Dr Han How Chuan from KKH


I had a c-sec perform by Dr Han.

May I noe what do you want to find out about Dr Han's stitches? The operation stitches or the cut stitches?

Sy, dun worry.. i m sure u will find a way to cope.. are u a SAHM?

Small Bell, wow.. 20 hrs very loong leh.. did u have epidural?
Hello SY,

Yup! i'm seeing him now. Agree that he is a funny guy.

Hi Small Bell,

MY EDD is 2-4 Oct.

Hello bitbit,

I actually planning to have natural delivery so i'm trying to find out about Dr Han's cut stitches.

Hello doublespeak,

i made appointment to see Dr han for my first consultation and waited around 20mins before i got see him. Btw, i went to the clinic at ang mo kio.
i m a FTWM. now on CL...

his waiting time varies. where are u seeing him? at clinic B or at TPS? weekday or weekend? try to see him on weekday. not so crowded.

he very funny one....he always tease me and say i gan cheong....
I m seeing Dr Han too. He is very friendly. My bb always kicks him whenever he try to estimate how big bb is...(naughty bb.. kicks me everyday from day to night, powerful kick somemore..) I usually see him at Ang Mo kio KK Clinic. I find tat the waiting time is much shorter than at Clinic B and TPS.

My EDD is 13th Mar06. will try to tell u gals whether his stitching is good anot.. :p

u muz be excited awaiting for your baby arrival!
U went to AMK KK clinic but will deliver at KKH is it? I have never try his clinic at AMK.

Do you mind sharing with me how much is the charges per consulting at AMK KK clinic?
SY, do you go back for the Pap test?
i remember we talk about this last Sep05. Actually I am due for the 1 year test but didn;t go back because I miss the previous appointment. Had re-book another appt date but nurse juz called me say Dr not available again on my Mar06 appt... sigh.. so many obstacles..
bit bit
my appt is in mar..haiz..if only if u have your appt in mar too..then maybe we can meet each other there...he really very busy leh..very hard to catch him

ya.. very excited but on the other hand.. a bit sad leh.. cos she inside me for so long already, everyday bring her to work, eat together, bath together, go shopping together..everyday kicks me so hard till my tummy out of shape, creating bb's waves inside..(haha... think i siao liao..)

yes. my first visit is at KKH. then he asked me where i stay and found tat AMK is more accessible for me.(i work in AMK). so i fixed my appt on wednesday evening monthly at AMK( so tat can go there after work, no need to apply for leave). he will be there on wednesday evening and saturday afternoon. the charges is around $70 including u/s scan.

actually go AMK clinic is better, shorter waiting time, do the u/s scan in the same room, take medicine and make payment at the same counter. not like KKH, got to go so many places and wait so many times.
SY, which day in Mar is your appt? Mine changed to 18 mar, u?

Yan, I stay far from AMK leh. For KKH would be nearer for me I guess coz it's along Bt Timah. His charge is around $70 plus. But we have to pay for the rountine test (urine stick) everytime we go there, +++ already $80+ one time. Do you have to pay that at AMK KK clinic? For me quite "zhong ben" leh..

I think if you take the TPS, u no need to walk here and there also lah, everything will be done in the room itself (u/s, accessment etc..) and medicine also take from counter. If AMK KK clinic is cheaper than TPS at KKH itself, i think I want to go there if i have the #2!!!

Care to PM more on the price please?

include rountine test.. sometime i pay less than $70 leh.. sometime pay more, depending on wat medicine he gives.

TPS dun have those more special medicine. dr han gave me medicine for "zhi chuang" (those need to be insert from the ass), it is not available at TPS. i still need to go to the pharmarcy for purchase.

wah.. for u to go AMK,, very far leh..
Hello Yan,

Nice to hear from you!
Hopefully, u will be able to let me know about his stiching ok?
Btw, u going for natural delivery or C-Sec?

Hihi bitbit,

May i know when is your EDD?
i seeing him on 1st Mar....

i stay pasir ris, so AMK quite far. think it's cheaper to see at AMK.

yah i also miss bb inside me actually. u must really enjoy yourself now.after bb come out u have no more time for yourself and hb...bb cry, eat etc all take a lot of time...
i will go for natural delivery. will try not to use epidual, dunno can tahan anot .. ha...

wah... very far..
ya.. trying to enjoy myself now..ha..can imagine now seeing myself wake up 3-4 times very night for feeding...
I had epidural after trying to bear the pain for 3 hours. Then really could not take it. Dr Han and the nurses kept asking if I need epidural.

I went to AMK clinic too but sometimes have to stand and wait as there are only a few chairs. And some hubby or family members can still sit on the chair even when pregnant women are standing. Not sure if you encounter this.
Dr Han very frank one. he told me i sure canot tahan the pain and will need epidural. but he will tell the nurse to lower the dosage before pushing so u can feel how to push.
yes.. i did encounter tat.. some hubby and family jus sat there, ignoring me. then me and hubby gotta stand outside the clinic to wait for our turn. my hubby oso found tat they very inconsiderate. when ever my hubby c there isn't enough seats, he will go out, stand outside to wait..

he told u right from begining or after serveral hours?
For me the epidural finish during the last hour and was told to push out naturally.

your hubby is showing a very good example.

I forgot to tell you I had already delievered 1 year plus ago, so currently no EDD.. Instead I'm going back for Pap test.

