold feet liao.

I feel A/P Han is someone very hardworking. He'll not find excuse to not do things. For some parents they'll say I'm too busy and decline to help in such talks or arrange for the tour...
Hi mummies! My gynae was Dr Han and I had delivered my baby boy in Nov last year. I couldn't agree more with you all that Dr Han is really a very patient and professional doctor. And during those check-up days, though the visits are short, my hubby and myself never have to leave the clinic with questions going un-answered.
And when the time came for me to deliver, he had made me,a first time mummy, to feel confident and happy to be able to deliver naturally w/o epidural. i can still remember him 'betting' with the midwives and nurses in the delivery suite on how heavy and big my boy was going to be..lol
And sure enough, his guesses were right about my boy..

No regrets in having him as my gynae and when it's time for me to have a #2, i'll definitely go back to him again.
Actually can you all see the photo? There should have photos on top of the page,caused the one i read at my office computer can see but my home one cannot.
hi coral, how bb popping soon, excited?

Dr Han dont talk birth plan one (but u can ask him).. when i was pregnant i ask alot of questions but he say birth plan on that day then say.. so when the day came, all he ask was "want epidural?" I said i don't want, he said good! and gave me a pat on my back... he did my IV, sign many papers, burst my water bag, talk cock abit.. before he left he told me 1 hour 1cm then he said bye... while i suffer haha

just saw him that day cuz i poo poo blood (woes of a 1st time mummy, no time to poo keke) i msg him to check if shld self medicate or see him, but never answer... until i woke up the next day and saw my msg at 2345.. he apologised for his late reply as he just finish work.. haiz so nice my gynae..

told my hb when he came bac n he was impressed that Dr Han actually replied as it was a small matter, said that if he ever go private it will be boom town for him...

we went him at his uro dept, waulau super crowded, my hb got scared n left for work cuz he knew it will a 2-3 hrs wait.. when my turn came i went into the room, no dr wor,the nurse explain he was running 4 rooms concurrently.. there are drs in the other rooms but he makes the final decision.. so busy busy...