Hmm... should we suggest AMK KKH clinic to put up the label at the chair "For pregnant lady only",
how he know tat u can't tahan the pain? u always tell him here pain there pain is it?

maybe AMK clinic can change those chairs to long benches, like those in most GP clinic, can sit more people.
small bell
i was so lousy pushing.... so with or without epi i think makes no diff

hee...dunno leh. i will tell him where i feel pain usually just to be safe but i must say the epi makes a lot of difference!
i really hope tat i can tahan w/o epidural.. my hubby think i might not be able to tahan cos i always complain to him here ache there pain .. ha..
Yan, Babybenmen
just keep the option open. epi can also help relief the stress from the pain and help labor to be shorter. that was one reason i decided to take it
very excited!! dr han said bb is a gal, but a lot of people c my tummy said shld be a boy (cos quite pointed). so, soon will find out who is more accurate.

nowadays bb getting lower, every night wake up 3-4 times to pee.. very shiong...
Hee, i m seeing Dr Han tmr. hope got funny stories.

yah the waking up is siong man....try to get more rest in the day during weekends.
hihi yan,

really? so excited hor...u have any preference?
My bb only 9 weeks so wont be able to know the gender yet. I got relatives caculate that i will be having bb ger but i play those online games saying that i will be having bb boy...
no preference.. but all the clothing i got from friends and relatives r gal gal clothes leh..

usually lao han din joke with me leh, but he always give tat kinda wanna smile but try not to smile look... haha..

oh ya.. on our last visit, we told him we decide to store the cord blood with Stemcord. he asked y not donate to public cord bank, it is free. we reply saying if the cord blood used up by other people if we need it, then tats it leh. and guess wat's his reply..
"private cord blood bank will oso close down leh and there goes the cord blood too". haha.. the way he said sounds very funny..
hihi yan, SY,

Next wed i will be visiting Dr Han for second appoinment.So anxious!
Did Dr Han let u all hear bb's heartbeat?
I read from other forum that some gynae will let mtbs hear their bb's heartbeat....
u visit Dr Han at TPS? they have the machine there so each visit, will scan and hear heart beat. dun forget ot ask him for pic of your bb.

he always joke with me leh. last time i ask him whether can eat bird's nest cos pple say cannot eat too much, he ask me to share with him if cannot eat too much.

then when i went to see him yesterday he kept asking me when i having my second kid. he even joked that maybe after xmas or vday (very romantic season) i will come back to see him cos i having second kid....
yes, he did. but i can't remember start from when then he let us hear the heart beat. the heart beat is like horse racing... very cute
u ask pic of your bb from Dr Han in the TPS itself? Like that he really bad leh, coz har I asked from him, he said I must pay, so never gif me... Why har..

So u went to see him last Sat har? i asked you when u didn;t answer me leh.. U aso bad lar..

reagrding your bird nest joke, remember the durian jokes I told you? He said the same thing coz my baby is very big, I say maybe I eat too much durian. He says next time dun eat too much, bring to him he will eat on my behalf, so dun waste. hehehe...

babymenben and Yan, U all must be very glad to have Dr Han as your gynae right!!
hello ladies,

hee...hopefully, he will let me hear my bb's heartbeat next week...

Hello SY,

i visit Dr Han at Ang Mo Kio clinic...
Where is TPS btw?

Hello Bitbit,

yup! glad to have him as my gynae.
Any plans for second one?
yes.. glad to have him..

tell u gals something funny...
at 1st my college tot tat i m seeing the same gynae as her sister cos her sister gynae oso call dr han. then lately she told me tat dr han resigned from KKH. i feel so upset and uncomfortable.. and told my hubby about it. cos i dun wish to change gynae and wanna deliver in KKH. then my hubby search the web to look for his email address and file him a mail. and dr han reply by calling him up, telling my hubby he din resign. then my hubby ask him to call me to tell me personally so tat i will feel more comforting. and he really called me up, telling me tat the dr han who resign is another female gynae not him. he din tell any patient tat he is leaving. he said every year about tat period, alot of doctors leaving for other hospital... he said sometime c so many doctor come and go,, will oso make him "xin yang yang" (itchy heart.. ha..)

c lah, my college and i "bai wu long" for so many mths.. come to think of it now.. i will still laugh at myself.

and the way he talked to me, i feel like i m chatting with a friend.. very comfortable..
must ask for the pic each time, if not he will forget. Sometimes he's very forgetful. He let me listen to the heartbeat, then do the scan. After the scan, he let me listen to heart beat again. He also miss out some other medication that I have asked for.

But he's very humourous, so made up for his forgetfullness.
how's your visit with Dr Han today?

Small Bell
yah he very forgetful one. but really funny lor. sometimes when i ask him for photo, he will try to take a nicer pic of bb for me. funny guy

I went for appt with Dr Han too, but I was at TPS KKH. U r in AMK right?

I am not preg, I went for my annual pap test only. Well... but somehow I hv to do an u/s, end up paying so much... $$$

He very funny, he says he is expecting me to come back being a preggy instead. hmmm.. ( me not yet #2).
Hello SY,

Sorry for my late reply!
I went for my second appointment last night!
I can see my bb's hands and legs moving!
Its like he/she is waving to me!
My bb is 3.5cm now...
So happy!
Dr Han says its good that i'm gaining weight during my first trimester. Cause many women lost weight but i actually gain 1.9kg...hahaha...

Hello bitbit,

Yup, i went to the clinic at AMK....
Haha...U planning for #2 yet?

doublespeak, u r having ur 1st child? Usually 1st child will start to show around 5 or 6th months but depends on your pelvic also. Some of them theirs hide into, some protuded.

babybenmen, me not yet #2...
